the bland and as clear as a turd filled bog leader of the opposition (well for now).
Cue load of cock waffle about not raising tax on working people and waffle about what is a working person. Ffs they are going to be running (into the ground probably) the UK most likely and they can’t decide what a working person is.
That said this non entity had a few issues about defining a woman a while back, well I’ll happy define Sir Beer Korma breaker of lockdown rules and bland nonentity as a cunt.
Nominated by Paul Goddard link by Barry zuckercunt.
By gormless looking turd Starmer’s definition, anyone with savings is not a working person, therefore fair game to be taxed until the pips squeak.
Can’t say we haven’t been warned.
Gormless cunt. Perfect description.
A bland gormless cunt with Tony B Liar’s hand up his arse working him.
The slapper Raynor must by loaded then, the thick bitch never done a day’s work in it’s life.
This cunt turns my stomach. The lack of knowledge is beyond belief. But it can’t be all his own fault. Is being a yes man the reason. I hope to find out before 3 pm.
Personality of a toilet brush.
I can’t listen to the prick, his voice is so annoying.
It’s going to be an absolute shit-show, I doubt he’ll get through 5 years.
Appropriate since he’s full of shit. I doubt he has a single firmly held opinion, he’s the best weathervane on the planet.
God help us all if this cunt gets in tomorrow. It’s going to fucking hurt. Country fucked within five years. So Keir can’t tell us what a woman is, can’t define what a working person is. Plus a cunt of a chancellor who can’t manage on £85,000 pounds a year plus expenses?
Be afraid, be very afraid. A government of incompetent cunts.
The whinging bitch will be quids in on Friday.
Salary for Chancellor of the Exchequer is £160,000 + expenses.
Watch that bitch put the income tax up faster than a dog eating hot chips.
I have voted Conservative my entire adult life. Who the actual fuck do I vote for now?
Farage has bottled out of every situation going. Unfortunately there are no far right parties to vote for locally.
I guess it’s a spurting knob and balls on my ballot paper then.
Vote RTC’s
I considered voting for Vernon Fox’s WE THE PEOPLE PARTY
But unaccountably he has not fielded a single candidate! ☹️
Fuck them all.
As I have indicated before Cunty, I have two people on my “hope you die a horrible death” list – Anthony Charles Lynton Blair and Barack Hussein Obama II, both really fucked over the people they claimed to care for. Well, I expect Keir Rodney Starmer to join them on that list within the first twelve months (before July 2025).
In fact, I am quite looking forward to the right shit-fest they are going to make and watch all the fucking “lefties” and BBC (make that MSM), cnuts squirm their way out of it.
So, you are right – God help us all (but if we hope for that we are really fucked, ‘cos there ain’t one!)
The sly cunt and his reject from ‘Humans’ chancellor who didn’t look human enough to get the part say the won’t change anything on tax and NI. That means tax will go up due the ‘fiscal drag effect’, leaving the personal allowance frozen until 2028 means every ‘worker’ Will be paying more tax (and pensioners)
He is going to smash the gangs, ‘process the illegal cunts’ and grow the economy and not forgetting the decarbonisation of the grid by 2030, the problem is that because the Conservatives have been so fucking useless people will vote labour knowing that all the above is BULLSHIT.
The UK is already halfway around the U bend, look forward to labour flushing us all the way down the sewer.
Starmer is and always will be a massive cunt.
The perfect description of the toolmakers son in 2.12 minutes of song..
Sometimes it’s better the devil you know, we the British Public are about learn this lesson first hand. If you thought the Torries (utter cunts btw) were bad then just you wait…..
you can see the geezers a cunt before he opens his mouth labour the party all the uninvited cunts will be voting for stock up on vasilene
I really, really hope “Ole” Vlad breaks out the ICBM’s soon.
You vote a pack of cunts out, you vote a pack of cunts in.
Wonder how long Sir Charmer will last given all the hard left cunts that are burrowed deep down within Liebor’s festering ranks?
Morning all.
He might not know what a woman is, but he certainly knows a cunt when seeing his reflection in the mirror.
He can vacillate on that as well, he’s both a cunt and a prick.
Labour…and he can’t define a working man?…this pile of dung haven’t been on the side of the working population since his toolmaker dad plied his trade(bet you didn’t know that)….but he inherited the tool part that’s a given, the cunt probably thinks swarfega is for slapping on his Barnet or rectum lubricant…. nothing more than a greasy salesman and Muslim apologist ?….he ain’t no Andy capp
Allow me to report on a fat woman in pink having the audacity to munch food with her back to the cricket being played in Southport. Hope someone reading this goes and tells her.
Tory media full throttle today: project ‘Fear of Kweer’ Hope the cunts drown in their own shit. Had to laugh. Nobody likes them and I don’t care.
You should see the fear mongering emails I’m getting from my local Tory MP.
‘Vote reform, get Labour’.
Well, we’re getting Labour anyway, so why the fuck not. At least I will have made my opinion official at the voting booth.
And let’s not forget this quisling cunt ‘taking the knee’ and sucking nıģger dick:
Safe for JP. Although it might make you nauseous.
And don’t forget he took his poppy off to meet the inbred, smelly cousin fuckers.
This landlord should be running for PM.
Got some bollocks on him
It did an’ all, Thomas.
That tie with that suit!!!
If I were running for PM in a general election and I wasn’t intending on raising taxes when interviewed, rest assured I would be shouting it from the houses, my whole manifesto would have it plastered all over it and a guaranteed vote winner.
……and then we come to Labour when asked……silence.
Says a lot…..Think about it
That oleaginous four eyed fucker (notice how he wears glasses all the time now – must be true wanking makes you go blind) is now trading on his pretend Jewish status. On Monday, in a typical naive manner, he suggested that he would not work after 6 p.m. on a Friday evening. He naturally had the piss taken out of him, because, as was pointed out, events, dear boy, events happen at any time – even on Friday nights. NHow his arselickers are pretending that by mocking his stance, we are mocking his pretend Jewishness. He married a Jewish woman (the NHS lawyer), I suspect, just because it ticks another box for him.
He looks like a cunt, sounds like a ciunt, and is no doubt a gold plated cunt.
If this arsehole does win a landslide, it will be the least deserved win in history. However, I don’t think he (or the LibDEms) will do quite as well as their press and broadcasting arsehole craawlers think they will.
Is the twat doing a remake of Friday night dinner. Wandering around with his shirt off..
Anne frank has been seen more than Rodney’s missus..
I am sure she is his beard. Closet qu eer written all over him. Lots of mutual masturbation with Blair and Mandy. The kids probably courtesy of a turkey baster.
You could be right mr boggs, here is the dame at a Taylor swift concert..
He was also trading Taylor swift bracelets?, but that was in the toilet cubicles later..
Good one Arch. So prescient it’s creepy.
I guarantee that this turd will beat the Devils own Tony Blair in importing even more riff raff than him. I safely predict 20 million will be let into this country in 5 years. What we’ve come too in this country. A choice of a shit sandwich or a turd baguette.
I hate both the Tories and Liebour on a visceral level.
How anybody could vote for Labour in the hope that things will change, is literally beyond me.
I’ve been feeling a bit depressed with a deep sense of foreboding these last few days and I’ve struggled to put my finger on what’s wrong with me.
Now it’s dawned on me that it’s Kweer Starmer, a potential decade of Labour, Islamism and Transgenderism that is the reason.
I wish I had enough money to fuck off and never return to what is going to be left of this country.
I have and I’m off asap.
To anyone thinking of voting Labour.
Don’t be a cunt you cunt!
P.S. Best wishes for a speedy recovery Mr.Sock.
I suspect Cunt, a high proportion of the ISAC faithful will vote Reform. I also expect Reform despite getting millions of votes will win very few if any seats and the Lib fucking Dems will win dozens.
I suspect Farage will win Clacton, just an outside chance Lee Anderson might hang on, but I suspect he will be the Caroline Lucas of Reform – just one seat in Parliament. All this bullshit about being the main opposition party…. total rubbish.
Of course the whole country will be veering left when the rest of the world is moving to the ‘far right’. We are a fucking laughing stock. And, whose fault is that? The bogus Tory cunts who have been leading the nation down the shitter for fourteen fucking years. Fuck therm all. I will never forget that they left relatives and friends to die alone and scared while they partied on.
I wasn’t even allowed to sing hymns at my own mother’s funeral.
A sane society would see him and mobs of others, of all political persuasions strung up.
Spot on,these cunts haven’t been tories just grifting WEF cunts
Precisely. The Tories and their client journalists/media are entirely to blame for what is inevitably going to happen on Friday. And over the next decade – probably longer.
But Labour aren’t going to win. The Tories are going to lose… BIG TIME!
And fucking deservedly so.
I might have if my reform candidate hadn’t fucked off to the Tories last week.
Well said Arch.
This arsehole and his bunch of fully costed fully financed cunts couldn’t run a fucking primary school let alone this fucking country it’s gonna be a cesspit full of cunts in five years
This election and the likely outcome is what it must feel like to be Rowan Atkinson when he shot that pigeon in Blackadder and got Hugh Laurie as his barrister. We’re so fucked.
Speckled Jim?
That’s the one. Get plucking Baldrick
This is sadly the case of voting for best of the worst cunts.
What have we come to.
It isn’t just Starmer it’s the bunch of arse-licking faggots he surrounds himself with – Mandy, Streeting, Kyle, Bryant etc etc, You can just picture Streeting and Mandy forever rushing on to Wireless 4 every time he fucks things up, which he is bound to do.
Voters for mainstream politics are fucking idiots. They will never learn.
Fuck this shit.
That is all.
It’s not his teddy boy hairdo I dislike about him
Or his inability to say what a woman is.
It’s not his constant bleating about his dad being a tool maker ( got that right!)
Not even his flip flopping,
It’s the fact he talks like he’s got a blocked nose.
Get some fuckin Vicks® . Around your nostrils or some menthol Uncle Luke’s sweets ®
Or menthol crystals in boiling vapour.
Gets on my tits.
That Rachel Reeves cow is even worse!
And her fucking sister.
Nepotism is the one thing Labour is good at.
Yeah she’s a android or something.
Monotone fuckers both.
I guarantee that when these socialist shitkickers get in, their first priority will be to ‘level the playing field’ i.e. steal even more away from the people who are trying hard to make a life for themselves and give the spoils to the neer do wells, the terminal workshy, lazy and gimme gimme gimme asylum sneakers.
I have considered selling up and moving to the Czech Republic – a beautiful country, with clean cities, polite and friendly people who don’t really like the third world. I visited Brno earlier this year – you can walk around the city late at night without fear of some gibbon trying to insert 6 inches of cold steel into one of your kidneys in exchange for your Iphone. If the next five years are going to be as bad as I think, this may become more than just a consideration…
Starmer is an adenoidal, flip-flopping turd that refuses to pass the U bend.
I really can’t see what that corpulent fudgepacker Reg Dwight is hoping to achieve the supporting Sir Flipflop and his party of ghouls. The fat little cunt should just tell the truth and state that all the political parties are massive cunts.
I’d at least have a modicum of respect for the wide-arseholed little shitbag.