‘Celebrities’ With Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

WARNING: Recent political nominations have seen certain cunters trading personal insults. Stop doing that. Debate, disagree and voice your perspectives, but do not cunt other cunters. You know the rules and if you don’t, read them. Lengthy stays in moderation jail or outright bans await those who fail to comply. The Admin Team.

Trump Derangement Syndrome may be defined thus; ‘TDS is irrationally negative reactions to the actions and policies of American presidential candidate Donald Trump’.

Yes, there’s no doubt that leftie slebs can get a bad case of loony tunes where The Donald is concerned; witness the rantings of Streep, De Niro and Whoopi Cushion over the years, to name a few. He’s ‘a threat to democracy’, ‘a fascist’, ‘a Nazi’ that ‘something bad’ should happen to etc etc.

Well that ‘something bad’ very nearly came to pass recently. After the failed assassination attempt on the former president, you’d think that Trump haters might consider it tactful to wind their necks in and throttle back a bit, but no, the deluded rhetoric goes on. Here are just a couple of illustrations to give you a flavour of the kind of febrile atmosphere currently prevailing across the pond.

Take the case of that well-known megastar actress Amanda Seales, who didn’t waste a minute before climbing aboard the ‘it was all staged’ bus, a conspiracy designed to show Trump in a sympathetic light. It was ‘fake blood, blank ammunition’ etc and so forth. Yeah, tell that to the bystander who was shot dead, and the two who were badly wounded. Get a grip on reality, you arrogant cunt.


Then you’ve got those in the ‘fuck, the shooter missed’ camp. Take the case of music titan Kyle Gass, one half of comedy rock duo ‘Tenacious D’. When on stage in Sydney, Jack ‘School of Rock’ Black presented his bandmate with a birthday cake, and invited Gass to make a wish. The classy response? ‘Don’t miss Trump next time’. Clearly Black was less than impressed with this infantile comment, and has cancelled the rest of the tour.

The Donald clearly has an unrivalled capacity for getting under the skin of these mardy sleb cunts, and TDS is proving to be as contagious as Covid.

Can you imagine the meltdown on the left if a Republican celebrity said that somebody should take Biden out? The hypocrisy is astonishing. It was amusing at one point to watch these twats self combust. Now it’s all got out of hand, and I’d wager that there are many on the left who secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) wish that Trump had taken a bullet right to the head. Given the current volatile climate across the pond, these kind of comments are not just deranged and nasty. They’re sick and dangerous.


Nominated by Ron Knee.

148 thoughts on “‘Celebrities’ With Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS)

  1. Am I the only one who welcomes the return of Donald Trump?. A pity Mad Joe Biden didn’t stay in the race, because the Diane Abbott wannabe has the gift of the gab.

    If nothing else I would welcome the squirming feeling Hammy Lammy will feel being in contention with The Donald. Kweer & co would love Kamala Harris to win – all girls together.

    • I just want Trump back so that the yanks can lower their rates of inflation, bring back jobs and manufacturing and become energy sufficient again so that they won’t need to stage foreign coups or start new wars with other countries.. that would be nice.

    • I, – not a Yank, – hope he gets his arse back in the big chair. Not (chiefly) because I’m down with many of his policies or anything … and he invokes ‘god’ a lot, which isn’t my cup of tea at ALL, by crikey, .. *but* .. that other lot make themselves out to be pure as driven snow, when none of that which they accuse HIM of is any worse than their own antics. Politics is a dirty game but the hypocrisy – for example weaponizing age(and thus age based cognizance) towards DT now that their OWN (mumbling, fumbling) figurehead has been shoved aside … is beyond the pale.

      tl;dr – I just think he’s *less* of a cunt than any of his rival detractors.

    • No you ain’t alone WCB,
      Bring on the day – and those in the TDS camp should remember this.
      “Donald keeps lists …”

    • Destiny was in an “open relationship” with his fit, younger Scandinavian ex-gf until she cuckolded him and left him for another fella.

      Apparently, from what I’ve heard, Destiny liked to clean out his ex-gfs clunge after another man had taken the plunge… although that might be a rumour.

    • Didn’t even watch the clip, Ron – my ‘tolerating’ cunts quota for one day is already in the red after that weapons-grade cunt in the previous nom.

      Just took an educated guess on this cunt 🙂

      • He’s a complete and utter knob and an excresence Cuntem.

        Morgan says it all when he says to ‘Destiny’; ‘you’re repulsive and inhuman’ for not condemning, but mocking, the death of the ex-firefighter.

      • 😬 I’m gonna spare myself this one completely, then. A cookie-cutter worthless shit-for-brains by the sounds ,with zero self awareness. There’s waaay too much of it everywhere.

        Lower class of existence than amoeba.

  2. Those afflicted with TDS are also the same cunts who loudly claimed that they will be leaving the U.S if The Donald won in 2016.

    Samuel L Jackson even wanted to emigrate to South Africa. I’m sure you could buy the whole fucking ghetto with a pay check from one of those Warburtons adverts. Other celebs were on standby for emergency flights to the Trudeau Republic but needless to say no cunt ever went.

    • Bloody Samuel L. Jackson.
      As his character Ordell Robbie in Jackie Brown said to De Niro as he bumped him off, “what happened to you, man? You used to be cool.”
      And he was back in the days of Pulp Fiction.
      Not now though.

  3. Full derangement from the Oval Office down to the crack addicts.

    Disruptive Donald is not allowed,he upsets the elegant timetable of the Gravy Train.

    Plus he doesn’t appear to like immigrants very much at all.


    Anyway I’m quite sure he isn’t allowed to win any more elections ever.

    “Our democracy is in danger”..

    Fuck Off.

  4. I’m surprised Pfizer haven’t came up with a cure for this terrible illness.

    Take one tablet daily, preferably with food and Orange Man won’t hurt you any more.

  5. Bette Midler has also slammed Trump. He surely must be petrified. Some fat, old, ginger fąghąg cabbage and her army of Poo-pushers might withold their vote.

    • Bette Midler and a bunch of gays withholding their votes from Trump is like a bunch of gays telling Bette Midler or any woman “I’m not going to fuck you”.

  6. I don’t give a toss who gets in, but I do agree with old Fartie being an honest to goodness racist like myself.

  7. You don’t even need to be a celebrity to catch TDS, Suckdick has got it bad along with Brexit Derangement Syndrome and Far-Right Derangement Syndrome. It gets triggered when Trump calls him a ‘stone cold loser’ and takes the piss out of him for being a midget.

  8. According to MSM Kamala has alreadywiped out The Donald’s lead – poll taken of small ‘selection’ of randoms, but mostly Democrats!! So, that will be her closing the gap in their own dreams. Anyone who has seen the crowds at Trump rallys knows this is total bollocks. Check this out is you have not seen it already –


    The deranged bat was thrown off. The tide is finally turning against the far left bigots.

    • Hilarious that ship sailed when they tried to kill him and he stood up and gave it some big fist pumps.

      Stupid cunts handed him the election

      I mean he walks into speeches now to “”many men” by 50 Cent now .

      They’ve turned him into some sort of bulletproof demi god

      If she wins , they’ll have fixed it . She can’t beat him otherwise . Who the fuck votes for someone who laughs nervously to hide her ignorance every time she talks??

      “What’s that child rape? Er er ha ha ha ha “

      • It’s not just the nervous laugh from Kackler Harris; it’s also her slow, droning, nasally voice.

      • … and her lack of any discernible intelligence whatsoever. I wouldn’t entrust her to manage a busy McDonalds for a weekend, letalone a fucking Superpower continent, already on the skids, for four years …

  9. I like Donald.
    One of my favourite comedians.
    He can make a Hollywood millionaire cry into their advocado salad.

    People like Bruce Springsteen the working class billionaire.

    Same people who cry about Tommy Robinson.
    Who I think is a brave English patriot.

    Course they Hate Trump
    He’s a rich old white man who doesn’t agree with them.

    Hes prone to hyperbole
    Has Great hair and bullet deflecting ears, he keeps coming back despite hundreds of court cases,
    He just won’t go away.

    I want him to win just to spite people like Springsteen
    But I m betting that pissed up black woman will be in the white house…

      • Take my advice, MNC – plenty of roughage on 2/3 November!

    • Afternoon Mis,
      Can I assume you not a big fan of Bruce Springsteen? Wouldn’t blame you, he’s a cunt!

      • No Scunny, I despise Mr Springsteen.

        His shitty music alone should be enough to send him to the electric chair nevermind his fake lefty posturing.

        I’m a mild mannered fellow but I often awake laughing loudly from a dream that I’d dropped a paving slab off a motorway flyover onto Bruce’s head.😄

      • Alright, Cunt in Scunthorpe,

        Indeed, Bruce Springsteen is a top arsehole. Little known fact, but he was also dropped by Jeep as a brand ambassador for pissed up driving.

        As is known on this site, I’m fond of a drink or 10, but drink drivers dwell amongst the lowest of the low in my book.

      • Well Cuntis, it appears you and Mis have a low opinion of Springsteen as do I.
        Can’t blame Jeep dropping the cunt for DD but wonder why he was their choice for promoting the motors.
        Was the campaign guna be
        Hi I’m Bruce Springsteen, I drive a Jeep and I’m a fucking prick.
        I think sales would have suffered somewhat.

      • Scunthorpe,

        I think it was to portray Jeep as being a proper ‘Murcan company, just as Bruce is a proper ‘Murcan patriot.

        Pair of cunts are neither, as Jeep is now owned by Europeans and Springo votes Democrat.

        Oven, no?

  10. It has to be the Donald, Biden has an excuse, he is fucking senile.

    Flatback is just fucking mental, should be in a secure hospital talking bollocks to the wall of a padded cell.

  11. I seem to remember a huge number of luvvies were going to leave this country after brexit and Boris?

    I imagine every single one of them are still here..

    Does the average taxpayer give a fuck if Bobby de niro threatens to leave..
    Fuck off then you ain’t made a decent film in twenty years..

  12. OT (again).

    Turns out the stabby little cunt who likes to murder little girls hails from…Rwanda.

    Therefore nothing to see here. Just another porch monkey murdering our kids.

    May I now lead you in our new national anthem…


    • It was advertised as a gathering for 6 to 11 y.o.’s, .. so maybe this cunt – as seems to be the wont of many of his ilk – went there looking for a date.

      Saw there were chaperones. Got the red mist.

      If the cunt died in the cells overnight, I wonder if the mob would be gathering.

  13. Zero DeNiro gets very tearful on the subject of Trump.

    As does professional coffee salesman George Looney..

    Bet there’s not one cunt in Hollywood who would admit to liking Donald?

    Larry David did a sketch about it on Curb your enthusiasm,
    He wore a Maga baseball cap so people would leave him alone.

    Larry himself is a democrat,
    A real life champagne socialist.
    But I like him.
    He’s funny.

    Most of them don’t have a sense of humour.

    And you can’t trust people who don’t have a sense of humour.

    Pol pot
    Kier Starmer
    Chancellor Dalek


    • Even the so-called Republicans are fakes like Schwarzenegger. Surely Clint Eastwood is but I wouldn’t dare ask him if he has a sense of humour to his face.

      • Course Clint has a sense of humour!
        He co starred with Clyde for two films.

        Only star I’d ever get starstruck by LL.

        Anyone else I’d tell to fuck off.

      • Former mayor too.

        I like to think of him sitting back in his chair shooting cyclists with his magnum from his office window in city hall.

    • Totalitarians hate the sound of laughter. Somebody , somewhere, is having fun.

      Be wary of people who tell you that something ‘isn’t funny, or post lists of ‘things you shouldn’t joke about’ on Facebook. They’re probably a state apparatchik, most likely a councillor or teacher.

      Given the current state of British comedy, it means they are winning.

    • People like my dad and older blokes are rarely starstruck as they don’t know who anyone is, apart from the actors and singers they grew up with and a few more recent actors like Sean Bean, which is where there’s an overlsp with my generation.

      Given what passes for music/entertainment these days, I think it’s great.
      They live in the world of Watney’s Party Sevens and Ford Anglias and watch barely anything on TV that isn’t about castles, engineering, battles or vintage cars.

      • Coincidentally, I actually watched that episode of Curb only a couple of days ago.


    • james woods seems to like donald. he has also said he is blacklisted because of this but he dont care, fuck them is his attitude.

  14. I don’t give a wet one about who gets to the Yank throne, as long as he’s ready to fight against the Ivan threatening to fuck up Europe (geographically speaking, not to be mixed up with the EU). Trump will clearly side with Putin, and therefore must be defeated by any means. Simple logical conclusion. Why do European Cuntservatives not get it? And who cares about Celebs anyway? I care about real people, and I don’t want them to have to learn Russian.

    • Are you alright, Lord Cunstable?

      Make no mistake, Putin is a right cunt. Invading sovereign nations is bang out of order, let alone illegal. However, the US, the UK, and the EU have done plenty enough to fuck up Europe after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

      Besides, isn’t St. Zello of Kiev the one who keeps refusing peace talks?

    • Lord Cuntstable.

      I would argue that Russia lack the firepower and demographics.

      Also I’d like to add – Fuck the EU and fuck the warmongering Democrat Party who have overseen this and a few other almighty cluster fucks over the last 3 years

  15. I delivered this through the wrong letter box.

    The day my evil thoughts can be read, I’ll be amongst the first up in from of the firing squad, which will make me instantly proud.

    The TDS Bottom Inspectors reassured me I wouldn’t be difficult to find.

  16. Unfortunately, I am familiar with the narcissistic cunt Amanda Seales.
    I don’t think her derangement is limited to Tangoman Don. She is, as our colonial brethren say ‘ a POS who is confounded by people not liking her.

    As for the TDS, i have never been that enthusiastic sbout him as a person or leader, but found it amusing that so many people used to get so wound up, and bought everything the media said about him, when the same media had their tongues up his ringpiece over The Apprentice. For some, he seemed Hitlerian because he did an impression of a disabled bloke, to others, he wasn’t a career politician with the required NLP skills and rhetoric, lacked the right educational background, and was an awful vulgar man. Oh my God! He eats McDonalds! Where’s the pomander?

    Almost everything the US news and twats like Bill Maher said was pure nonsense. Our own Leftoids found him upsetting as well, particularly Chsnnel 4 and the ‘people’ of Brighton. The sheer hypocrisy of those criticising him over the ICE border camps led to my eventual rejection of Facebook and Twitter..It was just so fucking boring seeing old mates and their simpering girlfriends/spouses – as well as gobby, gormless women they were mates with – make fools of themselves for likes, completely duped by the media and peer pressure.

    The same wet cunts became the sort of wanker who weep over Nazarin Zaghari Radcliffe and bricking it over the Omicron strain.

    Good riddance.

  17. While I wish Tango well it’s the hardcore supporters I feel a bit of trepidation about.

    The MAGots.

    Swiveleyed Ruby Ridge types who shout all the time,
    Spital all over the assault rifle they clutch.

    The type who thinks they should be allowed a personal nuclear device to protect the bunker they live in,
    And have more tinned goods than Aldi.

    They all look like they have a chromosome issue.

    • I worry most about the Evangelo-Cons, the kind of nutjobs on the religious right who are trying to sleaze up to Trump so they can get their Christian Nationalist agenda pushed through… by an adulterer with multiple divorces under his belt… how very Christian.

    • They’ve got their MAGA scarves tied so tightly around their necks, they’ve cut off the blood supply to their brains. 😁

      • At the risk of violating the Admin Team’s Prime Directive…

        You guys spend entirely too much time reading and watching the Beeb. Worse than that you believe their manufactured stereotypes propaganda.

        Basing your opinions on what Hollywood and the MSM tells you is not going to give you an accurate picture of reality.

        I suspect that if you knew what the Make America Great Again movement was all about, you’d adopt and embrace a Make England Great Again again with energy and enthusiasm.

        By the way…I’m not a religious man but I’d much rather be in a room full of armed Christians than a room full of armed purple haired freaks and black clad, masked Antifa types.


      • Never watch the Beeb.

        I’ve saw interviews with some mouthbreathing gun fondling types,
        Heard what they have to say.

        Dangerous nuts.

        Sovereign citizens and wannabe Rambos.

        Problem is innocent people get hurt when the hammer falls.

      • Quick edit…

        That should be “…you’d adopt and embrace a Make England Great Again agenda…”

        Not sure if that was auto correct or a typo.

      • I stand corrected. Since you’ve “saw” interviews with a minuscule percentage of the American populace it must stand to reason that it holds true across the entire population.

        Where did you see those interviews? On the Beeb or some other MSM outlet with an agenda?

        Gun violence is far more of a problem in the inner city than it is with those you derisively mock as mouth breathers. A lot more innocents get hurt from lawless gang bangers and rioting BLM types dropping the hammer than from Christians.

        You are pushing the same dangerous myths espoused by the Neo-Marxists who use hatred of white people to divide our nation.

      • Nope.

        Your hint I’m somehow pushing neo Marxist views are way off the mark and maybe disingenuous.

        I’ve probably attended more Far Right events than most on here
        I’m just not a fan of rabble rousers who cause a fight and watch from the back when the fists start flying or in the US’s case bullets start flying

        Or paranoid schizophrenics with military grade weapons stockpiled for Judgement Day.

        Bottom of the list for a neighbour.

      • Give it a rest?

        I’m simply pointing out that his perception is flawed and is in fact the very thing the Far Left is using to show the seeds of discontent.

        They are the ones promoting the myth of dangerous White Christian Nationalists and some of you believe it

        I shouldn’t be surprised given that you advocate for and support the implementation of Sharia Law.

      • Yeah, give it a rest,
        Telling us British what to think,
        What to do,
        What not to watch,
        How to run our lives.
        It’s extremely patronising, if nothing else.

      • MNC,

        “Paranoid schizophrenics stocking up with military grade weapons for Judgement Day?”

        It is clear from that statement alone that you are on the side of the Far Left propagandists.

        By the way…when was the last time a “far right rabble rouser started” a fight and then stood back and watched?

        I think you’re referring to Antifa, BLM and other Leftists organizations.

        I said before and I’ll say it again. Your perception is flawed based on propaganda fed to you by a biased MSM bombarding you and the general public with Leftist propaganda.

        That isn’t to say that there aren’t loonies on the right. But the degree to which they exist and the notion that they foment violence and riots pales in insignificance to the actual riots and violence caused by nefarious forces of the radical left.

      • Naw, wrong again.

        For someone who supposedly expresses Marxist viewpoints ,
        I’ve the pleasure of getting mentioned by Hope not Hate,
        My van is pictured at a Tommy Robinson meeting,
        Which I’m at along with family,

        If I’m a Marxist I’m pretty good at hiding it

        But to call someone a lefty, or Marxist is pretty much like the trick the Left use ,
        Call people a Nazi, or racist.

        It’s lazy, really.

        But we all have the right to a opinion,
        My opinion of the MAGots stands.

        If someone is mentally ill they shouldn’t be allowed access to high powered firearms.

      • MjB,

        I am allowed to express my opinion, take exception with contrary opinions and point out any fallacies I see.

        Your perception of me is wrong and your attack is unwarranted.

      • @General Cunster

        “Worse than that you believe their manufactured stereotypes propaganda.

        Basing your opinions on what Hollywood and the MSM tells you is not going to give you an accurate picture of reality.”

        General, I watch a lot of American Conservative content by Youtubers who go to Trump rallies and lefty rallies alike. Such people as Sara Gonzales, Mr Reagan, Mark Dice… (to a lesser extent nowadays Steven Crowder) and others.

        I could understand your point if I got my views of the more crazy MAGA types from lefty media like The Young Turks or David Pakman but I can’t even stand to watch those slimy, dishonest cunts.

        The opinion I’ve formed about the more wacky, Evangelo-Con, Christian Nationalist, MAGA type people isn’t a caricature, but a view based on observations of real people from the way they’ve been documented to act by people who are on their side.

        Hell, even Sara Gonzales who I watch is a little fucking unhinged to the point where I wouldn’t watch her content if she wasn’t fit.

      • @ General
        Maybe you should have thought twice before posting that initial personal attack on your fellow cunters at 5:05pm.

      • Hey Two,

        As I generally respect your postings please do not take offence to what I’m about to say.

        I too watch a lot of conservative content both on television and on YouTube.

        I don’t know who Sara Gonzales is.

        I know Michael Reagan and I don’t see him much on conservative outlets.

        I’ve heard of Mark Dice but only seen a little of him. I don’t take him too seriously.

        Steven Crowder is an idiot.

        To use a 1950’s Red Scare metaphor…if you look for Reds under every bed…you will find some. Especially if you look under the beds of the fringe types.

        It seems to me the influence of the people you speak of is significantly less than the far left types…the cunts of the View…Joy Reid…et cetra.

      • MjB

        That was not an attack.

        I have been the subject of vicious personal attacks by you and others and nothing has been said or done by the Admin Team.

        Having read the Admin Team’s warning I wasn’t sure how they would view my response.

        I knew it would be viewed that way by some and characterized that way by those with CDS who oppose and even mis-characterize everything I say.

        Contrary to your assertion that I attacked…I simply took strong exception to the views expressed by some Cunters.

      • @General Cunster

        Sara Gonzales is part of a network called The Blaze which is like Ben Shapiro’s Dailywire only smaller and more independent.

        Mr Reagan is a guy called Chris Kohls. He does some very insightful content – you should check him out.

        Steven Crowder is a bell end of colossal proportions. I used to watch him until all the hullabaloo of the last couple of years with the Dailywire, his ugly public divorce and his lawfare against his former employee Jared Monroe.

        I just used his name to boost my right wing credentials so you knew I wasn’t a Trump-bashing left-tard.

      • Hey Two,

        I’m familiar with the Blaze but frankly I don’t follow it. Especially, since Ben and Candace got into a pointless pissing match a short while ago.

        My bad on Mr. Reagan. I thought you were referring to Michael. I’ll check him out.

        There are a few Cunters on IsaC I would refer to as Trump bashing left-tards.

        But you aren’t one of them.

        My point is the liberal / leftist bias of the media is present everywhere. And they keep repeating their prejudiced propaganda over and over until it becomes unchallenged common truth.

        They feed into many preconceived notions people have about the right while never criticizing the left.

        I may be an Americunt but I’m not blind to the fact that there are a lot of dumb cunts here in the States.

        But they aren’t all on the right and most assuredly aren’t all followers of Donald Trump.

        I attribute the exaggerated vilification of a small number of extremists to be an extension of the Tuchman* Rule:

        “The Fact of being reported multiplies the apparent extent of any deplorable development by five to tenfold. (Or any number the reader may care to apply.)

        *Barbara Tuchman is an American historian notable for her many works including “A Distant Mirror”, “Bible and Sword” and “The Guns of August.”

      • Sorry MNC but I never called you a Marxist. I never called you a Lefty either…although I have accurately applied that moniker to another Cunter.

        Calling people MAGots is a true example of name calling and a tactic worthy of the Far Left. It is meant to belittle and dehumanize people you disagree with.

        So whether you know it or not you are doing their bidding.

      • Quick addendum to MNC’s propaganda.

        Mentally ill people are not legally allowed to own guns in the United States.

        So called “military grade” or otherwise.

      • Propaganda? 😷

        I have no agenda or will to influence others.

        My opinions are my own.
        I don’t want to enforce them on others or have other people enforce their opinions on me.

        You seem to be telling us Englishmen how we should act, think, how to run our own country?

        We have enough foreigners doing that already.

        And yes mencap types shouldn’t be allowed around
        Or children.

      • MNC,

        I certainly don’t tell you Brits what to think. I offer my opinions often with the caveat of “across the pond” or a “Septic point of view.”

        A lot of the Anglocentric nominations I don’t even participate in.

        As for telling people what to think…are you telling us who…in YOUR opinion… should or should not be allowed to own guns in America?

        Are YOU telling us who should or should not be considered mentally ill?

        Are you calling people you disagree with MAGots?

        It seems to me you are doing the very thing the Lefties do…projecting what you do, on to me.

        If I were trying to tell you what to do I’d suggest you worry more about the Labour Party leadership in Britain than the MAGA movement in the States.

        The two of you are sailing close to the wind, so how about a nice round of ‘let’s agree to disagree’ – NA.

      • General, sometimes you’ve just gotta let it roll off you. There’s no use getting worked up over stuff like this.

        What he said – NA.

  18. I hope and pray that Mr Trump gets into office for one reason and one reason only and that is the sanctimonious right on wokes will all practice self immolation, I dont give a fuck what else he does as long as those leftie twats suffer a brain aneurysm.

    • Whoopi ‘Poopy Pants’ Cushion will probably cack her pants (again; it’s quite a regular occurrence apparently).

      Hope it happens when that atrocity ‘The View’ is going out. She farts regularly on air as well.

      A class act.

    • I hope the bastard has plenty of nice loose fitting nighties packed with arrows on them.

      Allan’s Snackbar!

      • If that cunt Blair hadn’t abolished the death penalty for treason in 1998,
        (To save his own skin, presumably)
        We could have offed this Choudary scumbag legally
        And saved the taxpayer a small fortune
        Having to keep him in the manner to which he’s become accustomed.

  19. If Trump is not elected, then the electorate will know it’s been fixed and might behave like they are today in Venezuela. Except they’ll be really well tooled up.

  20. When I think of Donald,
    I always think of that time he met Greta Thunberg at some climate summit or something.

    She looked like she’d explode!
    Glaring madly.


    “Nice kid. She should smile more”.

    😄😄 Now that’s how sarcasm should be done 👍

  21. OT. Naturally, the BBC are ever so reluctant to give us any info on the Southport stabber.

    Because they know – and we know what he is.

    Another one of Lineker’s vulnerablr friends with no voice.
    In other words, another piece of sandfilth.

    • Rwandan, eh?

      Well, what a surprise…..

      Of course, those BBC scum have to let us know that the killer treeswinger was born in Cardiff.

      But, of course, all of these filthy murderers are ‘British Citizens’, aren;t they?

    • Because the cunt is 17 reporting anything is a problem.

      What has been established, the cunt was born in Cardiff to immigrant parents (supposedly Rwandan which means he is a N*gga)

  22. Don’t worry about the ‘celebs’. The snake charmers from the Bible belt, and the hillybillys from the Appalachians know that only The Donald will protect their cultures from ‘The Swamp’, and the beaner hordes.

  23. We know there’s no such thing as Trump Derangement Syndrome any more than there’s such a thing as lycanthropy. It’s a term made up by Trump supporters who can’t for the life of them understand why anyone wouldn’t want to support him, despite the mountain of reasons, facts and evidence available to them.

    As far as the assassination attempt is concerned, I wouldn’t know whether it was staged or not, but I can anticipate some of the questions that will be asked by the conspiracy theorists. Like why was he stood looking towards the right instead of facing his audience? Like when they were telling him to get on the floor, why was he insisting on standing up and making the most of his photo opportunity? Like why was it that while the assassin was professional enough to evade the whole of the security services to get into position, he could only nick Trump’s ear when he had the whole of his head to aim at? Either he was a crack shot or he was the world’s worst.

    There are still those who continue to argue about Kennedy’s assassination, so this might be another one that never gets resolved to everyone’s satisfaction. Anyway the FBI are investigating so we’ll see what they come up with.

    • The gunman was called Bill Tell, chosen for his accuracy.

      Apple on the head, child’s play, how about a nicked ear

    • TDS is a common condition which mainly affects piss weak men with low testosterone and liberal women.

      The populations of the west have become conditioned to accept weak leaders and weakness in general.

      When a bloke comes along who’s a bit more shall we say, Alpha male (especially when compared to Biden, Obama, Trudeau, Macron etc al,) it causes a meltdown.

      Trump Derangement Syndrome is real.

      I don’t give a fuck what he’s done or allegedly said or whatever else.

      I just think it’s funny as fuck watching lefty cunts have tantrums.

    • So many logical fallacies in one post, it’s hard to know where to begin…. although I’m not sure I can be bothered because it’d be a waste of my time Allan.

      If memory serves, you do one of these nonsensicle, drive-by TDS posts periodically so it’d be a fruitless venture. I’m off to watch some porn instead.

  24. “Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) is a mental condition in which a person has been driven effectively insane due to their dislike of Donald Trump to the point where they will abandon all logic and reason.” – Urban Dictionary

    Contrary to an assertion made earlier in this nomination, TDS is real. It may not be recognized by the medical community. But as it has crept into the common lexicon and has meaning, it is certainly recognized by most rational people as a real world fact of life.

    So much so that an article in the Los Angeles Time published an article in 2016 that listed 3 stages:

    “1. In the first stage of the disease, victims lose all sense of proportion. The president-elect’s every tweet provokes a firestorm as if 149 characters were all it took to change the world.

    2. The mid level stages of TDS have a profound effect on the victims vocabulary: Sufferers speak a distinctive language consisting solely of hyperbole.

    3. As TDS progresses, the afflicted lose the ability to distinguish fantasy from reality.”

    These celebritards…and many others fit this pattern.

    To paraphrase Oscar Wilde; “You can judge a man by the quality of his enemy’s hyperbolic ravings.”

    • It’s full blown in ol’ Bibby De Niro for sure.

      Here’s Nigel Farage on TDS this side of the pond, when a certain ‘journalist’ said that Biden should have Trump shot. The ccunt quickly deleted his comments, and claimed that they were ‘plainly satire’.

      Well, his ‘joke’ nearly came true, didn’t it?


      (any interested viewers will probably have to turn the sound on)

    • I think that people with TDS and people who adore Trump both seem to approach the man with a similar mindset just from opposite sides of a fence…. essentially they both seem to think that Trump has some sort of immense level of power.

      The main distinguishing factor seems to be that Trumpers are motivated by hope and TDS sufferers are motivated by fear.

      • I think people who use words like adore and worship when describing supporters of Trump mischaracterize the nature of his support.

        Obama was adored and truly worshiped. Media types spoke of him with reverence and talked about the emotional and physical sensations they felt when he spoke.

        He was compared on the floor of the US House of Representatives to Jesus as both were “community organizers.”

        In the same speech Mitt Romney was compared to Pontius Pilate and vilified as both were “Governors.”

        While Trump’s supporters are dedicated and firmly supportive, nobody I know speaks of him that way.

      • @General Cunster

        Indeed. The wise Yoda once said “fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to the dark side” and yet many of those on the Trump-hating far left are fearful, angry and hateful in equal measure.

        As is often the case with leftoids, they accuse their opponents of their own transgressions and character flaws. Prime example being their gloating towards conservatives when a blinded scientific study found that people of the more right-leaning persuasion tend to have brains with a smaller amygdala thus making them more prone to fear and paranoia (or as I like to call it, basic caution).

        The leftoids tried to assert that in their very simplistic fashion that “Rightwingers have smaller amydala, amygdala part of brain therefore rightwingers have small brain”… because that’s how leftoids think logical syllogisms work.

        The ironic thing is that evolution by natural selection would suggest that it’s those with a smaller amygdala who would have a greater chance of survival in an environment with more dangers and selective pressures such as poisonous plants, predators and outsiders from … ahem…. another tribe.

  25. Derangement Syndrome, eh?

    It has potential doesn’t it? Doesn’t
    have to be about the Donald, either.

    ” M’Lud, at the time of the attack, my client was suffering from YTSFMB* Derangement Syndrome, which is why he took a taxi to this particular venue”

    Makes a change from the mental elf.

    *young Taylor Swift fans making bracelets. 7

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