I heard at work today a description of Reform as a “nut case, extremist party”. Given that it got more votes (but far less seats) than Lib Dem I’d hardly say it is extreme, third most votes for a party in this years GE, no less.
CBS seem to think Reform is “far right”
Reform Party’s pledges don’t appear to have much mention of genocide or racial segregation, which you’d normally associate with Far Right
In fact they seem to be quite reasonable aspirations in my book.
However, the MSM continue all this vilifying of Reform and it’s voters, but no one is making much about a trend in voting which could also be viewed as having extreme views.
But you won’t hear this being spoken about as extreme…
Nominated by Fortress Cuntimus.
Far Right is common parlance by our betters for working people’s views. They know best. And of course Europe and the UK will be earthly paradises when swamped with Africans and Muslims.
Funny how Kweer’s lot arent branded Far Left.
Blimey, imagine if your associate heard ISAC’s manifesto!
They’d shit a leftie brick!
The manifesto being, quite simply:
All darkıes repatriated at Army gunpoint
All lazy, long-term jobless forced to work for the benefit of society to receive food vouchers or starve to death
The English Channel to be patrolled at all times by the Royal Navy with itcht trigger fingers
Errr…that’ll do for now.
You’ve got my vote, Thomas.
The Cunt Engine rolling along with a load of truth and righteousness!
The Roysl Navy should forget this not-quite-supercarrier lark and invest in several dozen fast patrol vessels.
I would have told the cunt that I am far right, if they don’t like it fuck off.
…is the. correct and only answer!
Reeves, Streeting and Lammy have ‘warned’ that failure by Labour this time around runs the risk of the election of a populist government. Don’t they realise that’s how democracy is intended to work, the condescending, blinkered and arrogant bastards?
With their 34% of the votes cast on a dismal turnout, the Labour Party cannot claim to be the party of the people.
Little Streeting only won with a majority of 548 this time – the mincing little queen is probably afraid that he will lose next time and he will then have to work for a living. Ooh, the shame of it, duckie.
I swear Lammy has downs, he is an absolute fucking idiotic oaf who finds talking an absolute challenge.
Bear in mind always, when a politician talks of “populism” he means that democracy is giving an answer he doesn’t like.
And the Establishment’s media mouthpieces.
I’m more Far-Out, me.
Afternoon all. ?
I’m scared of this Far Right.
They seem hostile to the way things are run.
Nobody knows who they are,
Except that little Jewish kid with a toy crossbow.
I think they should be dealt with!
Deport them along with all the foreigners.
Islamists are Far Right
Fuck them.
“Islam is far right”
A fact that is completely lost on the various lame brains of the woke establishment.
Good Afternoon
“Ok, let’s deploy our secret weapon -RAAAACIIISSST!”
Everything drifted to the left, leaving ‘normal’ to be described as ‘far right’. Not bothered what they call things anymore.
Righteousness expressed on the pages of IsaC!
Embrace the label. Embrace the issues. Embrace Reform.
Make England Great Again
Instead of what it is now:
I see Reform as pretty centrist.
Do for now until something better comes along….
Compared to the old NF, they are very much centrist and liberal.
I remember a time when Don Mitchell (Mark Sanger in “Ironside”) was the only black person on TV on a Saturday night. This was so even though other shows included the Black and White Minstrels, and Match of the Day! Many people watching back then would have known all about the real ‘far right’ having faced down Mr Hitler.
Far right is a term used to close down a debate where a woke moron cannot produce a logical argument.
How I love pointing out to them that the Nazis were socialists.
I love doing that too and watching them go fucking mental.
Once they’ve calmed down a bit, ask them why the left hate Jews so much…oh, that’s right. Because they’re fucking Nazis.
That sets them off again. ?
If not wanting to see my country fall further in to the shit than it already has and not be invaded by people of every third world country who give nothing bring nothing and will not follow the rules of the land makes me far right I’ll accept it
Personally I don’t call this mindset far right, just being right.
‘Absolutely Right’ is what I’d call it. Jonathan Ross would say ‘absolutely wight’ and I wouldn’t argue with that either.
I used to know some skinheads in a organisation called Combat 18.
Mostly were undercover police officers and informants,
They went international somehow?
Got themselves proscribed as a terror organisation.
Hope they’ve not been infiltrated by the Far Right?
Suppress free speech, indoctrination of children in schools, control of the media…….
Who’s the real extremists?
Not “far right” just fucking correct.
Better far right than extreme wrong!
It’s odd that the ‘far right’ is regarded as a section of society that’s full of hate, yet the left are regarded as embracing all facets of humankind.
If that’s really the case, how the fuck do the left explain their undisguised hatred of indigenous British people, especially the working class, and British history?
And how the hell do they reconcile their happy clappy views with their love for the mudslime‘community’?
Surely there’s no religious sect more right wing than them.
It’s a mystery, that’s for sure.
But then, the truth can be whatever they want it to be, can’t it?
The far left. Fucking up Britain since 1945.
There’s no escaping the fact that it’ll be fucking funny when the peacefuls start taking out these hard left cunts that are standing in the way of their complete takeover. Watching them screaming as they burn in the streets, learn to fly off tall buildings or simply lose their heads to a few inaccurate slices with a blunt and rusty breadknife will, quite likely, happen in my lifetime. Frankly, they deserve nothing less. The cunts believe they’ll be in charge. Wow, are they wrong.
Indeed Moggie.
It could go down as the biggest lapse into a false sense of security since the Nazi/Soviet non aggression pact.
It would be interesting to see Kweer’s head on the railings in Downing Street, next to Mandy’s
I think, on the whole, I’d prefer a toffee apple.
Nottingham Council is clearly Far Right.
Emily Thornberry will go into meltdown! ?
Pity the cunts didn’t spend the money on the roads they are fucking medieval round here.
The far right, I thought Owen “wanker” Jones vanquished them single handedly..
Or was that the nazi’s..
The Reform Party should fully adopt the MAGA agenda, anglicize it and don’t apologize for it.
Make England Great Again…no matter what you say…regardless of our flaws…we civilized the world. Now we’re going to put the needs of our nation and our people first.
Secure our borders. You don’t get to come in unless you bring something of real value to our country. The rest of you pack your government given bags because you’re going home…at gun point if necessary.
Energy Independent. Stop covering our farmlands with solar panels and bird killing windmills. We’re going to drill in the North Sea and whatever coal we have left. We may even build a few Nukes too. And if you’re nice to us we may sell you whatever power we have left over.
Peace through strength. We’re putting a stop to these endless foreign wars. Kill yourselves if you want but we’re not going to get involved. Unless you fuck with us then we’ll kill you.
Educate don’t indoctrinate. Reading. Writing. Arithmetic. Science. Technology. Even the Arts are OK. But we’re plowing you DEI / Green Garden / Neo-Marxist bullshit under and using it for fertilizer.
Election Reform. True Representative and proportional Democracy. One cunt…one vote…in person on Election Day.
One Justice System for all. Same legal standard for everyone. You do the crime, you do the time. And if you elites (political or otherwise) steal our tax money…we will arrest you, give you a fair trial and then hang you.
Tax Reform. It’s OUR fucking money. We earned it! We give to you for the administration of the common good. National Defense, roads, bridges, street lights, schools, fair courts et cetera. If you want to fund some pet project…then YOU pay for it.
Stop the hate. I’m not the problem and I’m still waiting for my white privilege to kick in. We don’t care about your race, creed, color, gender, sexual preference, shoe size, eye color or if you’re left handed. If you support our Western values then you’re one of us.
Oh I forgot…Far right my MAGA ass*. It’s simply the right fucking thing to do.
*In your case MEGA arse.
It’s too late and it never was that great for the working class\blue collar worker.
It never will be.
Hey 6dV,
It pains me to disagree with one IsaC’s most distinguished and indeed one of my favorite Cunters…but it’s only too late if you give up the fight.
As for the past…maybe it wasn’t as great as it could’ve or should’ve been. Nonetheless, as we say here in the states:
It was the good old days when times were bad.
Fucking hell General … Where do I sign up?
” … If you support our Western values then you’re one of us” Otherwise – Just Fuck Off
Coming from a coal mining community we are fucked our coal is deep and there is lots left under us but it needs highly skilled people to get it out and they are all gone. My Dad, Grandad and Great Grandad would all spin in their graves seeing what the cunts have done to our community.
Does anybody know where this far right bogeyman is?
This country is fucked, turning more to shit as each day passes with immigration completely out of control, Islam spreading its dirty, devious tentacles ever further, kids being sexualised in schools by freaks, infrastructure at breaking point and various lunatics running the various asylums.
Yet it’s this far right that is the danger. Apparently.
I welcome them. Whoever and wherever they are.
The Far right is a media-created bogeyman as revenge for Brexit.
The little people dared derail the globohomo project a little and now they must be punished. We saw the mask slip after the referendum and during Covid.
Societal norms from the past 50 years are now judged unfashionable, even snti-social and bigoted. The British cultural revolution has begun, but it’s being lead by the Establishment and their traitorous ‘luxury’ beliefs.
Don’t recognise far right I’m afraid ….it’s got to be faaaaaaaaaaaar right to get me interested…oi oi oi ? you want some?
And we’re running down the backstreets Oi! Oi! Oi!
If you eat meat your Far Right
If you don’t like drag queens twerking in front of your 6yr old daughter -Far Right
If you don’t like thousands of illegals breeching our borders with impunity -Far Right
Vote anything other than the uni party – Far Right
Don’t want to be ruled by foreigners in Brussels – Far Right
It’s hard not to be Far Right nowadays.
People are waking up and going to work unaware they’re Far Right.
It’s contagious.
You forgot to mention being racist simply because you’re white. With all the privileges attendant on that. Like being called a far right racist. Funny how circular left wing arguments are.
Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Che Guevara, Castro, commies who did their bit to kill millions for their warped out of date ideology thought up by that old monster Marx.
The left have had a free ride for years, and The Establishment is and has been infested by these quisling cunts for years.
Great post Cunta!
Anyone who thinks a women cannot have a cock and balls is to the far right of Heinrich himmler it’s obvious. Fucking pack of pointless, witless, titless, clitless wankers. Time to polish the runes and the Totenkopf for the next trip to Tesco. Wankers. Must get the Wolf hook repainted on the car Das Reich always a talking point. These cunts need to find out what the far right really was. The reform party is about as far right as Lenin when compared to the real thing. I hope they find out.
It’ll be better after a few years of Labour rule and when the yanks have the first black female president.
You’ll not hear much about the Far Right.
Because youll likely be under house arrest ?
Or in an ironic concentration camp.
Funny to think that patriotism, common sense and generally being civilised is ‘Anti-Establishment’ now. ?????????
Hey Norfolk,
The inclusion of “civilized” is very astute.
To overthrow us they must destroy our culture, morals and values.
The barbarians are at the fucking gate!
No mate, the gate is far behind. The cunts are now ascending. The problem is that those supposedly in control, actually believe they have control. They are soon to discover that events are beyond them.
If people like Farage or some of the Tory old guard are regarded as far right, how the fuck would they bracket Thatcher?
She’s still given fawning treatment by political reporters and historians, many of which are quite happy to kiss Starmers arse.
So how does this left and right thing work for fuck sake?
Take no shit= far right.
Take any shit= far left.
Quite frankly the opinion of the MSM is irrelevant.
Labels,finger pointing and general windbaggery will all be swept aside.
Look to history,Europe is coming to boiling point,all thanks to politics,laughable as it is and not withstanding the compounding of disaster after disaster caused by cowardice and virtue signalling tripe.
If the silly cunts think Reform is far right then the reaction to the coming storm will be hilarious.
They have sowed the wind and shall reap the whirlwind..fancy talk and the rest will count for fuck all.
Vote Hitler?….what they have inadvertently arranged will be far more savage and far more brutal.
Shithouse appeasing cowards and dung that Beria would have lauded.
Fucking bring it on.
We are legion, fuck off.
I’ll add, these deluded fuckwits will eventually see for themselves that the pendulum ALWAYS swings back in an equal and opposite direction. Natural order.
You get what you asked for or should it be WE get what you asked for ?
Double cunts.