What is it, how can it be defined, why do we need it.
Answer, it’s bollocks, doesn’t need defining and we don’t fucking need it.
In Labour land however it’s going to happen and any criticism of Islam or hint of extremism will be Islamophobic, the link below is from the free speech union but references an article in the telegraph.
It won’t be long before 9 year old white girls will be forced to marry 50 year old Muslim men (well it is their culture which must be protected ?)
In the real world according to the MI5 website
‘ Islamist terrorism is the most significant terrorist threat to the UK by volume’
Nominated by Sick of it.
‘Islamophobia’ is a term of manufactured hogwash deliberately created to shut down criticism of a brutal, violent death cult.
Liebour can fuck off.
And on a serious note, The Quran is full of hate, incitement to murder, to rape and to sodomise. Yet it is not a banned publication although it qualifies upon the criteria that should make it a banned publication. Its paper quality though, is highly acceptable for the wiping of the arse when Softeeze is unavailable
I use only Labrador puppies.
Was Richard the Lionheart an Islamaphobe? Of course he fucking wasn’t. He was a great leader and afraid of fuck all. Was Golda Meir an Islamaphobe? Of course she fucking wasn’t. She was a great leader and a strong, sensible woman. Is Sir Two-Tier an Islamaphobe? Of course he is, he is a shit leader who kisses peaceful arse at every opportunity. Fuck off.
Another silly, made up insult that makes absolutely no difference to me if I am classed as one.
Racist, far right islamaphobe.
Yes I am.
So what’s the problem?
Well, you’re a normal person so the obvious problem is that you’re not a hypocritical, left wing tosspot.
Anyone who has no fear of Islam is not the full ticket, imo.
But that’s not a phobia, just a fully justified response to the actions of a medieval, murderous cult
Islam is ideology not a religion, how the fuck can one book have so many different interpretations, not only that but extrapolation of certain verses or misrepresentation to distort the ‘Message’ is fucking cult.
Anyway they are all cunts and need to be given a wide berth (us here and they 1000’s of miles away) ?
Just seen something on GBnews, allegedly Jess Phillips has said that she got fast track treatment in A&E by a doctor of Palestinian origin because she voted for a ceasefire – that will be an eye opener if it is true.
Two tier health care.
Well let’s hope the peaceful doctor put something that ticks and explodes in the ugly munter.
” how the fuck can one book have so many different interpretations, not only that but extrapolation of certain verses or misrepresentation to distort the ‘Message’…”
You can say exactly the same about Christianity, Judaism, and all the other derivatives of “The Book” – a record of history, myth, superstition and violence assembled at random by a bunch of Semitic goatshaggers (as cunters would probably describe the OT authors) and a bunch of heretics from Judaism (the NT)
True but the the other ‘religions’ managed to emerge from the dark ages and may still hold some old values but tend not to scream Jihad at any opportunity.
Jesus was a carpenter but Mo was no lady ?
Did anyone issue a Fatwa over the screening of the life of Brian
Komodo, thou speak’st the right ?
The bitch needs a vet.
If I become a terrorist for saying, in terms, that if a bunch of Muslims cross the channel illegally, sneak into the country (or grab a lift from the RNLI minicab service or BorderFarce taxi), tearing up their papers on the trip, and often rioting and smashing up their free accomodation, I suspect they are criminals, and potential terrorists, well I will plead guilty. As for Kweer he can go and fuck himself, as can Mini-Cooper.
“Islamophobia is a word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.”
– Andrew Cummins (often misattributed to Christopher Hitchens)
Am I an islamophobe?
Yes I fucking am, because I have seen first hand exactly what those cunts are about.
It isn’t an irrational fear, it is a fear based on fact, logic and first hand experience.
Anyone siding with them or protecting them is just another of Iran’s useful idiots and should be hanged as a traitor. Not only to this country, but to the entirety of Europe and their own race.
The Anglophobes want to decry you for being Islamaphobes.
Bunch of whiny Caucaphobes if you ask me.
Ilhan Omar uses it as a deflection on her marrying her brother to help him get a green card, General.
I wonder why Kamala never made it onto ‘The Squad’?
Ole’ Flatback has been around since she began banging Sad Fagcisco Mayor Willie “IB” Brown in the 1990s.
The Squad is a relatively recent political phenomenon.* In the beginning (2018) there were 4 Squad members. The number rose to 9 but has begun to fall.
Two of the more loathsome and despicable cunts…Jamaal Bowman and Cori Bush…were just defeated in their own party’s (Demonrat) primaries.
The Squad are said to be true believers in modern Neo-Marxist Leftist, dogma.
Harris has no true beliefs. Like the whore she is Harris will say anything to get what she wants. Look at her recent change of positions** on issues like the Border Wall and Fracking.
*As the Squad is a singular entity that has multiple members I’m not sure if the singular phenomenon or the plural phenomena is correct.
**Sexual innuendo intended.
Same as Kneeler, a two faced lying commie cunt.
Only the two?
It’s a very interesting term indeed.
A wonderful “catch all” used by Quisling cunts to silence any debate about the appalling,growing threat that Islam is to any country foolish enough to allow the wicked cunts a foothold.
It’s an Orwellian device to try to permanently fuck us.
I doubt it will work,instead we’ll end up with a violent resolution to the mess created for us by the dung of Westminster.
Fuck em.
Muslims thrive on conflict.
It’s what Islam is all about.
They don’t want to be part of a non-Muslim society.
They don’t want to be accepted by infidels.
Even when there are no infidels around for them to hate, they create conflict with other Muslims who they consider to be not Muslim enough.
They are perpetually at war.
I believe that is the root of the problem.
When Muslims see that they are being accepted into a non Muslim society the extremists will create a division.
This would be a terrorist atrocity.
That atrocity will marginalise all Muslims from the society that has shown the weakness of accepting them.
For a Muslim extremist this division must be repeated as and whenever Muslims are in danger of watering down their own beliefs to further be accepted.
Islam must not be watered down.
People who are not Muslim but embrace Islam are making a noose for their own necks.
Islam is completely incompatible with modern, western lifestyle.
Therefore anyone who is not Islamaphobic is a fool.
Islam should not be recognised as a religion and it should be banned.
They can’t even agree with themselves.
Sunni Vs Shia anyone?
Catholic vs Prod?
Haredi vs Reform?
Mahayana vs Hinayana?
Good point Komodo.
But they aren’t really death cults who are a threat to the entire western world.
I have cuntphobia. The percentages in any demographic are hardly my fault, m’lud…
I am not afraid of Islam.
I am not afraid of Muslims.
But you should be afraid of what some radical Cunt will do in its name.
Islam. FUCK OFF.
Besides who gives a toss about this religious claptrap. None of it is true. No truth whatsoever in the shite. It all comes from some insane religious maniac.
Oddly enough, Jews, Christians and Muslims are all worshipping the same god.
Only the Muslim version of this imaginary sky friend tells his adherents on Earth to actively go out and kill the adherents of the other two.
Islamaphobia my arse!
We do not fear Islam it just does not belong in our culture or country.
Fuck Islam.
Fuck Muslims.
Fuck the Koran.
Fuck Allah.
I discovered just today that despite polygamy being illegal, the government pays for each additional wife to multi wife households for benefits/pensions etc.
The government politely declined a freedom of information request citing it would cost over £600 to provide the asker with the numbers of just how many multi wife households they pay the £114 or so per week extra per additional wife to.
I guess pointing this out could be considered islamphobic despite it defying all belief and uk law.
I presume the payments are made under Sharia law and have nothing to do with UK law.
They can also apply for discounts on water as they need to bathe more often “for religious reasons” ?
Two tier utilities bills.
Two tier everycockingthing in this country now, with indigenous native whitey at the lowest rung. I’m off to watch ‘In Prague’ to cheer myself up, thanks whoever recommended that yesterday.
Funny how we don’t need..
Christianity legislation.
Hindu legislation.
Buddhist legislation.
Sikh legislation.
Jehovah’s legislation.
Just the fucking Muslims that cause bother everywhere they infest…..
Apart from being permanently offended, what’s so bleeding special about their version of a fairy story.
I don’t even live in the UK and I have Labourphobia.
Did the Lord High Faqqot just remove the Iron Lady’s portrait from his temporary office.
Isn’t this misogyny?
Mx Copper Balls needs to look into this blatant act of terrorism and arrest Kweer immediately.
Western governments are too weak.
There are millions of Muslims and their terrorism will continue.
These governments do not want to be seen as stoking the fire.
So when yet another terrorist attack happens (and it will), they will claim that the perpetrators are ‘not true Muslims’ or have ‘mental health issues’.
It doesn’t matter if governments say that terrorists are not true Muslims.
It doesn’t matter if the majority of the public agree.
It also doesn’t matter if other religious leaders say that they are not true Muslims and it doesn’t even matter if other Muslims say that the terrorists are not true Muslims.
The important thing is that the terrorists absolutely believe that they are true Muslims.
And that’s all that matters.
I am Islamistphobic, not Islamophobic. Islamism isn’t a religion, it’s a murderous ideology. Islam is a religion, and like all religions, neither entirely bad nor entirely good. Allah is ” the Compassionate, the Merciful” and welcomes converts of any stripe, with special reference to other People of the Book. JWH is ” a jealous God” and is the exclusive property of the Chosen People. IOW a cunt.
Isle of Wight?
The Middle East is a cunt.
Perpetual wars and lesser conflicts between one nation or another.
Same with Africa.
Probably cos it’s too fucking hot too fucking often.
I for one get a bit punchy as the mercury rises.
I must say that since I bought a couple of Global knives I feel increasingly stabby and slicey.
Islam is an evil death cult.
Even if most Muslims are just trying to get by.
But their prophet was a filthy, lying, narcissitic, two faced, double crossing, pee-doh-phile, megalomaniacal warlord.
Apart from that, Allah (may his name be shat upon) can go fuck himself.
A certain MP from way back predicted this scenario ?by the name of enochios powellademus ?♂️?….he was bang on the money, a real futuristic seer ?
It’s good for health though
Several generations down the line when Islam has truly established itself as the power, Western Europeans are going to look back on the utter shower of shit that are governing now & say ‘fuck you very much for what you’ve done’.
Two Tier is a dozy cunt of the first order …& his wife is Jewish!!! What an atomic grade stupid fuck he must really be!
Islamophobia is a word designed to shut down debate and put a speaker on the defensive. Same goes with transphobia, and modern definitions of misogyny and racism,
Refuse to play the game. Stick to your point. Having read the Koran from cover to cover, I can say that it increased my personal Islamophobia level by 1000%.
Islam is a joyless and misanthropic ideology. Its devotees want to bring the whole world now to their level of misery. I remain convinced that the rage of the religious believer is down to the fact that, at some level, they know their beliefs are total bollocks and that they have wasted their lives on utter shit.
The Bible was a bit crap too.
Spoiler alert?.
The devil did it.
“I remain convinced that the rage of the religious believer is down to the fact that, at some level, they know their beliefs are total bollocks and that they have wasted their lives on utter shit.”
I agree with this, EoEA. The religious zealots might believe in the bullshit, but the comparatively low number of suicide bombers compared to the number of muzzles in the world, would imply they ain’t all that convinced by the existence of the kingdom of heaven as Allah would have it. However, the psychos Imams remain.
Not that Christianity is without it’s fuckwits – yeah, you know who I mean, Jehovah, End of Days my hairy ringpiece!
“Christianity was the first creed in the world to exterminate its adversaries in the name of LOVE.”
(A. Hitler, Table Talk)
I think I’ve posted this before, but now would seem appropriate to repost.
This ISIS article, which appeared in the 15th edition of their periodical DABIQ, spells out why the jihads are hell bent on destroying the West. It is titled:
Shortly following the blessed attack on a sodomite Crusader nightclub by the mujahid Omar Mateen, American politicians were quick to jump into the spotlight and denounce the shooting, declaring it a hate crime, an act of terrorism, and an act of senseless violence.
A hate crime? Yes. Muslims undoubtedly hate liberalist sodomites, as does anyone else with any shred of their fitrah (inborn human nature) still intact.
An act of terrorism? Most definitely. Muslims have been commanded to terrorize the disbelieving enemies of Allah.
(The writer then goes on to list the top six reasons why the killers want to destroy the West – although there appear to be two points made several times.)
We hate you, first and foremost, because you are disbelievers; you reject the oneness of Allah – whether you realize it or not – by making partners for Him in worship, you blaspheme against Him, claiming that He has a son, you fabricate lies against His prophets and messengers, and you indulge in all manner of devilish practices.
We hate you because your secular, liberal societies permit the very things that Allah has prohibited while banning many of the things He has permitted, a matter that doesn’t concern you because your Christian disbelief and paganism separate religion and state, thereby granting supreme authority to your whims and desires via the legislators you vote into power.
In the case of the atheist fringe, we hate you and wage war against you because you disbelieve in the existence of your Lord and Creator.
We hate you for your crimes against Islam and wage war against you to punish you for your transgressions against our religion.
We hate you for your crimes against the Muslims; your drones and fighter jets bomb, kill, and maim our people around the world, and your puppets in the usurped lands of the Muslims oppress, torture, and wage war against anyone who calls to the truth.
We hate you for invading our lands and fight you to repel you and drive you out. As long as there is an inch of territory left for us to reclaim, jihad will continue to be a personal obligation on every single Muslim.
What’s important to understand here is that although some might argue that your foreign policies are the extent of what drives our hatred, this particular reason for hating you is secondary, hence the reason we addressed it at the end of the above list.
The fact is, even if you were to stop bombing us, imprisoning us, torturing us, vilifying us and usurping our lands, we would continue to hate you because our primary reason for hating you will not cease to exist until you embrace Islam.
Are you able to supply a link for this, MJB?
Just curious.
It was several years ago Sam that I came across the article which I copied at the time.
I cannot today locate the actual link, best I can come up with right now is this:
Here you go MJB/Sam.
I remember reading the open letter from ISIS with the 6 reasons to be cheerful.
insha’Allah ??
Well, I’m not into religion. I don’t need some ficticious sky fairy in my life to tell me what i should do and think. I am my own person with my own mind. However, there all this religious bollocks is concerned and associated laws, which have been designed to protect religious beliefs, I would simply say the laws in this country should also take into account (where needs be) that our country is CofE, and anyone coming into this country must accept our laws and the tolerance of CofE to the expense of all other laws or beliefs, and if you don’t like it then fuck off. Having to change our OWN laws to appease other faiths is NOT tolerance……..it is the very opposite. If there are those that want to change our laws to suit their religious beliefs, then it is YOU that are not tolerant, not us. Fuck off.
Zyklon B was the trade name of a cyanide based pesticide, does what it says on the tin!
Gets rid of pests of all sorts. ?