The BBC using Michael Mosley’s death as a climate change push? Surely not. They’ve scrabbled enough deaths, five, over 131km² to justify their ridiculous story. That’s a little over 1 heat death per 26km², bigger than the island nation of Nauru.
Anyway stop driving, eating meat, having kids, using aircon or farting too much. Michael Mosley died because of all of you. Yes, you. Not anyone at the BBC. You. It’s your fault.
Nominated by : Migrane
Perhaps the next G7 meeting could be held in Greece.
The bottom of the Mariana trench would be better.
It’s hot in Greece? No shit!
Funny, Auntie Beeb doesn’t attribute the deaths to the heat. She merely says that foreigners have gone missing in Greece…in the heat.
Foreigners going for a walk in the wilds of Greece and getting lost…in the heat.
Foreigners turn up dead in Greece…in the heat.
Seems conclusive to me. Foreigners were raped and sodomized to death n Greece…in the heat.
Go out hiking on greeknislands, you’re bound to encounter any number of hostile entities; the Minotaur, the Chimaera, the Gorgons, the Hydra…
I’d blame them.
Hey Cuntamus,
Encountering any of those would be both fatal and unpleasant.
Now encountering Aphrodite…that wouldn’t be such a bad way to go.
Don’t forget the Furies, CP!
Those damned sexy Furies.
Harryhausen made them too sexy.
Grew up with Harryhausen films. Clash of the Titans was one of the first films i remember watching.
The Valley of Gwangi was quite a cool idea: cowboys trying to wrangle a T Rex.
The thing that is most jarring about the virtuous class and its climate religion is the disconnect between aims and means. They aim to affect the climate of the entire planet and reverse global warming. They also want to rid us of fossil fuels and decarbonisation the entire industrial sector. They aim to do this by recycling household waste and having meat free Mondays.
I despise eco celebrities with a passion that is so intense it is almost holy. If these twats were serious about their beliefs, they would be living in a hovel with only a horse and a windmill. But they’re not.
Every time some brain donor like Harry Windsor lectures you about your lifestyle, simply say ‘show me.’ Most of these people live lives of sybaritic excess that would make Nero raise an eyebrow.
Michael Mosleys death isn’t climate change related.
It was a umbrella related death from the rare condition in known as Mary Poppins syndrome.
Did you know that in 2020 there were 18000 umbrella related deaths ?
And the numbers rising .
Brilliant Mis!
I notice that the report mentions a heat wave but gives no idea of the temperatures involved.
I live on the same latitude as Athens (more or less).
It’s been a relatively chilly start to the summer.
I hope that temperatures will pick up soon.
There has been a persistent wind for months keeping the temperatures down.
4 people died a few weeks ago on a local beach in three separate incidents.
A couple of kids got into trouble with the strong under current.
Two local guys swam out and managed to to save them.
Unfortunately the guys then got swept out themselves and drowned.
I suppose that if the BBC could have tied that down to climate change you may have heard about it.
I assumed it was because he went out for a walk across a barren mountain made of pale rock at 1.30 in the afternoon, in 40° heat, without a phone or water.
I think a lot of people could see the BBC using the tragedy to push the climate fear.
The BBC will be saying, ‘it’s what Michael would’ve wanted’ He died for the greater good’.
‘The greater good!’
I wish more selfless cunts would follow his lead.
Cull out the cunts and thin the herd…for the greater good.
I am in lovely Spainland at the moment. The Beeb weather says it’s 28 degrees. Whereas the little info board at the hotel says 23, kiddos phone says 22.
I’d describe it as warm, not hot, with a nice see breeze.
Someone has invested in a bullshit Chinese random number generator.
2nd July
Current temperature here is 12C
Maximum today forecast to be 15C
Fuck off BBC.
Nothing over 19°c in Sussex for this week.
Grey skies, a chill in the air, probably going to rain here.
Beautiful ❤️
It’s perfect Autumnal weather here this morning.
Only difference being the leaves aren’t falling.
Not that Wild Man Fischer could give a rat’s arse.
Morning MNC, all. ?
Morning mate ?
Currently 23 degrees here at 8:30am.
Due to rise to 28 during the day and then drop to a low of 20 overnight.
In past years the night temperatures have not dropped to below 30.
Day temperatures should be hitting 40.
That’s normal for July.
When climate change enthusiasts talk about record temperatures it will be a 1% rise above normal.
We are around 10 degrees (30%) from where we are usually at.
Global cooling?
Merry go , merry go , merry go round boop boop boop………too much currant bun on the ole bonce
If I’m out rambling and its due to be hot.
I take water.
Hat, phone, water, small first aid kit maybe.
And I would cancel if I knew it was going to be incredibly hot.
Heat stroke doesn’t sound fun?
And I know dehydration isn’t especially a barrel of laughs.
What I wouldn’t do is wander off at the hottest part of the day with just a umbrella without telling anyone where I was going.
I can imagine the greek locals he passed bemusement?
” Expecting rain?”
It’s the child like assumptions that get me.
He was a doctor, so he must have been as fit as a fiddle.
He advocated a healthy lifestyle on the telly, so he must have practiced exactly what he preached.
Which means the only conclusion must be that climate change, caused by the little people, was responsible for his tragic death.
And these assumptions are only reinforced by the reluctance to reveal nothing more than ‘natural causes’ as the cause of death after a lightning quick autopsy.
How do we know his arteries weren’t blocked, or something else underlying?
Anyway, in the BBC’s grand scheme of things, it’s better we don’t know the truth.
The whole thing stinks like a corpse that’s been lying in 40 odd degree heat for several days.
He was diabetic and hadn’t taken water with him or any emergency food / drink. eg a mars bar or bottle of coke.
There’s your answer.
So climate change it is then.
According to ‘the science’
Did he have the covids jabbies? It is all such a mystery.
Why would anyone go there for a holiday? It looks like a Gazan hospital.
Apparently Mosley was planning to take his next break on Venus. 450C and raining Sulphuric Acid, but hey, it’s well away from the crowds. And I’m sure he’d have remembered his umbrella.
The problem is not the excessive heat, its the people..
As the great jarvis cocker once sung “Cause everybody hates a tourist”
Stupid people always looking up when they should be looking down..
London is swamped with the gormless cunts, all stepping into the road to take a photo..
Five less mouth breathers is always good.
Why can’t people go abroad on holiday without dying anymore or disappearing?
It taxes local resources.
Manhunts, sniffer dogs, helicopter etc.
This is the reason I don’t go abroad.
That and my hatred of foreigners.
Morning Mis.
Do remember the good old days when holiday makers abroad died from falling from balconies whilst pissed?
Happy days.
Yeah or crashing a jet ski pissed up.
The scientific community should be researching why nobody falls off balconies anymore ?
Morning mate?
Slightly OT, but another example of the BBC failing in its journalistic duty in order to keep with a narrative.
They blithely fell in line with the lie that food prices rose because of the war in Ukraine and not because of opportunistic corporate greed.
So it’s revealing to discover that Mediterranean consumers of olive oil, pissed off at price rises if over 100 percent have turned to sunflower oil, which is currently cheaper than ever.
And who is the biggest supplier I hear you ask?
Yes indeed, Ukraine.
Funny old world isn’t it?
I see Mrs Zelensky has been picking up the first off the line $4,5 million Bugatti Turbillion. She must be what they call the spoilt of war.,
Nice to know the war aid is being spent wisely. Anyone still think the war is righteous?
PS Allegedly!
A gangsters wife on the make?
Not really the car for driving over bomb craters.
Believe it or not there are those who do.
In the meantime the MSM is finally catching on to what many of us knew all along.
I refer the Honourable Cunter to the reply I gave some nominations ago:
A plea to my fellow cunters.
If you drive a petrol or diesel vehicle, put your foot down, eat more meat and keep farting. The 10 day forecast here is temperatures between 34 and 38° c.
The pool is lovely and the beer is cold. Long may it last.
Word association:
Government – corruption.
Bbc – lies.
Climate Change – scam.
The BBfuckingC loves Glastonbury, never say how much that causes climate change.
Why do you cunts keep reporting on them….
If they ever get outbid on the broadcasting rights by someone like Amazon, you’ll see a complete change in attitude.
Climate causes disappearances every week .Jay is the latest. Probably melted. It is hot over there. That is why they take so many drugs.
Good morning, everyone.
I must be missing this global warming bollocks, my Speedo’s have not been on my corpulent body for a dip in the sea this year. To chuffing cold..
In honour of Dr Mosley I will have only one sausage this morning, and then have three tomorrow to fuck off the Beeb ?
If you stick to the old term of “a change in the climate” you are more likely to survive. There’s a theory going round that yanks die because of being a merry cunt, searching for a language of their own, or to destroy another.
Greece is currently on fire. ?
I remember being in Crete and the mainland was on fire then too.
It’s basically a chip pan fire with a tourist industry.
I went there because it looked nice on Jason and the Argonauts.
But it was rubbish.
I believe Mis, they have some smashing plate out there, to eat your dinner off, or from. Could it be due to the grease that gets on the hands that makes them slip from the grasp that causes them to smash ?
Plates of meat is the plural.
The food was awful out there Sammy.
Fetid cheese! They boasted about it.
And oil all over the salad!
Greasy salad?
I ate fish and chips every night till I got back home,
Where I could have pie and chips.
You should’ve smashed the plates with the food still on them, out of annoyance.
Oil on the salad, lad. It must’ve made it go all limp, when you really want it to be stiff and raring to go.
To finish, there are oils you can put on salad before tossing it … it’ll come to me in a minute.
In other news climate change has turned Death Valley into a lifeless desert wilderness. Until three weeks ago it was a green temperate paradise.
Far more people die because of cold weather. If the climate does warm up a bit, less people will die.
Funny how it’s only dumb fucking tourists who are dropping like flies. It’s almost as if the locals are acclimatized to the weather, stay hydrated and stay inside during the hottest hours. Weird.
Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun.
My bollocks are stuck to my legs, fucking climate change!
Fucking Beebscum….
In 1976, Britian reveled in it’s golden hot summer.
Also, others like 1983 and 1995 were enjoyed greatly.
When we used to get a bit of warm weather, the reponse was ‘Get in there!’
But, when we get hot weather now, the BBC are scareongering, issuing ‘warnings’ and fucking yacking about climate change. They can sod off.
It’s all about control.
When you have to tell adults between 18 to 30 years old to cover up, it’s because you’ve Nannied them all their lives.
But it suits you, Sir.