Just when you thought this four yearly wankfest and the BBC’s all expenses paid jolly for its staff couldn’t get any worse, they come up with this.
Yes indeed. That we’ll known sporting hero and Olympian, Fred Sirieix has been invited to enjoy BBC hospitality at our expense at this year’s event. How does a reality tv nonentity qualify to be a member of the commentary team at this global event, I hear you ask? We’ll, his daughter is part of the GB diving team, and erm….that’s about it. At least it gets the numbers up and gives the Paris hospitality sector a massive boost.
This from the beebs director of sport….
“ People can tune in to live coverage morning, noon and night, following all the biggest sporting moments as they happen.”
Whoopedey doo! I can’t fucking wait!
Nominated by : Field Marshal Cuntgomery
A deux added by Chuff Chugger:
i second this nom. on the basis the bbc have realised the olympics are based in france so have thought to themselves we need someone french…as you do (not) and this Fred non entity came up in some sort of pissed up discussion. in my opinion they should have used the policeman from allo allo…..far more convincing
Who the fuck is interested in the Olympics anyway?
Half the competitors will be entering the dingy rowing event.
If you hate the BBfuckingC…
Support now!!
Morning all.
Kweer has already guaranteed the licence fee will continue. I expect he just wants it to be even more “diverse”
It will be added to council tax, so you have to pay it.
I vaguely remember the Tokyo Olympics, with its catchy tune. After that nothing. The novelty soon wore off.
After the 1964 events above, there was the Munchen Massacre at an airport in 1972. These couple of events are the only ones that stick out in my memory.
Munich 1972. I remember it well Sammy.
And some people are saying the Israelis should back off in Gaza? Fuck off. Clean out the whole fucking rat’s nest.
Here’s hoping the whole event gets targeted by illegal migrants..
Hundreds of the vermin robbing and Harassing people for the BBC cameras..
Fred sirieix? Isn’t he Asterix’s mate..
Without being sarcastic Barry, these events do attract people from all over the world, but illegal immigrants will be spotted a mile off once they start being naughty with their nasty habit of rapping and pillaging, which aren’t in the sporting curriculum at the moment.
I am sure Angie Rayner, the Labour bike, would be more than happy to be part of the equipment for the ra*ping event. It’s weeks since she had it.
The unaccountable ultra cunts strike again.
Ideally some of the feral North African scūm that surround Paris will “accost” these prim shithouse Puffs and learn them about “multicultural sporting events”..
with machetes.
Good morning and Win Donald Win!!
I for one hope that it goes tits up for the French cunts.
The first Olympics in a Muslim city since London 2012.
And the first Olympics in a socialist hell hole since Moscow 1980.
Good Morning
I haven’t watched any olympics since LA 1984 and only then because I waited for my parents to go to bed so I could take advantage of my girlfriend at the time.
Tennis with the same old names winning every year, football, with Southgate and lesbian football. I bet old Kweer was sitting on the sofa knocking one out on Friday night, Now the Olympics. Fuck it, I’ll stick to Talking Pictures, where the only sport you will see is Jack Warner in The Final Test or that motor racing one with John Bentley and Rona Anderson. Life was better in the 1950s
I was born too late to live though the 50’s but of those still alive that remember it, the consensus is, the best time to have lived in recent years was the 50’s.
Nostalgia – the vice of the old.
Can you imagine the expenses claims for all those high priced Paris restaurants? Paris is so close, a morning’s drive from London, every BBCunt and his Mrs. will find an excuse to go.
I thought Wanksock, that we can walk to Paris from London, on the heads of dead illegal immigrants, without getting our feet wet ?
Whilst on the subject of feet do you have someone who can darn your socks, only I’m alone and spend a fortune on spunk riddled socks.
Bloody socks now seem to last no time at all Sammy. When I was in hospital they gave me a fresh pair of non-slip socks every day and chucked the old ones in the bin, I fished them out and Mrs. W washed them so I have enough to see me out. Alternatively you could try wanking into them, that will help them stick together.
Its just occurred to me, that wanking into a glove and sticking it onto a goat might make someone’s tea appear to have sour milk in it.
Team USA to get silver in the shooting.
They need Baldwin now he is free.
Think of all the poor victimised war torn migrants the BBC will be able to smuggle back across the channel in their, I imagine hundreds of trucks and vans..
Not many white Anglo-Saxon blokes in that line up headed by Gabby ‘Mr Punch’ Logan. No surprise there and why the fuck does she always get to shove her more than adequate nose into everything?
What time are the women’s naked pool diving and the topless beach volleyball on?
Asking for a friend.
Just a shame they’re all flat-chested.
You get more breast on a quail.
The new Dinghy crossing event is going to be popular, thousands are practicing for the competition already.
He’s french ?….it’s the Beeb…. you can’t get any ?ier than that ?
I always used to look forward to the Graeco-Roman wrestling: Two large greasy men grappling with each other inappropriately for no apparent reason.
Incase you’re unaware Sam, did you ever get the chance to see the film “Women in Love”, where Alan Bates and Oliver Reed have a naked wrestling match. They do have a roaring fire to keep them warm, but not enough light to see if they are well endowed or not.
The BBC’s Euro 2024 coverage gives a taste of the total disregard they have for public money.
Linekunt and his arse licking chums in a flash studio in Berlin, all agreeing with each other so they can still be mates on the golf course the next day.
What’s the point if they’re only in a studio? They could quite easily use the studios they own over here.
Put a picture of the Reichstag in the background and we’d be none the wiser.
But that would mean no 5 star hotels, free food, drink and the chance to meet some strapping German boys in leather shorts.
Wasteful cunts!
Nail hit squarely on the head Field Marshal
Morning Field Marshal, morning all.
With regards to the Euro’s, the cost of those 3D graphics advertising it must be phenominal, hey! But who cares, it’s not their money they’e pissing up the wall with.
Utter CUNTS!
Heer Leikner lives in Berlin.
Indeed. He can descend from the studio into his underground bunker, where immigrants look after his every need.
Ha can then ascend the stair case to the chancellory garden, where the BBC have installed a private golf course for him and his sycophantic fellow pundits.
Sieg Hiel!
Lots of jibbering about the Reichstag from the Left online this morning, LOL.
I’m sick of all of it. I hate tennis, football, F1, horse racing and the rest. And now comes the dope-fest in France.
Stick it all up your arse.
I’ve learnt how to cope with these large events, by totally ignoring them, by living in my own little world. If CC you’re not alone like me, things could be quite difficult.
You’re a man after my own heart CC. The only organised sport which piques my interest is motorcycle racing. At least it requires skill and nerve and if it’s the TT, balls the size of melons.
Have a look on YouTube at Mark Webber’s (ex F1 driver ) reaction when he sees John McGuiness go down Bray Hill.
Doping and galloping trannies in a city full of North African pickpockets.
On the plus side, the supermarkets routinely have offers on booze to accompany these retard sports-fests. Fill yer boots.
The mongs that will storm the local shops for crappy cheap lager this weekend will be legion.
Worse than the french cunt is, that fat ugly rug muncher “BALDING” I hate that blob of shite with a passion, the twat is on everything on the BBC. Even fucking dog shows ..
She must have some incriminating shit on one of the gaffers there…..!
She may well have Arch but her real advantage is her family connections. If you are prepared to waste a few minutes of your life you could read this, quite illuminating;
But then again if you have better use for your time, staring into space perhaps, one woman who had the misfortune to have dealings with her described her as “a brisk, jolly-hockey-sticks type”.
At risk of stating the bleeding obvious she is of course, a dyke.
Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Miranda Hart are both from gentry.
If you dont have a family with titles then your mummy and daddy likely work at the BBC. If you’re Steven Moffat it will be your mother-in-law.
‘Ra-ra-ra, we’re going to smash the oiks!’
Read it, head girl….FFS
I’m connected,
Lord fuckstick-jones of FUCK ALL..?
She’s a fat ugly dyke..therefore the vermin at the BBCistan feel obliged to throw other peoples money at “her”.
Well, you all know I passionately loathe Phoebe Waller Cunt.
I hate the overrated unfunny cunt.
Am proud to say that I’ve never watched a single episode of Shitbag.
Mrs C was watching wimminz tennis yesterday.
There was Claire Baldwin, Billie Jean King and Martina Navratilova all nattering about the game, I expected to see a scissoring threesome at any moment, an horrible thought that I cannot get rid of. ?
BJK with her camouflage face and Navratilova penis size clit, would still exhaust Baldwin and help you not to see her ever again, Mr Cuntalugs.
Shouldve dropped Emma Raducanu wearing only shippams paste in amongst them, just to see what happens.
This has cluster fuck written all over it.
The illegal immigrants infest most of Paris and will mug, rape or murder anyone stupid enough to stray onto their patch. Some areas are so bad that the police will only go in groups of four with automatic weapons.
What could possibly go wrong.
I dont think tourists go to the banileues.
Did a day trip on eurostar to paris at the start of the year……first time I have been back to Paris for over 20 years. Never seen so many blicks…place is full of them. Got the metro into paris from eurostar station and A….it was like fucking sardines packed in, and B. all the carriages were full of blicks. Think we were the only honkies in the carriage we were crammed into so tight I could have been arse raped a dozen times and no one would have seen.
Mandy will be making a trip and hoping for the same overcrowding. He is always hoping for opportunities.
Most unfortunate for you to be traveling on the anniversary for the digging of the channel tunnel, when relatives of the slaves who dug were given a free ride.
What’s the betting David Lammy will turn up to see the weightlifting events at the Olympics then treat himself to dinner at Le Maison Sophisticae at our expense?. Ten courses, fine wines and some Jaffa cakes – then stick his fingers down his throat and repeat the exercise.
Is anyone else going out for a quiet stroll around 7.30 ish tonight?
Yes, I’m going to spend the evening in my Beach Hut and take provisions for the expected extra time and penalties. I’ve even a bed inside and a water tap outside.
I can remember when Sunday evening at 7.30 on the TV meant What’s My Line? with Lady Isobel Barnet, Barbara Kelly, Gilbert Harding and David Nixon.
Yes, so do I, W C Boggs. Eventually we learnt that the shirt lifter Gilbert Harding wept after learning of Lady Isobel’s Barnet’s kleptomania and David Nixon rid Barbara Kelly of her awful accent. Sorry if I burst the bubble.
Why, what’s happening?
Well, I’m going to win £180 on Spain to win in extra time…….hopefully. Sorry England, but the odds were to appealing.
I’m thinking of putting my shirt on Big Nose’s Minstrels, then I won’t be disappointed if they win.
If the Cultural Downhill was an Olympic sport, the US would take gold by a fucking mile.
Britain would be just on their tail.
Why are the Olympics in Paris? Isn’t France a persecuted war zone…hence no immos want to stay there and come over here??
Fuck the Olympics and all sport in its various categories, lots of sweaty egos exerting themselves for fee paying mugs. I’m proud to say that I have never seen anything sporting since I was a nipper when I lived in a house with sports mad parents and brother. Never did sport at school had a possibly terminal verruca from age of ten, luckily I survived it, brilliant at doing lines ” I must not forget my kit” fuck you teacher I won that as I was warm and dry in changing rooms.
Your opinion of sport and experience of school matches mine Civvy. PE and games lessons at school cast a blight over my childhood. I couldn’t fucking stand any of it, a complete waste of life. When we were kicking a ball about a field in the winter I just thought we could have been doing something useful instead like maths or physics, my favourites. PE teachers were a particularly vile breed who would casually beat you on a whim and then leer at you in the showers afterwards. Hopefully the bastards died in excruciating pain of something virulent but slow moving. It gets right in my fillings when fucking politicians line up to tell us that the kids need to be into sport. There must be some ulterior motive because i’m sure most of them are as knowlegeable on sport as me. I always told our kids that if a PE teacher told them to do something they didn’t like they should tell the teacher to stick it where the sun doesn’t shine and if they didn’t like it they could discuss it with me. Preferably out in the school yard where I would be tooled up.
PE teachers are a special breed. real oddballs.
i started school a couple of years after corporal punishment was banned but they insisted we all have showers.
No surprise that two from my school were sent packing for n0ncing/abusing power.
I only liked any sort of sport after I finished school.
Weirdly my comprehensive had a knack for killling any interest or enjoyment any particular subject once held, only for it to become much more interesting years later.
Might be because the teachers either read out of text books and told you to copy it down or spent the lesson trying to talk the less academic kids out of launching themselves out of windows.
In keeping with their national tradition, the most foul and foreign French have more medals in Forfeiture than all the other nations combined.