Hilary Benn Surrender Monkey


David Cameron was woke enough as Foreign Secretary and many loyal British Subjects and Soldiers were pursued by him in relation to The Troubles for being a bit nasty to the IRA and other Catholic Terrorists. On the subject of IRA Terrorists, far fewer of them were or are being pursued by the British State for heinous crimes than Loyalists. Funny that or “so issus” (so it is) as our Belfast friends put it while giving an upwards shrug of their shoulders.

So the bloody page of history in those parts turns and the terrorists are now the ruling elite in both parts of the Island of Ireland. Shein Fein/IRA are the masters now having established an ascendency for the Republic of Ireland in the EU during the late Brexit Negotiations where they proved to be a serious pain in the arse for British aspirations. It was their pleasure to sabotage our negotiations at any opportunity. Their coup de grace was to control the whole land border/sea border issue so we end up in the position we now find ourselves in, fucked up in our own country.

This makes the position of Foreign Secretary ever more key in the new administration.

Cometh the Moment Cometh the Man you say so who cometh? Hilary Benn who has already hit the ground surrendering (must be some froggie in the cunt). He cometh while slavering “we must all work together” platitudes out of his condescending gob.

An infomashup on Hillary:
Yes son of old turbulent priest and ex-aristo Tony Benn. Hillary is not one of your Eton and Oxbridge educated Parliamentarians, oh no, far worse. Westminster Under School (under whom you may ask) a top persons prep school, fees about 26 grand a year then Leftie Central the University of Brighton. Then up the customary greasy pole in UK politics – Researcher, Councillor, Special Advisor then Labour Candidate, MP then a series of Ministry jobs involving handing out our money to people that do not like us – Sec of State for International Development, then S of S for Environment blah blah then Shadow Foreign Sec but Proper Job anywhere? Not that I can see.

First job for our new Sec of State ? One of the major Ministries of State, Northern Ireland.

First act? Rush over to lick arse of Northern Ireland First Minister Michelle O’Neill (VP Sinn Fein/IRA and she of the over tight leprechaun green dress)
First statement about the most contentious issue of the Legacy Act and Ireland continuing to prosecute UK in the European Court? Prefers not to say


Nominated by Sir limpy stroke.

56 thoughts on “Hilary Benn Surrender Monkey


    • Hilary ( which is a girls name) is exactly as you’d picture him if youd never seen him.

      Soft, pale, speccy, lacking in testosterone,
      The sort you’d find in a library, tax office or Justin Wellbys bed.

      The limbs of limp spaghetti
      Upper body strength of a toddler
      Bullied at school by Jacob Rees Mogg.

      He’s a skidmark , a footnote, a grey man with a grey soul.

      • Also looks like a Názı.
        Why would you choose to wear such gittish glasses?

      • You wear glasses Thomas?

        All that computer porn in darkened rooms expect you do?

        Timmy Mallet ones or Marge Proops?

        I need glasses for reading I think ☹️
        Dunno what type of glasses suits heavily bearded slapheads?

      • I do now, MNC.
        Being long sighted, I don’t need glasses for anything other than reading or looking at my phone.
        But the phone was a blur!
        So I bit the bullet and had a proper eye test and decent glasses…fuck me, what a revelation!
        It’s like going from an old video with bad tracking to 4k instantly.
        You should get some specs like that horn-monster Su Pollard…

      • “…Dunno what type of glasses suits heavily bearded slapheads…”

        Monocle? …gotta be … or the Morpheus type pince-nez ?

      • I have a friend who use to be a midwife. She told me that babies born with under developed genitalia were given non-sexual names, Hilary being one of them, explains a lot. Probably likes using a bit of lippy and putting on the wife’s dresses.

      • The Sue Pollard look is popular with fashionistas. Oversized glasses with colourful frames.

      • I think these are the sort of spectacles appropriate for a man of your calibre and social station Mis. Just think of the professional image they would project when your are lugging a customer’s furniture up the stairs. A bargain at less than £17,000!


  1. Hilary James Wedgwood Benn.

    A wet nepo pansy fully deserving of a girl’s name. Incapable of ever doing a proper job.

    Daddy Lord Stansgate was a cunt as well. Gave champagne socialism a bad name.

  2. Labour is a shit show. All the conservatives had to do was show some competence and integrity and the next few decades of pain could have been avoided. Instead the drove us into this wall of shit like Princess Di was in the back seat.

    • Cancel culture started when Siana Spencer got in that terrible ‘accident’.

      We didnt need fuckbook or Twatter for causing offence. A mate of mine was in a pub and suggested he found her more arousing.in the photos taken in the tunnel than when alive(David Cronenberg’s adaptation of Crash had been released a year or two before) and a woman on the next table overheard him and went ballistic.

      He was always saying stuff like that. No filter at all.

  3. The best thing we ever did with the Provos was set the Special Air Service on them.

    Sinn Fein should have been banned and its members shot on sight.

    Mr Benn is perfect for the role he’s been awarded..When’s the last time we had a foreign secretary with a backbone?

    Anyway a champagne socialist,an appeaser,a lickspittle and career faggőt..


  4. His old man was an odd blend of commie, appeaser, bottle job and self styled hero of the working class.
    Why would we expect dame Hilary to be any different.
    Only history will decide who is the more dangerous.
    Kweer has already caved in to the french, so more of the same is to be expected.
    And they’ve only been in power three weeks.
    Dog help us!

  5. That sanctimonious old shit always looks like a defrocked priest – who lost his job because he had been fiddling with the younger choir boys.

    I always remember him mincing along with his handbag over his shoulder a a big cup of coffee, while he was dreaming up with Sugartits Cooper how they could disrupt Brexit.

    Interfering mincing old queen – and to think his “working class dad” Anthony Wedgwood Benn thought that poncy name was a typical working class name. I would have called him Fred.

    • Benn is a fanatical Remoaner. He likes nothing more than sitting on a speedboat in the Mediterranean in a summer dress and letting the wind blow through his vaginal lips.

  6. @Sir Limpy: Does the Newsletter still have the price of cows and pigs in it?

    The IRA were essentially beaten, then enter Blair The Redeemer, who let the cunts out of jail.

    Blair is a sub-species of Cunt, unique. Two ends of a bastard….so he is 🙂

  7. Appeasing Shin Feign goes way back. I remember in the mid 80s (ie before Blair), estimates for Government contracts in the Province always carried a chunk of extra cash for the Provos to “allow” works to take place. All part of the special understanding. Mister Benn is just the latest front man. *

    Good afternoon, everyone.

    *Obviously there is not a shred of truth in any of the above.

  8. Another sausage jockey in the ever expanding ?️‍? love in… imagine going back to 1918,1939 and having to rely on the populice of today, even the french and eyeties wouldn’t run up the ?️ as quick…. your country needs you ducky ?

  9. his dad was a cunt, so no surprise, so is he.

    all I have to say on the matter.

  10. Sort of off topic,

    But talking of Ireland and the provos,
    These protests in Ireland at the moment against small communities being inundated with illegal immigrants?

    Surely there’s still people knocking about who have certain skills learnt during the troubles?

    Only a matter of time till something goes BANG!!!!

      • No perish the thought!

        Just speculation is all.

        I of course would be the first to condemn such actions.
        No place for hate in politics.

        Yours sincerely
        Jack Black

  11. Hillary would be the template for a remake of Mr Benn..

    Instead of a astronaut or a pirate.
    He would be a asylum lawyer or a JSO protester..

    Mr Benn is blocking the highway with his vegan friends, when he violently beaten by irate motorists.

    Turn in next week when Mr Benn will be on life support in the bed next to sasha Johnson..

  12. I don’t like the man but isn’t it a good thing to try and foster greater cooperation? I swear some of you would like to cut all ties with thr US because of the Revolution. And the Germans because of the World Wars.

  13. Not that ive ever really given a fuck about Ireland but i remember the IRA creating a scare on the trains one evening when my dad was at football. Later when Blair and co. signed the Good Friday agreement there was chuntering and approval from the Blair-loving, cool Britannia Guardianistas in Sixth form (the ones who also set up the book of condolences for Diana) so I was suspicious.

    Turns out i was right, given the way our troops were pursued through the courts and thugs were released.

    In the link it has a story on a former DUP leader getting done from sex offences. He is also a ‘Sir’.

    Is diddling a pre-requisite for being a knoght of the realm? Tells you a lot about the Civil Service and how many knighthoods are thrown at it.

    • I wouldn’t want to sit in the House of Lords – imagine the reek of piss, shit, piles ointment and KY Jelly – the duckies could come to a very sticky end. It can only be a matter of time till Mandy sets up a Go-Fund-Me appeal to fund an arsehole replacement for him – half a century of buggery has no doubt worn the original one out.

  14. Nothing like being governed by chaps who’ve had plenty of real world experience of life, mixing with the hoi polloi who have a different outlook from your islington dinner party set and the working class socialist sycophants, chaps who’ve known a few hard times. Unfortunately we’ve got wet mollycoddled upper class gits trying to be what they are not ie a bit more common. Nout wrong with real Aristos, but the pricks like Hairlary trying to make like Fred Kite piss I off.

  15. I find this nomination and Sir Limply’s narration fascinating.

    The Fenian scum and their English Quisling allies remind me of the BLM types and their guilty white liberal friends who are demanding reparations for perceived wrongs that allegedly happened centuries before their grandparents were born.

    No wonder they’re known as White Niqqers.

    • I’ve told you before, we were called that because of our great music and massive cocks.

    • American blacks should thank their lucky stars and get down on their knees worshipping at the feet of Edward Colston.

      If it wasn’t for the transatlantic slave trade there’d be no fucking blacks in America.

      Don’t they realise that? They’d all be back in Africa where they belong, with nothing but a grass skirt and a mud hut to their name (if they’re lucky) massacring each other and eating white missionaries alive in frying pans.

      Their sheer ingratitude is truly mind boggling.

  16. Let me get this right, he went to Westminster School and only managed to get into the University of Sussex?

    What a stupid cunt.

  17. I’m a little confused. I’m familiar with the term Cheese Eating Surrender Monkey but I didn’t realize there was an English version.

    So what are they called?

    Tea Drinking Surrender Monkey?

    Beef Eating Surrender Monkey?

    If he has some Scottish heritage is he a Haggis Eating Surrender Monkey?

    I guess as he’s a bit of a rare breed and not generally reflective of the National Character it really doesn’t really matter.

    Cunt is sufficient.

    • For some reason I always thought it was a Bushism, Dubya sticking it to the frogs over one of the forever wars. As far as I can tell it originated from a writer on The Simpsons, back when it was funny.

      • I think that analysis is correct LL.

        I’ve never heard it applied to any other nation so I was attempting a bit of off the wall levity.

        No matter what we think of them, nobody would ever use the phrase, kraut eating surrender monkey…although spaghetti eating surrender monkey, has a ring of truth about it.

  18. If they ever make Carry On Kweer, what a pity Charlie Hawtrey isn’t alive to play Hilary. They look like identical twin brothers.

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