Cunts who shouldn’t have children they can’t be arsed to toilet train.

Part Deux

This time, the BBC has given them the perfect excuse as to why four year old Deontay/Lilyblossom still pisses and shits his/her pants, and has no idea what a toilet is used for.

You see, they were born around the time of the lock downs!
Well, that explains everything.

“I had a baby during the Covid lock down, and therefore I can’t toilet train my four year old”

Oh, do fuck off, if you bought that I’ve a bridge I’d like to sell you.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

58 thoughts on “Cunts who shouldn’t have children they can’t be arsed to toilet train.

  1. I would have thought that during lock down would have been the ideal time to catch up on all sorts of things.

    Spring cleaning.
    Shelf hanging.
    Teaching your kid to not shit themselves.

    I can’t put it down to laziness.
    Constantly washing clothes and cleaning up a kid is a job in itself.

    It must be down to stupidity.

    There can’t be many things easier for a parent to do than toilet train a child.

    You can guarantee that if the parents haven’t bothered to do that then in years to come they will take no interest in the development or education of their children either.

    Four years old and not able to ask for the bog.
    Twelve year old and not able to read or write.
    Sixteen and not able to do simple mathematics.

    18 and eligible to vote.

    • Parents should be named and shamed. Besides being prevented from having anymore children.

    • 16 before too long and they will be able to put their cross on the ballot paper. The mind boggles.

      • Why not? Look what the “grown ups” have given us? How the fuck did 1 in 5 people, however demented, think that failed accountant was good for this country?

  2. I knew a woman, middle class, who breast fed her son till he was 12.

    How weird is that?!

    Why would lockdown have anything to do with you toilet training your kid?

    Just feckless parenting.

    If you’ve got a 4yr old in a nappy it’s down to you,
    You’ve raised a MitMot.

    • Breast feeding a 12 year old is not over indulgent parenting.

      It’s sexual abuse.

      The woman should be locked up and put on the register.

      If a father was still showering and washing his 12 year old daughter he would be up in court and quickly banged up as a nóncé.

      • Maybe right Artie.

        Never really considered it,
        She treated him like he was a baby,
        I just put it down to her being from Down South.

        She was a antiques dealer and tight as fuck with money.

      • Morning Jack?

        Hehehe ?
        No wasn’t Cuntengine!

        This antiques bint who talked like Janet Street Porter.
        Id do house clearances for her.
        Then argue about my payment.
        Tight as fuck she was.

        Once found a load of bottles of whisky in a loft,
        They’d been up there 30 odd years.
        Extra matured!

        I sneaked them in the van without showing her
        Sometimes you have to make your own ‘ tips’ for services rendered.

        You winning pal?

      • MNC@. Lovely whisky, nice one.

        We’re all very well, currently on a campsite near the Kirkstone Pass, in The Lakes.

        It’s been raining for 18 hours !

        18 bloody hours !!!

        Me and the hound did a bit of sheep herding earlier this morning. Someone had left a gate open and a few of the buggers had wandered in, attracted by the lush grass. I kept her on a long lead and we ushered them back, couldn’t let her off or she’d have ’em

        One Man and his Bastard Border Collie LOL.

      • You should have drank a bottle while you were up there and pissed on her bedroom ceiling.

  3. Not toilet trained because of lockdowns? Absolute bollocks.
    Everyone knows it’s because of Brexit, climate change and the Far Right.

    • Some grown adults are not toilet-trained. There are people in my town who shit in the street: Mohammad, Iqbal, Jamal…

      • Your quite correct Cap’n. I am just popping down to my local Mc. Donnalds for a Chocolate Mc. Flurry.

  4. Lockdown was great wasn’t it?

    Birdsong was louder
    No planes
    Empty roads
    No teenagers hanging about.
    Spying on neighbours
    Informing on them

    A brief perfect world.

    • Should bring it back occasionally, just to improve the environment and well being. Mis

      • Too right Sammy along with Small Business grants.

        I really liked them.

        Sat down the woods for hours with the dog,
        Next to the stream,
        A carefree time,

        Best years of our lives

      • At least you were allowed out with your dog MNC.
        We were restricted to only being a maximum of 50 meters from our homes when walking a dog, and not allowed out at all if you didn’t have a dog.

        Helicopters monitoring the beaches and police cars checking the streets and parks for anyone breaking the rules.

        The only up side was for the flamingos on the nearby salt lakes who produced chicks in Spain for the first time in many years.

      • Artie@

        We were allowed 45minutes outdoor exercise,
        Of which you could split in a 15 and 30min break or three 15min breaks.

        Id be gone for hours.
        Paid no attention to it.

        We had a new neighbour move in a few houses down just a month before the lockdown started.

        He said ” out walking the dog again?
        You were out earlier”

        Cheeky cunt.

        I replied
        ” Yes, and I’ll be out later too.
        How’s your family?
        You had them all round the other day didn’t you?”

        He fucked off.
        We’ve never spoken since.

        His name’s gone into my bumper book of enemies.

  5. When Hancock,Johnson,Cummings etc finally face justice for the social and economic terrorism that was ‘lockdowns’ ,hopefully their punishment will also make them soil themselves.

  6. You sometimes wonder if anyone at the BBC is toilet trained, given all the shit they give us.

    Good Morning.

  7. If you are a politician you don’t need to be toilet trained. If Blair shat himself, Mandy was there to clean up the mess and put him in a new nappy. Student Nurse Streeting does the same thing for Kweer. Given how dim she is, imagine trying to train Pixieballs. “Yvette needs potty” – then the daft cunt would stick it on her head.

  8. These people need help and they’re good for the economy. That’s why we’ve bred more than ever before.

    More sub parenting means more social workers, more special needs kids means more income for schools and more teaching assistants. More money for drug companies and more antisocial behaviour so more police.

    The feckless as some people would call them are becoming the backbone of the economy.

  9. The Covid excuse is just a convenient load of bullshit, as it has been for a lot of cunts who are just too lazy and don’t or won’t do their job. It did however provided an opportunity for this daft bint of the charity to exploit this non-issue and turn parents into victims. I will also bet that some of these parents brought a dog during lockdown and found time to toilet train the puppy.

    • Talking of dogs, if any poor desperate bugger ever takes Angela Rayner into their home, she is bound not to be house trained. Perhaps that is why she split from Sam Tarry – he got sick of taking her out every night on a bit of string to do her business, and finding a piece of grass to wipe her arse on.

  10. There used to be a Charity Commission in the UK.
    I think that their job was to licence charities and ensure that they were genuine and not being run in a dishonest way to line the charity owner’s pockets.

    How the fuck did The Children’s Bladder and Bowel Organisation manage to register?

    It’s hard to imagine a more useless charity.

  11. It’s a perfect indicator of people who shouldn’t be allowed to reproduce.

    Kids should go to normal people who can’t have children naturally and the fucking idiots who spawned the poor little beggars should be sterilised and have a lifetime ban on social security payments.

    Anyone making money out this issue should be shot.

    Good morning.

    • @Unkle Terry

      Each day I visit this esteemed site and find myself imagining the wonderful utopia that this country could be if only we had a leader with your vision.and common sense.

  12. If a kid is not toilet trained by the time it reaches school age (pathetic as it is) keep little un home till it is ready for school.
    It’s down to no one except the parents to sort out toilet needs.
    It’s only a matter of time before some unfortunate teacher is accused of being a paedo just for cleaning up a child.

  13. Blaming lockdown, I thought it was fucking heaven ?

    I miss the plastic screens in the supermarket

    I suppose the type of cunt who can’t be bothered to toilet train their kids get the nappies from the food bank


  14. Not a single word of admonishment in that article, all ‘positive’, and excuses.

    Spare the rod and spoil the species!

    “It’s an absolute disgrace” is what the soft cunts should be leading with… also where are the environment doomsayers on the nappy/environment statistics? Conveniently absent on that score.

  15. Still occasionally see some ethnic twat in a mask.


    The party’s over kid.

    Like those Californian cunts in their 60s still wearing tye dye t-shirts and giving the peace sign.
    50years too late cocker.

    • My favourite part of the Covids was seeing the local smack heads wandering around wearing masks.

    • Chinkies especially – I see them when I venture out on the streets of this city of diversity. The bruvs tend to go for hoodies even in boiling hot weather innit.

      • Plenty of Japs in this country were wearing masks even before Covid.
        Can’t say I blame them, tbh.

      • If you go anywhere near De Montfort University you’d think you were in a suburb of Beijing. Loads of them wearing masks.

    • Same around here. I give them a full 180 degree head swivel, like an owl, as I gawp at them, mouth open.
      Occasionally I point at them, like Donald Sutherland in Invasion Of The Bodysnatchers.

  16. These same bellends were the type who were too busy clapping on their doorsteps for the NHS or were too scared to travel into work but not the beach when the sun came out. Covid just incentivised laziness and entitlement.

  17. I think they should hunt down and prosecute those hoarder cunts who bought up bog roll, pasta, etc during those first weeks of lockdown.

    Those awful fuckers should be hunted like the Simon Weisenthal foundation hunted ex Nazis in south America.

    That taught me a lot about human behaviour that did.

  18. I’ve tried to think of a suitable comment on this one JP, but I just can’t.

    AllI can say is, I give up.

    Morning all.

  19. I’m trying to reconcile this with the mass closure of public toilets by councils everywhere, during, if I mistake not, the Blair years. The hidden agenda must be to enforce shitting in the street.

    Probably racist of me to wonder what proportion of parents of incontinent 6-year-olds in nappies originated elsewhere than in the UK. Given that the fuss is being made in Bristol…

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