This old bag has only been out of Parliament for a week or so, yet the sanctimonious old sow, the former PIE lover herself is banging on to the BBC yet again about “sexual harassment” at Westminster. Considering that so many of the men there are benders, I can’t see what the Widow Dromey is getting at, unless it is just sour grapes because nobody wants to service her slack snatch:

I dare say before long she will be made a Dame – just like that other waste of space Tracey Emin, she of the unmade bed and she will witter on into her dotage, pontificating, nagging, raging at men (ever since her poor dear husband died, she’s missed it you know!). If she hates men so much why don’t she find herself a nice femme lesbian?


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

71 thoughts on “HARRIET HARMAN (EX M.P) (12)

  1. Not to worry I heard the raddled old cunt with be the new gender recognition mandarin..

    Aiming to put a erect penis in every women’s toilet by 2025..

    Can’t chat hitting the supermarket before prices go up..

  2. There are some right dodgy cunts elected to Parliament this morning . Corbin back in, a cheer to find Thangham Debonair is out only to be replaced by some green cunt, Jon Ashworth who would normally have walked in is replaced by a pro-Palestinian. Fuck me it is going to be a difficult 5 years.

  3. Zero tolerance, come on Harriet dear I’d have thought that was never a problem with yourself, as for the rest well the bender party are back in power and with the loons at limp dums making significant gains, surely the threat of harassment to the wimmins MPs has been greatly diminished…. they’ll be more likely to ask can they borrow some lippy ?

    • How on earth the Lib Dems could win 71 seats with that grinning ape Davey “in charge” of them with his shitty stunts God only knows.

  4. It is a clear sign that the school brainwashing programmes and the free entry dinghy policy has worked. A reflection of the voting populace that infests this island.

    No mistake, a communist state awaits us.


    • If I see that filthy Mandelson walking into No 10 today I’m gonna smash the telly up.

      • Yes, hopefully at the next election they will get the same treatment the tories just got

    • If more people had turned out it might not have been so skewed towards labour.

  5. The dinghies will stopped, Keir’s dispatched the ferries and cruise ships to collect them all. Probably be press ganging the few that want to stay in France.

    Harriet the hag can fuck off.

  6. A titanic majority with 35% of the vote.

    The vast majority don’t want a Labour government.

    Tell me we have a working democracy and I’ll sell you a bridge in London.

  7. On the second lowest turnout since 1885, just shy of 60%.

    So out of all those eligible to vote, approximately 80% don’t want Labour.

    Great system eh?

    • The current First Past the Post system works fine as long as there no more than two parties standing at any given election.

      Not so when 3 or more parties take part. Nowadays it’s 5+ candidates standing in most constituencies.

      The case for a fair system of Proportional Representation has long been undeniable.

  8. A question for Mr Boggs.

    Now that Mesdames Mordaunt and Keegan are seeking other employment, could I ask you to sign them up for your film production company’s next epic?
    Penny and Gill give each other a 5-hour joint orgiastic ramming with the Commons mace for one last time.

    • Keegan lost the seat in my constiuency. 100 years of tories over because she was parachuted in and decided to pave over the place.

  9. It’s going to be epic ?

    Oh Jeremy Corbyn, Oh Jeremy Corbyn…

    The Kweer is PM, 410 MPs as we stand with less votes than Corbyn got in 2019

    The clown Ed Davey has 71 MPs, God help us ?

    Now Harriet Harman, who ?

  10. Chin up lads!

    It’s a great day in this Brave New World.
    Now empty your pockets and hand over your house and car keys.

    You like tax? You’ve got it!

    Last one to transition is a puff.

  11. Harmony is,and always has been,a fucking bitter demented Gravy Train Cunt.

    I’d rather take sexual education lessons from an afghan..

    who will probably have my house given him by Christmas.

    Good morning and Fuck Off.

  12. In a system so outrageously rigged and corrupt, I don’t think I’ll bother ever voting again.

    At least the clowns who voted Liebour can own it when it invariably all goes tits up.

    Good Morning

      • Morning CP.

        As long as there are so many brain-dead sheep ? it’s the equivalent of pissing in the wind.

        Homeowners and workers voting for Labour. The P@ki/Benefits Party would be more apt

        Fuck me sideways.

  13. Farage is going to make mincemeat of Starmer, in the Commons.

    Fun times ahead ?

    Go Nigel ????

    Good morning ??

    • Reform now have a base. They’ve done what UKIP failed to do in all their elections. Once zlabour fuck it sll up because there’s no money, the disillusioned with add to the Reform base up north and midlands.

      The tories are fucked off, which needed to happen. They stood for absolutely nothing. Glad Keegan was sent packing from my constituency. Wondered if she might be.

      100 years of tory MPs over.

      • I can’t see the tories EVER recovering from this. Those that refused to support them yesterday will still hate them in 5 years time, including me.

      • Termugin: I think they will come back PROVIDED they don’t repeat their mistakes of 1997-2005, keep electing men then discarding them due to internal strife. They need to hold their nerve – select a man or woman who will be a disciplinarian like Mrs Thatcher (the best woman ever in politics), and follow that person and sing from the same hymn sheet. After all, with their worst result since 1935 back in 2019, everybody wrote Labour off – look at them today. True, the Conservatives fucked up, but you can guarantee Starmer will, and, he has Whore Ryner snapping at his heels. My big concern is if Kweer lowers the voting age for schoolchildren. That will be a problem, but not an insurmountable one.

        I am confident within two years the public will be throughly pissed off by Starmer and his bunch of arse bandits.

      • Mr Boggs,

        I think the country is so fractured, partly due to immigration, partly due to the Internet, there is no way another Thatcher will appear.

        This is not a selection of Labour, it Iis a total rejection of toryism, and the visceral anger and hatred for the tories is not going to go away within 5 years, there are still those who refuse to vote Conservative precisely because of Thatcher.

        Labour will definitely arse it up, then hopefully they’ll get booted out before 5 years, THEN Reform may be viewed as a viable party of Gov, if they can rally around Farage and stay loyal. They need to vet prospective candidates with a fine tooth comb, then vet them again, and concentrate on funding.

    • Starmer is no stranger to mincing. I bet he has licked Blair and Mandy’s arseholes many times in the past.

      Who will be the first minister to resin because he/she is not up to the job?

      My money is on Streeting – all talk, no savvy.

      • That pansy scrapped in by 528 votes.
        Just slightly more popular than a pàķi.

  14. Harperson is a sour faced harridan, who, in spite of years spent haunting the corridors of power, actually accomplished the square root of fuck all as far as I can see. Another waste of space and our money.

    Well we enter a glorious new age of prosperity for all apparently. Why do I feel that workers, homeowners and savers are about to get their pockets picked?

    I’d bid you my customary ‘morning all’, but it ain’t good, is it?

    • Morning Ron, all.

      Today is the beginning of the end of the 2 party system, 1 down, 1 to go, so not all bad.

    • We’re alive.

      Which is always good for starters.

      Don’t let the bastards grind you down.

      Never, ever, ever give up.

      Never give in. ✌️✌️

      Morning Ron ??

  15. Keir making a speech, behind him people holding a Welsh flag, Scots flag and Union flag, not a St George’s Cross in sight.

    That is Labour. They hate the idea of England.

  16. I wonder who Rishi is going to be putting in his honours list.

    I suspect there will be a LOT of his business cronies.

    Bye bye Daki prince – take your big ears and fuck off.

      • The news are bleating about his poor kids.

        Fuck them, they were probably rolling around in lordshipness when daddy had the keys to no. 10 and now he doesn’t. Who gives a fuck, go and have a nice Biryani, that’ll make you feel better.

  17. Harriet Harperson is the obnoxious twat that gave us the Equality Act which as we all know is a pervs charter. Her acceptance of PIE into the Council for civil liberties or whatever it was called is an indicator of her moral standing. The amount of misery this cunt due to her lib perv ideology has heaped on so many people guarantees that her name will forever be on page two of the book of universal cunts. One can only hope that a peaceful retirement calls loudly to her.

  18. Why are we now living in a world where it’s all about the women.

    Time to stand up my male brothers and be heard.

    Meanwhile, I hear Dianne Abbott has been seen shopping in Primark for new knickers given her lord and master of the dungeon Kweer is prince of the UK.

    • She’s also wearing wellies on the wrong feet, but the string sticks need cutting.

    • She’s also wearing wellies on the wrong feet, but the string still need cutting.

  19. Jeremy Vile:

    Reform 4 seats, Great result for the Green Party 4 seats. The media really hates reform.

  20. Nice to that utter cunt jess Phillips getting heckled by Islamic headbangers, reap what you sow you cold bowl of cat sick..

  21. That eerie, unsettling howl in the distance is the sinister sound of the hard left wolf pack, gathering and getting ready to encircle our beloved new PM.

    It promises to be a good time ahead for extremists, not to mention dossers and scroungers, eco loonies, gender and diversity freaks, Muzzies and immigrants.

    Bury your money in a box in the garden.

  22. Maybe this dumb cunt is just angry because she’s out of office and won’t be a member of the Politburo when the New Regime takes power.

    With regards to the new regime my advice to you foreigners is to stock up on anal lube and hemorrhoid cream because you are in for long, hard and prolonged ass fucking…or arse fucking as you say.

    But what else would you expect from Kweir Starmer.

    • She’s not angry because she’s out of office.
      She chose to stand down after 40 years.
      Had she stood again at this election she would undoubtedly have won.
      Still a massive cunt though, but not for the reasons you posit.
      Good afternoon.

      • Good morning Grondul,

        I notice you didn’t comment on the other part of my post.

        I’m sure as a hard core lefty you’re rather looking forward to a future of regular ass reamings.

      • Good Afternoon MJB.

        If you’re not Ruff Tuff Creampuff then I’m the son of a toolmaker.

      • Herman @

        Minge was posting on here at the same time as Ruff was.
        They were friendly.

        So not the same poster.


        I suspect another poster of bring Ruff Tuff,
        Few things he’s posted,
        No one seems to of noticed an I might be wrong?

        Either way, if it is- good.

        Ruff was one of the best posters ever on here?

      • Yeah Ruff was spot on Mis.

        We didn’t always agree and clashed on one or two occasions but it’s all fair game to me.

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