Chris Boardman [2] and the Paris Olympics

The organisers of the wank fest that is to be the Paris Olympics have vowed that it will be ‘the greenest ever’.

How they intend to achieve that is anyone’s guess.

The thousands of athletes arriving there will not be walking.
The hundreds of thousands of spectators will not be turning up on sailing boats.

The athletes will be housed in a purpose built village. Built mainly of concrete.
The spectators will be in overpriced hotel rooms.
All of them will have air conditioning and an overworked laundry service.
Everywhere will be well lit.

There will be some vegetarians making their futile attempts to save the world by not eating meat, but nowhere near enough to make the event ‘green’.

Perhaps there may be a fleet of electric buses to get people to and from venues and maybe recyclable bottles for drinks.

Yep, that will save the Earth.

The biggest cunt of all is Chris Boardman.

To highlight the green credentials he is cycling to Paris.
Stopping of many times en route to preach ‘The Message’.

Well done Chris!
But how is your luggage getting to Paris?
You are certainly not carrying it on your bike.

Do you think that we are all fucking stupid Chris?

What about the tens of tons of equipment that each country will send along with their broadcasting teams?

What about the many dozens of horses that will be flown in from all over the world for the equestrian events?

The private jets for dignitaries.
Just a few miles of flying in one of them will wipe out Mr Boardman’s noble efforts.

Knock it on the head Chris, you cunt.
Get on a plane or drive there like every other fucker is going to do.

BBC News.

And a few other things Chris………

How can stopping off every night at different hotels be greener than flying or driving to Paris non stop?

You are in a Government appointed job as ‘chair’ of Sport for England.
All your unnecessary hotel rooms and food and drink will be being paid for by the tax payer.
You will not be paying anything out of your own pocket.

I suppose that it’s easy to be seen as being green at someone else’s expense.

And what about the constant maintenance of you and your bike?
Tyres and inner tubes made from Indian rubber.
Oil for lubrication.
Petroleum based creams to soothe your chaffed arse.

All these things will be looked after by your support team who will be following your epic bike ride.
They will be close behind you….. In a car.

All these people will need hotel rooms too.
They will all need feeding.

The local and national reporters coming along to interview you at every stop.
They won’t be coming along on their bikes.

Chris Boardman.
Monumental cunt.

Nominated by : The Artful Cunter

Silver goes to Sam Beau for this:

Since when the fuck did skateboarding become a sport, let alone be ratified into the Olympics? Probably at the same time as snowboarding was admitted – both performed by the same sort of scrotal mongers, I would wager.

So, why not have darts then? Or tiddlywinks? Or angling? Or squash (which I think they did try once, but I can`t be arsed to verify).

And I know it`s been cunted before, dear cunters, but fucking dressage?!
Or Strictly Horse Dancing to give it its proper name. I wonder if the poor horses know what utter pansies they look like mincing about just because Jemima, Tabitha & Araminta think it looks oh-so cute. Why not dress them up in dolls` clothes while you’re at it.

My suggestion would be to combine said sports in some interesting way to make them more exciting and watchable. I propose `Horse Skateboarding` – just strap a skateboard onto each of their hooves and off you go. Or rather, off they go, most likely in several different directions.

Perhaps YOU could invent a more amusing portmanteau manglement of hitherto innocuous pastimes?

Anyway, something to fire your vivid imaginations here …


Bronze goes to Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea for this:

Two men masquerading as women have been allowed to compete in the women’s boxing competition:


No doubt they will flatten their opponents on the way to gold and drag the Olympic flag further through the cesspool that is now international sport. This following on from the testicle festival that was the opening ceremony, and the most chaotic football match ever.

Obviously Russia is not allowed to compete, because they are evil war criminals. Some of their athletes are allowed. but not more than 55. Oh, and they are not allowed to be shown in the medals table and are to be referred to as AIN.

In other Olympic news, Hercules is soon to be stripped of his discus gold as he was a supporter of the slave economy of Ancient Greece. Fuck off.

Saved by the bell (just) is this from Paul:

TRANNY BOXERS FEMALE opponent (real one!) forced to quit in within 46 seconds.

The Woke Olympics. What a fucking shit show. You got that cunt Daley knitting in between bouts and then forcing the world to watch him kissing his ‘husband’🤮 and then you have this fucking travesty where a NATURAL FEMALE is forced to compete against a geezer who thinks it’s a woman. Obviously, the tranny boxer has a massive fucking advantage over the REAL WOMAN boxer. This is pathetic and disgusting and patently not right or in any way sporting. These mental woke CUNTS pulling the strings should be shot and pissed on. I refuse to watch this shit. My television is almost obsolete because of the 99.9% woke bullshit they are feeding us. Anyway I added the news link that got me on this rant. Until the next time………

Sly Sports.

96 thoughts on “Chris Boardman [2] and the Paris Olympics

    • Boxing. The Italian girl just said fuck this when fighting Algerian bloke. No handshake, just fuck this.

      Should have welted him in the nads.

  1. In the two weeks of the Olympics Games, China will have built two more coal fired power stations.

    Its all a bit fucking pointless isn’t it Chris you fucking prick.

  2. The Seine is as green as fuck with all the floaters passing through.
    Also I wonder how many hundreds Savile/Edwards house has there living in tents?

  3. Just the farts from clare baldhead will leave a hole in the ozone layer..

    Not watched one second,anyway its in Africa this time.. oops my mistake Paris..
    Same difference it full of blackies and it stinks..

  4. A rare quadruple Cunting!

    But I fear our illustrious Admin Team needs to get with the Spirit of this year’s Woke Olympics.

    The Gold medal goes to the Artful Cunter.
    The Silver medal goes to Sam Beau
    The Bronze medal goes to Twenty Thousand Cunts under the Sea

    And Paul gets…

    The Aluminum medal…

    Everybody gets a medal.

  5. Paris = piss poor Olympics. Who could possibly have foreseen? Now we have the kiddie rapey community represented by some cunt in beach volleyball. What next? Maybe Harriet Harperson will be paying a royal visit accompanied by Huw, Sir Jimmy and the ghost of Cyril Smith.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  6. Railways sabotaged by the Hard Left causing mayhem.
    An opening ceremony held on an open sewer in the pissing rain.
    The Olympic flag raised upside down.
    Leonardo’s masterpiece lampooned by a bunch of lardarsed pantomime dames. No lampooning of the Religion of Piss though. Why not, don’t the snail munchers fancy another Charlie Hebdo?
    GB cyclist Tom Pidcock booed for winning Gold.
    Italian girl has her nose broken so an Algerian bloke can have a medal.

    I can’t remember a more shambolic Olympics, and it ain’t over yet.

    Vive la France!

  7. The javelin and hammer throwing events could be pepped up considerably by having pædos and tran§bumders tied to posts out on the field.
    I’d love to see Eddie Izzard get a javelin to the thigh (through his skirt) or see Huw Edwards take a hammer to the shoulder, obliterating the joint so he could never again hold his phone and knock one out over pictures of young boys.
    Or having a skulking Michael Barrymore dressed in crotchless scuba gear hiding in the pool, ready to simulataneously bum and drown Tom Daley as his sinister “husband” looks on.

  8. According to this tran§ doctrine, where you can identify as whatever the hell you like, Daley Thompson could come out of retirement for the Paralympics (as he’s now a pensioner) and take part in the spacathlon, pushing window-lickers out of the way and tripping up dwarfs and amputees as he storms to victory.
    That would be beyond hilarious!

  9. According to this tran§ doctrine, where you can identify as whatever the hell you like, Daley Thompson could come out of retirement for the Páralympics (as he’s now a pensioner) and take part in the spaćathlon, pushing wındow-lickers out of the way and tripping up đẁarfs and amputēes as he storms to victory.
    That would be beyond hilarious!

  10. An observation or two.

    How did Boardman cycle across the Chanel? Did he travel by ferry, and spend the journey cycling around the deck, or what?
    Depending on where he set off from, not as if it’s a long distance.
    Hardy 3000 miles across a desert is it?

    Imagine spending years training and competing, until you get selected to represent your country in a boxing event for women, to have your achievement destroyed in seconds by a man, who obviously knows he wouldn’t win against another man.
    Shame on him and shame on those who allowed this travesty.

    Skateboarding as an Olympic event would be worth watching if the competitors were using the boards to batter each other to death, gladiator style. Now, that I would watch!

    • Harvey Price doing anything would be worth the admission alone, although pole vaulting or wrestling would be my picks.

      • I thought they were having breakdancing as an event this year, LL.

        Harvey would have been a shoe-in for a medal, so I’m somewhat disappointed.

        I don’t see why the had to cancel the triathlon due to the level of pollution in the Seinne. Surely, with a little lateral thinking it could have gone ahead. Instead of swimming, the competitors could have been equiped with deep sea diving suits, complete with surface support teams to ensure the breathing supply, and simply walked across the river bed!

        If the pollution was that bad, they could have probably walked across the surface inside giant plastic bubbles.

        Some people have zero imagination when it comes to problem solving!

  11. To be fair, the male boxers battering women aren’t transbumders. They were born with their male bits internally and just a gash presenting to the outside world. In backward countries, they’re brought up as girls (but are still XY men, just sans winkie.)

    See also Caster Semenya (which is an anagram of “yes, a secret man”.)

    A simple cheek swab would spot the fact that they have a Y chromosome and are therefore a bloke.

    The Olympic movement is sanctioning male-on-female violence by allowing them to compete and are the gold-medal-winning intergalactic cunts here.

  12. I haven’t seen a moment of the Olympics coverage (virtually fuck-all else on BBC1 for two weeks). I was especially disappointed to hear that Emily Thornberry had been scratched from the Lesbian Labour Ladies Heavyweight Wrestling team, so there was no point in watching.

    I can’t stand big athletic women, especially when they have five o’clock shadow, wearing Izzard’s plastic tits pretending they are women, or little nancy boys knitting when they are not diving.

  13. The Olympic games is the biggest vanity project since the pyramids.

    Almost all adult cyclists are cunts.

    The two men who are punching women under the misnomer “boxing” should be held to account for their vile, disgusting and cowardly crimes.

    • Actually arfur, I agree.

      It’s utterly beyond me why there’s such competition to host it. It really is a vanity project, not to mention mainly as boring as fuck.

      Now, why doesn’t the Olympic Committee re-imagine it along the lines of one of the best competitions ever,

      ” It’s a Knockout!”

      Think about it, there would only need to be one, not two productions, as competitors in both the Olympics/ Para Olympics could be combined.

      I mean, women running across the revolving barrels strung over shark infested water, while Ellie attempts to compete with a Great White at the 100 metres in the water below.
      Men hurling cannonballs/javelin at sprinters.
      What’s not to like?

  14. Forgot to mention they got rid of the magnificent sport of Graeco-Roman wrestling as well. The sight of two alarmingly bulgy greased-up men writhing around with each other in inappropriate ways is a sore miss.

    Also, they should have that mincing pool ponce Tom Daley diving off proper high cliffs into the sea …
    Should be easy for him as he must be used to swallowing spume.


  15. I think horse dancing has had it’s day now we know how they make them dance. Whip the fuck out of their ankles unless they mince around like arse bandits at a disco.
    Always wondered how the fuck you get a horse to do that. Well now we know. Cunts.

  16. And when this utter wankfest is over, we’ll be subjected to another in the form of knighthoods all round.
    Plus OBE’s for riding a BMX, MBE’s for coming third in archery.
    I don’t know about it being a green Olympics, more of a shitty brown like the Seine, or the tongues of the arse licking, patronising BBC wankers.
    What a pile of wank!

  17. The next countries female boxer to face that Algerian bloke should be their best male boxer but with lippy on.

    Anyway it’s fucking dull til the wimmins athletics starts..although it’s likely been infiltrated and naturally ruined by the Tranny.

    Bring back the Roman Games in an amphitheatre I say,and have every pakí and africunt terrorist fed to wild bears…for starters.


  18. Green olympics, my arse, trannys competing against women, yeah that’s really sporting and fair according to the Olympic bullshit rules. Couple of years time we will likely have underwater fisting, catch a kiddy diddle, one can only hope that the Seine River turns into a vast open sewer…

  19. There’s only one thing worse than being patronised by a sports person, and that’s being patronised by a sports person who’s career has been largely funded by Joe public.
    These cunts never give anything back, although by being condescending and preaching to the little people, they are totally convinced they do.
    We don’t want your virtue signalling, we want some of our money back.

  20. Chromosome based sex test for all women (except Princess Anne) for all women competing in the Olympics, why was it stopped? Didn’t seem to be a particularly valid reason and would be even more valid now with these fucking blokes thumping women in the boxing ring.

  21. Sorry everyone we have to pack it all in.

    Rodney’s bringing in new measures to bring down the dreaded far right..

    I’m looking at you JP..
    Anyway I’m off to join a monastery.
    Bye all

    • Yes indeed. The police forces will now coordinate with each other in the fight against the ‘Far Right’.
      Wow! What a breakthrough!
      And it took a meeting with the prime minister to come up with that idea?
      Obviously this won’t apply when the park keys kick off again.

      • Not forgetting his promise to protect Muslims, especially from underage white girls.

  22. ART was an Olympic ‘sport’ until 1948.

    Should have been brought back for Paris, along with ballroom dancing, free style make up, drag queening, hairdressing and modelling.

    Afternoon all.

  23. These woke, idealistic, environmentalist mentalists seem to be very similar to those Islamic extremist leaders who encourage young, impressionable idiots to think, say and do stupid shit, but coincidentally live to a ripe old age, having never practiced what they preach.

    To all of those passionate enviro-tards, I would start by saying that if you think humans are are blight on the planet and on Mother Nature, then do the honourable thing. In short “You first!”.

  24. Bit off topic.
    In local watching Olympics, ‘womens’ gymnastics.
    Are the participents ‘barely legal’ or have I become a pêřv. 🤔
    Perhaps Mr Cunt Engine can advise.
    Answers on a postcard please.

      • Just thought that those leotards kept err… everything in nice ‘n’ tidy. 😃

    • Presumably you’re an old git, like the rest of us, Cuntalugs?
      Any bird under the age of 35 is going to look like jailbait.
      When you get home, relieve your horny frustrations by putting on a slow-motion Youtube video of Fatima Whitbread flinging a javelin and you’ll discharge your musket in double-quick time.

  25. Never before in the field of human endeavour has so much degeneracy been celebrated in one place at any one time.

  26. Southport stabber has a diagnosis of ‘ autism spectrum disorder ‘.

    Mental elf then.

    He’s a victim too.

    Nothing to see here, now move along.

    You far right cunts.

    Get To Fuck.

    • Of course!
      Did we expect anything else?

      But he took a taxi to the venue, so he targeted it. That doesn’t sound like disorganised thinking to me.

      So anyone playing that tired old, creased and torn, mental elf card gets nil points from me.

      I hope I’m on the jury.

    • The MSM cunts seem to be going with the picture of the melon headed cunt in his school uniform aged about ten or eleven. This will now probably become part of the PR machine to reframe a working narrative.

    • Loads of people have autism. Overwhelmingly, they don’t go around stabbing kids.

      Some other factor maybe in play here then?

  27. Fancy having the Olympics in France!

    France is rubbish.
    An pretty gay.
    They even call it Gay paree.

    Javelin will be thrown underarm.

    Fuck the French
    Fuck the Olympics

      • Evening JP👍

        You winning?

        The new government has got off to a flying start haven’t they?

        Upset every pensioner,
        And labelled the residents of Southport, Aldershot, Manchester as Far Right.

        What they going to do for August?

        Wipe their arse on the Queens grave?

        Set fire to the Union flag at the cenotaph?


      • Very likely.
        They think they have massive majority…. er no, people couldn’t be bothered to vote.
        Hopefully this is just the start of thd pushback.
        Perhaps these commie cunts in power might upset the military, with a bit of luck.

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