Dame Doreen Lawrence O.B.E. [6]

A “dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones” cunting (now here de word of de Lord) for her Ladyship, who has got herself yet another front page splash by pleading victimhood.

When young Steve bought it 31 years ago, Mr & Mrs (as she then was and should still be) decided to have him entombed in Africa. Well thirty years after he has been mouldering in the grave her Ladfyship decided he should be returned to the U.K. He has been exhumed but Dame Doreen isn’t happy – because the story has leaked out on social media. She is also unhappy because the company given the honour of digging him up didn’;t guard the site of the tomb.

As she made an extraordinary decision three decades on, she might have expected that comment would be made. Is she after a freebie, a state funeral or perhaps she just wanted to make the tear-stained announcement herself. It’s all about me, honey child!.

There is no pleasing this old darkie, but why the fuck was she given a titel in the first place?. She is as thick as Angela Rayner, and not that many years ago both of them would have been lucky to have got a job in the Commons as a lavatory attendant.

You and me, we sweat and strain……….

BBC News.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

Seconded by : OpinionatedCunt

Here’s a Daily Fail link from 2012 where his grave is clearly shown in multiple images – no wailing from her then as far as I know. Indeed, it was filmed as part of the Panorama documentary at the time.

Daily Fail.

And a judicial review from Imitation Yank with this:

Seconded (again).

I’d forgotten about this old hag, but looked up her deets on Wiki. Well, well, well…lookie here.

Occupation cited as Campaigner. Is that actually a thing?. In 2003, she was appointed OBE for services to community relations. Well done. She founded the Stephen Lawrence Charitable Trust to promote a positive community legacy in her son’s name. OK, fair enough. She’s also been selected to sit on panels within the Home Office and the police, and she is a member of both the board and the council of Liberty, the human rights organisation, as well as being a patron of hate crime charity Stop Hate UK. All very virtuous I’m sure. A fine upstanding member of the communidee.

But wait…..there’s more….to directly quote from the Wiki page:

In October 2019, Lawrence attracted criticism for her on-camera remarks concerning the Grenfell Tower fire tragedy made during an interview with Channel 4 News. She was quoted as saying: “Had that been a block full of white people in there, they would have done everything to get them out as fast as possible and make sure that they do what they needed to do.” A public petition was raised demanding an apology. She later apologised for her remarks.

Racist much? But I guess it’s OK when they do it, right? And note, her apology wasn’t made until AFTER the public petition was raised. Does that constitute a genuine and heartfelt apology then? Why wasn’t that grounds to strip the bitch of her OBE?



80 thoughts on “Dame Doreen Lawrence O.B.E. [6]

  1. Another prime example of everything wrong with our country.

    Another moaning deranged foreign cunt.


    • I’m gonna refrain from expressing my opinion in case Starmer has me arrested.

      Needless to say, an utter, racist gobshite.

  2. Lawrence Fishburne is mouthing off again..
    The ugly, bald racist is worried about black jesus being bothered..

    Maybe someone will dig him up and sell him as biltong.

    I can’t wait for thar chimp to cark it.

    • And ps worn carpet head if grenfell was full of white people it wouldn’t of been on fire to start with.
      It was full of backward illegals scum..

      Plus how many cunts got sent to prison for bilking money by pretending to have lived there.. zero I imagine.

      • I think you’ll find the incredible divorce rate of the illegal scum who were dossing in Grenfell is quite an eye opener

        Not because of PTSD or anything like that.

        It’s because the Labour MP in charge of RBKC at the time (Emme Dent-Coad) proudly stated that RBKC had (had) £300m in the coffers and she was going to spaff the lot up the wall on the Grenfell vermin.

        This included an amnesty on illegals. Their pick of property in RBKC, rent free for 20 years and as much free shit as they could walk away with.

        A divorced pair of Joe Dakis therefore get two new apartments to sub let while they live it large in Joe Dakistan.

        It’s a cluster fuck of left wing stupidity and virtue signalling bullshit.

  3. The grift that keeps on giving.

    Its more likely that she wants her sons grave to become a shrine and a televised two minute silence on the BBC for Stephen Lawrence Day.

    She could have quietly had his body returned from Jamaica and reburied somewhere and no cunt would have know any different…or cared…but no, just another opportunity to have another whine.

    • I’m getting the words, they’re coming through very clearly now, I’m getting the words… gang member, and…..drug dealer.

  4. What kind of greedy, contemptible cunt must you be to spend 31 years dining out on your own son’s murder?

    Contrast that with the quiet dignity shown by the families of all the white victims of racist murderers.

  5. I have a much better idea.
    Leave the unlamented Stephen where he is, and bury Doreen next to him.
    (Dead or alive).

  6. She ought to be happy about all the money she saved by her offspring’s death.
    By now, she’d have had at least 8 grandchildren and several great grandchildren (all with different fat, white women) due to a nıggeř’s propensity for irresponsibly fathering hordes of criminal nıglets.
    Imagine the money she’d have had to spend on their birthday and Christmas presents.
    Hopefully she’ll die soon.

  7. “Stephen Lawrence entombed in Africa.” Ha! Ha! Very good W.C. than gave me a laugh.

  8. An OBE for services to community relations?
    All she’s done is create and maintain a divide between blacks and whites and the police in particular.
    It’s because of her that the Met are now a shower of two tiered shit that’s terrified of its own shadow.
    It’s because of her that knife crime is so prevalent amongst the black communities, particularly in London, because old bill cannot stop and search.
    ‘Is it coz I’s black?’
    Yes it is dear. That’s why you’ve gained a politically motivated status light years beyond your capability.
    If you were white, you’d have been left to rot.

    • I think it is fair to say, the lads father has expressed anger and disgust that his wife took the decision to bring Steve home – she didn’t even consult him. Then again, he seems a reasonable man who doesn’t wantt to get involved in politics. This old tart is like Jess Phillips in blackface.

  9. It is a sacred place requiring a monument the size of the Albert Memorial

    Buried in Jamaica and moved to the UK, how the fuck did they get a visa, I hope they had it irradiated to prevent any unwanted bacteria contaminating British soil.

    The real question is who actually gives a fuck!

  10. ….oh mammy coconut put a ? in… you’ve fallen down the pecking order with all your fellow chippys vieing for top spot these days and you and your beloved saint are yesterdays news …. you’ve benefitted from his demise enough so just be thankful for his ‘legacy” ??

  11. Given the trouble British museums tend to run into when attempting to import deceased historically important effnic persons (e.g, Egyptian mummies, Native American bones ) I’m surprised this old crow is getting away with robbing Jamaica of an important cultural icon. Surely she is perpetuating the legacy of white oppression and slavery? Can I have my OBE now, olease?

  12. Another school of thought would be that Baroness slaphead knows her days are numbered and being a Baroness of de evil white Devil’s realm, she knows the locals will be ransacking her grave within 24 hours if she is buried next to ‘Muh Stephen’.

    If you remember rightly ‘Muh Stephen’ was tossed into a pit in a third world, crime infested shithole, because baroness wiggy thought that the mythical far right, particularly the BNP would desecrate his grave.

    Therefore the far right must no longer exist if a grave in this racist country that she hates so much now seems like a good idea.

    Personally, I would love to see if she even notices if some prankster handed her ‘Muh Stephen’s remains that turn out to be a dried up old dog turd in a shoe box.

  13. It’s sad that her son died but in no way shape or form should that be used to push an agenda

  14. That’s never Doreen Lawrence in the header pic, is it?
    Looks like a blacked-up Millie Tant.
    Or Harry Enfield in drag.
    And people say comedy is dead ?

  15. What does this Old Black Egit want now. More letters after the twats name ? Its had more than enough to keep the cunt quiet. Give her the Enoch Powell badge of honour, that’ll shut the old black billiard ball headed cunt up, good and proper.

  16. Now I wonder why Damilola Taylor’s family arent ennobled and in the news. Poor black lad murdered by cunts. Oh, wait a minute. Who were the killers?

  17. 1948, The British Nationality Act was the worst lump of shit to happen to Britain. It allowed our former colonials to claim and receive British nationality. It was passed (I hope) thinking we would get the best and brightest from these countries flocking to Britain but nope most of them stayed to try and build a new country, we got the dregs. Can anyone honestly tell me what any of these cultures have “added” to our country since then? The truth is absolutely FUCK ALL good (food and that’s it) and a lot bad. And before some smart arse asks “what have you contributed?” my answer is, “nothing, just the best years of my life in the British Army and a shit ton of taxes since then”.

    • Unbelievable as it may sound now, prior to the 1948 Act there were no restrictions on immigration from Commonwealth countries.
      Their populations were legally British subjects, and as such had full rights of citizenship in the UK.
      The British Nationality Act of 1948 merely reaffirmed this principle.
      It was not until the Commonwealth Immigrants Act of 1962 that stricter restrictions on the entry of Commonwealth citizens into the UK was enacted.
      From 1962 onward, only those with work permits (typically for high-skilled workers) were permitted entry.

      • Ahh I stand corrected, I didn’t know they had full rights of citizenship. I however stand by the point I was making.

  18. Doreen
    I’m begging of you please don’t take my man.

    – Dolly Parton

    Who loves ya baby?
    It’s a chocolate roll on deodorant cunting for original skinhead and mother of black Jesus.

    I’ve learnt a lot from Dame Doreen.
    Why I carry a zombie knife.
    You can get rich without hard work.

    Her she is when told she’d be getting a big fat cheque off the govmint


      • Innocent little post. Not even any hate words or swearing.

        It’s a disgrace.
        Whos in charge of wordpress?

        Hope not Hate?
        Care 4 Calais?
        The Doreen Lawrence Ramjam band?

        Fuck sake?

      • Rodney has had your phone tapped for weeks now..

        Lord fiddler turned states witness to get off those Gemma arterton kidnapping charges.

        You will soon hear the wheezing and soft footfall of the fat midget police approaching..

    • You’ve not been commenting on the nominations page again, have you?
      CP did and he’s not been seen since! ?

      • No, I know better.
        I never do that.

        CP made me laugh ?
        Copped a attitude with the admin.
        The admin

        ” Alright professor, you think compounding it will speed it up?”
        Hehehe ?

      • OC has posted an interesting nom that I hope gets written up. He may be IsAC’s answer to Benjamin Butterworth but he has some balls.

        Joking OC, BB is a proper twat.

      • Saw it and ticked it.
        Cracking nom?

        Dunno why the admin saw his arse though?

        To be honest I’m a bit bored of the site myself,
        Boring as fuck when just a load of people agreeing and the same old noms.

        I’m off

      • Hey LL,

        I saw that nom as well and I too hope it gets published.*

        What those who decry this August Body as an Echo Chamber are really saying is that; “My views are unpopular and I’m unable to persuade anyone with my rhetoric.”

        Theirs is a classic case of rejection causing pain. This pain causes a kind of Tyranny of a Vocal Minority, who in their anger demand that their unpopular views be given the credence they think they deserve.

        As for those who disparage this forum…today’s Cunters and their opinions** are just as valid as those from the past…even if you don’t think so.

        So, if I may be so bold as to make a suggestion and paraphrase the Admin Team…if you’re unhappy here…by all means feel free to join your Troll*** comrades in exile.

        *NA’s response to OC’s nom was spot on.
        **As well as their wit.
        ***They have been deemed Trolls by the Admin Team.

      • Lol LL, I keep confusing the bloke with Benjamin Button. If I ever become like him I’ll deserve the ban hammer.

      • I’m not aiming to persuade anyone GC. I couldn’t care less whether a bunch of strangers on an obscure internet forum agree with me or not. But there has been a problem for a while with unpopular views being met with pile-ons from certain cunters. It isn’t just me either – Gutstick and DCI have both commented on it themselves in the past. There’s been an undercurrent of nastiness for a while which wasn’t previously there before in my experience, and it got inflamed by the riots.

      • That’s not to say I couldn’t have conducted myself better of course – I’m well aware of that and I’m not going to pretend to the contrary.

      • Hell, we saw it at the outset of the Ukraine conflict with how TBCC, Cunty Gordon and Vernon Fox were treated. To my shame I was a part of that. Think Gutstick was too actually.

      • Sorry, one more comment’
        To answer your question MNC, I think it’s because I’ve been vocal before and the admins see this place as their project, and therefore don’t take kindly to criticism of it. if that’s the case I do sort of understand – albeit I don’t think there was anything particularly unreasonable in NY nomination.

        As for YOU GC, you have no right to talk about such matters given how you react to criticism of Trump/The GOP. Take your own advice.

      • Because despite everything JP, I do still enjoy the site. I just don’t like how vicious it’s becoming. And yes, I have played my part in that unfortunately.

      • Hey OC,

        With all due respect…

        No one on this forum has taken more abuse than me. Most of it was personal, nasty and vile. There was a core group who constantly piled on. To say that there is an undercurrent of nastiness that wasn’t there before is in my opinion…laughable.

        Much of that personal, nasty and vile abuse came from DCI…who the Admin Team recognizes as a Troll. Citing him as an example of moderation does your cause no good.

        As for Gutstick…he was a seriously disturbed individual. Not because I say so but by his own admission. He once made a post about having a “chemical imbalance” that was cured by the miracle of science…i.e.medication.

        As far back as 10 -15 years ago it has been known that there is no such thing as a chemical imbalance. The pharmaceutical industry dreamed that up to sell pills which to this day have no discernible medicinal value.

        In addition he constantly posted things that were not true…like knowing the guy who bought the Chicago Bears or the infamous “Space Laser” theory. He also was known to go off on anyone who disagreed with him. He is also not a credible source.

        If you truly don’t care what others think…then post away. But don’t disparage the rest of us because we don’t see things the same way and dare to disagree.

        I don’t see anyone directing the type of abuse I got at you.

      • You’re correct GC, and that was wrong Equally, those two took their fair share too, and that was also wrong. I think everyone – including me – needs to take a step back and just calm the fuck down. We all want ISAC to be a happy place, for lack of a better phrase.

      • Hey again OC,

        Given the degree of abuse I have taken, there is no one better qualified to respond than me…and I have every right to do so.

        As for defending Trump…guilty as charged.

        But I believe a check of the record will reveal that I don’t hurl personal insults unless they are hurled at me first.

        Although to be fair, some have suggested that I took offense where none was intended.

      • OC,

        It appears we have some common ground. Let’s build on it.


        Cuntster, General (Extending a hand)

      • Ultimately I think the combo of the pandemic, the Ukraine war and now the riots has stirred things up, given the strong opinions inherent in each. And that’s sad.b

      • OC,

        There is merit in what you say. I’m reminded of the saying:

        May you live in interesting times.

      • “But I believe a check of the record will reveal that I don’t hurl personal insults unless they are hurled at me first.”


        You have a seeming inability to differentiate between criticism of things you love with criticism of you personally, which has led you to lash out in the past out like a histrionic teenager.

        You deserved pretty much everything that came your way, certainly from me.

      • MBE,

        Nobody deserves the type (and volume) of abuse I endured.

        And blaming me for all that abuse is simply your attempt to justify bad behavior by you and others.

        Of course, saying I lash out like a “histrionic teenager” is the type of personal insult this thread is all about.

      • Yeah, go and check the record if you so desire. I know.

        Congratulations on making another nom all about you ?

      • MBE,

        People react when they are attacked. People react when other people try to gaslight them.

        For the record…

        As long as I’ve been a member of this August body I have been attacked and vilified.

        The list of guilty parties includes (but is not limited to):

        Dick Fiddler
        DCI Gene Cunt
        Miles Plastic
        Ruff Tuff Creampuff
        Japseye Gutstick
        Robin Bastard
        The Fake Admin
        Shitcake Baker*

        All of those people have been admonished and forced to leave or outright banned by the Admin Team.

        Furthermore, NA (presumably speaking for the entire Admin Team) openly states that the actions of the aforementioned constituted Trolling and that IsaC is a better place without them.

        They are all gone. I am still here.

        They were all individual problems. I am not the problem.

        So, for the record, this is NOT about me. It is about behavior and decorum. I am simply the most illustrative example of someone who has been on the receiving end of an inordinate number of vicious personal attacks.

        So hold on to your vendetta. Keep up your personal attacks. And keep your gaslight burning. Sooner or later your name will be added to that list.

        And as the Admin Team has acknowledged with the others…IsaC will be a better place when it’s done.

        *In the interest of full disclosure, the current member known as Shit Cake Baker steadfastly denies that he has ever been banned from IsaC.

        The inclusion of that name on this list, should not reflect poorly nor cast aspersions on the current member of the same name. It should not impugn his character nor disparage any of his comments.

        (NA was right about another thing. This topic did very easily spin out of control. I will respond no more to any posts on this subject.)

      • @ General.

        For the record, I was not forced to leave, nor have I been banned by the Admin Team.

        ? Be seeing you.

      • You can measure the degree of someone’s CDS by their willingness to post for no other reason than to take issue with me…especially after a prolonged absence.

        After saying I would no longer respond in this thread,I find myself in the awkward position of responding to RTC. That awkwardness is further compounded because I once considered him a friend but now must present my viewpoint absent malice.


        Your Trolling was particularly mean spirited, hateful and vicious. As I recall, after Admin admonished you and made it clear that your over the line behavior would no longer be tolerated, you (like a few others) stopped posting.

        When one leaves after being given what amounts to an ultimatum to behave…and they are unable to comply with said ultimatum…it could be properly said that they were forced out.

        If you prefer to say you left after being unable to comply that seems a debatable matter to me.

        What isn’t debatable (to paraphrase NA) is that IsaC is a better place without you.

        With all that said, I am one of those who would welcome the Ruff of old back to the hallowed halls of IsaC.

  19. Sorry, one more comment’
    To answer your question MNC, I think it’s because I’ve been vocal before and the admins see this place as their project, and therefore don’t take kindly to criticism of it. if that’s the case I do sort of understand – albeit I don’t think there was anything particularly unreasonable in my nomination.

    As for YOU GC, you have no right to talk about such matters given how you react to criticism of Trump/The GOP. Take your own advice.

    • Speaking of Trump…

      There are people here who suffer from Cuntster Derangement Syndrom (CDS).

      They claim I deserve all the abuse. It’s what I say. It’s how I say it. It’s how I react.

      If I said the sun rose in the East every morning they’d dispute it and take exception with my use of the word rise as an inaccurate description of what actually happens.

      The truth is I could post the time and date and trigger them into launching a flurry of personal insults.

      They just blame me in order to justify their own bad behavior.

  20. A painful abscess on the public purse with at least to the few I know the charisma and intellect of a brick. Yes the House of Lords has really benefited from the likes of this women, yes I well remember her remarks about the firefighters taking more action if the tower had been full of white people. Wish she would just fuck off and shut up

  21. By the by admin, I wasn’t trying to be a ‘troll’ by saying what I said. I was simply commenting based on my own perception, rightly or wrongly. I know this site is your baby, and I understand why you didn’t take too kindly to my comments. But please don’t smear me as something I’m not – given how long I’ve been on here it should be pretty fucking obvious I’m not a troll.

Comments are closed.