Its been barely a week at the time of writing since Keir Starmer and his band of poofs, demented wimminz, fake commies and misfits kicked out the Tories at the General Election but already the shitshow has started early with MP for Norwich South, Clive Lewis.
When the new parliament met on July 9th all MP’s and lords are required to take part in the swearing in ceremony and take an oath of allegiance to the Crown. However Clive Lewis decided to make it all about him with an anti-monarchy protest.
“I take this oath under protest and in the hope that one day my fellow citizens will democratically decide to live in a republic” said Lewis when it was his turn.
Look, I know people have strong views on the monarchy but there is a time and a place. Its the lack of respect and militancy that is so typical of these twats. This was his fourth term in office so the cunt had gone through the ceremony three times before. He was also in the Army Reserve serving a tour in Afghanistan so would have taken an oath to her then Maj. By not taking the oath MP’s cannot ask questions, vote or be paid a wage. I wonder which one motivated him to take it?
Even Granny Rayner put on her best ‘am I bovvered’ face and stubbed out her fag to take the oath although Magic Grandpa was caught off off-mike calling it ‘nonsense’. Its interesting that he hopes fellow citizens democratically decide to one day live in a republic but this didn’t extend to Brexit voters and their democratic will to be free of the EU, consistently calling for a peoples vote and a second referendum.
More than happy to take the knee for a dead drug addict and foreign criminal though Clive?
Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator
Looks like a Libyan spy to me.
However if he has served in the Forces then no Oven.
Just break him on the wheel for a bit.
And stop his expenses for six months.
Good morning.
The cunt can still go into the oven, just on a lower heat setting. For much longer.
“Lewis joined the Army Reserve, passing out of the Royal Military Academy Sandhurst in 2006 as an infantry officer with The Rifles. In 2009, he served a three-month tour of duty in Afghanistan.”
I want to dismiss him as a STAB cunt but genuinely don’t know what he got up to on Herrick with the Rifles so I’ll reserve judgment. The Rifles generally always had a shit time of it.
“In an opinion piece he wrote years later, Lewis said “despite being on the left, and despite being told in the cadets that ‘there ain’t no black in the union jack’, I still opted to serve”.
I cannot believe he was ever told that; his cadet instructor must have been a character from a BBC drama, nobody says that kind of shit even in the regulars.
“Shortly after returning from his tour of duty, he experienced depression, saying “I just felt like I was being crushed by it all.” He received counselling through the Ministry of Defence and recovered”
Nevermind 3 months, try 3 years of it.
Dunno, sounds like he could have some good dits but a bit attention-seeking.
File under ‘Histrionic Personality disorder’.
He’s got a head like a toffee apple
He just can’t help himself.
Morning all.
There was a time when we could have had him shot.
It was funny how his integrity vanished when he was told he couldn’t claim his salary unless he swore the oath properly.
So much for the grown-ups being back in charge..
Pathetic child..
There’s only one word for this cunt. CUNT
What a twat, ‘oh look at me I am being a cunt’
I watched some of the swearing in and noticed something, when the normal people swear on the bible it is handed to them by the clerk but when it’s a fucking peaceful the book of shit is in a little box and the clerk opens it for the MP to take it out and the reverse for putting it back.
I would take it out, spit on it, throw it on the floor and let the fucking peaceful pick it up from there.
What utter fucking bullshit, cunts shouldn’t be in the country let alone Parliament
Lewis is a cocky, entitled little shit with a gtouch of the tar brush. Hde always boasts he was in the Army (the Territorial Army, I believe), I just wonder whose army it was – Castro’s?
The Sally army by the looks of the pansy..
Which would fit in with Rodney’s gang of fàgs and hags..
If things go tits-up in the Starmer government – and they will – Reeves will see to that, I am sure he will get a job in Kweer’s side hustle – Starmer’s Cooked Meats of Oxted.
Clive will enjoy a plate of Starmer’s faggots.
This cunt deserves to be MP for some inner city, Third World stabby shithole, not Norwich South.
Tony Martin should have stood in Norwich South on a ‘Legalise Sister Shagging’ ticket. He’d have wiped the floor with Clive Lewis.
And then shot him.
If you can take the knee to a violent criminal then kowtowing to a parasitic institution should be a piece of piss.
That shiny forehead reminds me of Masambula.
Know what I mean, grapple fans ?
Attention seeking cunt.
Get To Fuck.
He has the lip gesture right, but you need both hands to replicate the size of mandy mandelsons gaping arsehole..
I wrote to this knobhead several years back. A “Henry Root” style letter (minus the pound) offering him strong moral support for his “on your knees bitch” shout at some Momentum slutbitch during a Labour Party conference fringe event.
He didn’t reply, naturally I was gutted. ?
‘MP’s lined up to condemn his behaviour’.
I’m sure they did. It’s all they fucking do these days.
If his fellow citizens vote for him to fuck off to a banana republic, will he democratically go?
Remember dog-whistle politics? This cunt invented dog-shit politics.
Dear Clive, if you do not like the ser up here, fuck off to Bongo Bongo land.
Good afternoon have a tin in the sunshine.
Voted in by Norwich inbreds.
Nowt but a shite, uppity, Roland Gift lookalike.
Fuck him.
Clive’s weird looking.
Ducky as fuck.
Soft fruity features, sort of like he wears makeup.
Half caste Cruella Deville.
He looks prone to hissy fits and flouncing out of rooms tearfully.
Fuck him the little swordswallower
Poor old Kweer should have been the administrator for the Ballet Mandy. I reckon Lewis and Sugartits Cooper would have been their prima ballerinas – Clive does a really cool Dance Of the Sugar Plum Fairy. That said, he would probably have to stick a pair of socks down the front of his ballet tights to register.
If you googled small minded wanker with a giant chip on the shoulder this unlikeable mega cunt would most likely be top pick.
People will remember Clive of India, now we have clive of indignant..
One secured the Indian empire for Britain, the other tried to play student politics and ending up looking like a cunt..
How far we have fallen..
The cunt reminds me of the alien off the predator film in the nom pic….and probably as full of alien jizz?
If he doesn’t believe in the establishment that he wishes to be a part of, then he shouldn’t be an MP.
If he doesn’t believe in a monarchy, then there are plenty of ways to protest, but don’t join a club if you don’t like the rules.
Part. Puf f bit part macaroon 100 % full weight Cunt
Fucking hell…. Another one…
Daylight come, wish they’d fuck off back home.
Banana Boat Song. That made me think of what would happen when Kweer takes over the BBC:
It’s what Bernie Grant would have wanted.
He’s a fucking cunt. Can’t stand the sight of him. If he isn’t a wrong un I’ll eat my hat.
Cock sucking, cock giving, cock taking cock wombling , fanny averse,turd coated dickhead.
For king and country cunt if you don’t like it fuck off back to the third world shithole you biking in in and be ruled over by another cunt
Nobody made these cunts take the job. No point saying ‘under protest’ – nobody believes it.
You’re MPs, and have no principles
£92,000 per year + expenses, and all they have to do is take the piss.
What’s not for them to like?
How the fuck did this piece of shit get voted in what the fuck is happening to my country we need to wise up get a grip and start deporting shitbags and scum like him
Cunts in Norfolk, with webbed feet and 13 fingers voted for it.
Is that a photo of the cunt giving a TED Talk about his favourite felching technique?