Darryl Anderson – CIA – Cunt in an Audi

Briefly, this apprentice brain surgeon thought it would be a good idea to drive his Audi Q5 at over 140mph on the A1(M), in the middle of the night, drunk and using his mobile to film his dashboard speedo.

Sadly for 8 month old Zach Blades and his aunt Karlene Warner, they were in a car being driven by Zacks mum Shalorna Warner, Karlene sister, when it was struck from behind by Darryl with such force Zack was ejected from his mum’s car, and killed instantly, as was his aunt Karlene.

Darryl, on being arrested, was reported as saying ” sometimes mistakes happen” and when it sank into his thick skull that he was in serious trouble, he lied and said a “hitch hiker” had been driving. What a man!

He got 17 years and a driving ban of over 21 years.

This week, Shalorna has launched an on-line petition calling for drink-drivers who kill to be banned for life. I’ve signed it. If it stops just one moron killing another innocent, it’s worth it.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

86 thoughts on “Darryl Anderson – CIA – Cunt in an Audi

  1. He should have got a life long prison sentence and a ban for life. No excuses for cunts like this. He gave no fucks. Mistakes do happen but this was no mistake on his part.

  2. I used to think Audi was a disability car,
    Because they drive like spastics.

    This Darryl cunts a murderer.
    Child murderer too.

    He made no attempt at driving safely.

    He should hang .
    That’d be true justice.

    But in broken Britain he’ll serve a short sentence where he’ll play ping-pong in prison
    Then get released early because of overcrowding.

    People get weepy about the death sentence but it’s not effected by overcrowding.

    • Like those blue plastic mong chariots the disabled used to drive when we were kids lol

      • What ever happened to those?

        The parents of someone I went to school with owned a farm. He had several of those blue cripple chariots. He took the body shells off and raced them around the farm. Flinging them sideways round muddy bends and such. It was a good laugh though slightly terrifying if I’m honest.

    • As you suggest there Mis, the Audi is the yob’s vehicle of choice. I have twice seen a car being chased at high speed by the police like you see on the telly. Both cars were Audis. One afternoon I saw an Audi stationary in lane three on the south bound A1M near Baldock, boxed in against the Armco by three police cars with the man I assumed to be the driver lain across the bonnet in handcuffs. A minute later all four vehicles drove by in convoy, a copper at the wheel of the Audi. I followed them at a distance at 100mph, expecting them to turn off at Welwyn to throw him in the local slammer but in fact they carried on by. I suspect it was terrorism related and they were taking him to Paddington Green.

      • Jesus!

        Police officers take specialized driving courses, as do all the emergency services,
        And they are good drivers.

        But I’ll tell you who impress me Artie, and it sounds like I’m joking but I’m not….. binmen.

        Big fuck off vehicles, noisy , big lifting mechanism on the back,
        But I’ve seen them manoeuvre through double parked cars on a narrow street,
        Convinced they’d never get through, but they do.

        The Bin lorry driver is a skilled unsung hero.

  3. Apparently he is such an obnoxious cunt that his missus flew home early from their holiday to get away from him.

    Apart from that, I hope he dies from an infection of his prolapsed anus, administered by the big black cocks of his massive sambo cellmates.

    An absolute cunt of ocean going proportions.

  4. Hitchhiker!!! ?

    Fuckin Rutger Hauer did it officer.

    Worra cunt.

    I’ve not seen anyone hitchhiking in 20 fuckin years.

    • Hitching was how we used to get around back in the day while still at school. Many lovely people stopped and gave me a ride to where I was going or close to it. Happy days.

      Not seen a hitcher for many, many moons.

      • I always would stop for anyone wearing a servicemans uniform, and if it wasn’t too far out of my way, drop them off at their destination.

        Money for the fuel, pal?
        No thanks, give it to someone who needs it.

      • Good stuff JP.?

        I’d still pick up a hitchhiker if I saw one.
        Never do.

        As a teenager I hitchhiked all over the place.

        Good fun, cheap travel.
        More innocent times I suppose?

        Noone tried to sexually assault me.

        I’m a bit offended by that.

      • I’d have been offended to, Mis, but maybe they where expecting you to sexually offend them?

        Were they women of a “certain age”, who changed gear rather more often than they needed to, grazing your thigh.

        Or small, fat sweaty blokes, with red faces, that made you fear they’d have a heart attack at the wheel?

      • Summer 71, a mate and I spent a couple of weeks hitch hiking from Zeebrugge across into Germany and then up the Rhine valley, in jeans and t shirt, I think I had a jumper in my rucksack. Slept one night between the graves in a cemetery in Ghent, met other young folks, Dutch, Belgian, American and of course, German. More innocent days.

      • When we got back to Brum we went into an Indian restaurant we used to use. We told one of the waiters who knew us that we had been in Germany, amongst the foreigners. He looked a bit puzzled and said;

        “We had some Germans in here the other day. They’re not foreigners, they’re the same colour as you.”

  5. Mistakes happen ….if that alone isn’t the most abhorrent statement to come from this turds gob after killing two people then what the fuck is ?…17 years isn’t enough, simple ?

      • What’s worse, is his driving ban started the day of his sentence, not the day of his release, presumably “on licence”, so if he serves, say eight to ten years, he’ll be legally allowed to drive again in eleven to thirteen years.

        I suspect that little minor detail, that is the driving ban, will stop this waste of a skin from getting behind the steering wheel at the first possible opportunity.
        Hopefully, he’ll be rapidly caught and either returned to jail to complete his sentence, or lead the police on a high speed chase which results in him trying to climb a tree, while still in the car.

        I know what I’m hoping for.

      • Trees are designed to destroy motor cars Jeezum. In the 25 years we’ve lived down here I know of seven people killed when they took on a tree in the car, three were young folks known by our kids. Our younger has twice smacked a car into a tree. Both times she walked away but the cars lost the contest by a large margin and were written off.

      • Like that Marc Nolan.

        Tie a yellow mini round the old oak tree…

        Glam rock 0 – Tree 1

    • How many people will be watching purely in the hope he is going to fall off the stage or headbutt his dance partner?

      • I doubt my cock and balls could take that scenario, LL.
        They’d be red-raw and wanked flat.

      • Sasha’s already started her party trick, dancing with herself and smoking. So she doesn’t get ash on the dance floor, she can also flick it into her manmade ashtray and finally stub it out as an encore. I don’t think I gave away the attempted murderer and take it the law knows it was a male who was involved. But don’t let it interfere with Sasha’s party piece. All this was nearly ruined with what was on her mind prior, until a stray bullet saved her.

  6. My goodness.

    Shave the cunt’s head and hand him over to NCAP for some real life testing.

    Job done.

  7. An expensive car is too safe. All posh or high performance cars should have a massive fucking spike coming out of the steering wheel – perhaps the cunts will drive more safely. As a biker and exposed to cunts on the road on a regular basis, I’d say the standard of driving is getting worse. And I wouldn’t ever ride the bike through heavily parki areas.

    • Very true my lord.

      I’ve noticed that parkis tend to view laws of the road as “guidelines’, only to invoked when making an insurance claim.

    • Might be a breathalyser but fuck it let’s say it’s a crack pipe so the cunt gets extra bird.

  8. He is probably on the road driving as we speak. People who can’t drive legally drive illegally.

    • He is a thick cunt.

      That is exactly what the real far right wanted.

      A fucking good dust up with the police.

    • Where exactly does the Starmer expect to find the people to man this standing army of anti riot police. We have hardly enough military personnel to man the equipment they have, all the police forces are undermanned, the hospitals have a massive shortage of staff from cleaners to Doctors, even the priesthood is suffering for fucks sake.
      Magic is the only answer, though they must have only a small amount left after securing their “landslide win”. It’s like we are all marching into a black hole of wokery, two tier policing and bullshit, lead by a government the majority of people never voted for Oh democracy English style you have a sting most hurtful.

      • Hopefully military and police are all too full of tattoos, obesity, stupidity and vaccines to be able to lift a finger to wag at anyone. I expect one day we will have majority robo cops but then if the government is short of a few bob now, that won’t happen for a while yet. 15 years? 25 years away?

        Crikey, just imagining for a sec what it will be like to be employed to program a robo cop for 2 tier policing and what Java or C++ code or whatever will look like for that.

  9. Fucking turd brain should have been hung or at least got whole life sentence. You can never get rid of cunts, maybe one day but I doubt it.

    • Oh forgot, may he be put to the cock by every hardcore bender in which even prison he is in. at least a smidgen of justice will be enacted.

    • £50k a year to keep these skūmbuckets in three-meaks-a-day prison, reading books, watching TV, playing pool, smoking Spice, then converting to Izlaam.

      Lethal injection is only a few hundred.

      • … facetiming with their homies …

        Nom in the pipeline on the soft prisons farce, Captain …

  10. Fasten him in the audi then fill it with petrol up to the filthy cunts ankles then set it ablaze.

    Vermin like this behave like they do because they do not fear the punishment.

    They fucking well would.

  11. I think phones should be switched off when driving. I also think those bastards who drive around blasting out music should be banned – how they can concentrate with that din going on I can’t imagine. Mobile phones have turned out to be one of the most anti-social and often dangerous contraptions available for any idiot to buy.

    • How the law can (entirely justifiably) make phone use illegal and at the same time allow cars so screen driven that you can’t even adjust the blower without going into a menu/submenu whilst driving is completely beyond me.

      • We all know you not only switch your phone off, but take out the Sim, before visiting your “guests”.

        We all know you have a 1998 beige Ford Cortina, registered to Phlinford Molesworthy, at 6, Ratcatcher Terrace.,
        Upper Aturm.

        We know, Thomas.

      • Nail on the head regarding touch screens in cars Thomas. Should be banned forthwith.

  12. People like this moron should be conscripted and used as a crash test dummy, and with no guarantees of survival.

  13. Audi is the car of choice of chavvy cunts.

    If out on the road I spot a Audi I immediately assume it’ll change lanes without indicating.

    It’ll dither at lights then race through just as the lights turn red leaving me waiting.

    Owning a Audi is a declaration of not being able to drive,
    Being a selfish fuck
    And being a borderline mong.

    • Yes.

      We refer to Audi owners as CIA, because they bully their way through, think they’re somehow special
      ” move aside peasant, Audi coming through”
      You’re driving a car, not protecting the King, you cunt!

      • Also elderly men in open top sports cars.

        What’s that about?!!

        Little shrivelled head sticking out the top of a Lamborghini like a walnut.

        Look at me! Look at me!

        Yeah I am.
        A fuckin corpse driving some Impractical piece of shite.

        You look like you should be in the back of a hearse you silly cunt.

      • And chinky drivers.
        They can’t see!

        Chinese should be registered blind and not allowed to drive.

        If your eyes are basically piss flaps how are you meant to assess the road and any potential hazards?!

        Probably why they drive at 20mph the dog eating bastards

    • 8 month old baby dead at his hand.
      Young lass, too.
      Prisoners have kids and sisters, and they’re surprisingly sentimental about them, to the extent that anyone who harms babies and/or young women had better ask for isolation.

      Somehow, I think Darryl is a bit to stupid to work this out.

      I do hope so.

      • Because it doesn’t fit in with the narrative. I’m perfectly happy to be proven wrong though.

  14. Anyway, this nom is supposed to bring some relief from the somewhat overheated noms and comments, recently.

    No criticism to Admin, got to play the cards you are dealt.

    Shade of the shit stuff, we’re cunting cunts, not hunting wabbits!

    • Morning JP, a clip of a demonstrator getting hit not once, but three times by bricks thrown by his own side ?

      The last one right in the bollocks, followed by an oooooh ! from those observing ?

      The link is good, so I don’t know where your wild pigs are coming from ?

      Maybe GCHQ are messing with your head ?

      They’re on to you JP !!

      • What JTC sez for me as well, JP.

        First 2 simultaneous hits by accident, sure, .. but maybe just maybe that one to the bollocks was someone who knew the (annoying) cunt for a long time, doesn’t like him .. and thought fuck it, here’s an opportunity.

        Watch it again with that notion …

      • I think it’s because I declined to provide proof of age, but I have seen that clip of the idiot getting bricked by his own side, as it were, and it is hilarious.

    • I watched it again(a few times) .. I’d nearly say, now, there’s no WAY that 3rd block was aimed at the line of rozzers ?

  15. If you take a life, you have yours taken. Why should the law abiding citizens pay for these utter cunts while in pontins prisons.

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