A fine example of how the BBC distort the truth..again (126)


This is effectively a ‘non’ story. Drinkers in a Welsh pub asked to leave after singing upsets rest of clientele…that’s the gist of it.

But, the BBC want to make a headline out of it..no doubt for advertising clicks when the site is viewed from outside the UK….and they add it was because they were singing in Welsh.


And Sian Lloyd (an employee of the BBC) by coincidence thinks it is…and she’s wrong..and a cunt

Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

40 thoughts on “A fine example of how the BBC distort the truth..again (126)

  1. At the bottom of the story in italic print:

    Correction 5 August 2024: The headline on this story has been amended to reflect that the group of singers were asked to leave the pub, because they were singing loudly, not because they were singing in Welsh.

    Move along Cunters. Nothing to see here except Auntie Beeb showing her ass (arse) again. You should be used to her behaving badly by now…the shameless old whore.

    • As for racist aspect of this story…I subscribe to the Divine Origin theory of the Welsh, as explained to Terry Jones by John Cleese:

      “God put the Welsh on the planet to carry out menial tasks for the English.”

      Is it racist to treat them other than as the Almighty intended?

  2. To be honest I never listen to the BBC, so basically I couldn’t give a fuck.
    Good morning.

  3. Sian Lloyd is a bit of an attention seeker. I was with Mrs. W about 3 or 4 years ago and she sat on the next table. We were close to the entrance. The restaurant was quite crowded and the tables were close to each other so it was inevitable that we would say good evening and spoke a few amiable words to each other. I didn’t recognise her. Anyway suddenly she spots a table on the other side of the restaurant and with her party makes a cacophonous beeline for it, solely to attract the attention of the rest of the clientele.

    Good Morning

  4. Most pubs I know are so much fun you’re more likely to be thrown out for snoring too loudly.

    Who the fuck is Sian Lloyd?

    • Hey Geordie,

      I was wondering that myself.

      With a name like Sian Lloyd, I’m going to go out on a limb and take a wild guess that she just might be of Welsh descent.

      And maybe…just maybe…that had something to do with her “reporting.”

      • I suffered with blackheads, due to living in the next street to the Bradford Colliery pit. Now the shitihad football field is covered in black footballers who can’t get rid of blackheads as long as they’ve got holes in their arses.

  5. Maybe the singing woke up the kids in the prams all these cunts seem to bring to pubs now

  6. Im currently under investigation for non payment of licence fees. I don’t ( and never have ) watched television for the pat 10 years. The Wife does ( silly cunt )

    • You’re NOT under investigation. It’s all a con job by the Bastards Bothering Children and the lying fucks who masquerade as enforcement officers when in fact the cunts are just door to door salesmen working for Capita. They have no powers whatever.

    • You’re not “under investigation” by these clustercunts, that’s just a scare tactic by the impotent Tv licencing lickspittles. I’ve been “under investigation” for well over a decade now and keep all their silly little letters for laughs. They have absolutely zero powers, fuck them, let them visit and scribble all day long, they can do nothing unless you help them.
      Fuck the BBC.

  7. Fuck the BBC, for being cunts; fuck the Welsh, for being bigoted boyos; and fuck people who sing when they are pissed, for being inconsiderate tubes. Singing, unless in a professional capacity, is for “far right” footie fans, and groups of girls on the bus home from school. Imagine being Welsh and working for the BBC? It would be enough to drive one to making indecent images of minors.

    Good morning, everyone.

  8. Being young in the day, the only signs of early morning tv were the Welsh rabbiting on. I recollect rugby being played with a Welsh Eddie Waring.

  9. Probably the real reason for them being asked to leave was the amount of spittle and phlegm flying about. ?

    • Oh yes. She’s the new Shirley Bassey.
      Rumour has it she’s in the running for the theme to the next James Bond movie.
      It’s a biographical little number based on one of Bassey’s greatest hits.
      “Old minger der der der”

  10. The BBC being told porkies by an employee and not checking the facts?
    I don’t believe it.
    As for singing in pubs, I’d make it a legal requirement to ban for life anyone singing Sweet Caroline, no matter what the language.
    Fucking nauseating song!

  11. 6 weeks of reporting by the BBC:

    1. The adults are in charge now.
    2. Release lots of prisoners early because of overcrowding.
    3. Send lots of demonstrators and hurty wordists to prison.
    4. Implement emergency measures because of prison overcrowding.

    Thank heavens the adults are in charge.

    • The prisons are over crowded with blacks. The bbc want them released because otherwise news staff are just sat twiddling their thumbs.

    • Great idea. Let’s release someone who’s a danger to the public so we can imprison a 53 year old woman who cares for her husband and has no previous, for saying a mosque should be blown up on Facebook.
      Top effort.

      • That was ridiculous, no one could possibly be influenced to act by what some silly old tart wrote on a Facebook group.

        The judge should have shown some common sense.

      • Indeed. She’s a fucking idiot, but not dangerous.
        15 fucking months?
        Ok, she’ll do less than half of that, but was there really no alternative?

  12. It could have been worse, they could have brought their sheep girl friends into the pub.

    Why do the Welsh have the stigma as sheep shaggers ?

    • Here’s my report on climate change- we are now moving into Autumn, nights will be longer and days cooler.
      Voila ! Climate change.

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