Lack of Water


Anyone who has been through surgery will know that one of the worst things is waking up feeling l thirsty and not being allowed anything to drink. This happened to me last week and it was an absolute cunt aggravated by the fact they knocked me out first thing Monday morning and didn’t wake me up until Wednesday afternoon. Anyway I have never craved anything so much as a glass of water. It got me thinking that no-one should have to go through that on a regular basis and yet there are parts of the world where it is seen as a luxury .

Would someone be kind enough to do a link? I couldn’t do one even before I was taken poorly.

Not A Cunt – The Royal Papworth where I am currently residing .

Nominated by Wanksock.

36 thoughts on “Lack of Water

  1. Knocked on Monday, woken up Wednesday? What on Earth happened for them to have to do that?

    • Oh it happens PC, think yourself lucky. Our younger was seven months pregnant when she was taken into hospital with a severe asthma attack. It got worse rapidly, they delivered our grandson by caesarian and then she was blue-lighted to the Royal Brompton where she was knocked out for a week and put on an ECMO machine. At one point we had a phone call from a doctor to rell us that she and the baby had a fifty-fifty chance and the mother was their priority. This was eight years ago now and she never fully recovered in that she has damage to her spine and her left leg has no feeling, she drives an automatic. Also a big chunk of her memory disappeared and she gradually recovered some of it. But hey, onwards and upwards.

      Best wishes for a full and rapid recovery Wanksock mate.

      And good morning all.

      • Thanks for that Jill and Arfur. I am on the mend now and have been back home for the last 10 days. I had a goitre (enlarged thyroid) removed, apparently it was the biggest one they had seen and had moved into the chest cavity wrapping itself around the heart and lungs. Once that had been done I had one heart valve replaced and one repaired. In all that took 10 hours on the operating table. I was nil by mouth for about 4 or 5 days so was incredibly thirsty and dreamt of a glass of water.

      • Really sorry to hear the goitre became so large and grew into your chest cavity, Wanksock. I had a giant multinodular goitre last year. Luckily it was resolved by increasing my dose of thyroxine (been on it since birth) but i did have ultrasound and then biopsy as it was very vascular, which could be a sign of malignancy. Luckily the biopsy came back benign.

  2. Hope you’re on the mend now Wanksock,
    And the gender reassignment went well?

    Did you opt for the 38dd like I suggested?

    I think thirst is far worse than hunger.

    I once got dehydration after doing a job on a red hot day.
    Piss went almost brown
    Banging headache
    Felt like shite.

    Anyway, glad you’re ok hope you win in the ms Alabama contest?

    • I thought the doctor explained that 2 litres of bisto a day is not recommended.

    • Thanks CC.

      They took a load of weight, about 3 stone, of me by the simple process of IV diuretics for 3 weeks, I was peeing like a horse so the Miss Alabama contest is out for this year.

  3. Had we known we would have got Water Aid (ave director salary £75, and there are lots of them) to bring you some buffalo piss.

    Anyway. Get well soon.

  4. Water,water everywhere but not a drop to drink ?…. should have asked for a bottle of stout that they used to give in times past….tha’ can’t beat a mackeson lad ?… anyway hospital water is always warm and tastes like it’s come from a water aid well in Sudan …get well

    • Thanks Paul, I have missed getting the TR6 out this summer, I am on a medical driving ban for the next 3 or 4 weeks.
      Pity that link wasn’t more explicit.

  5. We know a dry throat is the main reason we crave thirst, but is the ability to keep your mouth moist help in any way ? My thoughts go out to you.

    • They give you little sponge lollipops to moisten your lips, of course everyone cheats and uses them for drinking when nurse isn’t looking.

      • Thanks for the knowledge wanksock. Glad you’re on the mend.

        I’ve smashed the occasional sock after use. Must take better care. How many odd socks can one person own !

  6. All the best for a speedy recovery Mr Wanksock.

    Lack of water is a thing if you rely on South West Water (SWW). Cryptosporidium occurs when a cow takes a dump and reservoir filtration systems can’t cope. Among the symptoms following ingesting this little beauty are diarrhoea, stomach cramps, weight loss, dehydration… Britain is the new India in more ways than one.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • That’s unfair of you, AS…
      You wouldn’t expect a tribe of chimps to evolve to the point where they learned to use tools to better their situation…
      Oh wait, no…chimps learned to use rudimentary natural tools donkey’s years ago.
      So that must make African blacks subsubhuman.

      • I saw chimpanzees riding bicycles years ago. It was when I was a nipper. I might have dreamt it. There was also some cunt with a red nose and long feet.. His car fell apart. Weird or what?

  7. The yank biscuit is interfering with my findings. How do I get rid of the cunts.

  8. Based on past experience my attitude is any time they have to knock you out…cut you open…take something out…put something in…or rearrange what’s already there…it ain’t fucking routine.

    Glad you are recovering Wanks.

    Best wishes and warmest regards.

    Your nomination is righteous.

  9. back in 94 I got acute pancreatitis, 5 weeks nil by mouth absolutely bugger all, every time the tv went on there was an advert for food or drink it was a feckin nightmare, got so bad I even craved a McDonalds and a Harvester visit. Get well soon Wanksock.

  10. Best Wishes for your recovery patient Sock. I’d send you flowers but being a cunt I won’t bother.

    Onwards and upwards ???

  11. Get well soon Wanksock.

    When you’re well enough have a pint of your preference.
    All the best

  12. If there’s a lack of Water just drink Gin … I think Gordon’s Gin is my new favourite gin drunk on it right now made a favourite President’s Cocktail and its near divine drink I must say

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