Rich people not being jailed when they should

is a cunt.

Exhibit A: Paula Vennells
Lied under oath in previous hearings and possibly during the current Post Office hearings. Should be done for contempt of court at the very least.

Exhibit B: Keith Moon
One of the lesser known stories occurred on Jan. 4, 1970, when Neil Boland, who was Keith Moon’s driver and bodyguard, was accidentally run over by Moon’s Bentley. The people present in the car were: Keith Moon, his girlfriend and ‘Legs’ Larry Smith from The Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band. Some accounts say that the girlfriend was driving the car at the time, but neither were sent to prison for failing to stop, lying under oath or driving under the influence. Cunts.

Exhibit C: Lance Percival
On 14 December 1970, he was involved in a fatal three-car crash in his Jaguar XJ on a notorious stretch of the A20, south of Farningham, Kent, known as Death Hill. Percival was in hospital for a month, he almost lost the sight of one eye and required 123 stitches. Following his recovery, he was charged with causing death by dangerous driving. In court he testified remembering the car drifting left and right, but his memory of the accident was vague. He was acquitted after evidence showed that a tyre on his car had probably deflated before the crash.

Most people would get 3 years for dangous driving. My dad said in the 80s, “You never see him on TV any more”. No wonder.

Exhibit D: Peter Murrell and Nicola Sturgeon
“An ongoing investigation” for 3 fecking years!! They allegedly embezzled £660k. What are they waiting for? Put the bracelets on them.

I rest my case.



best classic bands

Nominated by Anton Pillar.

50 thoughts on “Rich people not being jailed when they should

  1. ‘Twas ever thus.
    One law for the rich,
    Another for the rest of us.
    Good morning
    And fuck them.

    • These days it’s one law for the followers of Allah (may his name be shat upon) and another for everyone else.

      The only people who have anything to fear from the police are white law abiding citizens.

  2. Let’s not forget smug git Matthew Broderick who killed two women in a road crash in Ireland (whilst driving on the wrong side of the road).
    Granted, it was an accident. But I bet almost all of us (apart from MNC who refuses to own a passport or ackowledge the existence of other countries) have driven in countries where they drive on the right and have managed to stay on the correct side of the road.
    Fuck me, if I was even moderately famous and I’d accidentalky killed someone, I’d never show my face in public again, let alone go on to star in movies.
    The dismissive arrogance is astonishing.
    But he’s a Hollywood cunt, like that other utter cunt Alec Baldwin.
    They are utterly shameless.

  3. A posthumous cunting for Lance Percival! A truly recherche nom. Well done AP, old bean.

    Good morning. everyone.

    • Afternoon Twenty.

      I used to live in Farningham and can confirm that trying to navigate Death hill (Gorse hill) in a Jaguar XJR in the wet can being a tricky business.

      More fun can be had on the road between Eynsford and Shoreham in an Abarth 595. The chicanes under the railway bridges are a blast.

      • Sounds as though Mr Percival could have done with your expert testimony back in 1970, Mr Odin. Might have saved him a few nicker!

      • Disgraceful, what an unreconstructed reprobate you are.

        If ever you are in this part of the world Odin, try the A413 from Aylesbury to Buckingham. It’s really good fun at high speed in the wet. Pirellis not recommended unless you have the reaction time of an F1 driver.

        So a friend tells me.

  4. Blair – Possession of an obnoxious wife
    Corbyn – Crimes against sartorial taste
    Rayner – Bringing ignorant, gobby slags into disrepute

    Not one of them ever sent down.


  5. Sir Jimmy Savile – highest value card in this particular pack.

    • Definitely a good card to be dealt when playing ‘Celebrity Psycho’ Super Top Trumps.

  6. Then there are the likes of this cunt who facilitate the entitlement of the rich and famous, while making a very comfortable living out of it.


    I don’t know whether Cunt Engine has required his services when out on the bike. The rozzas probably couldn’t catch him anyway.

  7. The rich could always buy their way out of these minor(?) difficulties. Back in 1971 Gerald Nabbarro drove the wrong way on a roundabout in Hampshire. After a trial he wriggled out of it and then stated completely without shame that anyone could get justice if they had enough money.

    In some respects however he was pretty sound. For instance on the “Any Questions?” programme in 1963 he said;

    “How would you feel if your daughter wanted to marry a big buck n*gger with the prospect of coffee-coloured grandchildren?”

    • I’d love somebody to say that today on today’s anodyne AQ. Everyone from the DG down would die of a heart attack!. They would definitely edit it out of the Saturday repeat….,;

  8. When Hugh Hefner wore a smoking jacket outside he was an eccentric bounder.

    When Miserable is caught up a ladder outside the neighbours bedroom window wearing his wife’s dressing gown, its lewd behaviour.

    Its one rule for the rich and another for everyone else.

  9. I must put in a word for your friend and mine – Peter Mandy Mandelson, he of the fraudulent mortgage application, international dodgy dealing (including an American pea dough who called him “Petie”). Yet the old cunt could become British Ambassador in Washington if mincing David Miliband doesn’t win the beauty contest – being judged by Sue Gray, who will tell Kweer what to do. Apparently La Gray is only considering that pair of queens.

    • If the slimy shitsucker ever did get sent down he’d probably ask to have his sentence lengthened.
      He’ll go down well in the big house.

      • Yes, I reckon Mandy, the poofters poofter would love the showers, dropping the soap and leaving his cell door ajar to entertain all those young felons, and bending over backwards to be nice to them, he wouldn’t be the daddy – he would be the grand-daddy.

  10. Not much chance of the rich being jailed.
    If that dozy twat Shababanana Mahmood gets her way every fucker will be let out of jail.
    As we all know you only get sent to prison for very trivial offences.

  11. British justice?

    A sham.

    Throw enough money at a legal problem and it’ll disappear as fast as a politician can fill out an expenses application.

    Good morning and fuck the lot of them.

  12. money talks….in fact it screams for those that have plenty of it, and also in play now is the colour chart for those lower down the money chain 🧐….

  13. Its a black day for Backgate. He now knows he shouldn’t have picked piccaninny penalty takers.

  14. How about Katie Price?
    Drunk driving and fuck knows what else.
    And she’s merely famous after being declared bankrupt more than once.
    Then there’s the class system.
    The McCanns should have been arrested the moment the set foot back on British soil for child neglect, at the very least.
    Yet their status as medical professionals seemingly left them untouchable.
    I wonder how they’d have fared if he was a tyre fitter and she worked at Tesco’s.
    They’d be banged up and their remaining kids taken Into care.

    • Totally agree – the McCann woman has such an air of entitlement as well – always looks as if hubby had just farted in her face (not that he would dare!)

  15. We can’t send people to jail, it bloody dangerous in there..
    It’s a powder keg waiting to explode..

    That’s why labour are letting them out early..
    Don’t want the criminals getting hurt..

  16. Fucking politicians can find plenty of loot for rainbow and diversity bollocks but cant build and staff more prisons, I despair at the spineless gormless people who grab power in this country always pandering to the lowest common denominator and the most vociferous minorities just to look wonderful and caring and fucking superior. Someone should have the balls to stand up to the namby pamby caring inclusive arsewipes and put Blighty first.

  17. Anne Sacoolas is a good example .

    Driving on the wrong side of the road . Killed a lad on his bike .

    Wonder how long I’d have got for that

  18. Sorry but if I was rich I’d expect to be above the law.

    I’d treat my serfs like shit.
    If my soup wasn’t the right temperature I’d explode in furious anger and beat the butler to death.

    And I’d expect to get off with it by throwing the judge a small token .

    I’d sleep with the maids , impregnate them
    Them chuck them out onto the street when they got fat.

    Otherwise where’s the fun in being rich?

  19. I actually don’t mind Lance Percival. In the 80s when interviewed he seemed a troubled man. I don’t like to speak ill of the dead, and if it was a tragic accident then I am sorry but racing on a dangerous road is stupid and irresponsible.

    One of my favourite films is The Big Job and even though I was born in the 1970s his songs were quite fun and catchy which I missed the first time round. He made a few good films in the 70s: Cobblers Of Umbridge, Up Pompeii and Confessions from a Holiday Camp.

  20. I can’t speak for this filthy skank’s monetary status, but it avoided jail (as per nom)which it should not have.

    The absolute fucking state of it. 🤢

    christ I only went on Mailonline as it was the first hit when looking for the Boeing runway belly-flop in Istanbul recently… 🤬 The ‘net (and world) is just awash with shameless horrible people getting away with their awfulness. Blatant crime. No remorse. Serious repercussions for the woman she embroiled. Gets away scot free ‘cos is up the duff. Lessons learned or taught? “Better off being a cunt”, perhaps, if any.

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