What a pile of Cunt.
The PM that no one voted for is going to the polls ? this would normally be a time to rejoice an opportunity to get shut of a spineless back stabbing clueless multi millionaire. The sad truth is what fucking choice do the people actually have ?
Elect this clueless Cunt or Dame starman and his bunch of woke idiots. Or maybe a hung parliament. Deep joy.
Whatever happens Britain ?? is fucked. More invaders from France in small boats. More protests. More woke trans shit. The election will not change a thing. Parliamentary democracy what a joke.
Me I’m going to look to go on holiday before flying becomes outlawed for us plebs.
One other thing 6 weeks of this shit in the news. Give us a break.
Elections I’ve shit em
Nominated by Everyonesacunt.
The Tories are gonna get their fuckin’ heads kicked in!
Yes and we end up in a socialist paradise like North Korea.
Maybe the Tories should have thought about that before they fucked the country up the arse.
We were heading that way under the tories anyway. Sunak’s tories are more socialist than Blair’s zlabour, and twice as woke.
In all fairness to labour, I think we will become the European version of Venezuela.
Only to be expected after insulting the electorate’s intelligence for 14 years.
And using the Treasury as their own private piggy bank.
If it weren’t for comrade Corbyn and his douchebag cronies they’d have been out in 2017.
Morning SB, all. ?
The Millipede didnt do very well either. Both have struggled to put forward humans as party leaders.
The latest Twattpoll conducted in the Whippet Inn last Friday night has Reform getting more votes than the Tories and 100 fewer seats.
Democracy? Don’t make me laugh.
I’ll never vote Labour OR conservative again in my life.
This two horse race needs to be reformed.
I’m gutted that as the mood in Europe turns Right the UK is turning Left.
The yodelers, Lego Vikings, Krauts, clog tappers and even the IKEA enthusiasts are all going right. Once again Smarmsy is the bridesmaid.
Everyone knows this Geordie, including the new bunch of MPs who’ll be at the trough from tomorrow. That is why they will never change the voting system.
But just remember Rodney’s smug face on Friday, then fast forward a year to when the loony left and unions oust the pathetic cuck. Weeping like a girl..
Then installing muslim cock nosher rayner or Muslim cock nosher khan..
Then picture in another 12 months, millions of people descending on parliament and kicking every MP to fuck..
I’m already picturing myself jumping up and down on dawn butlers empty head..
Marvellous, see life ain’t so bad..
I’m bringing the piano wire and picking out lamp posts on Westminster bridge for the traitorous cunts.
I hope the baying mobs who have gathered because of 125% tax on savings and the rolling blackouts caused by militant, out of control unions and the ‘green new deal’ leave a few for me to string up.
Thanks for reminding me.
Must stagger up the road to “vote”.
When I saw your post at 5:17 am Jeezum I assumed you planned to be at the door of the polling station when they opened.
I was indeed, arfur.
It takes time and skill to draw a realistic cock on the ballot paper, I mean, write a cross.
The Tory cunts are the ‘far right’ according to the lesbians, gays, trans, effniks and differently-abled bennies scroungers, scouser druggies, and sweaty sock alcoholics who litter our fucking high street. They will be voting Labour.even though the Tory cunts have been kissing their waster asses for 14 years. Ha, fucking ha. They few like me who fucking pay tax, we are never going to vote Tory or Labour again. The Lib Dems are truly revolting, so who the fuck is left?
Thank you Mr Farage for giving me a reason for going to the polling station. You are Hitler, according to the papers/BBC and that does me.
I was 15 when Labour under Kinnock thought they had it in the bag but John ‘fancy a Currie’ Major somehow won. Can’t see that happening this time. I agree about UK always being out of step politically with it’s neighbours. It’s all a load of shit and I’m sure the BBC are creaming themselves. GTF.
There’s always the Green party 20?
Allah Ahkbar!!!!✊?
Green-with white crescent and star party.
Morning, MNC. I remember when General Elections were fun. There was a party that did yogic flying or something (Natural Law?). Totally mental. Nowadays the fun has largely gone as you have to pay a fortune in order to stand.
I’m faaaaaaaaaaaaar right according to the media …. ? I need to be sent to a reform school….?
Reform schools don’t exist any more much like mental hospitals which cared for the mentally ill in a proper manner . We don’t have NHS dentists either but we do have roads which resemble those of pre WW2 Russia.
Any ideas where all the fucking money has gone?
HS2, France, Ukraine and contracts for Tory chums.
At some point this evening we’ll hear ‘the people have spoken’ or ‘democracy in action’.
In a rigged system where one of only two can win?
A system where the reform party could possibly be the second most voted for, yet will be lucky to get one seat?
The establishment believe that the right to vote is the corner stone of democracy, but that alone means nothing, as we’ll discover tomorrow morning.
And another hackneyed phrase. ‘Your vote counts’.
Where I live, we don’t have a candidate for reform, so it’s back to the usual options that I have absolutely no intention of voting for.
Therefore my vote is useless.
Just vote for any no hope fucking divvy.
He said he wasn’t going to vote for the conservatives.
Buy a big dog keep your head down and put a big sign on your gate in all the numerous languages now spoken in Blighty saying “FUCK OFF ” . Whoever wins, unless it’s an ultra patriotic right wing leader we are royally fucked. As I’ve said before try and stay as private as possible and use cash, the fuckers will track you like a demented Bloodhound otherwise.
Amen to that. Just waiting for the Starmtrooper drones to fly over my rear garden so they can hit me with a property tax.
I will never vote Labour, certainly not these so called Conservatives. Reform may be a protest vote, but it is the only one my conscience can vote for. Being in a married, white English family in the countryside with a mortgage I am everything Labour hates and will come to get my resources. I’ve said it a hundred times; Blair is the architect of the political landscape we are in now and I hate him with every fibre of my being.
Blair is a treasonous war criminal who sowed the seeds of the utter destruction of the UK in general and England in particular.
Yes, we are in a Blairite prison that the Tories decided to keep living in.
Blair needs to be hanged to death.
Get down to the locals farmers supplies and stock up with barbed-wire and buck-shot. Treat the thieves to a lead filled breakfast.
Found this online yesterday, some people had mad skills..
Though I have never seen Boris with combed hair before..
Loved that!
One consolation is from today the door knocking and leaflet propaganda cunts will leave me in peace.
Mostly Labour or Lib dummy ,
Never had a Tory cramming litter through my letterbox.
There’s one old cunt (Lib Dem) who does it every week despite me telling him not to,
I hate this turkey necked old cunt and would love to set the dog on him.
But it’d get the dog in trouble.
Next time I’m going booby trap the tasteful plum slate lined path with a trip wire.
When the old cunt face plants onto the floor I’m going to send the Lib dems a bill for cleaning up the blood and teeth.
Only one leaflet through my door so far. Tory.
Lib Dem are probably the next favourite for this part of Sussex, Reform 3rd and Labour may as well be Green.
It’ll be interesting to see if Reform can knock the Lib dems into 3rd and what happens to the tories as the area is bluer than a vegan’s hair.
I think I have already mentioned I had a visit from the Labour Party candidate, a 26 year old girl, who knows sweet Fanny Adams. They have followed up with 4 personalised letters. I have no intention of voting Labour so I am pleased I have used up some of their resources. Our local bloke is on the right of the Conservatives and is has the lowest expenses in Parliament, so he is getting my vote.
Take the worst policy from every party and call yourself the LibDims.
The Tories in no way resemble previous Conservative governments. They’re left wing and populist. Yes, everything has gone to shit but the trans, gay, Mudslime, unemployed groups have never been so well funded. The rest of us have to shoulder the highest tax burden since the end of WW2.
The left have already taken over, and it’s going to get worse. We’re the country of cunts for letting this happen.
My only hope for the election is that Reform win enough seats and votes to be the official opposition. Can you imagine Labour in power with the Lib Dems as opposition? Anyone earning is going to get taxed to death whilst everyone cheers.
Vote Reform today, it’s never been more important.
Oh well, cunts out, cunts in.
A full weekend of ridiculous pantomime lies ahead.
A new mob of grasping commie cunts in and a mob of clueless arseholes booted out.
Millions of votes for Reform and Hitler Farage with fuck all to show for it,much to the glee of our unbiased media.
Meanwhile the Islamist scûm look on and salivate.
Vote Oven.
Good morning.
If Oven was on the list I’d be voting for it.
‘Vote Oven’. It has a certain ring to it. It would appeal to both the ‘far right’ and housewives.
That chap in the audience on question time summed up the situation presisely.
” Are you two the best we can offer this once great country”
May a curse be upon both their houses…?
We have no “real” democracy in England. The first past the post system is bollocks as we all know. My solution would be the whole country votes each voter chooses a party.When voting ends the party with the most votes is the winner and gracefully accepts the golden keys to the government only toilets. The mp’s for each area are preselected and if their shower win take their place in the house of bollocks. Each vote counts unlike the present system. Just a pipe dream but you never know.
Happy election day to one and all.
It’s Reform for me.
They may prove to be as useless as the rest, but for now I don’t see another option.
Morning all.
Hopefully they do well enough to have a presence. Mind you look at at the left in France doing ever underhand trick to deny RN a win.
Time for a second revolution.
The French have always done what they can to stop the Royal Navy winning.
I can see Reform polling millions, and ending up with fuck all seats given first past the post.
If that happens, discontent will surely grow even more.
Yes plenty of horse trading to stop Le Pen from getting a majority.
Viv Nicholson one time pools winner famously said ‘im going to spend,spend, spend ‘
Barring a seismic miracle Muslim emir starmer will get the ?️ to the famous door, I’d advise anyone with any semblance of wealth to take Viv’s advice ?….?⛱️??
Busily moving my savings into my accounts abroad.
If the labour scum think they getting another penny off my interest, they can go fuck themselves.
I note with some interest there are quite a few houses in Kensington and Holland park that have suddenly gone up for sale.
The rich can afford to up and move abroad at the drop of a hat and when Labour come looking to soak the rich, there won’t be any rich left to soak.
So they’ll fuck the middle classes instead.
Same shit, different decade.
Well, it’s Friday tomorrow, off to the Mosque to get signed up.
Join the Caliphate.
‘Up the Caliphate’ would be a great TV sitcom. Probably starring the late Francis Howerd!
and Windsor Davies.
Sums up all British political parties these days ….!
That poor Rishi Suntan looks to be losing his own seat as well as the election.
Hope his wife Dot makes him a nice sandwich to cheer him up?
His favourite meal?
He deserves to lose simply for saying that.
it marks him out as a stupid fucking cunt.
No racial epithets required.
It’s a snack, not a meal FFS. He really is the Blue Miliband.
As Sadiq Kunt would say, ‘MAAATE!’
One of the only good things about the election is when he loses his seat, then he can’t come back. Oh wait, some cunt will make him a Lord one day and make him Minister of something or he’ll be made Lord anyway just because he was PM. Stupid rules.
Can’t figure out if I dislike him more than G Brown or the
Did you not take the opportunity to spoil your ballot paper?
I’d like to lighten the mood a bit.
Reasons to be cheerful:
1. Magic Grandpa is going to lose in the Socialist Soy Latte Republic of North Islington. Fuck off for good, you terrorist-loving Marxist shithead.
2. There will be numerous ‘Portillo moments’ for corrupt, useless Tories.
3. The JockNatzis are going to lose their hegemony north of the border.
4. The Flabbapotamus will be returned with 110% of the vote in Hackney, guaranteeing another 5 years of comedy gold.
5. There will be no honeymoon period. Captain FlipFlop will be found wanting when the first crisis occurs.
6. When the reality of Net Zero dawns on Joe Public, the backlash will something to behold. Serious civil unrest is coming.
7. The shitshow will provide ample material for future IsAC nominations.
Bring it on I say.
whilst I don’t share your optimism; I hope this brings the revolution we need. when the electorate realise sir kweer and co, are not a magic bullet. when things get worse, all of our money spent on pie in the sky bolocks. maybe then the public will wake up to what’s going on. I have to hope!
After today’s shit show, proportional representation might finally start to be considered.
Reform’s share of the vote will definitely not be reflected in “bums” on seats in the house of liar’s..!
If hurricane Beryl was standing as a candidate I’d vote for her!
She’s fucked up those Carribbean cunts good and proper.
Serves the cunts right
A real windrush!
How soon do you reckon it will take for the begging bowl to rock up at No 10 and on TV?
Vote for me. You know I make sense. ❌
Never been politically minded. The last time I voted was during the last century. I naively voted green and that hasn’t worked. All as bad as one another. I’ll leave it at that.
IsAC is one of the few places where I can admit that I’ve just voted for Reform. If our champagne socialist neighbours were to find out I’d be excommunicated.
But I reckon there are a lot more ‘Shy Reformers’ like me, and as the result is a foregone conclusion, maybe some will think what the fuck, treat this like a by-election and give the two main parties a good kicking. So I’m sticking my neck out and predicting they’ll get 20 seats. Probably wrong, but we’ll see.