The Mandela Effect Conspiracy

What is it with people nowadays?

Why does every phenomenon need a conspiracy associated with it?

I’m not saying there are no conspiracies, as we’ve seen a number of examples of cover -ups and official misdirection in recent years, but why do simple things need a complicated conspiracy attached to them?

Years ago you just wouldn’t bother; you’d agree to disagree with someone who remembered something being different to how you remember it and move on with life. You wouldn’t swear you 100% remember something as it wasn’t, spit your dummy out and call it a conspiracy. It says something about the 21st century mindset; there’s an ugly narcissism and complete lack of humility about it.

This flat-earth-level fuckery has lead some dickheads to assert the psychological phenomenon of the Mandela Effect is caused by experiments at CERN or sometimes that old chestnut HAARP, shifting us all into a parallel dimension where we ‘misremember’ the past as it really was

What is more likely: People misremember things from Films and TV and there is confirmation bias amongst networks of friends, or that some fucking black holes or dimensional rift was involved because of superconducting magnets underneath France?

The very name of ‘Mandela Effect’ is a misnomer – it’s based on the supposed shared memory of several people having seen or read that Nelson Mandela died in jail. I’ve never thought that, maybe I was too young to register it but I remember the news of his release.

Same goes for the film Big. Some people swear blind that Elizabeth Perkins’ character joins Tom Hanks in regressing back to childhood after using the same fairground Zoltar cabinet. I only remember the film as described normally. Josh Baskin returns to being a boy and runs back to his home and his is relieved to see him again after thinking he was kidnapped. It would’ve added an unnecessary complication to have Susan regress to childhood as well and generally foul-up the narrative conventions of film storytelling; equilibrium is not restored, the woman goes missing and everyone in her life worries.

The alternative ending idea never made sense.

So why are certain pop cultural facts changed by this and not everyone is affected?

Another supposed phenomenon is people remembering airliners with engines underneath their wings. Ever since I was a child and owned Matchbox toys of 747s or Airbus they usually have the engine protruding from the leading edge of the wing via a diagonally-angled pylon. The only airliner I remember having engines under the wings was Concorde.

There seems to be a lot of very trivial misremembering about clothing logos and TV episodes and eighties films, and perhaps calling it the Mandela Effect is overselling the whole phenomenon.

It’s a real phenomenon of human memory, but the reasons behind seem to me obvious and mundane.


What’s far more concerning is Soviet-style memory-holing by big tech of certain occurrences and quotes by governments and corporations, which are often excused as ‘errors’ when pointed out.

Do we need more conspiracy theories when there’s enough shady shit and gaslighting being done already?

Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime

95 thoughts on “The Mandela Effect Conspiracy

  1. I have the weirdest recollection that England were once the best football team in the world and actually won the World Cup.
    So the last few weeks have brought me down to earth somewhat. Obviously I must have misremembered.

  2. Maybe he did die.. but was ably played by the great Morgan freeman until they decided to kill him off.

  3. I had multiple exchanges with a cunter who claimed Marjorie Taylor Greene used the term Jewish Space Lasers. He claimed to have read it.

    MTG never used the phrase Jewish Space Lasers.

    I posted the now deleted screen shot of the original post and she never used those words.

    He still claimed to have read it.

    I posted a fact check by the liberal group Snopes and they admitted she never said it and that the false claim was made up by another liberal group, Media Matters.

    He insisted she said it and he read it.

    I posted other articles where it was exposed that Media Matters made the whole thing up in an effort to discredit MTG.

    He responded by saying it didn’t matter what I posted he read where she said it.

    In short, with regard to the Mandela Effect and with many other things in life…including conspiracy theories…I have come to the conclusion that many people:

    A. Believe what they chose to believe.
    B. Believe what they want to believe.
    C. Believe what they need to believe.
    C. Believe what they are told to believe.

    Look at your own countries unchecked immigration and tell me if you believe in the Great Replacement Theory is just conspiratorial nonsense.

    Unfettered immigration along with the aid to the immigrants could not and would not go on if it wasn’t sanctioned by the government.

    That’s not theory. That’s fact.

    Allowing it to occur, along with the denials, cover ups and gaslighting are by definition a conspiracy theory.

    • The great replacement theory is undoubtedly a real thing.
      It first happened 200 years ago when white Europeans replaced the native inhabitants of America.
      It now appears to be happening with fuzzy-wuzzies in Europe
      And we don’t like it up us!

      • By your twisted logic The Great Replacement Theory has been going on longer than that.

        When the Angles, Saxons and Jutes replaced the Britons.

        When the Gaels replaced the Picts.

        When the Franks replaced the Gauls.

        And countless other examples.

        You are quite simply wrong.

        The American Indians were not complicit like your own government is with the dinghy riders.

        They didn’t covertly encourage an invasion…then enable the invaders…then deny it was happening…then claim to be powerless to stop it…then give aid and comfort to the invaders…and then show them favor over their own people….and then proclaim the joys of multiculturalism.

        You are believing what you choose to believe.

      • Talk about twisted logic!
        Angles, Saxons, Jutes, Britons, Gaels, Picts, Franks and Gauls were all white Europeans replacing other white Europeans.
        Not remotely comparable to white Europeans from one continent replacing Native American Indians on another continent.
        What happened to America is however comparable to what is happening to Europe now.
        Btw, Marjorie Taylor Greene is batshit crazy. Fact.

    • Our own Met police commissar Sir Mark Rowley finds it outrageous that people are allowed to even mention the Great Replacement Theory. In fact..
      Who’s that knockin’ on the door?
      Who’s that ringin’ the bell?
      Open the door..
      It’s Sir Mark and the rozzers.

    • Did you cry at the time?

      Betcha did.😁

      Run bleating to admin in tears hehehe 😂

      • Come on Mis. I know you don’t like the bloke but there’s no need to be a cunt about it.

      • I miss Ruff, Gutstick and DCI.
        I even miss Miles occasionally.
        Komodo hasn’t been on for a while either.

        I didn’t always agree with Fiddler but he was acerbic and downright fucking hilarious sometimes.

        No offence to any posters but it can be a bit of an echo chamber on here at times.

      • Now Jack the Cunter and LL are AWOL.

        All turning to shit.
        Just be ten blokes agreeing with each other in 6months

      • I take great pleasure in knowing most of the Trolls from the T & Pf Mob have fled in terror, shame and humiliation and I’m still here making posts that boil the piss of the remainder.

        I could post the time and date and send those with Cuntster Derangement Syndrome (CDS) into a triggered torrent of recycled abuse that never had any merit in the first place.

        Their own little echo chamber.

      • Another way of looking at it.
        They walked from a site once witty and full of differing opinions due to the toxic presence of yourself.

        Like a turd in a swimming pool
        Like a pube in a slice of wedding cake.

        I have of late
        But wherefore I know not
        Lost all my mirth

        Obviously after meeting one of your ancestors.

      • Of course one could reasonably infer that when the Admin Team decided that Trolling was no longer acceptable behavior, the Trolls fled looking for other venues where their anger, hostility and vitriol would be better received.

        As for the Echo Chamber remarks, you (and the other remaining Trolls) only complain about an echo chamber because your opinions are unpopular and it’s your feeble attempt to discredit people who disagree with you rather than rational discourse.

        This place is still full of wit and wisdom. It just doesn’t come from you or any of your CDS Mobster cronies.

      • Welll I don’t see any wit coming from YOU!
        Less it’s fuckwit and halfwit.

      • Addendum:

        Any disparaging remarks I may have made about Vanquished Trolls should not be applied to Jack the Cunter or Liberal Liquidator.

        Regardless of what they may think of me, both are in my opinion top notch Cunters and their contributions are surely missed by all.

      • Yes they are top notch cunters.
        On that we agree.

        Won’t be many left soon

  4. I’ve got the weirdest memories of England being almost exclusively white 🤍, now quite obviously I must have been in another dimension 🚀👾🛸or just forgot Mr khan used to drive the bus and Mr Ali owned the cafe and mrs zehan was the lolly pop lady ….am I losing my mind 😣

    • Evening Minge👍

      I read that from start to finish.
      Happy days 😁

      Made me laugh a second time round.

      • You guys are not funny laughing at a fool who remembered something that didn’t happen and in the face of proof positive STILL maintained his delusion.

        By his own admission he suffered from mental illness but still…that’s not right.

  5. Can anyone explain to me what the cunting film Donnie Darko is about? I assume that comes under this shit.

    • Apparently I didnt understand it because I thought it was crap, so the hipsters told me at the time. Like all fashionable cult films, any criticism is a sign of ‘not getting it’.

      I didnt understand the ending of 2001: A Space Odyssey either, but i never thought that was crap.

      I would get funny looks for saying Requiem for a Dream was the funniest film i’d seen in years.

      You want bleak? Try watching the apocalyptic thrillers of the 70s and 80s.

  6. I swear that film was called ‘Dannie Drako’. These glitches in the matrix are getting worse.

    Morning all.

    • Dannie Drako?

      I saw that one. He was played by John Travolta.
      He was unwell and he had some bad chills. Lots of them if I recall correctly.

      There was a power cut and he asked this blonde Australian woman if she could help him with the power supply.

      He got electrified.

      The end.

  7. Like that loony theory that anyone who is right of centre right is far right but anyone on the left is just a socialist.

    • Or that being left wing is just being a good person. Heard that many times.

      It’s not political, it’s moral. All the things the Left believe in are just good behaviour, and being on ‘the right side of history’. That’s why they’re so angry at right wingers (or anything not Left wing enough. it’s not about difference of opinion. In their minds it is good vs evil.

    • But by your definition, anybody on the left can’t be socialist because real socialism doesn’t exist because as we all know…. REAL socialism has never been tried, just like REAL communism has never been tried.

      That explains why everybody to the right of Stalin is a Nazi because there’s nobody to the left of Stalin…. I guess that makes Stalin a … centrist?….. politics confuses my lentil-sized brain so I’m going to turn my neck in now.

  8. I seem to recall a time when Prime Ministers and Presidents were pretty clued up. For example, they would only call an election that wasn’t needed when they were pretty sure they would win.

    Nowadays we have an over-promoted curry waiter committing political hari-kari and an ageing teacher’s sex toy doing the same for the snail munchers.

    The pair of them may have made millions playing funny money for American cunt banks, but they’re still not very bright, are they? Or maybe politicians were always that stupid.

    • No i remembervwhen certain politicians were referred to as ‘statesmen’. Now the ones we are supposed to ‘respectsl’ are all arse crawling short-termist management types, or senile puppets.

  9. Stompie Moekesti knows all about the Mandela effect.

    Just ask Winnie…

  10. I remember when the country had a few tossers but in general the population was level headed and think as they saw fit with the ability to make reasoned judgement for themselves.
    At least I think I remember that but I could be a triffid

  11. The only Mandela effect I remember is Dunlop necklaces from the wife and the almost total collapse of the country when he and his cohorts gained power. The one thing I do remember is the huge amounts of bribes floating around and a number of desertions from the SDF. The best bit was when he retired as he knew the country was going down the pan.

    • There’s a film called ‘The Mandela Effect’, I’ve got it on Blu-ray, it’s about the scientific definition of reality. It’s ok but it’s nothing special.

      Marjorie Taylor Greene? Yes she’s certifiable, no disputing that’s a reality.

      • MTJ is a fucking nutter. As a Brit and a person not able to vote in US elections, I should technically agree with MTG’s political views as they largely align with Trump’s and his views largely align with my own, but I simply can’t on account of MTG being a complete and utter fucking clown shoe.

      • Hey 2,

        Marjorie Taylor Greene is on the outs with many in the MAGA movement largely because of her support for former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy but also her catfight with Lauren Boebert (and a few other things).

        My post was meant to be on topic. It was a reference to the Mandela Effect and a cunter who claimed to remember something that didn’t happen.

        She was simply the example.

      • To be fair General, it wasn’t the first example of IsAC-related Mandela effect that sprang to most people’s mind.

        I think most people would have immediately thought of that time somebody claimed that Zelenskyy banned all opposition parties in Ukraine and would definitely post an article to prove it, in his own good time of course.

        But hope you’re doing well in Yankland and looking forward to comparing notes on our respective shitshows of elections.

    • Hey Mickey,

      Can you please post a list of opposition parties that are allowed to operate in Ukraine and of course post one link…and one link only…from a source I approve of…using your exact words…in your own time of course.

      • I’m a helpful sort so yeah, why not.

        Hope that acceptable to you, though neither of us can rule out the possibility the article has been tampered with by Rothschild space lasers.

        I’ll leave it to you to interpret the data but for my part, I worked on the basis that Zelenskyy only belongs to one party, so that makes all the others his ‘oppositon’.

        How many are there? Shitloads.

        Which ones have been banned? A fair few it turns out, but only with the clout to achieve 50 out of 450 seats in the Rada. And all overtly pro-Russian or Communist, so I’ve no doubt you’d expect them to go fuck themselves under the circumstances.

      • Mickey @

        Try the Voltaire network.
        The source of all the generals ‘facts’.

      • Sorry Mickey,

        Look at the source material. This Wikipedia article was published as of Jan 1, 2020.

        It was written 2 years before Putin’s invasion and Volo’s crackdown on dissent.

        It is more than 4 years old and hardly relevant.

        Try again…something a bit more timely and relevant.

      • General, I’m afraid you misread the article quite badly. It isn’t ‘as of 2020′ it says merely one line; “As of January 1, 2020, there are 349 officially registered political parties in Ukraine”. That’s not the entire article.

        Shame you didn’t read on though, as it contains a list of all the parties now defunct, with information up until 2024.

        It also states the following;

        “On 20 March 2022, in the midst of the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, president of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the suspension of eleven political parties with claimed ties to Russia, which would last until the end of martial law in Ukraine. Two of the suspended political parties, Opposition Platform — For Life and Opposition Bloc, have a significant presence in national politics, while the remaining nine parties are marginal. In June 2022 various court proceedings tried to ban the parties suspended on 20 March 2022. Of all the parties suspended on 20 March 2022 only the Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine and Opposition Platform — For Life actively opposed its banning. In September 2022 the final appeals against the parties’ ban were dismissed by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, meaning that the parties were fully banned in Ukraine.”

        Entirely relevant, therefore, to our friendly little knock-about.

        And also entirely understandable, given the illegal invasion of Ukraine, I’m sure you will agree.

      • Mickey,

        I stand corrected. This article has been updated.

        But it is misleading.

        I am not talking about allied or coalition parties as I thought was clear. I’m talking about opposition parties.

        Obviously, no one would ban allied parties or members of the majority coalition. Only members of the opposition were banned.

        Ukraine is under martial law and opposition political parties are banned.

        “In September, 2022 the final appeals against the parties’ ban were dismissed by the Supreme Court of Ukraine, meaning the parties were fully banned in Ukraine.”

        We can argue and debate semantics but Volo did indeed ban opposing political parties and they are still banned.

        To argue that he didn’t ban his political allies is disingenuous at best.

        Also please note that while some of his allied political parties do exist, many hold no seats and exercise no power effectively existing in name only.

        I’m sure even you will concede…based on the link you provided that Volo has in fact banned opposition political parties.

      • Addendum:

        I do agree that the invasion is illegal and that Putin is a cunt who should be held accountable.

      • Final musings:

        1. Working from the assumption that Volo is a single party and everyone else is the opposition is a faulty and flawed assumption.

        Ukraine is a multi party “parliamentary” system. Those parties remaining are either in his “coalition” government or hold no seats and are therefore, not a factor.

        Either way your assumption is wrong and amounts to nothing more than double talk.

        His allies in the coalition remain and his opposition is banned.

        2. A point you admitted to. While trying to get me to agree that he was justified in doing so.

        Absolutely absurd.

        3. The link you posted lists those opposition parties under the banner…”Banned.”

        Case closed.

      • Case closed.
        He didn’t ban all opposition parties.

        That was bullshit as we all knew.

      • And finally, liberal Newsweek makes the case far better than I did:

        For those of you who can’t be arsed to read the entire story, here are the magic words those with CDS have demanded for so long:

        “Democracies do not ban opposition parties. The fact that so many of these parties ever existed says something about the level of opposition faced by the Ukrainian nationalist government that came to power after the 2014 revolution. THEN IN MAY OF 2022, THE UKRAINIAN PARLIAMENT PASSED A LAW FORMALLY BANNING ALL THESE PARTIES. PRESIDENT VOLODYMYR ZELENSKY SIGNED THAT LAW.”

        This article was written on Nov 17, 2023 and updated a month later.

        Perhaps the liberal media were just a little slow to catch on.

        It goes on later to detail how they have banned elections, travel and free speech.

      • Hey Thorgar,

        The link by Mickey and the Newsweek link both show clearly that all opposition parties were banned.

        The bullshit was the vicious personal attacks directed at me.

        And now the bullshit is your denial of fact in the face of the evidence.

        Just like your long departed Mobster colleague you believe what you want to believe…regardless of the facts.

      • What’s this Thorgar shite?
        That a character from one of your comics or something?
        Or one of the Moonmen you Maga simpletons think built the pyramids?

      • @GC
        “BANNING ALL THESE PARTIES” does not translate into Zelensky “banned all political parties” which was your original and wholly false claim.
        Only those opposition parties sympathetic to Putin and Russia were banned.
        Yes, elections have been suspended
        Travel and free speech restricted.
        But this is entirely understandable when a country is fighting for its vey survival.
        Same happened in Britain during WWII.
        I can’t decide whether you’re simply naive or stupid.
        Hopefully not worse than that.
        Good morning.

      • FFS, is this the Mandela effect or is the good General trying to gaslight the fuck out of us.

        General, you could have claimed all of the above at the time and saved a lot of face and silly bother. But you didn’t, you tripled-down on a claim that had no substance.

        We all make mistakes, the trick is to learn from them, not demonstrate hypocrisy by crowing about some other cunter misremembering some quotation.

        But your arguments above aren’t even all that. Ukraine has banned parties that are actively working to undermine the war effort. Agents of a foreign power.

        That little puff piece you found in some opinion column doesn’t alter the facts that democracies DO ban parties that work against the state.

        As the British did to the Union of Fascists in 1941.

        As the US did to the Communist Party in 1954.

        A twaddle argument.

      • In the face of the facts, Thorgar, Grondul and Gromph are standing together in denial.

        I know there’s a thread about the heat wave. Perhaps you three could hang out under the bridge together. It’s cooler in the shade and there’s running water.

        And in that vein…revenge is a dish best served cold.

      • If revenge is a dish at all, you must be starving.

        Enjoy the weather General, and catch you at your next grilling.

      • Hey Gromph,

        Given how butthurt you are over some perceived slight in the past I don’t expect you will ever get over your CDS.

        And I’m not naive enough to think the Trolling from you and the remaining Mobsters will ever stop.

        Even after admitting Volo banned his political opponents and trying to get me to agree he was justified you still want to troll me for saying he banned his political opponents.

        You got your link. It proves I was right all along…something you knew and admitted and no amount of your verbal jiu jutsu can change that.

        Assuming that all parties were Volo’s opposition? Give me a fucking break!

        Next time you come out from under the bridge try making a relevant comment on the nomination of the day instead of letting your CDS get the better of you.

        It took the media a bit of time to catch up to what many of us saw. But I was right. I was always right. However, I got shouted down by the Great Northumberland Troll and his T & Pf Mob and I wasn’t allowed to make my point because of the idiotic “…one post only…” bumper sticker

        Well, now you got your one post and you simply can’t deal with it.

      • @GC
        A gentle reminder. Your exact words were:

        “Fact: Zelensky outlawed all political parties except his own and imprisoned his political opposition.”

        So far you have not produced one shred of evidence to back your bogus claim up.

        What a tangled web you’ve weaved since first you practiced to deceive.

      • Grondul,

        You can’t possibly be that stupid.

        Not one shred of evidence?

        Read the article!

        It is clear…Volo banned his opposition…that isn’t in dispute. His allies in the legislature rubber stamped his orders and the Supreme Court confirmed it.

        One of the mistakes I made was assuming that nobody in his right mind would assume that even a petty tyrant like Volo would ban his political allies.

        I didn’t allow for the severity of your CDS suffered and that of the other Mobsters. It blinds you to facts, reason and logic.

      • Good point General, the onus was always on us to decipher what the fuck you were trying to say and never on you to express yourself clearly.

        I’m just wondering why it is only now you’ve changed your hot take on Ukraine? You were only asked about a couple of hundred times to explain your point when you said “Zelensky outlawed all political parties except his own”, you minxy little tease you.

        No amount of ticky-fairy magic will make you more correct – your erroneous comments are a matter of record.

      • Hey Gromph,

        I haven’t changed my tune. And I didn’t expect anyone to decipher my remarks.

        I assumed that even you were smart enough to understand that no leader would ban his political allies.

        Clearly I was wrong. You aren’t that smart.

      • Hehe, nevermind the Mandela Effect, you’re the living embodiment of Dunning-Kruger.

        Ta-ta for now.

  12. Herman you’re right, apparently he made Trump look good, which isn’t easy. In the excerpts I’ve seen he appeared to lose his train of thought and couldn’t remember what his lines were – all this after reportedly taking a few days to prepare.
    It’s being reported that he had ‘a bad night’, he had a cold and a sore throat, and all the rest of it, but his non-performance was a gift to Trump.
    Of course he’s eighty one and he’s going to have off-days which doesn’t mean he can’t function as leader, he still has good people around him, but it’s the appearance of not being capable which will harm him. The debate was set up so that people could compare the two, and even though all Trump had to offer was his usual lies and bluster, Biden did himself no favours at all.
    The Democrats should go into damage limitation mode, persuade him to step aside and nominate someone to take his place. There’s still time.

    • Twats are always trying to feed me conspiracy theories.

      I’m not fuckin interested.

      Theyre always privy to top secret information despite being long term unemployed?

      Or some inbred yank cunt.

      I don’t care who shot JFK
      Just happy someone did.

    • Biden could barely string a coherent sentence together 4 years ago and my only surprise is that anybody is actually surprised by his performance in that recent so called debate.

      If those two are the best candidates available to lead the free world then I’m a Dutchman.

    • Anyone can indeed have a bad night and if this was a one time thing it could (perhaps) be excused. Perhaps!

      But this is a pattern of behavior with Biden and it clearly shows he is not fit to be President.

      He falls walking, riding a bike, on stages and up and down stairs.

      He mumbles, stumbles, freezes and gives incoherent statements every time he speaks.

      He wanders off and has to be led around.

      No…this is a pattern of behavior that clearly shows he is mentally unfit to be President.

    • Are you Nancy Pelosi?

      Previously Biden has publicly stated he would send US troops to the Ukraine, his staff had to walk that statement back.

      He said the US would defend Taiwan militarily, his staff had to walk it back.

      Two times the president of the United States made statements that put the world in danger that directly contradicted the policy of his own administration.

      Seems to me Allan your hate for Trump would lead you to support anyone no matter how incompetent or evil they were.

  13. I couldn’t stop laughing at that presidential debate.

    Joe rambling and drifting off…

    Trump looked sideways at him

    ” I’ve no idea what he said, and I don’t think he does.”😂

    Fair play to Trump he took it easy on Joe.
    No honour in beating on a corpse.

  14. Saint Nelson of the blessed Mandela was a total cunt,

    He ordered several ANC terrorist acts. The bombing of a shopping mall for a start.
    Yet all these cumts see him as this kind and stately old man, who was full of wisdom. Complete bollocks and a force fed myth.

    And don’t get me started on his wife. Sadistic venal cunt. But, of course, the BBC actually paid tributr to the evil black bitch when she snuffed it. Disgraceful.

  15. I’m well into this Mandela Effect. Changes have been to the King James Bible, I am totally convinced of it. A Bible that has been in my family since before I was born, now says ‘bottles’ instead of ‘wineskins’ and I distinctly remember it bloody saying ‘wineskins’.

    People are reporting their old Bibles have words like Unicorn in it, and whole phrases have been changed. The Devil’s work I tell ye.

    Call me a cunt if you want but I know what I’ve seen.

  16. And did Tom Hanks say ‘Life is like a box of chocolates’ in the original film or ‘Life was like a box of chocolates’. He was recalling a piece of wisdom from his Mum in the film so to say ‘was’ doesn’t make sense!

    Another Mandela Effect is a James Bond film with that Jaws character. I remember as a child that Jaws meets a young blonde, she smiles at him and we see her teeth are full of wire as well, and the audience has a joke that these two will hit it off because of their terrible wired teeth situations. Apparently when you watch it these days her wired teeth have gone and she is just a lovely blonde which makes no sense because there is no joke there.

  17. If you can collectively change people’s minds about trivial things you can absolutely do it with important issues.

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