Labour [28] / Border Control [7]

Five minutes after being elected to form a government, and the dinghy wallahs are celebrating how easy it will now be for them to enter Britain.


Is it any wonder when the new PM says he will abolish the Rwanda plan on day one, the only deterrent we had?
Sir Keir has been given a nickname by the filth in France that roughly translates as, “A man who works for refugees or workers”.
He certainly works for scroungers who call themselves refugees, but workers? No!
The days when Labour stood for the British working class are long gone, and now they represent themselves, immigrants, and hysterical protest groups. In that order.
With the French elections looking like a right wing government will be elected, who will not tolerate foreign filth in their own country, expect uncontrolled immigration to start right now.

Coming to a place near you. Courtesy of Liebour.

Nominated by : Duke of Cuntshire

118 thoughts on “Labour [28] / Border Control [7]

  1. The Rwanda plan was a deterrent?

    Oh my aching sides!

    It was a sop to those who ended up voting Reform snyway.

    • Indeed.

      Anyone who thinks the Rwanda plan was anything other than an expensive gimmick devised to create the illusion that the Tories were doing something about illegal immigration seriously needs their fucking head testing.

    • @cp… your sides aren’t aching half as much as the Rwandan government ????…. tank you whitey for all dis money and de free housing, is much improvement on da local mud ?….sing children sing, hallelujah bwana ??

      • Rwanda, France, India,
        Theresa’s talk of magic money trees sounds like projection more and more.

        Like a client of mine (retired GP) said a few years ago; the May government made you wonder who the real socialists are, followed by Rishi as chancellor then PM.

      • Every person attempting to illegally enter the country via the channel should be arrested and deported to country of origin within 24 hours. Anyone refusing to identify themselves or their nationality should be shipped to the Falkland islands until they change their mind. The massive amount of cash saved could be used to construct detention centres and to compensate the islanders for the inconvenience.

        Result? Zero dinghies within a month.

        All of the above is perfectly legal. no legislation required.

    • I thought it came under the budget heading of ‘waste money on purpose’.

  2. I’m not worried.

    Stormer says he will “smash the criminal gangs”.

    I assume that means he’s going to deploy special forces to quietly and efficiently shoot them on sight.

    He wouldn’t lie about something so vital to British interests after all..

    Would he?

  3. Fuck Rwanda whats wrong with just telling the cunts to fuck off your not coming in go back to fucking France all this human rights fucking bullshit their a sub species begging bowl cunts

    • Admittedly I don’t follow the news in excruciating detail, but I have never seen or heard it explained why the British government is under any obligation to simply accept illegal entry into the country or routinely assist the safe passage of unregistered craft loaded with multiple unknowns.

      The fact you see these cunts all wearing life jackets in their dinghies strongly suggests this is an organised (and paid for) channel crossing. Which in turn suggests a human trafficking operation. The last time I checked human trafficking was also illegal.

      By providing safe passage, room and board the British government is actively encouraging criminal behaviour. Given any government’s primary duty is to protect its own citizens, I fail to understand why this continues to happen. It’s not as if there aren’t legal means to enter the country. It is absolutely sickening.

      We have the same issue here in the US where trash just walks in across the southern border.

  4. Goes back to our shithouse voting system .
    If the majority on IsAC saw what was coming and people we associate with have similar views surely an alternative to the current system is much needed lest the possibility of civil rebellion can’t be all that far off

  5. The Great Replacement Theory was once ridiculed as conspiracy nonsense.

    The Great Replacement Fact is now official accepted policy.

    • Ssshh! Sir Mark Rowley will be ’round.

      Have tea and biscuits ready (not ice tea and those breakfast scones you guys have with chicken and gravy).

  6. I haven’t met 1 person, not fucking 1 who thinks uncontrollable immigration is a spiffing idea, not even an Indian chap of my acquaintance he’s 100% against it. So where the fuck did the great and the good get their cuntish idea that we all love it, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion the ruination of the West .

    • Excellent post Civvy.

      Some people are finally taking action here in the States.

      In the American hinterland 2 major companies have been forced to abandon the DEI initiatives because of backlash and boycott.

      A retailer called Tractor Supply and the iconic John Deere both have announced they are dismantling and dropping their DEI initiatives.

      Look for more high profile fallout as a Boeing whistleblower has pointed the finger at DEI policies and initiatives for their safety failures.

      And of course there is information coming out about the Secret Service’s DEI policies and their part in the failure of security in the attempted Trump assassination.

      • Apparently Kimberly Cheatle was Jill Bidens preferred pick for
        director of the U.S Secret Service, General. Having a masters in English now makes you qualified for nominating people for high profile positions now.

      • gordon brown had an upper second in History and made chancellor…. Ok bad example.

      • Hey LL,

        That’s being reported on some American Media outlets as is her 30 for 30 plan.

        30% female agents by 2030.

        Look at the video from the failed Trump assassination attempt and you can she Shirley,Mary and Flo…The Three Agentettes looking clueless.

      • Hey CeA,

        I did see the sloped roof bullshit. there’s a conflicting statement about the Secret Service giving security responsibility for that building (including the roof) to the local.

        So which is it?

        They didn’t put agents there because of the sloped roof?

        They didn’t put agents there because it was the responsibility of the local Police?

        Oh by the way…many news agencies are reporting Trump’s regular security team was pulled away from this event and sent to a Jill Biden event.

        There are a lot of things here that don’t add up.

      • In 1981, when the Reagan attempt was on the news, I recall my dad explaining to me (6 at the time) that the guys piling in were bodyguards whose JOB was to take a bullet for their protectee. I remember finding it somewhat startling that people would do that as employment.

        Then, in 1993, president Clint Eastwood’s security lass puts herself between the gun and the prez when the shooting begins in ‘In the line of Fire’.

        And now, in 2024, .. a mildly sloped roof is a bridge too far.

        Wouldn’t it have been just incredible if the interviewer – when she said that line ABOUT the slope – just exclaimed :

        “pffft…. ah, for FUCK’s sake”, ..

        and got up and walked off the set left her sitting there with that pathetic Ness hanging in the air like a bad fart.

        Clip would be as popular worldwide as the actual shooting clip, had he done so…

    • Bang on comments Civvy
      The great and the good couldn’t give a flying fuck about their schemes or the consequences when it fucks up.
      Why should they?
      They don’t have to live with it like all the rest of us and let’s be honest none of them will ever end up struggling or in poverty worrying about how they will make ends meet.
      They will never miss this year’s Bentley or luxury yacht even if they lose their job.
      The fucking cunts are laughing at us!

    • Did you ever notice that it’s something that doesn’t get discussed in casual to-and-fro(say with a neighbour or co-worker or the frikken’ postman, even, .. as opposed to a friend) … unless ‘you’ bring it up… then the floodgates open & as you said, it ain’t EVER on the (imaginary/delusional) ‘positives’ of the shit. Besides the few cunts thrust to the front on T.V. ; the numbers who think, no fuck that, .. that KNOW it’s a shit idea are mid to high 90’s, percentagewise.

      My other hot topic is ‘Legalise voluntary human euthanasia’, and even THAT gets a very muted response when floated by me… but the ongoing invasion? … no-one ‘real’ is shy to condemn it’s stupidity,.. just afeared (it would seem)to be the one to bring it up lest they be(unfairly) branded racist and all that shit.

      I see almost relief in some of them that they can finally say something outwards, once I’ve ‘put my neck on the block’ to get the topic off of the monotonous inconsequential stock conversations of(for example) the days weather, or the previous days fucking weather, or the fucking weather forecast for the following days etc.

      I’m a nice guy like that, letting them have an outlet for a couple of minutes …?

      *Changing* nothing big-picture, though, are semi-muted conversations at the gate, I’m aware…

    • Indians know what happens when your country has an Islamic empire turn up.

  7. In Labours eyes refugees are our future workers. Turkish barbers, nail bars, car washes, takeaway shops and delivery drivers are now the backbone of Britain. In fifty or sixty years time they will become sacred cows and mythologized like the Windrush generation. Forget about the white indigenous British who actually built the country and fought the wars.

    • Rent boys, bum hole mechanics, animal diddlers, child abusers, rapists , the list of opportunities is endless for the aspiring dinghy rider..
      This truly is the land of milk, benefits and honey. As for Rwanda more chance of the paperboy being sent there rather than some fucking illeagal. Total millions of bollocks.

  8. The Great Replacement can now forge ahead completely unfettered. We are rejoining the EU just so we can take even more. They will be landing by the ocean liner full once Disney has been co-opted by Sir Kweer.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

  9. Anyone who has been through customs at Heathrow recently will have seen that the so-called Border Force is entirely manned by Parking stanleys and towel heads.J D Vance was spot on. No offence, effendi.

    • Can’t have our future Brains Trust members being frightened away by gammon guards.

      I bet they’re at Dover and Folkestone waving tgem through and saying,

      ‘come in it’s all free…no i wouldn’t invite you in, either… Not my country and am paid for it’.

    • Hi Twenty –
      I have a little story. The last time I was in the UK (2017) and heading back home to the US at Heathrow, I got into a slightly heated discussion with some uniformed security Indian tart near the check-in desk. She was so heavily accented I could not understand what she was saying. She started off by giving my (American) wife a hard time about her reasons for….wait for it….flying to America. “Why you flyiiiiiing America?”….”erm…because that’s where I live”. Yeah, a US citizen with an American passport, flying to America….wow – how fucking suspicious is that?

      Then she started on me. I, of course, had to produce my (UK) passport and my Permanent Resident card (known as a ‘green card’ even though it’s not green – don’t get me fucking started). All legit, all valid. Then I got, “Wot is it that you are doing for your leeeeeving”. I had to get her to repeat this several times because I could not understand what the bitch was saying. I thought she was asking how am I leaving the country (yeah I know that doesn’t make sense, but I couldn’t understand her). So I said, “I’m getting on a plane and returning to my home country. Where I live legally with my American wife”.

      She was actually asking me what I did for my “living”, i.e. what my job was. At this point, I’d had enough and told her what I did for “my leeeeeving” was irrelevant. I also – quite strongly I might add – told her I had done nothing wrong, all my paperwork was valid and correct and she had no right to harass me without due cause.

      An argument ensued.

      I then told her she was unfit to do her job and demanded she get her supervisor (or in her case super-wiser). She understood that all right and we were waved through as if nothing had happened. Well, I wasn’t having this. Upon my return to the US I wrote to the manager (or whatever) of Heathrow and reported this incident. My complaint was factual and accurately described how my wife and I were treated.

      Wait for it…………

      He replied. Get this – he actually apologised and said that is not the experience he wants for legit, law abiding travellers. To this day I am still stunned that a) I got an apology and b) he obviously got what I was saying, i.e. indigenous white folks should not be expected to be fucked about by practically non-English speaking officious jobsworths who’ve got nothing better to do than be a cunt to the travelling public.

      • Its not a surprise IY, the whole system is a joke and not a funny one. There are regular select committees of useless MP’s asking equally useless bosses of the Home Office where tens of thousands of immos have disappeared to…Heathrow by the sounds of it…..and they sit there blustering about not having the numbers or some other bollocks. I haven’t flown in about fourteen years, Heathrow must look like the UN dropping aid to some turd world toilet.

      • I get that shit and worse every time I land in the USA. Fucking US immigration are the most ignorant bunch of fuckpigs I ever had the misfortune to deal with. All diversity picks and utter cunts.

  10. Kweer’s “landslide” victory is the least deserved, and worst described in British history post WW2. For a start, he actually polled less votes than Magic Grandpa did in 2019. It was just that Jemima and Tarquin’s mummies and daddies thought that nice old barrister with his TinTin hair and brylcreem looked quite nice. He would be welcome in North London drawing rooms for Earl Grey and fairy cakes, and he would be sure to go out on the patio if he wanted to fart – and if he did fart that would be due to Brexit They seemed to forget his scripts were all written by Anthony Blair and Mandy Mandelson, with script editor Sue Gray casting a schoolmistressy eye over them, to make sure he said nothing to distress the proletariat.

    He will never curb illegal immigration – he doesn’t want to, neither does Cooper. He is too much of a virtue signaller. Practically the first thing he said in his first speech in Parliament was how glad he was they had so many poofters elected. It didn’t occur to him that just because they are ginger they might not be either honest or competent

    Starmer and his bumboys lied through their teeth, or only told half truths. Rachel Reeves, she of the shiny slacks and sensible shoes (garbed like that to appeal to the Labour lezzas no doubt. I bet she even wears Y Fronts with a plastic dick in them to get her into character), clearly knows fuck all about fuck all.

    Well we are stuck with his shit eating grin for five years and his bunch of eco fascists and EU loving arseholes. The countryside will be concreted over to acomodate the Third World scum who can afford a rubber boat and a bicycle tyre inner tube. No doubt when fully emboldened Lammy will turn up in foreign climes stripped to the waist and painted with blue and white paint, threatening to throw his spear at anyone who upsets him. Old Kweer even dragged old Jacqui Smith out of pasture so she can claim yet more porno on “expenses”, and mincing Alan Milburn, another old Blarite arselicker is quietly back at the Department of Health, You notice Kweer doesn’t advertise that much. Perhaps he is just there to touch up Streetings make-up and lipstick Of course, Starmer knows Blair, Blairism and Blairites failed 15/20 years ago, and they will fail again now, now they are even older and stupider.

    • Shitholian immigrants are only one part of the Grand Plan.

      There’s much more to comes as Kweir and his merry band of gay caballeros are on a mission to Make Britain Suck Again.

      (As it did in the good old days of Tony the liar Blair.)

      • Walk into a British hospital and you’d think you were in Mogadishu or Trinidad.

      • I suspect Blair did a great deal of sucking in the 1970s – on his knees in the public lavatories of London. He was “Charles Lynton” in those days of course.

        I bet Kweer is doing quite a bit of crawling with his EU pals today.

      • Hey Ron,

        I’m well thank you.

        Been watching the Republican Convention and as much as I hate political shit shows I gotta tell you…they fucking nailed it!

        Despite my silliness, I trust you are on the mend.

        By the way, I saw a nomination of yours that I’m very much looking forward to.

  11. Starmergeddon says he’s got a plan to ‘smash’ the smuggling gangs.

    Maybe I’m a bit light on the logic these days (and I appreciate that the gangs will have henchmen over here) but aren’t most of them actually, erm, abroad?

    What’s he going to do about the cunts in France and elsewhere who are actually taking the cash and organising the dingies? Send in the SAS and SBS under cover of night?

    As Alan ‘Fluff’ Freeman might have put it, ‘fucked? not ‘arf’.

    • It was only a couple of months ago that German police and Interpol managed to arrest a gang thought to be responsible for a third of cunt crossings, you can be sure that gang will have been swiftly replace by another.

    • Send the Met’s finest, with a week’s ‘fact-finding’ in Dubrovnik.

  12. Interestingly enough, this French fella wrote a novel describing these current events back in 1973.

    Another French author by the name of Michel Houellebecq wrote a slightly satirical novel 10 years ago called “Submission” which describes France becoming an islamic state in the not too distant future.

    Both books pretty much on point in my opinion.

    The politicians of Western Europe, by and large are nothing more than corrupt vermin.

    The general populations of Western Europe are brainwashed spineless cunts who are ashamed of their forefathers achievements.

    Good Afternoon.

    • I know of Houellebecq but hadn’t heard of the first. As Wikipedia says its popular amongst the far-right and white nationalists, I consider it it essential reading, slthough I dare not ourchase a copy online.

      Some geeks buried in a hole in Cheltenham might take an interest.

  13. Smash the gangs, better cooperation with the EU, the new border command….

    Well I am convinced.

    The only good news today, 71 didn’t make it, the bad news 70 can try again.

    We are doomed, doomed I say!

  14. This latest set of Westminster Cunts will just throw another wet blanket over the whole disgusting business.

    Lots of new laws,agencies and’ll cost billions of course and be so complex that no cunt will have a clue what’s going on.

    Stormer will be baffled why his new laws fail to make the slightest difference.

    He’s a fat traitorous cunt and his govt needs the full Hitler cure.


      • The five Just Stop oil activists included Roger Hallam,
        The main man at just stop oil.

        He got 5years.
        Alongside him was a bird named Cressida (no shit)
        And Lucia Whittaker de abreau,
        Very posh.

        Poor wodger.
        It’ll be a culture shock for him!
        He’ll get to meet people from council estates for the first time.
        Wodger the wampant wioter.

        Free woderwick the wobber!!✊

      • MNC@. Wait until Wodger meets Bigus Dickus, off B Wing ??

        There will be blood ! ❣️

        All right pal ? ?

        How’s the digging going ?

      • Aye up Jack?

        Yeah going good, it’s a big plot that’s been used before but left for a few years for the weeds to thrive.

        But it’s got 2 greenhouses
        One with a massive grapevine in.

        I’m enjoying it, it’s hard going and I tingle 24hr from nettle stings but better than watching telly eh?

        You ok pal?
        How’s your battle with the men in grey going?

      • Cressida looks like her tuppence and arsehole will be fisted regularly in jail until they resemble something that floated to the top of Barrymore’s swimming pool.

      • MNC@. Definitely better than watching telly.

        The trick is persistence, keep at it and never give in.

        My 97 year old uncle still cuts his own grass. With a push mower. Refuses to stop.

        Terminator ?

        I am treating the grey clad ones with cool aloofness.

        Whilst filling me back pocket with cabbage ?

        Hehehehehe ?

      • Good man!

        They’d only fritter it away on some dinghy sailor.

        They’ll be getting a light weigh in off me too.?

        Fuck them the little pencil pushers.

      • Mis is going to become a giant vegetable enthusiast Jack.

        Get JP to sit on top of one in a wheelbarrow for the local paper.

      • I can see the headlines now, LL.

        “Prize winning giant marrow, grown by MNC, pictured here with garden gnome!”

      • LL@. Probably corner the local cucumber market for the lonely spinsters of the parish too. ???

        Alright LL ?

        Everything splendid ?

      • Your uncle sounds like a warrior Jack.

        All’s well with me pal, couldn’t ask for better weather at the moment.

      • LL@. Glad to hear everything is tickety boo ?

        If anyone has embraced life and squeezed it for all it’s worth, it’s me uncle.

        He seems to have fitted several lifetimes into one. A real character. Stepping over his threshold is to be transported back to a time when Britannia ruled the waves. ??

        I love him to bits.

        Reminds me of me Grandad ( his dad ).

        Real men, salt of the earth !

      • After my dad died last year I found out that he was adopted by my Grandad with his real father being a U.S soldier stationed over here. This was after being in a POW camp for three years.

        They really were a different breed of men.

    • Unfortunately every one of those cunts will be out in no time.

      I did like the judge telling them to fuck off with their climate bullshit and stick to the facts of the case though.

      • first week on assessement wing, then open nick, time off for good behaviour, out in no time as sure as shit is lammy coloured.

      • 40% of their sentences!!

        Still, I expect they were took aback to get custodials. I’d love to be a fly on the wall when the women arrive at Styall!

        I can just imagine

        “I’m not a number!”

        “Yes, you fuckin’are”

    • These cunts got jailed, but those absolute shit stains who pulled down the statue of Edward Colston and dumped it in a canal…nothing to see here.


      • The judiciary underestimated the public feeling to this kind of vandalism, in the case of Coulsons statue.

        Well, they don’t now.

        Can’t wait for those two old trout who tried to damage the Magna Carta to come up before the beak!

  15. unfortunately after 14cyears of conservatives, being errr far too conservative when it come to swarthy foreign cunts, those that were in early teens back then are now mid to late 20s. all they know is this country has always been full of freeloading economic tourist cunts and a conservative made (as they dont remember Mt Blair snd brown etc) problem. they don’t know what a load of commie bustard puppets of the unions the labour party are…..not yet anyway.

  16. actually….as they know no different they really don’t see all this cultural enrichment as anything other than what they have been brought up with……hence the shouting down now of those that do remember before 14 years ago plus. they think it’s us older cubts that are somehow wrong…..and that’s exactly what Mr Blair was banking on all those years ago as swarthy benefit cunts are traditional Labour party voters

    • Hey Sam,

      I think that’s far too simplistic.

      Concrete blocks, razor wire, land mines, mortar pits and machine gun nests would be a much more comprehensive approach.

      Of course the RAF and RN bombing and patrolling the Channel would be the first line of defense.

      I’m not so sure I would go so far as bombing and shelling France. But then again it is the invasion staging ground and the French would likely surrender faster than you could say Jacques Robinson, so maybe.

  17. Rwanda was a massive con dreamed up by Johnson to distract the right-wing of the Conservative Party from the fact that the government was doing FUCK-ALL to stop the thousands of 30yr old child migrants from breaching our borders.
    It’s embarrassing to think how so many otherwise rational people imagined Rwanda was ever a serious proposition.
    The most likely reason Sunak called the election for July was because Rwanda was about to be decisively exposed for the nonsense it always was.
    By then we had given the Rwandan government approximately £400million.
    To take 200 migrants in the first year, maximum.
    (That’s about the same number Border Farce escorts here on an average day)
    Works out at £2 million per migrant.
    Promised Rwanda a further £50million next year to take 300.
    Leaving 130,000 illegals awaiting processing…
    Part of the deal was we’d have to take an “unspecified number” of Rwandan refugees in return.
    If you count the £500 million we’ve given the French to (not) stop the boats leaving their shores, Johnson Sunak Associates have spaffed nigh on £1 billion on this bullshit.
    All to appease the likes of the Daily Mail and forestall the inevitable haemorrhaging of Tory voters to Reform.
    That’s electoral fraud in my book.
    Fuck them.

  18. Saw Sir Kweer saying that we must tackle the reasons for migration – poverty and conflict. So the cunt is going to sort out Islam and Africa?
    Worra cunt.

      • More to the point, why isn’t he nuking Russia?
        Appeasing fucking wuss.

      • Nuke Russia, a giant country with numerous retaliatory options and a much bigger airforce and nuclear arsensl?

        Putin has us over a barrel now he’s found half a trillion barrels of oil on the bed of the Weddell Sea.

  19. That Starmer cunt surpasses himself yet again!
    Unbelievably he thinks shelling out 84 million to the countries where the immos originate it will stop it at source.
    So they ain’t coming all this way for the give nothing in but still get money housing and health care for fuck all then?
    How fucking stupid can this fuckwit be!
    This is our head of government remember.

      • Somehow I just don’t see this being a success but should I be visiting a parallel universe and it does work will that mean we will refuse entry from applicants of countries that benefit from this windfall.
        No of course it won’t so in effect exactly the same as Sunak in giving vast wealth to these law abiding third world cunts albeit it less but he has only been in power for a week so he has plenty of time to catch up then easily surpass the last lot of political fuck ups.

    • Typical true to fucking form ZaNufuckingLabour.

      Any problems can be fixed with largesse of taxpayers cash. £84m will buy African leaders some swanky Maybachs and barrels of finest Scotch.

      Whilst these useless cunts of Kweer’s squeeze taxpayers for even more.

      Greasy haired fucking arsehole.

  20. It’s ok, Sir Keir has sorted it.

    We can send some back to France if they can choose which ones they send to us…..what could go wrong?

    Border is one of those words that no longer has meaning outside of North Korea.

    • Well luckily it has meaning in a few places like Poland, Hungary and Greece.

      Western Europe is fucked.

  21. It’s come to light that the loser who shot Trump, was identified as a suspicious person AN HOUR before he started shooting !!

    Twenty minutes before the shooting, he was flagged to the SS when he was seen using a range finder.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    This incident smelled fishy at the time.

    Now it stinks to high heaven.

    Good evening.

    • Hey Jack,

      I promise you there is much more to come and the stench will be beyond unbearable.

      And the Demonrats are not through yet. Just wait until the next attempt on Trump’s life.

      It’s coming…

      • General @. If there’s another attempt you could be looking at a major SHTF moment.

        Stock up on ammo and beans ?

      • No…

        Leftys like you will make sure of that.

        You guys have tried everything else.

      • That last reply was meant for Grondul.

        Hey Jack,

        I’m in pretty good shape ammo wise. My only concern is my 9mm stock is almost all ball (FMJ) and I’d like to have more hollow points.

        At least as big a concern as the beans…I just laid in a supply of 36 rolls of toilet paper. (It was on sale.)

        Coffee is also at the top of my essentials list.

      • What do you think the past five days would have been like broadly, General, if that little cunts bullet had hit it’s mark?

      • Hey CeA,

        Those with TDS would be dancing in the streets celebrating like it was V-E Day.

        The MSM would be wall to wall with coverage about how he deserved it because he brought it on himself.

        The Republican Convention would have been alive with calls for armed rebellion.

        Ji Jing Joe would be hailed as a re-assuring figure and the only one who can unite the country.

        As for violence…unlike the left, the right does not go out and burn down their own neighborhood(s) as a way to show how much they care.

        It may still get ugly because there’s some strange coincidences. There’s a report that the days leading up to the assassination attempt saw a massive short sell of Trump Truth Social Media.

        Here’s a bit of it:

        For the record…Jimmy Dore is a far left, card carrying, Trump hating Lefty. So if he’s asking questions you know there’s fire behind the official smoke screen.

      • Cheers.. I had to ask someone from across the pond, , as the internet surprisingly has no ‘what if’ essays on the matter, since…

        I DID like this intro I found on another site, though. My impression(from the entire article) is that the writer is not a fan of DT.


        “You’ve almost certainly seen the pictures by now. You’ve probably seen them a hundred times. A fist in the air, blood dripping from his ear, an American flag above him, a defiant expression on his face. Trump quickly jumping up from an assassination attempt at a Pennsylvania rally and appearing to mouth the words: “Fight! Fight! Fight!” If you fed “all-American tough guy president” into an AI image generator, it wouldn’t spit out anything half as powerful”.

      • Hey CeA,

        Your assessment is probably correct.

        That image is the most powerful American image since the raising of the flag on Iwo Jima. And you couldn’t dream up anything better.

        That’s why the MSM is not showing it on American TV.

        Your other point is also astute. Many hard-core leftys realize that the Demonrats have mishandled this election season badly and that this image makes Trump unbeatable.

      • When the vocal support went up when DT was back on his feet, exiting the stage ; it was a moment for sure. That msm for the most part shrank the audio to minimal atvthat point in replays is pure cunt. Another cunt reporter or analyst suggested he had done wrong by not calling for peace at that exact moment. cnn’s ‘Trump bundled off stage after falling’ headline?.. a fucking disgrace…

      • Just like Hikary’s ‘Deplorables’, the ranting and raving from blue haired loons about the shooter wasting an opportunity will help marshall support for Tango Man, and why some seem to think he wasn’t hit when he was, just shows how incoherent their TDS has made them.

      • Indeed, Cuntamus, .. there is a divide as wide as Katie Price’s minnie-moo between the phrase ‘bullet grazed his ear’, and ‘almost killed via headshot by attrmpted-assassin’s bullet”.

        Ffs, some pro-joe cunt tried her best on TV to equate slow joe coming back next weekend after mild covid(allegedly) to being a triumphant return EXACTLY LIKE Donald Trump returning to the stage for his next engagement after last weekend.

        ‘Same thing’, she insisted several times.


    • Yeah the Alans are burning down the snackbar (again).

      That bus was completely enriched in flames.

  22. Breaking right now on Newsmax:

    Joe Biden has agreed to step down as a candidate but will remain as President through his term.

    The speech is being drafted and the official decision will be announced as soon as this weekend.

    He will not endorse Cacklin’ Kammy or anyone else.

    Old Flatbackback is said to be OK with no endorsement as she doesn’t want to be anointed by the Old Coffin Dodger.

    I’m posting this as it is being reported live on TV.

  23. According to the msm, large crowds of ‘people’ were involved in the disturbance.
    Not to worry, West Yorkshire police, who’s officers were strategically positioned a mile away at the time, have released a statement.

    “We want to make it very clear that the full weight of the law will be brought against those responsible.”

    Who are they fucking kidding?

  24. Enoch Powell should have been listened to and respected for what he predicted.

    Mr Powell was a supremely intelligent man with the temerity to tell the truth about where importing the third world leads to.

    Having said that, anybody with a double digit IQ should be able to foresee where it leads to.

    Except Labour politicians and Labour voters though.

    Their collective IQ is unfortunately only in the single digits.

    Good Morning

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