Kamala Harris (4)

“Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee reporting. Today, in a world exclusive, I have the extraordinary privilege of being joined by none other than Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States. Welcome Madam”

“Well hi there, ah ha ha ha ha HA HA!”

“I wonder if you could begin by outlining your day-to-day role as Vice President, for any of our followers who might be unfamiliar with just what’s involved”

“I have the great pleasure of serving with Joe Biden. He’s an extraordinary leader, and I wish that people could see what I see, because there’s only one person that sits behind that desk, and has to make the decisions that nobody else in the country can. He’s just an extraordinary leader wah ha ha ha ha HA HA!”

“Er okay, but the actual question was… oh never mind. Seeing how you’ve raised the question of the President directly, let’s move on. There’s been much concerned talk lately about his mental decline. If he stands and is elected again, he’ll be 86 by the end of his second term, assuming he actually stays the distance. Your views?”

“Well consider time. You know time doesn’t stand still. There is great significance in the passage of time. What we have to do in this project is to have some faith in what can be, unburdened by what has been wah ha ha ha ha ha HA HA!”

So Madame Vice President, what do you see as the greatest problems facing the US today; inflation, the cost of living, immigration levels, the increasingly unstable international situation…?”

“Absolutely. You know we gotta take all this stuff seriously, as seriously as you are, because you have been forced to take it seriously”

“Erm, indeed *shuffles in frustration*. Could you possibly be a little more specific?”

“Of course. I do believe that we live in real unsettled times, and yeah, I’m out on those streets, and there’s so much at stake in this moment. The majority of us believe in freedom and equality, but these extremists, they’re not like us”

“Extremists? Who are you talking about exactly? I don’t understand your point”

“Listen, do you just think you fell out of a coconut tree? You exist in the context. On the bus round and round. Here’s the thing, who doesn’t love a yellow school bus?”

“I er, well…”

“I mean look, it’s all about community. Just look at community banks. So the importance of community banks is that they are, as they are called, in the community. Led by members of the community. They are people who understand the capacity of the community. The needs of the community. The culture of the community…”

“*Ahem* well thank you Madame Vice President, for joining us today to give us the benefit of these most valuable insights”

“My pleasure Ronnie baby. Wakanda forever wah ha ha ha ha HA HA!”

“Oh lord. This is Ron Knee, for IsAC, returning you to the studio”


Nominated by Ron Knee.

118 thoughts on “Kamala Harris (4)

  1. I took in an abandoned kitten last July, jet black. He grew into being a lovely adult cat. So I have a black pussy, if you will.

    Like this funt. Difference IS, .. hers got her an undeserved fairly specialist appointment 4 years ago… but I’ll wager mine is far nicer to look at !

    • Funt???, for fuck’s sake. It’s not like I don’t type the fucking word enough….


      If you interview this funt again, Ron, would you ask her about her nuclear arsenal thoughts, or somesuch importsnt matter.. as all she spoke about in a public forum recently was gay teachers rights to have photos of their gay spouse in the classroom, like it was her life’s ambition. Chasing the bent vote, .. pathetic stuff …

      • I’ve been mulling throughout the afternoon how to backpedal/save face in this ‘funt’ debacle and it’s just occurred to me ; – make it an acronym!

        I’ve already gotten 3 of the 4 but am stumped on the third one.

        Fucked-Up- something beginning with ‘N’ – Tramp(or Tool, or Twot).


        Got it! .. ‘Nauseating’.

        Fucked-up Nauseating Twot.

        That’ll do.

      • On a similar theme, I keep seeing that useless secret service agent who couldn’t holster her weapon referred to as a ‘fupa’.

        Can anyone tell me what this means?

      • Hello again Mr. Knee,

        Apparently it falls to me as IsaC’s resident Septic to respond to inquiries regarding our culture, politics and slang.

        FUPA stands for Fat Upper Pubic Area.

        It’s the fat that accumulates between the pubic area, the hips and the lower belly.

        As far as I know it was talentless cunt Beyonce who first used it a few years ago while bragging about her “mommy area.”

        She may have been proud of it but most view the use as derogatory.

      • FUPA? .. Rogers Profanisaurus listed that bit as a ‘gunt’.

        Is-a-Gunt.com for that DEI fuckin’ useless clown holster woman.

      • Well done, Viz, .. there are many google returns for ‘gunt’ all of whom describe it as ‘upper tummy fatty area’. I guess twee-adjective ‘fatty’ , and ‘tummy’ must be less ‘hurtful’ to a fat cunt with a massive gut on them.

        What not ONE of them (links)seem to realise is they have picked up a portmanteau(!) of the words ‘gut’ and ‘cunt’.

        A lot of copy & paste, this modern world. Not a lot of effort or depth in that, though

      • *lower* ‘tummy fatty area’, not upper. D’uh.

        And seeing as I’m self retro fixing – extra detail … ”chasing the bent vote” … (via insignificant trivialities such as that classroom photos whinge) .. on a TV show called rupauls drag race all stars. She also blurted out ‘teachers, we don’t pay you near enough’.

        Well, why the fuck haven’t you addressed that in the past 3.5 years, then, cunt? would’ve been a nice retort. It was prerecorded, though. Safer that way when the I.Q. isn’t all that.

  2. I know we can’t talk when it comes to our current crop of political titan’s.

    But jesus wept their population is what 300 million and that’s the best you can come up with..

    What did they do open the first door and go “your do”

    • It is fucking social media, who would want to be a politician today when everything you have ever said is recorded and everything you do is filmed and scrutinised. Only 2nd hand low grade twats.

  3. Imagine applying for a job and becoming second choice to a stumbling, mentally-impaired octogenarian who can’t construct a coherent sentence without being helped.

  4. Got to say the media repackaging of Kamala is breathtaking. A few days ago she was largely ignored. Now she is the saviour of democracy and the western world.

    The democrats know she has less brain power than Biden did before they made him step down.

    She’s going to be the next President of the US.

    I give up.

    • Listening to the PM programme on Radio 4 on Thursday night I thought Evan Davis and some leftie septic were going to have an orgasm they were so excited that Camel Toe Harris was standing. They were, clearly, of the opinion that only racists would vote against her. The conversation (you couldn’t call it an interview) never even touched on her policies, beliefs or competence.

    • This is going to be fascinating.

      The image management of Harris is going to be something to behold.

      • Word is, they’re going after DT from an age angle.. or even age/competency attacks… a frankly stunning level of hypocrisy if they do.

  5. The so democrats(fascists) say democracy will fall if Donny is elected.
    Well if this communist donkey is elected, America will fail.
    There may be trouble ahead.

  6. If she wins, the only question would be

    How the fuck was that possible ?

    It’s thicker than Lammy and that bar was fucking low.

    • It could happen , the female black POTUS having talks with with the Foreign Secretary of HMG on how to deal with Putin and the expansionary aims of China.
      If that doesn’t fill you with trepidation ,nothing will.

  7. She reminds me of the clown that used to be on the front at Blackpool…..?+?????=cameltoe…she should partner up with that other hyena Micah Richards ?

    • That thing gone now ? loved to see it as a nipper on visits there.Just the right side of creepy.Wondering if the gold mine ride still operates too. Loved that one.?

  8. Remember people….

    Anything negative reported about Kamala is misinformation, non partisan fact checkers will probe this no matter if you were present when she said it.

    We are facing a future where the president of the United States is a clueless idiot with a radical agenda……….back to the future then.

  9. Digression.
    Had to laugh. The West Indies couldn’t avoid the English whitewash.

  10. She always seems…well, bit pissed.

    Seen her on telly and being a thoroughly modern type I made allowances for her

    She’s a sooty
    She’s a yank

    But still.
    Talks utter bollocks.
    Seems like she’s been in Wetherspoons all day.

    Next president of the United States of Whatever ??

    • I get the impression she’s a bit of a dizzy piss head as well.

      She’s like the overly patronising family friend that you try to avoid.

      • It’s clearly ‘on something’ Prozac,Charlie,valium.Super Skunk maybe all 4 combined.No one can be that cretinous ?

    • I imagine she always has a 40 oz malt liquor in a paper bag close at hand..

      Looks like a ghetto rat..

    • My money’s still on Trump becoming the next president.

      Quickly followed by JD Vance, who is obviously banking on Trump carking or getting impeached at some point during the ensuing four years.

      Either way, Vance will be perfectly placed to become president in 2028, assuming he keeps his snout relatively clean.

      • Fuck 2028.
        If Big Don is half the man I think he is,
        He will change the Constitution and proclaim himself President for life!
        To be succeeded by Little Don Jnr.
        Evening SCB, all. ?

  11. Righteous and eloquent nomination from the illustrious Mr. Knee.

    So what can I say…unburdened by what has already been said…about the Democrat’s nominee…who is the nominee of the Democrats…who participated in the Biden mental decline cover up…which is about Biden’s mental decline which was covered up…due to Biden’s mental decline…

    Despite her idiocy be advised…this dumb cunt could win.

    President Andreww Jackson was nicknamed Old Hickory because he was tough as Hickory wood.

    Cacklin’ Kammi Harris is nicknamed Old Flatback because…

    You know why…

    There’s waaaaaaaaaaay more to say on the anointment of the whore turned candidate…

    • She will win. Trump should have focused on her before she became the nominee. Biden was never going to see another term out, possibly he won’t see this term out.

      If the democrats are smart they will get her in place as president now, she then willl dem a more substantial candidate.

      Though I’m sure they think this is a gamble because she’s going to be a cluster fuck as president.

      She’s the dream candidate for the woke media. The BBC are bending over for her now, pointing her in the direction of a strap on of titanic proportions.

      The last election was questionable, this time they will have learnt from their mistakes.

      I don’t think Trump has the finesse to understand personal attacks on Kamala will cost him dearly, he needs to focus on policy and her lack of depth and lack of understanding..

      • Hey 6dV,

        You could very well be correct.

        The problem is Cacklin’ Kammi herself. She just isn’t likable to the vast bulk of the voting public and she’s a public speaking disaster.

        So far she’s been disciplined and “on message” but I don’t know if she can stop herself from saying stupid world salad shit.

        The Demonrats are disciplined and will vote for her. However, keep an eye on the far lefties. They are already disenchanted and if Old Flatback picks Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro* as her veep, they will lose their tiny little anti Semitic minds.

        *He’s Kosher.

  12. The Dems haven’t much going for them have they?

    Joe doesn’t know where he is.

    Kamala is probably puddled on Grandpa’s cough medicine most of the day.

    And Barack Obama’s husband sorry.. wife, is waiting patiently in the wings to come in and save the party.

    • I watched a 3 part documentary the other night about Richard Nixon called Tricky Dick ?

      Pretty interesting.
      But what I liked the most was the ” Hard Hat Riots ” in New York.

      I’d never heard of it before.

      Loads of hippy anti war protesters whining about Vietnam,
      Nearby are lots of construction workers building the World Trade Centre.
      Some who had served in WW2 or Korea.

      They saw their arse.
      400 of them pushed through police lines and battered fuck out of the hippies?
      They were joined by office workers off Wall street who also started fucking up the hippies.

      Woodstocks that way ?

  13. Ps
    That Richard Nixon was a odious, slimy little twat.
    He was a Republican though .

    His perma smile was a veneer.
    Fake as fuck.
    And his devious mad eyes darted everywhere.

    Utter piece of shite
    No way I’d of voted for the cunt whatever flavour of politics he was.

  14. Funny how all these so called “black” women look virtually indistinguishable from white women with a suntan.

    Cunts like Harris and the Markle creature with her facial cosmetic surgery, looks whiter than fucking Halfwit.

  15. The Democrats should of followed suit of our Liberal Democrats..

    Had sleepy joe out and about like Ed davey, seemed to work for that unlikeable cunt..

    Plus there was a good chance he would of snuffed it while doing such things as riding a bicycle or building a sandcastle.

  16. It’s a pity the Dems didn’t keep Gabbard. She’s somebody who actually CAN unite both parties.

    • Hey OC,

      Tulsi had a small but dedicated group of supporters who wanted Trump to choose her as his VP for exactly that reason.

  17. While I certainly wouldn’t put it past her,
    Far from it,
    She will have to say or do something spectacularly stupid to lose in November.
    To quote Iggy Pop:

  18. It’s a shame.

    I wanted to watch Big Donald run rings round raddled Crooked Joe in a TV debate again.

    Thwarted alas by a demented whoře.

    Can’t wait for it to go full Civil War…over there and over here.

    Good afternoon and drinks all round.

  19. Least Kamalas a happy drunk.
    Always laughing.

    Didn’t figure her for a pisspot.
    Assumed she’d be a crack head?
    But there you go.

    Raise a toast to the black female POTUS !!

    She’s been sick all over the cockpit in Air force One…

    • Probably on what Judge Judy would call “prescribed medication”. ?

      • Ok, let’s think of ways to criticize Kamala Harris. What can we call her? To start with, she’s a woman, and she’s black. Well she doesn’t look black but we know she’s not ethnic white, don’t we? And she laughs so we know she’s thick. Trump’s going to have no trouble beating her. If he can’t beat a thick black woman, who can he beat? Joe Biden in a coffin? I’d say that’d be about evens. No, if he doesn’t beat her, he’s going to look a complete and utter twat.

      • If he doesn’t beat her, it’ll be down to ballot harvesting and encrypted source code on voting machines. There’s nothing the desperate Democrat scum won’t try.

      • Yep, Allan deflecting nicely there, completely ignoring all the nasty, corrupt and evil shit that Kamala Harris has undertaken during her career.

  20. I want to address the remarks made by Allan.

    There are plenty of legitimate reasons to criticize Kamala Harris without you resorting to Democrat propaganda.

    Vice President Harris WAS the most unpopular Vice President in history.

    https://thehill.com/homenews/administration/4069023-poll-kamala-harris-sets-record-low-for-vice-president-net favorability/

    She’s shallow, superficial, vapid, ineffective, inarticulate and she slept her way into political office. She was never a serious candidate for President. She dropped out of the 2020 election cycle before a single Democrat vote was ever cast.

    Only now…that Biden has “selflessly” stepped aside to preserve democracy is she considered competent by the MSM…even though not a single Democrat voter has voted for her.

    She’s been anointed by the same scum that covered for Joe Biden’s mental decline.

    But you are right about one thing…with the Democrats in lockstep and the MSM spewing revisionist propaganda and hailing her as the saviorette of democracy…Trump may have trouble beating her.

    Right now her bump in the polls is due more to relief that Biden is gone than excitement for her.

    Whether or not she can ride that wave through a short election cycle remains to be seen.

    We need to see what happens at the convention and who she picks as her running mate.

  21. Sure it’ll all work out ok.

    I’m completely relaxed about it.

    She looks a little like Bill Cosby?
    He talked bollocks as well.

    • He’s Mr. October on my “Rape Aficionado 2024” calendar, smirking seductively and holding a bottle of chloroform.

  22. I said earlier that the bump in the polls was due to relief that the Old coffin dodger was out and Old Flatback was in.

    For those of you so inclined here some fairly in depth poll analysis that might comfort you a bit about Trump’s chances to win the election.

    It’s 7 minutes long and a bit wonky but it’s got some good and reassuring info in it. It’s the kind of stuff the MSM and Democrat propagandaists don’t want you to see:


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