“Power tends to corrupt, absolute power corrupts absolutely” – Lord Acton (1887)

In March the US Supreme Court reversed a decision by Colorado’s supreme court to remove Donald Trump from it’s primary election ballots. In doing so, not only did they ignore the constitution, they acted in unseemly haste to make sure his name got printed on the ballot papers. This month by a six to three majority they decided that Trump cannot be criminally prosecuted for ‘official acts’, and left it to the very last minute to say so, which is exactly what Trump wanted. His whole strategy is based on delaying any legal proceedings so that if he wins the election in November, he can either pardon himself or instruct his attorney general to dismiss the case. These ‘justices’ have now returned the case to the district court judge to determine which acts are ‘official’, and if she decides some of them aren’t, Trump can take it to the appeal court and then back to the Supreme Court. The whole thing has become a farce.

It used to be said that in America no-one is above the law. Now someone is. The six ‘justices’ who sided with Trump are conservative, in other words they are Republicans. Judges are meant to be apolitical and their decisions are supposed to be arrived at by applying the rule of law, but these six people are looking for ways to re-interpret the law to suit their own agenda. They are shirking their responsibilities by handing immunity to Trump on a plate. The checks and balances which have always been part of the democratic system are being systematically eroded, not by some foreign power, but from within.

One of these ‘Justices’, Clarence Thomas, conveniently forgets to acknowledge receiving gifts and expensive holidays from rich people, when in reality he is obliged to report them. Another so-called Justice, Samuel Alito, displays MAGA flags outside his houses. These people have forgotten the meaning of the word ‘justice’ and their decisions are making a mockery of it. These six conservative Justices don’t have an ounce of integrity among them and have no guiding principle other than self-interest. They are bringing the US judicial system into disrepute and shamelessly exploiting the fact that they are answerable to no-one.


Nominated by Allan


    • The problem is that we are going (have gone) the same way here. Ever since Bliar got rid of The House of Lords as the U.K. final court of appeal and replaced it with The Supreme Court the judiciary, which had been independent for nearly 1,000 years, became politicised. You only have to see the results of the Covid enquiry, chaired by Sue Hallet, to see a Conservative bashing judge, who had previously done whatever she could to thwart Brexit. Our Supreme Court is now left leaning, as indeed is most of the U.K. establishment.

  1. Boring Allan. Nothing here that’s not equally or more true on the democrat side. As you well know. Want to discuss the dishonesty of lying to the entire nation regarding the current presidents ability to govern?

    Keep trying Allan but any respect I once had for you is long gone.

    This nom is about as accurate as a 20 year old incel on a roof.

    • Im surprised there is anyone left on planet Earth that thinks the courts are there to uphold law. They’re not. They never have been, except perhaps if one were to teavel back in time to the days of Viking longhouses, where the entirel Village would decide the fate of the accused.

      Both the US and UK system are utterly corrupt. Their main purpose is to protect the establishment and its officials, be they Police, politicians, royalty, civil servants etc. Another primary task is fundraising, via fines, compensation and sequestration orders, etc.

      Factor in that not a few ‘laws’ enacted over the past couple of decades are positively insane and you begin to realise why Oz is doing a roaring trade in flogging kangaroos.

      Allan appears upset that the balance of power has shifted away from the Clintona, Obama and Biden, because I heard no complaints about all the murders the Clintons ordered on their enemies and those that knew too much, or the fact the shagger Bill was patently unfit for the office he was stuffing his strumpet in, or the staircase (seriously) the Clinton’s stole from the Whitehouse, or Sleepy Joe’s and Obama’s hoarding of classified documents in insecure, unauthorised locations, or Killary’s destruction of lap tops, phones and ipads when she’d been using a secret, hidden, illegal server to communicate official business, etc, etc.

      Aahhh, but it’s different when the left do it eh? Plus orange man bad.

      • That’s the problem with partisan politics, the end always justifies the means.

        It’s easier to argue against the other side than to argue for your own when your own side is rotten to the core.

        I challenge Allan to come on here and demonstrate what is so good about the Biden administration or show why democrat governed states are better than what the republicans have to offer. He can’t so he won’t.

        Trump is a long way from perfect, anyone believing he’s a great man is fooling themselves. What irritates me most about Allan’s posts is that he must be fully aware of the corruption of democrat politicians from the top down.

        People like Allan turned George Floyd into a saint for political gain. Even over here we had football teams taking the knee in worship of a drug addled thug who stuck a gun in the stomach of a pregnant woman.

        Allan should be ashamed of himself because he’s intelligent enough to know he’s arguing against Hitler sat beside Stalin, Allan’s partial too a Joe, he likes them as tyrannical and corrupt as they come if they are of the left.

        There is a dishonesty inherent in politics they are not of or for the people.

    • Why is the nom inaccurate because Allan doesn’t mention the Dems?

      Who is the deranged one again?

      • It’s in accurate because most of the cases against Trump were dubious to begin with. Loading the Supreme Court is something both parties do whilst in power.

        It’s part of the American political system. If you’re going to make specific attacks on people or systems you have to be aware of context and Allan’s nom is devoid of any context.

    • Well reasoned and rational tebuttal is at the heart of debate.

      Bellowing “You’re a big doodie head and I hate you” belongs in a kindergarten playground.

      Back up your post. Bring an equal body of analysis and information to your reply as was used in tbe orifinal nom. Or get mummy to give you a cuddle and tell you that you’re always right.

      Shameful cinduct Sir.

      • Interesting comment as there is no evidence in the original nom, no links to evidence in sight. Try again.

      • Hey 6dV,

        To your point…

        The link is to a story citing a source BEFORE the Supreme Court issued its ruling.

        Only among the Communists, Nazis and Third World Regimes is evidence cited BEFORE the crime.

    • How do we nominate Allen for Cunt of the Year?

      We do NOT cunt other cunters on this site. You’re relatively new here, so we’ll let it go this once. Consider yourself warned – NA.

      • I’m not suggesting that anybody should select a fellow cunter as COTY because that would be in violation of the ISAC rules.

        However, if you’re going to nominate somebody then you should probably spell their user name correctly… unless “Allen” is some new pop star that I’ve not heard of.

  2. Allan, you are a sad twat.
    Surely you’d be happier over on the discussion pages of The Guardian where you can knock one out over Trump almost getting bumped off with ‘The View’ on in the background.
    I appeciate the nom though.
    It takes at least some balls to come on here with such nonsensical views.
    You’re happy with the Dems almost murdering Trump are you?
    Or do believe that the would-be assassin was a “lone wolf” and not directed by outside influences?
    You Sir, are a lefty loser whose TDS knows no bounds.
    Are you Whoopi Goldberg in disguise?

    Calm down, Thomas. You know the rules. Make fun, take the piss but lay off the personal insults. You’ve been around long enough to know better. Consider yourself warned – NA.

    • Morning Thomas ?

      If Thomas crooks was the chosen hitman for the democrats they should be embarrassed.

      A speccier geekier twat you’d struggle to find.

      Although Carlos the Jackal was a fat slug with bifocals to be fair.

      • I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised if he was a sacrificial scapegoat and firing blanks, the real shooter “someone else”.
        The lengths the deep state would go to to take Trump out is undeniable.
        Although the whole debacle is as fishy as Jodie Marsh’s knickers.

      • Naw, wasn’t aimed at the General LL.

        It’s just the truth.

        America has a LOT of nutters
        And a LOT of guns.

        A marriage made in heaven ?

      • Hey Tom,

        Lots of crazy stuff coming to light in the US.

        The patsy…uh shooter was in a Blackrock commercial.

        He has no less than 3 encrypted foreign bank accounts.

        There was a massive short sell of Trump Truth Social stock a week before the assassination attempt.

        Trump regular Secret Service detail was not present in Butler PA.

        Additional agents were pulled from the event and sent to “protect” Jill Biden.

        All of this stuff is no a coincidence. Some of it might be. But not all of it.

        The Deep State exists. It is real and it is a threat.

  3. Now let me think for a millisecond, what would sort this thing out. Ah, yes. A gun.

    • America is long overdue a proper assassination.

      No point shooting Biden, he’s already dead. Suppose they’ll have to make do with Donald Duck.

  4. Trump and his crew may or may not be playing the system. I neither know nor care. What I do see, however, is an army of parasitic lawyers enriching themselves, as always.

    Nominate the lawyers and I’ll go along with this one.

    • Morning UT/all.
      If that boat isn’t too far out to sea, the savages can tow it back to shore and, well, that’s a lot of sub-human longpig for them to cannibalise – and the meat’s already cooked!

      • Good Morning Mr Cunt Engine.

        I’m surprised these feral savages put to sea in the first place.

        I always assumed they would be far too busy murdering one another with machetes to take up sailing.

        Anyway,fuck them.

  5. Donald Trump versus poor old Joe Biden?
    Donald Trump versus whoever they parachute in to replace Joe?
    Donald Trump versus Kweer Charmer?.

    My answer is Donald Trump in all three scenarios. At least he is not trying to give 16 year old schoolkids the vote, kids whose usual daily decision is how much they are to keep ringing the bell on the way to school and how many times they will say “fuck” on the way home.

  6. but stealing elections, sniffing little girls and abusing your position to take out a political rival like some kind of banana republic are all OK?
    How about conniving to elect a senile puppet president to get around the term limits in the constitution? Or maybe suggesting someone puts a rival in a bullseye and uses any means possible to stop him?
    How about fucking right off?

    • Me too … I really want to see it. But I reckon Lammy might have gone before next January!

  7. The people who go along with this corruption for their own short term gain apparently don’t realise that this is the route to bring a country down. The USA has had an immensely robust system of government since the founding fathers as demonstrated by its move from low rank colony to the superpower in a couple of centuries. In my lifetime I’ve seen presidents come and go, some good, some poor and one corrupt i.e. Nixon who was nailed by the system. As was pointed out at the time a British prime minister could have got away with his behaviour. The countries around the world which are in shit order, it’s not down to natural disasters or “global warming” and it certainly isn’t because they are being done down by more advanced industrialised countries! No, it’s down to deep, all-pervading long-term corruption. Consider the amount of aid poured into Africa for decades. It’s like feeding strawberries to a donkey.

    I really don’t care if the president is a Republican or a Democrat or a monster raving loony. I know that but for the Americans sacrifice in not only money but the lives of their young men the Russians would be in Calais now if not in London. The USA is far and away the main pillar of NATO and it is incumbent upon us to carry our share of the load.

    • What you described is the opposite of what what’s actually happened. NATO was/is preparing to admit Ukraine. That will put strategic weapons and forces right on Moscows doorstep.

      Now you can call this strategic thinking and practice on the part of NATO and the western alliance but what you can’t call it is Russian aggression towards the west.

    • Given the choice id rather have the Republicans as the Democrats are full of plastic paddies who worship the IRA.

      Obama and Biden both dislike the UK.

  8. I like to hear both sides of a argument or debate.

    I’m a Trump fan .
    But don’t believe the sun shines out of his arse.

    Alan’s nom has upset a lot of people on here.

    I’m deeply jealous ?

    Not sure why a load of Englishmen are getting so upset by it?

    So Allan thinks the Republican political machine is corrupt like the Democratic political machine?

    If you think otherwise your self deluded.
    Politics is a dirty business for dirty people.

    • The issue is less that the nom is about American politics and more that it ignores the machiavellian antics of the Democrats over the past eight years.

      It’s an entirely partisan cunting complaining of partisan behaviour in others.

      • Got to be honest I find it a bit odd CP.

        “He’s saying things I don’t like!!!

        I don’t care if his opinion differs from mine.

        As the great Harry Callahan stated

        Opinions are like arseholes… everybody has one.

      • As ive said, more about being completely partisan and ignoring the corruption of your own side than mere difference of opinion.

        I call it hypocrisy.

      • Indeed Ron, and they are all clever enough to orchestrate a world wide IT failure…..

        Another of the bastards little challenges…. But still the Sheeple refuse to see it.

      • Open your eyes opinionated… none so blind as those that won’t see.

        Are you fluent in ‘sheep’

      • My phone still worked, as did my computer. What would the point of a minor bug that only affected 70% of systems using windows OS be, especially as it was so easily resolved?
        Was it performed on the orders of chain-smoking septuagenerians in a dark room at Fort Meade?

        I think we should be told.

    • @MNC

      Personally I’m just bored of Allan repackaging the same bullshit.

      On somethings I’m very much of the right and on other things I lean a little to the left.

      Common sense always appeals and no political ideology will ever hold claim over that.

      American politics is very evangelical, they like their politicians to be presented to them as some kind of saviour. It’s a self sustaining fault in their political system.

      During the last election it struck me that it really is all theatre for the plebs. Every few years they put on a show for us and people get all excited about democracy.

      • Sixdog @

        One thing we and our yank cousins have in common is that we’ve always had politicians pissing in our mouths and telling us it’s raining.

        That won’t change.

        Politics attracts the worst of people.

        Liars, thieves, grifters, snake oil salesman of every flavour imaginable.

        I think they’re all a bunch of dodgy cunts.

  9. Some judges have conservative views. Some have have librral views. They’re supposed to be apolitical in their decision making, but they rarely are, especially in the UK.

    If a judge has a legal background specialising in human rights legilsation, immigration etc, there’s a reason why they chose that career path.

    As for Trump as his corruption of ‘justice’ whatever happened to the ‘Russia collusion’ the centre-left were pushing when he was president? Apparently the FBI were all over it and ‘the walls were closing in’. It was ‘without doubt’ according to the apparatchiks highly informed intelligence personnel the likes of Bill Maher had on his show.

    What happened there?

    • What happened was that it fell out of the 24 hour news cycle… although 24 hours is being charitable considering the short attention spans of most people nowadays.

  10. No fucks to give about the US Supreme Court. Trump is far from perfect but the others…. Dog help em’

    We’ve got enough problems of our own in the UK. 90% of which I’ll put down to the ruling political uni-party since 1945, aided and abetted by the law lords and more recently Tony B Liars Supreme Court.

    However, who’s the bigger cunt, the cunts ‘in power’ or those that voted for them, then sit back and do nowt when their lives get ruined…. ?

    That is all, raining and grey here. Summer was Thursday. Global warming my arse. Get to fuck.

  11. The entire establishment and it’s propaganda arm known as the mainstream media are all globalist owned and appear to be rampantly left leaning, woke, pro open borders etc etc.

    If these “justices” are a bit more, shall we say, “conservative” then all I’ll say is that it’ll make a fucking change.

    Good morning

  12. Does this mean Biden can now assassinate Trump with impunity?

    Asking for a senile old American friend of Irish heritage. ?

    • I think they should settle the presidential debate in a all American shootout.

      High noon on a dusty road outside a saloon.

      Joe shaking like a dog at the vets.

      Trump , no stranger to gunplay ,steely eyed,
      Jill Biden
      ” Hey Joe, where you going with that gun in your hand?

      Trump ” This is it Joe.
      I’ll grab you by the pussy”

      Joe ” I’m the first black woman in the whitehouse “

      • Laughably Mis, that’s all its about in hamshankland, who is the fastest gun and on target. Ask Lincoln and Kennedy.

  13. Good move, they can see the fascist so called democrat party are using lawfare against Trump.
    What about deranged Joe’s secret papers? All forgotten about.

  14. America is so fucked up a president can be in jail and still be president.

    When is the sentencing for the stormy slag affair?

    Oh what fun it would be with Donald and his entourage and close protection in the Queensboro nick

  15. When do we get to see the “bullet” wound on Donnie’s ear ?.Bet it’s more like a burn,like you’d get from an extreme heat source,like a laser,maybe,fired from up high,really high,maybe from space even.Operated by a certain religious sect,maybe.

  16. Anybody have the great Ray Reardon in the Dead Pool?
    Rip to a legend of the game.

  17. Good morning Cunters,

    It is 8:05 CDT as I begin to write.

    Is there any need for me to give my opinion on this bullshit nomination?

    No, there isn’t.

    Many of the IsaC Faithfuls have risen to the challenge and completely discredited Allan’s regurgitation of Demonrat propaganda.

    Well done Cunters.

    • Off topic but somewhat related…

      US Representative Shelia Jackson Lee is dead.

      Halle-fucking lujah!

      Satan finally called this evil race baiting Groid cunt home to Hell. This psychotic cunt is breathing the sulfurous fumes and the flames are singing her fat black ass even as I joyfully spread the news of her of her all too long delayed departure from this Earth.

      For you foreign Cunters…think a Southern US version of Diane Abbott.

  18. There is nothing more satisfying than upsetting people with the truth.

    As I read the responses from the cult followers I could almost hear their shrieks of impotent anguish as they realized once again that they had no rational argument to put forward and would have to resort to insults. I’ll take it as a compliment.

    i would love the opportunity to find a deserving Democrat to haul over the coals, but the only one of note is Senator Bob Menendez from New Jersey, who had no good answer as to why he had nearly $500,000 in cash and $100,000 worth of gold bars at his home. Did Biden help him? No. Did Chuck Schumer help him? No. He was taken to court, tried and found guilty of accepting bribes.

    And that’s it. Let’s face it, when it comes to lying and corruption, no-one can compare with Republican politicians. And judges.

    • Allan,

      There is no truth in your nomination.

      The link you provided in support of your “facts” was written BEFORE the Supreme Court issued their decision.

      Only in Fascist and Nazi Regimes along with Third World Shithole Dictatorships are the facts put forth and cited as absolute proof of guilt BEFORE the “alleged” crime is committed.

  19. This TDS is more embarrassing that that of Mark Hamill, Whoopie Goldberg or Rachel Maddow. Seriously Allan…. get a grip Pal.

  20. Did you know that Biden banned all political parties in America except his own?

    I’ll post a link when I’m good and ready.

      • Not sure what’s more boring?

        Reading it or you reading it.

        Can you do it in interpretive dance?
        Or puppets?

      • I’d do it in puppets and crayons if I thought you could understand it.

        But even if you could understand, you’d never admit I was right.

        Thought you were shagged out from chasing sheep? Did you catch one?

      • Oh yes I’m like a border collie racing over the fells

        I quickly pinned it down, aroused and throbbing with lust.
        And just as I started to penetrate my woolly date for the evening it bleated

        ” MrrrGrimmsdaleee , mrGrimsdaleeee…in a yank accent.

        My winky went immediately flaccid.
        Have you got relatives visiting over here?

      • @Blockhead
        Note the article refers to “all these parties”
        Not “Zelensky outlawed all political parties except his own”
        Which was your bogus claim.

      • “all these parties” being the 11 that were pro Russia.
        Same thing happened in this country during WWII.
        Pro Hitler parties were outlawed.
        That is what happens when a nation is fighting for its very survival, doh!

      • In response to Roknar,

        I know I’m winning when the Trolls have to resort to lies to justify their actions.

        All I do is post my remarks and the Trolls instantly go into attack mode.

        All I have to do is post the time and date and the fucking Trolls go into a nitro burning – fuel injected – super – changed meltdown and start flinging insults.

        That’s one reason all the Trolls you mentioned have fled.

        The other reason is you Lefties call everything you disagree with a conspiracy.

        Truth is anathema to the Left.

        In response to Harold,

        I don’t know what MMORPG is. I’m simply calling a Troll a Troll.

        I’m happy to play nicely. The Trolls are not.

        They can’t stand it. Their hatred is so deep that even after being proven wrong by recent posts I’ve made, they STILL resort to the discredited post that link nonsense.

        I don’t mind good natured back and forth…even if it is a bit snarky. As long as it’s witty and there’s no malice, I’m fine with it.

        But the Trolls have an incurable case of CDS and every remark is laced with malice.

        The only one who stood up and took responsibility was Opinionated Cunt. As I said the other day he was the bigger man and while we have disagreements, our exchanges are at the very least civil if not cordial.

        If the Trolls stop sniping, I’ll stop shooting back.

        But until then…

      • GC it means Massive Multiplayer Online Game. Think on the same lines as World of Warcraft. Those made up pet names you’ve so lovingly given to other posters sound like characters from a similar game.
        I appear to be mistaken. Not for the first or last time I’ll wager.

        Have a nice life.

    • And finally we have it!

      The Cuntsketeers are all together!

      Plonker, Arsehole, Gormless and d’Maggot.

      Cunts are Trolls and Trolls are Cunts!

    • Hey Roknar,

      Haven’t heard your foaming at the mouth idiocy for a while. I knew you didn’t get over your CDS and I thought perhaps the bridge you live under collapsed.

      But humanity couldn’t get that lucky.

      • Aye up DCI?

        Hope you’re well?

        Miss your common sense and straight talking on here.

        As you see I’ve a lot to put up with.

    • Hey Roknar,

      Did Barrow Gurney make you leave after your lobotomy?

      The other Trolls will be soooooooooooo happy to see you. They’re seriously out classed.

      It’s me against them.

    • DCI is back yay!

      I’m guessing GC is an avid player of MMORPG with the insults/names Thorgar, Grundel, etc.

      Oh come on play nicely boys.

      How about some music?

      Do you like Phil Collins?
      I’ve been a big Genesis fan ever since the release of their 1980 album, Duke.
      Before that, I really didn’t understand any of their work. Too artsy, too intellectual. It was on Duke where Phil Collins’ presence became more apparent. I think Invisible Touch was the group’s undisputed masterpiece. It’s an epic meditation on intangibility.

    • Great to see you again, DCI. ?
      But please refrain from mentioning Fiddler or Ruff.
      You’ll make him soil his MAGA boxers. ?

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