Chris Packham [5]

Chris fucking packham. yup again.

Chris packham needs a weapons grade cuntting. Thermo fucking nuclear! why you may ask? I know!

on reading the latest about our favourite just stop oil friends, getting time, I rejoiced.

Wait hang on this was the BBC!. So according to our saviour who art in heaven “it’s against human rights to stop these people.

Hang the fuck on Chris, what about people needing help from paramedics, police (I know we don’t have many), seeing loved ones who are dying, births ect.

No climate bolocks over all other things! Your a cunt Chris! Oh and the BBC, Again! I hope this cunt gets the same treatment as Steve Erwin!

BBC News.

Nominated by : Country cunt

73 thoughts on “Chris Packham [5]

  1. Just stop.oil and any other eco terrorist rabble should be shot.

    This Packham hypocrite is quite happy to take money from a broadcaster that uses huge amounts of the earth’s resources to produce shit television “entertainment”..

    Live in a mud hut you silly cunt..

    Or better still burn on a pyre of old HGV tyres.

    Good morning.

  2. It’s Rodney starmers eco nut brother.
    Another aging teddy boy..

    Works for the BBC, so his opinion is irrelevant..

    Im assuming that badger was stuffed or drugged. Because I would of bitten his ear off..

  3. I like people who value birds, animals and wildlife so I cannot agree here but the idiots who got locked up for closing roads should be punished.

    I hope they are enjoying their prison cells with Big Ron and he doesn’t use oil…so I hear.

  4. Cwiss is getting impatient. He’s got Attenbore’s job as National Treasure in his sights but the old cunt just keeps going on, refusing to croak. How inconsiderate.

    Incidentally I’d love to see that badger bite Cwiss’s lug off.

      • Those on the right should be better than that CC, let’s claim the moral high ground.
        That cunt Packham is obviously a nut job it is the BBC who are the cunts for giving him air time. When will they learn that because we all fund them, a good idea in 1923 with only one broadcast channel not so good 101 years later, that they need to have a diversity of opinion. Fuck me rigid, they have every other sort of diversity.

        Good Morning.

      • Gentlemen,

        We can do both.

        Let’s give them a fair trial and THEN burn them.

  5. Wonder how he feels about all of natural habitats of wild animals and plants in this country that are being destroyed so they can fill the land with miles of solar panels, which only last about 20 years maximum and can’t be recycled and don’t biodegrade. Ditto for wind turbines.

    Wonder how he feels about all the green belt land up and down the country that is being destroyed to make way for ‘affordable’ housing. Again, destroying the natural flora and fauna. Including badgers.

    Thought you loved animals Chris?

    Wonder how he feels about all the industry, like steel manufacturing that is being outsourced to another country. All it’s really doing is moving the emissions to another country and therefore moving the problem rather than solving it.

    Wonder how he feels about Glastonbury: Worthy farm is a dairy farm (cows producing methane is bad for the environment we’re constantly told). All the generators run on diesel powered generators and all of the acts that fly in and out on private jets. All of the slebs (schlubs?) that fly in and out on private jets.

    All the crap that the Tarquins and Jemimas leave for someone else to clear up when they leave at the end of it. It takes the volunteers months to clear it all up. Just for one weekend.

    But no doubt that makes me some sort of radical nutcase conspiritard.

    No. I’m just not drinking the net zero kool-aid like all the zealots.

      • Harold@
        I always resented Terry Nutkin.

        He came on Animal Magic in about 78/79 alongside the brilliant Johnny Morris.

        Soon Johnny was gone and Terry’s fthe face of the show.

        I instinctively knew Johnny had been ousted in a couple by Nutkin.

        He was the future

        Trendy comb over and younger
        Couldn’t even be arsed doing funny voices for the animals!!

        I’ve never forgiven him to this day.

      • I liked him.

        He came across as like a friendly uncle.
        Not a creepy degenerate uncle like Rolf wantstoseeyour’Arris

        I felt sorry for him getting his fingers bitten off by a psychotic otter.

        Died young too.

        Poor Tel.

  6. Chris has a speech impediment.
    As such he’s not to be trusted.

    It’s due to too much goz in his mouth.
    Probably a side effect from being so pious.

    This plastic punk isn’t fit to lick the elephant dung off Johnny Morris’s wellies.

    But in fairness at least he stands behind what he believes to be right.

    Free the Hamsters from Richard Here’s digestive tract! ✊

    • I’d give him a pass on all the eco nonsense,bollocks though it is,but the punk thing irritates me.siqgue sigque sputnik at the local civic centre while you’re at university doesn’t really count,does it ?.

  7. Personally, I’m over the moon that self righteous hippie cunt Roger Hallam got time.

    I hope his new cellmates tire of the cunt’s eco bullshit lectures and batter him with a bar of soap in a sock on a regular basis.

    I would pay good money to see that soppy student bint Cressida Gethin getting her arse fisted by big Bella from D wing too.

    I bet her middle class lefty tears taste delicious. 😋

  8. stupid cunt said just stop oil sentences were to harsh, I think they were too soft, the fuckers should have been flayed alive and then a visit to unkle terrys oven, then they can moan about the earths temperature, morning cunters

  9. He’s just bitter because Michaela Strachan rejected him so she could have full anal with John Craven instead.

    • Have you seen the state of her recently?

      Rougher than the Badger’s arse in the nom pic.

      30 years ago, I would have all over her like a tramp on hot chips.

      Now, I wouldn’t even give her a sympathy fuck if she begged me.

  10. News just in.
    “Packham lashes out at massive carbon footprint caused by BBC’s Olympics coverage and staff jolly in Paris”
    Actually, I made that up.
    You’ll only see a headline like that when he get’s pensioned off to Amazon Prime.
    Hypocritical little spacca!

  11. Of all the oily rag cunts, I want that beady-eyed tart who damaged paintings to be given the same sentence.

    I’m still annoyed since 1975 when protesters dug holes in the Test Match wicket overnight, when England were about to beat the Australians.

  12. We’re usually first to berate the judiciary for going easy on middle class hippies, but we should give a big shout out to Judge Christopher Hehir for throwing the book at these cunts.
    Just thinking about how the likes of Cressida Gethin will cope warms my heart.
    Fuck em!

    • Hehir for minister of justice. Give him a Judge Dredd style lawgiver as well so he can really sort the obstreperous riff-raff out

      Gethin looks like a gonk, possibly not playing with a full deck?

    • Quite right Field Marshal, give credit where credit’s due.

      I see in the report that a Sun journalist hacked into the eco-wankers’ Zoom call and it was that evidence that did for them.
      And of course it was the Sun that reported the Pea Dough Edwards story as well, so well done to them. Perhaps it’s not just a chav rag after all.

      • The Sun’s editorial yesterday pointed out their part in the Edwards affair.
        They also mentioned that they were subjected to the full force of the BBC’s fury.
        Fucking right though weren’t they?

  13. Change of topic but I have decided that in to get rich quick I am going to start acting like that unfunny spac Rosie Jones.

    She seems to be doing quite well for someone no one understands. If she can do it, so can I, fuck it.

    And yes, Chris Packham is a fudge packing cunt.

    • You’ll need ample cleavage to drool into to have the same effect though CM.
      Just ask Thomas. He’s a big fan.

      • That’s fighting talk Tommy.

        Last time I was asked to step outside, I did, just save face, then fckd off sharpish, he knuckles were dragging on the floor lol.

        took me 2 days to get home.

        Well, had a mate “have a word” couple of weeks later.

        Bought me a pint next time I saw the cunt.

        upstairs for thinking, downstairs for dancing, Tommy lol

  14. Never heard this shit from Johnny Morris, Bellamy called it out as bullshit and suffered for having the wrong opinion.

    Packham only got the job because he had a speech impediment and it ticked a box.


  15. Well Crisp Peckham will need to retreat to his safe space when the JSO poster girl Phoebe Plummer gets sent down..

    These eco mentalists really should look into hiring a model as a front.

    You have mong greta, the horse faced cressida and now this purple haired pig..

    Take a leaf out of Hollywood’s book.
    Get a sexy actress in a skin tight costume you might win more people over..

  16. I wonder how Chris feels about Labour building loads of houses for immigrants on green belt land?

    Probably wouldn’t say boo about it would he the cunt.

    My piss is still boiling from that slimy bastard Dame Kweer’s pro Islam speech yesterday.

    Good morning.

  17. Definitely more than a touch of the Huw Edwards about this sinister fucker.

    I bet when he’s scaring all those young people with his wicked doom and gloom lies he likes to Packham with his fudge stick just to ram home his point

  18. The odious cunt should be captured and released naked on an isolated Island. Persons such as myself should then be allowed to hunt the cunt. I would use a bow.
    If I got the cunt I would engage a professional taxidermist to convert his rancid carcass into a urinal, piss in his mouth and the outlet via his ring piece. What really gets my goat is that these turds blathering on about uman rights seem to miss the exceptions that apply to each article, mostly concerning security of the state, economic damage and so on. Oh well the dream of nailing the cunt to a tree with a Razor Bear broadhead keeps me going when I’m having a bad night. I also dream about doing the same to many others. The older I get the sicker I get. Bugger.

    • Drop him off on North Sentinel island. I’m sure the locals would be happy to oblige, and what’s more dispatch him in a suitably eco-friendly fashion. Win-win.

  19. There’s something not quite right about this lisping milksop. I think he may be an animal lover in more ways than one.

    I had the misfortune of listening to his life story on the radio during a long car journey some years ago. His self pity was appalling, but there’s something very odd about this man. Zoophile springs to mind.

  20. He keeps animal poo in his fridge freezer.
    If that’s not a red flag I don’t know what is.

    Even Thomas would think that’s pretty fucked up.

  21. This animal human species is believed to have a personal fortune of 6 million pound from broadcasting, how the fuck so much. Now he claims to knows what is good for us tax and license few payers, what a cunt. Oh and he’s had such a hard life. Total cunt.

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