‘Prevent’ and Northumbria Police [4]

Daily Fail.

12-year-old child investigated by counter-extremism ‘Police’ after officials at his school reported him to the ‘Prevent’ programme. The school suggested that the child was at risk of being ‘radicalised by the Far Right’ as he said he was gay-not queer, and that he had an unhealthy interest in ‘weapons’.

The child had posted a video of himself with a ‘Toy wooden crossbow’. The Toy, sold by English Heritage is decribed as “completely harmless but lots of fun, this replica crossbow is a great way of getting kids outside in the fresh air, for ages 7 years and over”.

Counter terror officers – who visited the boys home – raised concerns that the Jewish boy harboured ‘extremist views’ as he said that ‘Hamas’ (the Gaza-based terror group) should be wiped out. Concerns were also raised over comments he made to school bullies, that he wanted to ‘exterminate’ them , despite claims that school bullies asked if he was going to the gas chamber and gave Nazi salutes.

The boys mother said the school and Prevent officers were guilty of double standards, claiming anti-Semitic incidents at the school were not dealt with in the same way.

Nominated by : Lord of the Rings

62 thoughts on “‘Prevent’ and Northumbria Police [4]

  1. Headline:

    Child shows clear signs of common sense and a general awareness and maturity beyond his tender years.

    Police are now investigating.

  2. Fuck me, if his take on world affairs is dangerously radical I’ll send the Mrs. out now to get some cheap biscuits for when plod swarm round here to grill me. I must be a very dangerous fucker because as long ago as 1967 Moshe Dayan was a childhood hero of mine and I cheered when I heard news of the raid on Entebbe.

    • He made eye-patches cool.
      Fantastic for kids growing up in the 70’s who had their eye ‘taped’.

  3. Its all nonsense all the mainstream media like the BiasedBullshitCompany, labour, libs and Torries are all bleating on and on about this mythical “far right”. Right now I think the definition of “far right” means “has common sense, doesn’t agree with the leftist progressive propaganda about race and Alphabet/gender nonsense and can think for oneself”.

    • Agree……been saying that for a good few years. Far right used to be considered by the msm as the National Front and EDF extremists etc.

      Now far right is reported as anyone who doesn’t agree with the left way of thinking.

      It’s all going very Orwellian

      • Sliding OT, but I am a customer of EDF. No “smart” meter, I submit meter readings every month and it pleases me that they are heavily into nuclear rather than “renewables” or more accurately, intermittents.

  4. The parents must be fucking stupid.

    Plod turns up at their house and asks to speak with their son……

    “Has he committed an offence that you intend to arrest him for?”.


    Well fuck off then,

    • Is the right answer. Too much fear and ingrained forelock tugging going on in todays weak, entitled society
      “Permission to speak Sir….”

  5. Some advice for all the kids out there: You need to arm yourselves. Pervoidal cunts of every size, shape and colour are out to exploit you. Police, teachers, trans-gender counsellors, none can be trusted. Most predators are Labour voters. Pea shooters, catapults and conkers no longer cut it in child self-protection. Hunting knives, Glocks, and baseball bats will do nicely.

    Good morning, everyone.

  6. I rather like the idea of a teenage Jewish avenger silently despatching taxi drivers, kebab shop employees and other grooming scum with a crossbow. Except on Saturdays, that’s the Sabbath and he’s a good boy.

  7. Utterly preposterous. And further proof (if more were needed) that this country is totally fucked.

    • Spot on Shit-cake. When I consider how far down the shitter this country has gone over my lifetime I could weep.

  8. Mrs Thatcher would have been regarded as “far right” by the pansies in the BBC, Guardian and Labour party today (who are ll the same thing and interchangable). Funny you never hear any of the decry the “far left” some of whom got into Parliament a couple of weeks ago.

  9. Soon far right will mean anyone that refuses to take a ‘refugee’ into their home.

  10. People are too compliant with the police.

    “You do not have to say anything. But it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence.”

    And then when they ask if you understand everyone says Yes.

    Try this…..

    “No, I don’t understand”
    Firstly I don’t need any defence unless I am charged and have to appear in court.
    At the moment that is not happening.
    Also if I did have a defence it would be in your best interests for me to harm it.
    As well as that you cannot predict how a court may view any decision that I make on whether to talk to you or not.
    So what are you trying to say? ”

    It’s the same if plod asks you where you were on a certain day at a certain time.

    “Is that when you suspect that I committed a crime?
    Because if it is then it’s for you to prove that I was there.
    It’s not for me to prove my innocence”

    Fuck the police.

    • You get it.
      If an official/police says: “there is a mask mandate here, do you understand” and you answer “yes” then you have consented, and the term “understand” means “yes I stand under you”.

      The correct reply would be “I hear what you are saying, but I do not stand under you and I have not consented to this mandate”.

      Legalese, a Law Dictionary is not the same as the standard ones we know of. Know their rules. Know your inalienable rights.

      • The same if you get stopped in the street and they ask you who you are or if you have identification.

        “Do you have evidence that I have committed an offence or do you have some proof that I am on my way to commit one?”

        “Because if you don’t then you have absolutely no right to stop me or ask me who I am”

        “So fuck off”.

  11. I think it all started with Blair and Campbell who began the political concept that perception was more important than reality. They introduced things like the Highways Agency with cars made to look like police vehicles and with traffic officer written on them to give the impression there were more police vehicles about than there actually were. Everything became smoke and mirrors and organisations that should have been apolitical, notably the police, were politicised. The latest example being the appointment of a political figure, probably Mandy, to be our ambassador in Washington instead of a career diplomat.
    Meanwhile, what most of us would consider to be serious crimes, such as domestic burglary go univestigated and you get political crap like this child being questioned about supporting Israel. This morning the BBCUNTS had a programme on R4 about Orwell and Kafka, those two have become reality.

    • ‘the politicalconcept that perception was more important than reality’.

      Well put, oh very well put!

      • Why anyone affords Campbell credibility defeats me. He’s a diagnosed nut-job with an alcohol problem. He is also the epitome of a political activist who cannot get on with democracy. At least you know where you are with Blair; he’s just an evil bastard.

      • Thanks Ron , that is high praise coming from you. I hope you are on the mend, my recovery is going well,

    • I wonder how Anthony Blair responded to the police when they picked him up cottaging in the 1970s.

  12. Northumbria police? well now you can see why Raoul moat hated them , cunts of the highest calibre

    • Raoul Moat still makes me laugh, not because of what he did, but a rather missnthropic mate of mine changed his facebook avatar to Moat during the manhunt

      The responses were hilarious. it was a masterful bit of trolling.

      He’d probably be arrested these days.

  13. As the cunts were questioning the poor lad no doubt subhuman pakī scūm were busy committing child abuse.

    Fuck off Thought Police and your hard left political masters.


    Good morning.

  14. I like this little Jew avenger!

    Crossbows are great fun for kids and adults alike.

    He’s got more sense than his fuckin teachers ,
    Prevent my arse.

    Prevent should concentrate on the mosques full of terrorists and in the words of Pink Floyd

    “Hey teacher! Leave those kids alone!*

    * Maybe not Roger waters, he hates jews

    • Everyone loves a vigilante and the Jews are a historically oppressed people so I don’t begrudge them a little payback.

      Might get a TV series out of it like Reuben Hood or Mad Marx.

    • ‘Jew avenger’ abba kovner wanted to poison 6 million germans post Ww2 through the water supply and very nearly achieved it! now thats a ‘jew avenger’.

    • Prevent is a proven failure. Two counsellors who worked on a Prevent programme were stabbed by a mad carpet-rider before he went on the run.

  15. You must remember when the Caliphate arrives, the filth will be the first in orange overalls…..

    • No fear for plod, as the Met are already Khan’s bodyguard of Dhimmi/Mu’ahid. Quite a few muslims in positions of command in the police, including the officer told Harry Miller he needed to ‘check his thinking’ about trans people.

  16. I have just referred myself to prevent, I had some extreme right wing thoughts, well normal thoughts like …. Woman = Adult Human Female

    I need to be trans washed ?

    I wonder what would have been said or done if a Muslim kid had said non binary doesn’t exist and had an interest in padded jackets, electronics and fireworks

    • Weirdly the left don’t say too much, as the muslim convert who just lost out to Jess Phillips in the election (Jody McIntyre) is vocal on there being just two sexes. His (and George Galloway’s) party is economically socialist but socially conservative.

      What the media will never admit is that the average reform voter is more tolerant towards alphabet people than even moderate muslims.

  17. David Lammy will be telling this child there must be a ceasefire now and all the marbles captured must be returned.

    • I bet hammy Lammy went down like a ton of shit when he started telling the Israeli’s what to do. I give the great bumbling lardarse less than a year in the job of Foreign Secretary

      • He’ll never last a year – 6 months at the outside.
        He will F*ck up big time – It’s a disaster waiting to happen

  18. It wasn’t that long ago we’d call it a phase he was going through. He’ll soon grow out of it. Which he probably will.

    You know what thought did. Followed a muck cart and thought it was a wedding.

  19. This is beyond sinister.
    Poor kid.
    You couldn’t fucking make it up.
    I despair.
    Good afternoon.

    • Sadly it doesnt surprise me as much as it should. The stories of teachers and police acting like East German apparatchiks, the conservatives like Dineage drafting the online harms bill and it getting a quick rubber-stamp across both parties, the amendments to the ‘hate crime’ legislation and the way the likes of Sajid Javid acted during Covid makes me think we’re sliding towards a very Orwellian nightmare.

    • Suffered an accident or fall and found next to his clothes.

      Well, case closed then. Nothing suspicious to see here.

    • Using emojis for solemn messages undermines their seriousness.

      Will Robbie Williams’ ‘Angels’ be played at the funeral?

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