Joe Biden [21]

Following the announcement on Sunday that Biden will not seek re-election, we moved up this nomination to let you weigh in while the iron is hot – Admin Team.

Old Snake Eyes on Steroids?

The rather weird look of an off the rails Joe Biden, the pensioner on steroids and double sanitary pads as witnessed at the recent State of the Union Speech and the debate with Trump, has stirred up memories. An old mate of mine now deceased was desperate to go to his daughter’s wedding and do the “giving away” routine. He had the cognitive abilities of a squashed slug – flat out, not knowing where he was most of the time and oozing out of every orifice. You did not want to be downwind of the old cunt but sentiment does creep in.

Had a word with his quack, a delightfully unsentimental and mercenary cunt who, for a consideration of two grand, happily arranged for him a private blood transfusion (in an NHS hospital) and some then under the counter Adderall, the amphetamine of choice for Russian Dictators and flaked out pop stars. Had him crazying around like an overwound clockwork bunny. Did the job but the old cunt ended up shivering, covered in sweat and smelling like a Glastonbury chemical khazi. The quack did offer a cheaper option, a prophylactic ie terminal shot of morphine but that old bastard cunt of sentiment will intervene. Besides which the family were anxious to pay for it. Since you ask he died “naturally” from cancer of the shite tube three months later.

The word out is that Biden is on a similar regime with Adderall (lethal stuff) well in the frame. Old Snake Eyes has been in The Pool for years but now becomes a racing cert on that gear. What The Lord Giveth He Taketh Away and Old Joe is walking a hopped-up tight rope and sure to slip off on his own shite some time soon.

Washington Times.


Nominated by : Sir Limply Stoke

Seconded by Norman:

In 1974, after his final and rather farcical presidential election win, Juan Peron said to the Argentine press, ‘I didn’t win because I was so good. I won because the others
were so bad.’

And Uncle Joe is certainly now in tha latter category. He is the most inept, comedic and bungling US President of recent times. From his already now infamous ‘Zelensky as Putin’ remarks to his ‘Bullseye’ comment about Bg Don’s recent brush with a pimple ravaged inadequate four eyed cunt with a gun.

The very idea that this incompetent and pathetic old fool is in charge of what is still the most powerful nation in the world is ls as scary as it is laughable. Biden reminds me of Dick van Dyke as the very elderly manager of the bank in Mary Poppins.

I reckon Trump will be shoe-in for a second term as Presidem now. Thanks to Biden’s own ineptitude and stupidity. He even makes Barack Obama look good, and that’s not easy….


As if you needed more, here’s more from Sir Limply Stoke:

No Cuntry for Old Men.

Just like a stubborn grandad who insists on driving with cataracts, glaucoma and a brain like a squashed slug and will only think about giving up his licence once his death toll has gone above twenty, Biden goes on driving. Will not stand for President after extreme pressure but will remain at the wheel as POTUS until a new candidate is found. I lay odds that the the old snake eyes is doing a spot of dementia cunning (and have I experienced so much of that with aged relatives over time) and positioning himself to be the only choice and incumbent in waiting when the Democrats cannot agree on a new candidate.

BBC inherently hate the looming prospect of Trump and are reporting Biden as the lost Messiah, “Greatest President” ever, fifty years of exemplary service, legacy looming large, advanced America’s standing in the world like no other, finest leader of the Free World ect ect. His eventual and grudging endorsement of Kamala Harris, his largely unknown Veep, as replacement is hailed as a master stroke. First female black POTUS you see. Word is that she is the last Person that most Democratic voters want.

Much relief at the White House until they realised he is staying on until November. The old cunt will insist on flushing his sanitary pads down the khazi and blocking the plumbing. They keep Dyna-Rod on speed dial. As I write “love of America and dedication of service” continuous to spew out on Sky and “Democrats coalesse around Harris..” takes over then they gulp and think again “Joe has every right to run…”
Whichever way it pans out they will miss the smell of pensioner shite wafting around the White House (not).

“Reproductive rights for Union workers” let’s all unite around Kamala’s only known stirring slogan. You see their difficulty.

So the hagiography continues and reaches ever new heights. All that is saving us is that Putin is as chemically enhanced as Biden. Get lost you cunts along with “The best President of the best Nation in the World”. Link.

The Link.

116 thoughts on “Joe Biden [21]

  1. It has been obvious for a long time that Biden should be in a nursing home rather than the White House, at least ever since he shat himself whilst visiting the Pope. It has been a bit like the cover-up that FDR used a wheel chair whilst President but not so effective during these days of social media.
    Anyway good job that he is going, Trump, as usual, was less than gracious when he heard the news but then he is not a nice man. A better President, possibly, than a human being.

    Good Morning.

    • Hey Wank,

      Your FDR analogy is a good one. The press did indeed cover up the fact that he had polio and was confined to a wheelchair. Collectively, they wanted to convey that he was a robust leader.

      But another analogy is Woodrow Wilson’s wife Edith. After the evil old cunt had a heart attack…or was it a stroke..? his cunt wife took charge and ran the country while the decrepit old fool drooled into his soup and soiled his bedpan.

  2. The Dems have swapped the cognitively impaired Joe Bye-Then! for the cognitively stupid Kamala ‘Arris.

    • That was on my psychedelia album that went up in flames in my mates blazing mini….

  3. Good riddance to this waste of space. If he’s been declared a dribbling mush brain, why is he staying on? Hopefully Trump can get in later in the year if they haven’t taken him out.

  4. I don’t follow American politics so I know little about it.

    I do remember that when Donald Trump was President he couldn’t get anything that he wanted done.

    He seemed to get blocked at every point.

    Can someone please explain how the same thing won’t happen again?

    It seems pointless running for President and taking no salary (and risk being shot) if you can’t make any difference.

  5. Farty pants will also be back out on his ear again soon. Its another thing these yanks have stolen from. The Farce

  6. I think it is all contrived to get a “woman of colour (or color if one is a septic)” into the whithouse. Can’t see the establishment allowing a Trump victory.

    • Your Lordship may be correct.

      The Powers that Be in the Demonrat Politburo will certainly spin it that way.

      But it is noticable that Grandcunt Joe did not pledge his delegates to Old Flatback or release them to vote their conscience.

      As I’ve said before we are in uncharted waters and the smallest thing could harbor great hidden meaning or mean nothing more than the senile old cunt lost his train of thought and simply forgot to say anything.

    • She’s not black, in the same way Obama wasn’t.

      He was half spearchucker, half white (white mother, obviously) and she is half night-fighter, half curry muncher.

      It would have been funny to have a proper black man in charge of America.

      Idi Amin would have sorted all this way shit out pretty sharpish, and he’d have no cotter with the carpet kissers either.

    • He’s only got a few months left to do some demented hair-sniffing of young girls’ hair and letting his head linger.

      Incidentally, didn’t old Starmer say he was in good shape only a week ago?

      • Kweir Stardust did indeed say that but it is highly doubtful that the British or the World Press will hold him accountable.

        I mean after all…let’s be fair…he has a mandate!

  7. American politics is fucked.

    Biden is a senile incompetent.

    Harris is an overpromoted moron.

    Trump is an arsehole.

    They’d better off leaving the Oval Office empty for the next four years.

      • I’ll have a go.

        What could be the worst that could happen. I mean, death camps have been given a real bad rap over the years, rather unfairly in my opinion, which of course would be the only opinion that mattered if I had my finger on the nuclear trigger.

  8. Interesting to see the BBC rewriting recent history.
    According to them, Biden’s cognitive issues have only come to light over the last month.
    He’s been known as ‘Sleepy Joe’ since day one, and for good reason.
    And all this bollocks about him being one of the ‘Greatest Presidents’ is absolutely laughable.
    Now we’ve got the msm telling us that the democrats are right behind Harris, giving their backing etc etc.
    Typical leftie wishful thinking masquerading as journalism. They think that If they repeat their flights of fancy often enough, then it will be.
    Anyway. Let’s see what happens now.
    If American voters have any sense, they’ll do the right thing.
    But if their anything like our own, anything could happen.

  9. A lot of people think Trump is guaranteed to win the election.

    Especially after the recent events.

    I wouldn’t be so sure.

    Democracy is an illusion.

    • Outstanding point Herr Jelmet.

      Blo Jo was a clown. But he was an elected clown. When the Tories deemed him a liability they got rid of him and replaced him with an un-elected Party Hack.

      Old Joe is a Zombie. But he too was an elected (albeit a stolen election) Zombie and chose by ballot in the Primaries. Nonetheless, the same scenario played out.

    • True HJ

      The illusion of meaningful choice.

      If voting changed anything, politicians would ban it.

  10. It’ll be Kamala Harris (the American Dianne Abbott) or Michael LaVaughn Robinson who may well be in the Oval Office come next year.

    Perhaps even both.

    Doesn’t get much more woke than that.

    • Are you sure that is not Vince Vaughan, HJ? He would make a great POTUS!

      • Vince Vaughan? Following that line of Hollywood bad action hero acting I would vote (if I had a vote) old blubber man and alleged martial arts star Steven Seagal for POTUS. Just the man to take on old bareback bear rider Vlad Putin.

  11. “Crooked Joe” turned out to be Crocked Joe. The USA and the rest of the world will be well rid of the sex maniac war monger. Harris will be an abysmal candidate, that is why the Democrats are happy with her. A bit like the Tories with Sunak. Trump is too far ahead to catch so the Democrats are content to let the useless bint take the hit.

    Good morning, everyone.

  12. Our national disgrace has become our nation humiliation.

    Lots to say here but let me start on this issue:

    If Ji Jing Joe isn’t fit to run then he isn’t fit to serve. Look for the Republicunts to pound this issue.

    One scenario is for Cackling Kammi (as VP) to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove the Old Coffin Dodger thus becoming President herself. To do this she must have the support of the Cabinet and several of them have Presidential aspirations as well.

    Most notably, the South Bend Sword Swallower Pete Buttigeig who is the Secretary of Transportation.

    President Flatback chooses him as her VP and runs for the election in her own right…anointed by the Demonrats and their Propaganda arm the MSM.

    A Markleoid and an Alphabet Souper on the ticket will play well with the Rainbow Shirted Storm Troopers of the rank and file.

    It may not be the wet dream they hoped for. But it swells the genitals of most of their degenerate coalition.

    But it is very early and we are in uncharted waters.

    There’s a whole lot more to say.

  13. I am going the miss Biden, we could have 4 more years of hair sniffing, maybe making Pu’in the president of Ukraine, walking around like his control chip has malfunctioned and few falls down the steps of Air Force One.

    At least we see plenty of clips of Flatbacks word salads in the run up to the election.

    • All this shite with the aircraft steps. Why didn’t he just use the emergency slide?

  14. If Kamel Toe Harris is the Democrats ticket as presidential pick I reckon Trump will forsure win

  15. Before the Old Hair Sniffer stole the 2020 election…and before the Community Cock Sucker chose him to be VP…Don Bidini disgraced the US Senate as the senior Senator from the state of Delaware.

    Here’s current Delaware Senator Chris Coons crying on American television talking about the Great Man:

    Oh the humanity!

  16. Sirs:

    I wonder what the deal was.

    Something like a $15 million book deal. The way this works is a lefty publisher, which is almost all of them, fronts the cash and eventually a book emerges. It won’t be written by Biden or Mrs. Dr. Biden or even Hunter, but one of their names will appear on it.

    No ordinary citizen will buy it, but it will rise to the top of the New York Times bestseller list as lefty corporate donors buy the thing by the crate. Later they will upload them to a third-party buyer and they’ll wind up in ziggurat-shaped stacks at Costco, marked down from $29.95 to $1.98.

    The only reason I can see for keeping the desiccated husk in the Big Chair is to issue pardons after the election. They can’t do it now. Even the Democratic voters, who are pretty damn dumb and delusional, would find that offensive.

  17. Back to Cacklin’ Kammi and the 25th Amendment.

    It is being reported that there are at least 2 states in the Union where the law say a candidate can only withdraw or be withdrawn in the case of death or the 25th amendment.

    Demonrats care little for the law unless they can subvert it and use it against Trump. But they don’t entirely control the individual States.

  18. Just another career politician, achieving fuck all, apart from feathering his own nest.

  19. I am not going to have a go at Joe – enough people, including myself, have done that already, but I would suggest that we in the UK have our own senile cunts in government – especially the shiny slacks, sensible shoes and costermongers voiced Rachel Reeves. She has already, after less than a fortnight in post, broken her own rules on above inflation pay rises – just as Dame Kweer has torn up the laws to keep the Trades Unions in line. The silly cow has opened the floodgates, and hopefully Labourites will be looking at 1979 in 2029 – I predict several winters of discontent thanks to the belipsticked old harridan, with Dame Kweer playing the role of Sunny Jim:

    • Ah, the good old winter of discontent. How we all laughed. It was a simpler time and Labour were a lot funnier. I remember it well. The mountainous piles of rat infested rubbish in the streets of London smelled less bad than the crowds of pro Palestinian Protesters.

      • I remember regularly having bacon sandwiches and beans, cooked on the open coal fire, but there was no electric 3 days a week.

        Actually they were good times, but imagine London nowadays after a 3 day powerful. Fckn carnage.

        Bring it on.

      • If labour shut our gas and coal power stations down. I wouldn’t be surprised if we end up in rolling power cuts. You can’t shut down power stations, without building new ones! wind and solar are shit, pie in the sky stuff. We really will be in trouble. Only upside will be the lack of phone zombies ?.
        The fact ratcliff power station is on at the moment, tells you how stupid the idea is. If we need extra power in summer, buckle up if it’s a cold winter. All in the name of eco shit! Cold, impoverished and fed up. A surefire way to cause civil unrest.

      • CC,

        My father worked at a very large, coal fired power station.

        My mother did not work per se, but was very industrious in the home.

        He had his own car, own house, fed, clothed, entertained etc, etc 2 kids and a wife, 2 weeks in Skeggy every year, no debts, no credit, just what was in his pocket.

        Those were much, much better days.

      • I can very well believe it! all we have done is run the country into the ground. In real terms, it means less power and wealth for normal people. Heat pumps will save us all, yeah not I’m my 1970s house. Most of our housing is not compatible with them. most of our housing stock is Victorian solid brick. From people earning good money in coal, gas and oil. To getting shafted by ragheads and others. It all seems to be going backwards to me.

      • It’s a shitshow CC, breaks my heart.

        I fear for my kids and grandchildren.

        It’s gonna be 10 times worse than Orwell imagined.

        Ar least I’ll be gone by then, but doesn’t help them.

        FFS, I’m getting to the point I hope Putin invades and takes control of this circus.

  20. Kamala Harris is stupidly woke and thicker than David Lammy so will probably win.

  21. “We have nothing to fear except fear itself” the words of FDR. Apart from staircases, soccer and baseball. And in Sleepy Joe’s case, wiping his own arse, trying not to walk like RoboCop with piles and remembering not to shake the hand of fresh air.

  22. Unfortunately I strongly suspect that if they mummified Biden after his death he would still win the Presidential Election.

    In fact a cardboard cutout of him would win.

    Trump is not allowed.

    Joe Biden and his rotten family are cunts.

    As is the “Democratic” party.

    Win Rocky Win!

    • Trump is going to steamroller any opposition, then achieve fuck all and start WWIII on behalf of Israel.

    • While I take your point UT, the Republicunts are not entirely stupid.

      They are stupid…just not entirely so. Many States are controlled by the Republicunts and even though some of them…like Arizona…are controlled by the Establishment / Uniparty wing of the Party they took steps to prevent the massive voter fraud we saw in 2020.

      Nonetheless, the Demonrats are past masters at election Fraud and key states like Pennsylvania and Michigan have a long and storied history of stealing votes in big cities like Philadelphia and Detroit.

      In other states…most notably the aforementioned Arizona and Nevada, the Establishment / Uniparty has no love for Trump and certainly didn’t do him any favors last time and may not do him any this time.

      Also be advised that Trump’s family controls the Republicunt National Party and they are way out in front on combating Demonrat voter fraud.

      • I stopped reading when I got to the bit about Republicans not being stupid.

        Sorry General.

      • No worries Termujin,

        But to fair I said “entirely stupid.”

        I further clarified that they were indeed stupid…just not entirely so.

  23. It was looking so good for the Republicans. Joe Biden’s performance during the televised debate even made Trump look good, which isn’t easy, and he was looking older and more confused by the day. Judges were making sure that legal proceedings against Trump were delayed so there wouldn’t be more felonies attached to his name before the election. It was looking good.

    Then Biden decided to step aside. Despite the disappointment he must have felt on a personal level, he did something that wouldn’t occur to Trump in a million years – he put his country first. He will always be remembered and admired for that. The chances are that his place will be taken by his vice president Kamala Harris, which is exactly what the Republicans don’t want. They’re afraid she’ll attract the black vote, the women’s vote, the pro-choice vote and the young people’s vote.

    The momentum has swung back to the Democrats and the Republicans are panicking. Mike Johnson has even suggested they might take legal action to stop Harris taking Biden’s place on the ballot. When you’re desperate you’ll try anything. And they do have a few judges in their pocket, don’t they?

    • Trying to be as respectful as possible…

      Your assessment is fundamentally flawed and way off base.

      First, the legal justification used in assailing Trump is not warranted.
      It is just an extension of the games the Demoncrats have been playing for years. Russian Collusion, 2 impeachment attempts, the Ukraine phone call et cetera…

      Secondly, the Democrats are not united behind the Biden resignation or Harris as the candidate.

      The power brokers at the top…Obama, Pelosi Schumer et al forced Biden out for their own reasons…i.e. retaining power.

      Many elected Democrats like the metaphysically stupid AOC and others do not support her.

      There was even some Congresschvartete…who I never heard of…on television this morning trashing this power play and Harris herself.

      No matter what you see or hear in the MSM…replacing Biden with Harris is NOT a step up for the Democrats and they know it.

      That’s why Obama, Pelosi and others did not immediately endorse Harris.

      • The Congresschvarette in question is Jasmine Crockett for Texas’ 30th Congressional District.

      • Biden was told to go by the likes of George Clooney, CNN and, last I read a few days ago, 30 Demonrats told him time was up. The decision to step down wasn’t voluntary.

      • Hey Cuntologist,

        The story is that Clooney and his wife, along with everyone else who attended that Fundraiser were utterly shocked by Biden’s Mental state.

        One press report indicated that after meeting Biden, the wife of a prominent donor sobbed afterward “what are we going to do?”

        It is said that the Democrats in power dismissed what Clooney and the other donors had to say so he went public.

        The debate forced the issue.

      • Hey Cuntologist,

        The real fun is the story circulating that Nancy Pelosi met him in private and threatened him.

        It is alleged that she said…”The pain will get much worse if you don’t go.”

    • Dream on Allan, she got the VP job for identity reasons not for capability or potential. She couldn’t even make it through the first round of primaries last time round.

      I don’t think anyone but desperate democrats see her as a viable president. She’s failed her brief as VP.

      Once again anyone but Trump is not a sane vote, you might not be astute enough to see it but your average swing voter is.

    • It’s like this Allan.

      Biden was clearly suffering from senile dementia four years ago.

      The fact he was the Democratic candidate in the first place nevermind elected as president just shows what a complete cluster fuck of a clown show American politics has become.

      As for being admired and all that shit – are you for fucking real or are you just a leftist troll?

      Although I’m sure the Taliban with all that military equipment the Democrats left them with, agree with you – as would the alphabet people, other assorted freaks and anti white leftist cunts.

      To deny that he wasn’t clearly ill several years ago just makes you a delusional liar.

      If Harris is the legitimate, and I do mean legitimate choice of the Americans come November, then I refer back to my original point about American politics being a complete joke.

    • Bit difficult to imagine candidate whose wildly unpopular across all drmographics getting the pro-anyone vote.

      Remember when the Latinos eere mean’t to vote democrat but went with Trump. I guess votes don’t always vote along identitarian lines, much like British-Indians (mainly Sikh and Hindu) in the UK.

      They voted as small business owners and people who saw their public services stretched to breaking point by immigration.

    • Oh fuck off you deluded troll twat.

      We do NOT cunt other cunters on this site. Keep this up and you’ll be banned. End of – NA.

  24. So sleepy ? old Joe’s giving up.
    One less Cunt with power in the world ?

  25. Not so demented that he wasn’t able to trick the Supreme Court into making it okay for presidents to commit “official acts” of criminality while in office.

    Such as officially assassinating political opponents who they deem to be enemies of the State.

    Instead of campaigning he’s now got 4 months to mull it over and engage at least one competent shooter. But as Barry Obummer commented in 2020:

    “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

    A cunning stunt nonetheless.

    • Ah the Stunning Cunts – takes me back to the ’70s and whiffy minged all female agit-prop groups.

    • Biden had nothing whatsoever to do with the Supreme Court decision. Qualified Immunity for official acts is a well established president in American Jurisprudence.

      The assassinating political opponents nonsense is simply ignorant, hyperbolic rhetoric by the left. Assassinating a political opponent is NOT under any circumstances an official act or legitimate act of government.

      • Americans like me do indeed understand irony. I just didn’t see any in your post.

        So I take it, he WAS demented enough to trick the Supreme Court into legalizing political assassinations.


    “Good afternoon. This is IsAC’s political correspondent Ron Knee reporting. After receiving an exclusive briefing from the White House earlier, I can reveal that the president was woken at 9am, when he took his meds with a glass of warm milk before being given the news that he’s no longer the Dem’s candidate for November.
    So it’s definitely a case of Joe Bi-done, although before going back to sleep the president reportly said ‘that’s strange, I don’t remember quitting’.

    I can also break the sensational news that Hollywood heart-throb George Clooney will shortly be declared as the new nominee, with Whoopi ‘Poopi’ Cushion as his token DEI running mate. ‘We’re looking to spread a little Hollywood glitter on things’ the spokeswoman stated, ‘and of course they both bring decades of political experience on Capitol Hill with them’.

    Meantime, Barry Obumma will continue his unofficial third term, with ‘Dr’ Jill Biden acting as stand in front woman when Sleepy Joe is unable to be coherent for any length of time.

    Further updates when we receive them. For now, this is Ron Knee, for IsAC”.

    • Ron,

      This is General Cuntster in the IsaC Studio. Before you go, Presidential Puppet Biden issued his withdrawal on social Media. As no one has seen him or actually heard his voice are you able to confirm that he even knows he has withdrawn from the race?

      • Well, it was stated that he was told about it this morning, but it may not have sunk in yet.

        The penny might drop if they show him a copy of his withdrawal letter and tell him that that’s his signature on the bottom.

      • Thanks Ron and keep us updated.

        This is General Cuntster in the IsaC America studio returning you to our regularly scheduled Cunting.

    • Do you think she’s got one of those pull cords in her back like Woody from Toy Story and she only has a limited number of phrases that she can say?

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