The Democratic Party (3)

Well, the Democrats seem to have got themselves onto the horns of a proper dilemma with the attempted continuance of a Biden presidency.

Following his latest ‘car crash’ debate with The Donald, the mental decline of ‘Sleepy Joe’ must be clear to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear. Yet he refuses to quit the race, prompting pointed questions as to just who is actually running the White House show. It certainly ain’t ol’ Joe.

But who might credibly step in as the Democrats’ candidate at this stage without the whole thing looking like a terrible case of mismanagement by the party? It’s an incredible embarrassment for them imo, and a volatile and dangerous situation for all of us. Who’s actually got their finger on the nuclear trigger, a man who seems to be away with the fairies, or some shadowy cabal in the background who are actually pulling the strings?

We live in interesting times.

the sun

Nominated by Ron Knee.

122 thoughts on “The Democratic Party (3)

  1. Sirs:

    Biden has always been, at best, a hack. Now he’s s senile hack.

    The Democratic Party has been taken over by lefty loonies of every description.The party represents the rich, the connected, and the Free Shit Caucus.

    So if you want to have your junk removed and an ersatz vagina installed, or you think your great great great grandbabymomma might have been a slave and therefore you deserve a big pile of cash, or you just graduated from an expensive college and believe someone else should pay for it, or…

    The Democrat Party is for you.

    (By the way, if you call them the “Democrat” party, leaving off the -ic, they go even more batshit.)

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