So says London Mayor Sadiq Khan, he of the Concorde nose and shortarse and Napoleon personality. So, too does comic pseudo Commies like Kweer Charmer and Yvette Sugartits Cooper (she of the head of an onion and body of a garden gnome, as somebody so rightfully put it the other day.

OK these people are terrible clever as well as being totally pure, so let’s accept what they say, while at the same time perusing news stories as they appear at 1030 hours on MOnday August 12th.

Right – let’s start with the BBC:

Valdo Calocane: Doctor warned Nottingham attacker ‘could kill’

Valdo Calocane: Doctor warned Nottingham attacker ‘could kill’
The concern that Valdo Calocane could “end up killing someone” appears in a summary of medical records shared wi…

Oh dear – a fliuke. Let’s try the Standard, now trying to be a free Daily Mirror:

Four stabbed in east London after men ‘try to enter restaurant with knife’

Four stabbed in east London after men ‘try to enter restaurant with knife’
Lydia Chantler-Hicks

One man was taken to a major trauma centre where he remained on Sunday

Come on Stanard, there m ust be SOME good news?:

Man punched pensioner after being asked to stop smoking on Elizabeth Line train

Man punched pensioner after being asked to stop smoking on Elizabeth Lin…
Josh Salisbury

Detectives release CCTV image of man after pensioner left with black eye in train attack

(To be fair this incident happened on July 20th but the police have issued the request for help on 12/8/24

Not looking good is it?. Never mind – let’s try again. Let’s drop in to the local paper of Health Secretary Wes Streeting – in his lavender and lace world, surely all must be gaiety, sweetness and light?:

Search for ‘violent’ runaway patient who is risk to women

Search for ‘violent’ runaway patient who is risk to women
The Metropolitan Police has launched an appeal to find a potentially violent Ilford medical patient who ran away…

Is diversity really our strength, or our weakness and our downfall?. I wonder if Wes and Kweer ever mince round London incognito. If they do, I assume their response, if they saw the real world would be like Simon Cooper’s was in the In-Betweeners film@ “I think I’ve shit myself.


Nominated by W. C. Boggs, link by C.A.

42 thoughts on ““DIVERSITY IS OUR STRENGTH” (17)

  1. When someone makes a statement such as, “Diversity is our strength” then it’s reasonable to ask them to qualify it.

    Please give examples of any country or city anywhere in the world where mixing different cultures and religions have resulted in strength.

    • Thanks for the link C.A. – my computer buggered them up.

      Yet ANOTHER case of gold ribbon hypocrisy emerged yesterday when the turbaned arsehole who now represents Ilford South (former Rayner client Sam Tarry held it till duckie Wes Streeting , Kweer’s boyfriend, helped ease him out . Jas Aswhal was discovered to be the new Rachmann – threats if any of his many tenants complained about appalling living conditions they would lose their flats. This shitstain actually, when council leader at Redbridge, had led a complaint against bad landlords, and changed his council’s policy. Do as I say, not as I do, writ large:

      Would you buy a used car from a man who looked as if he were an extra in Carry On Up The Khyber?


  2. Thanks for the link C.A. – my computer buggered them up.

    Yet ANOTHER case of gold ribbon hypocrisy emerged yesterday when the turbaned arsehole who now represents Ilford South (former Rayner client Sam Tarry held it till duckie Wes Streeting , Kweer’s boyfriend, helped ease him out . Jas Aswhal was discovered to be the new Rachmann – threats if any of his many tenants complained about appalling living conditions they would lose their flats. This shitstain actually, when council leader at Redbridge, had led a complaint against bad landlords:

    Would you buy a used car from a man who looked as if he were an extra in Carry On Up The Khyber?


  3. Diversity is our strength, when your a protected politician or a millionaire celeb or footballer.

    All those wonderful people who can do jobs for you around your mansion.
    People that actually contribute to our society.

    But they are not the problem, Mr big nose brown goblin and smug oily crisp salesman. But you already know that.

    Its the thousands of unvetted male savages that arrive every week..

    Simplest way of getting these arsehole’s to see our side of the argument is to fill their houses with these wonderful people.

    Which would end two ways, either you will change your mind or better still their will chop your smug heads off.
    Either suits me..
    Over to you linecunt?

  4. Whenever I hear this vacuous phrase, I am reminded of the late and unlamented Yugoslavia.

  5. I’ve heard this before.

    ” Diversity is our strength”

    Nobody ever tells me how.

    How is it our strength?

    How does bringing alien cultures into a established one benefit it?

    I can get curry?
    Well, I don’t eat that sloo

    I can hear foreign language spoken?

    Why would that benefit me?

    It’s bollocks.
    A lefty mantra without meaning.

    I know when someone’s trying to blow smoke up my arse.
    It’s not a strength
    It’s a cancer in my opinion.

    • Slop not sloo.

      Id rather eat a shitty nappy than a plate of spicy muck that’s had more brown fingers in it than Katie Price

  6. ‘Winston Charles Boggs, you have been found guilty of High Treason for the heinous crime of questioning Diversity and the supreme authority of the Party and State. I sentence you to 10 years Hard Buggery to be served at the Mandelson Correction Centre, and may the Lord take mercy upon your arsehole’.

    • I will appeal Geordie. I refuse to take it like a man (well a man called Chris Bryant)

      • Sorry WC, by decree of the Supreme Leader there is no appeal allowed against High Treason.

        But do cheer up. Your cellmate is going to be trans man Jess Phillips who’s been banged up for letting the cat out of the bag about Two Tier Healthcare.

      • GT: That would be hard labour – or hard Labour. Imagine being chased round a cell with old Jess and her twelve inch strap-on. Just because “Mr.” Phillips enjoys it, she thinks we all would. She is still angry because Jonathon Reynolds, old Trampy, is wearing her minge round his chin.

  7. I happen to like Indian food.
    Now that we’ve got the recipe* they can all fuck off back home.

    * credit to a certain Mr R Atkinson on Not the Nine o’Clock News

  8. These idiots can’t define what diversity actually means, because their answers would be childlike.
    Exotic food
    Colourful traditional dress
    Fun tribal dancing
    Steel bands
    And erm…that’s about it.
    Without being laughed at, they simply could not give a single example of how diversity has improved health, housing, law and order and the economy.

  9. It’s certainly made the country far more vibrant and exciting for sure..

    That’s backed up by the mound of dead people made by diversity.


    Good morning.

    • Good evening Terry. I got into one of my many arguments at work recently because the employer has decided to include a “diversity” category in it’s staff appraisal process. I remarked that I was still waiting to hear how a society benefits from having not one set of common values. The other person got very irritated and seemed to think that concept was not problematic. In that case, I said, why bother having a staff code of conduct..everybody should be doing as they please, not following silly rules. What could possibly go wrong?
      I have got actual vegetables in my fridge with more intelligence than some of these cunts at work.

  10. There is some merit in integration. But it has to be at a measured pace that the integrators can manage properly & the integratees have to want to integrate.

    Neither of these are actually happening though, are they!? No, it’s free fucking entry to the cross channel dinghy race (unlimited competitors) or bringing your extended family of 80 from some shithole country ….& none of the dirty cunts have any intention or interest to blend in & become model citizens when they get here.

    Fuck diversity, it ain’t working.

  11. Mostly people saying it are the political or academic classes.

    Diversity of culture leads to division of the host culture. A citizenship that is divided by ethnic, identity or religious lines is easier to manage and the chance of the people uniting is seriously weakened.

    Diversity is their strength, because it weakens us.

  12. Does Suckdick regard Japan as a miserable society who would be so much happier if they let half of Africa and the middle east onto their shores?
    We all know the answer.

  13. The political status quo is about to witness an upset in Germany due to ‘diversity’.
    It looks like the ‘far right’ afd are about to claim some eastern states.
    The sausage munchers are equally as pissed off as we are, yet with the added difference that they are prepared to switch ingrained political allegiances to do something about it.
    The left will therefore have to gang up in a bigger coalition than they already have, causing inevitable flux and stalemate as they won’t agree on fuck all.
    It’s gonna be proper fucking messy.
    Both Labour and the Conservatives here should be watching with great interest, because that could be the situation here in 5 years time. A Lab/Con/Lib pact to keep the ‘far right’ at bay.
    Democracy is fucking great isn’t it?

    • “Those who cannot remember the past, are condemned to repeat it”, Field Marshal. The rise of Nazism was founded in discontent of the masses. The UK is not immune & Stasi thinks he can crush the surge. Big fucking mistake, cunty!

      • Indeed TSG.
        Once those dumb enough to vote labour realise the truth, without a completely revolutionised Conservative Party, Reform could have a proper mandate next time round.
        What’s he gonna do then? Ban them from the commons?

      • Thumb twiddling while Rome burns! Oh yeah, & no smoking outside. Fuck me, what a twat Two Tier really is. I was no lover of BoJo but even that fat twat had some good points.
        I’m hard-put to see ANYTHING in this cunt, I mean Erving having the delectable Ibiza-raving Ange as deputy PM is a demonstration of his lack of judgement! And don’t get me started on Lammy & Abbott…

  14. “Diversity is our strength”…tell that one to the now countless families who have lost someone at the hands of a diverse type, or those still alive, but disabled by these barbarians.

    It’s a vile insult and it makes me sick.

  15. We can all remember the santimonious outrage from Stasi and co over the ‘far right’. We can all recall how quickly troublemakers were put on trial, convicted and banged up.

    Now about those two brothers in the Manchester airport punch-up, and the three hundred plus arrested at Notting Hill after violence and affray…

    Not a word. Not a fucking peep. Two tier governance is here people.

    Shove your diversity up your fucking arse.

    • Here’s a conundrum for you Ron.
      Which of these crimes would see you banged up by a kangaroo court in 48 hours.

      A black man stabbing someone.
      A black man caught in possession with intent to supply.
      A peaceful physically assaulting police officers at an airport
      A white man setting fire to a wheelie bin.

      It’s a tricky one I must admit.

  16. Two tier everything!

    The counties will cease to exist and be replaced by

    P*ki land
    Bangla land
    India land
    Africa land
    Middle East land
    Jamaica land
    Eastern Europe land
    China land

    With no place left for England.

    • It always amazes me that some of the biggest Labour scum supporters of the “diversity is our strength ” brigade are the poofters – and they would be the first to be put down (unless they were Pea doughs of course).

  17. Borrowed with pride:

    Tolerance is the lube that helps slip the dildo of dysfunction into the arse of a civilised society…

  18. Just read a lovely Deutsche phrase: ‘Volksverräter’ It means ‘traitor of the people & has its roots in Nazism.

    Volksverräter Starmer, I like it & it fits right in with his attitude, the hideous cunt!

  19. Here in the US the invaders come on foot instead of by boat but the goal is the same. There is now a phone app that enables these 3rd world sleeze to apply for asylum before they even leave on their journey to invade the US. The Border Patrol is now a welcoming committee. These people are being given the right to vote in various underhanded ways which is the plan from the start.
    When Kum-all-a-ya Harris wins in November this invasion will pay the dividends it was meant to.
    All the prices are in place. We are now fucked.
    Afternoon all.

  20. Wouldn’t it be nice if some one explained how diversity is our strength. Even when I’m out of my fucking head and seeing cushions with teeth I still don’t get this diversity is our strength wankery.

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