UK TV Advertising

The never ending propaganda and public brainwashing in UK tv adverts

OK, so if you were an alien visiting this shithole of a country and sat down with some tv, after watching the adverts you would conclude the vast majority of the UK population were gay, disabled, of ‘colour’, in a mixed race relationship, or single mums or dads. Being in a white heterosexual mixed gender relationship, would be a minority group. what about the UK animal population? Are they being left out and under represented….not just as mere animals, but apparently the UK is home to quite a few gay animals, as this new just eat advert suggests.

I am now waiting for the next just eat bollocks, which will include a blick polar bear who identifies as a whale and a 7 legged octopus in a wheelchair.

Fuck me, what a fucked up world…or at least the uk- is.


Nominated by : Chuff Chugger

94 thoughts on “UK TV Advertising

  1. “If you can’t see it, you can’t be it”

    I don’t see any white, bright, solvent middle-aged people in adverts, so I assume that the companies don’t want my money.

  2. Couldn’t give a tuppenny wank if my house doesn’t smell of summer meadows.
    I’m used to the fragrance of old petrol and plus gas also helps to deter unwanted visitors.

  3. If its true what you say, the likes of you and me must be doing the St. Vitus’ dance round a cooking pot of blacks, in the depths of the jungle.

    • Sounds like a plan Sammy so long as we ain’t got to eat ’em.
      The natural odour is bad enough and I don’t think it would improve if they are boiled.
      Fuck that I’d rather starve!

  4. I’m very proud to say that my company doesn’t have a single darkıe customer.
    What we make is very exclusive and expensive, pricing out all but stabby rappers.
    And the work environment is likewise free of “people” sporting all-year tans.

  5. However shite and frequent the advert interruptions are, they aren’t as often as the missus.

  6. Unless the effnik demographic of small time actors who appear in adverts is about 50% there is clear racism going on here.

    • I don’t think you can call it racist if it’s anti white sentiment.
      Racism only applies if whites use it against shitskins.

  7. Personally don’t have a problem with adverts. At least not in the last 20 years or so.

    Why? Because I record everything I want to watch and edit out all the adverts/trailers, or FF through them during playback.

    If I happen to be watching something live, like GBNews, and the adverts come on, I mute the sound. Amazing how much LESS irritating they are without the sound.

    Presumably advertisers believe that by depicting mixed race couples, poofs, trannies, etc, they are reaching a wider consumer demographic or some such bullshit. Surely if they thought their adverts were putting off the cunt majority from buying their crap they wouldn’t make them like that, would they?

    After all, as Milton Friedman pointed out, “the business of business is business.” And advertising is Big Business.

    Personally I’m repulsed by ALL today’s adverts – regardless of their themes and the cunts in them.

  8. If you want to understand advertising and diversity you have to understand ESG scores and CEI index.

    It is said the hedge funds can influence the amount and cost of government borrowing, this obviously extends their influence to government policy and finance.

    Everything is getting more the same because the same few influential people control the hedge funds.

    Why did the conservatives go so woke? Because they had too. Why is the world’s media all following the same agenda?

    Some say conspiracy theory I’m sure.

    • Back in 1969 my dad told me that corporations would be the end of humanity if people didn’t wake up and do something about it.
      Looking like he was way ahead of his time.m
      A friend and I have decades of research into matters of finance and banking corruption. Can’t get any fucker in government, bureaucracy, the courts or the cops to even look at what we have.
      It’s hard to change a totally rigged system, but it needs to happen

  9. I get the idea behind advertising.
    To promote a product and make you think you need it.

    Not sure I’m in the demographic like, because nowt appeals to me.

    Artful cunters in advertising and he’ll agree no doubt that to sell a product you need a good jingle.

    Something catchy that in 40yrs people will still hum.

    That and it needs to be sexy.
    Nowadays adverts aren’t sexy.

    No flake girls gently peeling open a Cadbury Flake and her lips tentatively touching the length of it….pwoar!!!💪

    No Family dinners where you’d swipe the plates off the table ripping the knickers off the Bisto mum and scuttling her on the table.

    No , it’s all fat trannies and safari park escapees.

    Advertising is flaccid.

    • It’s subtle MNC.

      People of our generation will often say that the best advertising campaign was with Leonard Rossiter and Joan Collins.

      But ask them if they were advertising Dubonet, Cinzano or Martini and most people would not know.

      I can’t remember and I can’t be arsed to look it up.

      For that reason the adverts were ineffective.
      The people in the adverts became more influential than the product that they were trying to shift.

      Advertisers today fail to understand that the general public’s resentment of the actors in the adverts mean that their message about the product is undermined at best, or completely lost at worst.

      • I still remember the Carling Black Label ads.
        Tastes like piss, but the ads were good.

  10. Having worked in the advertising industry back in the day, it seemed to work, but now with the interweb you can get more of an idea of what a product is like through reviews and Youtube.
    I think TV ads are pretty redundant now, but I suppose channels have to get their revenue.
    I am more inclind to pay for a streaming service to avoid the minutes of dreck.

    • That was about right Chuff.
      All you ever see on the box and most of the programmes have gone the same way.
      Thing is apart from work colleagues or personal relationships when do you ever see white and black people mix on a social level?
      Very rare except perhaps young twats who seem to think black is cool.
      Multiculturalism can’t work because our cultures don’t blend.
      We are more different than we are the same.

      • Basically because white people invented the modern world 200 years ago…

        If whitey hadn’t explored Africa and the Indian sub continent they’d still be living in mud fucking huts…!

  11. Bet he’s done other things.

    He’s got caught with those disgusting images, but bet he’s got away with other stuff over the years?

    He was known to be ‘ difficult ‘ at the BBC.
    Clashing with other employees.

    For a translation of difficult see entitled, spoiled, bullying, tantrum throwing.

    But only with cleaners, teaboys, runners and the like.
    Anyone with clout you can bet he was a fawning little shit.
    A grovelling arselicker.

    He’ll get a warm welcome in prison.

    Watch out for people with sharpened toothbrushes Huw..

    • and the bbc knew he was being charged back in November, but only decided to report it this week. damn sure if another well know person but not an employee of the bbc had done the same and was charged it would be headline breaking news on their website.

      so why the fuck did they not report this in November. they need to be asked

      • sorry i misread the announcement. he wasnt charged in november but the bbc were still aware the police were investigating him with reference to these photos, although when he was charged they didnt announce it until this week which is still a lot later than the date of being charged

    • I still hope something really shaming comes up like the Huw affair with Kweer Charmer – begging for blowjobs from Yvette Cooper while she wears a gymslip, a gloryhole situation with little Wessy, making obscene phone calls to The Princess of Wales, exposing himself in a train carriage full of nuns, fisting Eddie Izzard in full drag. – anything to burst the pompous, holier than thou bubble of that little motherfucker. And I could picture him doing any or all of these things.

  12. If you want to ensure I never buy your product, just forcibly interrupt what I’m doing to try to sell it to me. Do it face to face and I’ll tell you to get fucked, do it over the air and I’ll make a mental note that you can get fucked.

  13. Wish Robinsons had kept the Gollywog in their marketing. Maybe the kitchen knife companies could use it instead.
    “By Golly its sharp”

  14. The Singing Spade on the DHL ad is one of the reasons why we cancelled Sky. DHL are about as much use as a marzipan dildo, I really don’t like Robertsons’, and I’d rather wank with knives than listen to Coldplay.

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