As Kweer prepares to welcome schoolboys (and girls of course) to the voting register, so their every need and whim will be catered for by this quintet of cunts (one “transgender”, of course):

To be an effective anything – even an effective cunt – you need to have lived a bit, not just straight our of school or “uni”, yet these ineffectual arseholes seem to think they know life because of some trifling event in their lives in the past (just like Thornberry became an MP because mummy had to stop shopping at Waitrose when nasty daddy left the family home, and use those beastly “cheap” supermarkets) – our Em sure knows poverty!

As is proven every day, politicians in their 50s and 60s don’t understand the real world, let alone these young up-their-own-arses kids, most of whom have never had real jobs.

No doubt climate change, social justice, tranny rights (and lefts) and the housing crisis will be top of their to-do lists. On that latter topic, has it never occured to these whippersnappers, and their older counterparts, that the shortage of homes is down to the overpopulation of the country, frequently by illegal immigrants, each with half a dozen children?. No – of course it hasn’t.


Nominated by W C Boogs.

59 thoughts on “BABY (WOULD-BE) MPs:

  1. I wouldn’t vote for someone who has to sleep with a nightlight on,
    And certainly wouldn’t vote somebody named ‘pedro’.

    Fuckin donkeys name that.

    If one of them came knocking at my door I’d assume they were either carol singers/ illegitimate kids/ trick or treaters.

    They get the same answer anyway

    “Get To Fuck”

    • A donkey couldn’t come knocking at your door, MNC.
      It wouldn’t be able to lift the latch on your country cream gate.

  2. When the revolution comes.. and it will.

    There empty head’s will crack open as easily as Rodney’s and lammys.

    Politicians are the cockroaches of the planet.
    Turn the light on and start stamping.

    • You’re dead right it will, and in my book it’s long overdue. No group of sane people should have to put up with the sort of complete and utter shit that sits festering at our expense in an archaic building that costs billions to run and maintain. The blokes working in and running our bus garage have got more about them than that shower of conniving cunts. Guy Fawkes had the right idea. Blow ‘em all to fuck along with the carpet jockeys and parasitic gimmegrants,

    • Will the Guillotine come back?

      Then again, it was still used in France up to the 60s…

  3. I had actually forgotten I had written this – I must be getting Biden-itis (just like him, I am looking forward to meeting your new guy the King – George Vl – great guy, great guy), but I had nominated this arsehole today and I repeat it here as it is more germain to this discussion:


    An ever-so-gentle nursery cunting for 22 year old Labour M.P (what else!) Sam Carling, a funny haired little geek, who was born in April 2002. His youth does not in any way shrink his big head. The one thing he doesn’t lack is self confidence. He claims, as he minces the mean streets of Cambridgeshire that he has “the skills and experience(!) to run a campaign for change”. Well, to be fair, he DID save local bus services.

    Seriously how can a kid still in education (“uni” of course) have the life skills to be a politician, or anything rather than a washer-up at Nandos. Do you want fries with that?

    I suspect life will not be very kind at Westminster – Keir Mather the previous baby of the house will be furious, now old man Streeting will scratch his eyes out (nobody loves a fairy when he’s 40), but I am sure Mandy will be delighted to take him in hand, and no doubt Bryant will give him spiritual replenishment. And possibly a bumming.

    Just read it if you have the patience to drag yourself through. Here is a boy with “a plan”.

    • Even more retarded are the stupid cunts who voted for the sanctimonious little prick

  4. MP’s should have a fine set of mutton chops, pissed for most of the day on port and descended from aristocracy with a family sugarcane plantation in the Caribbean.

    IsAC cunters have probably got pants older than this lot.

    And more useful.

  5. Politics is mostly theatre.

    I’ve often wondered how, during a ‘re-shuffle’ some cunt can go from minister of health to the ministry of defence, then on to something else when they turn out to be shit.

    Labour won a ‘landslide’ with 64% of seats with 34% of the vote while Reform got 0:6% of the seats with 14% of the vote.

    This with a turn out of just under 60%.

    So, Labour’s ‘landslide’ resulted from 38% of voters.

    That’s not exactly a stellar result, in my opinion.

    Now, prepare for the worst. If you think things were bad previously, with the Starmer in place the rate at which UK is going down the shitter will accelerate noticeably

    Elections are there to give the illusion of choice, when, in fact, you don’t have any .

    What a fucking mess.

    • The worse it gets the better, hopefully the champagne socialist cunts start squirming.
      Still the fucking food bank cunts will still get their tattoos, I phones and Netflix.

    • Worse still – if you take votes for Labour vs. total elligible to vote, then only 20% voted for Labour. So 80% couldn’t be arsed/voted against. Some landslide!

      • Pointless counting those who didn’t vote, for whatever reason.
        Thatcher won her 1983 landslide with 42.4% of the vote.
        Blair won his 1997 landslide with 43.2% of the vote.
        ‘Twas ever thus.
        Nowt will change till we get rid of the First Past the Post system and adopt a fair system of Proportional Representation.
        FPTP only works when there are no more than two parties standing.

      • Correction:
        FPTP is only fair when there are no more than two parties standing.
        Same as the Referendum.

    • Your point about going from being minister of health say, one week, and being an expert on health, than going to being Northern Ireland minister the next and being an expert on N.I. affairs, has always struck me as being absurd. Of course, everything is scripted for them down to the last mention of “strong and stable” or “Labour has a plan”.

      I suspect before too long Lammy will make way for wee Dougie Alexander (especially if The Donald wins Stateside – he will tell Lammy to go fuck himself), I doubt Rachel Reeves or Streeting will live up to their assessments of themselves and they will be gone, too, especially as it was suggested this morning mincing Alan Milburn might come back to “help” Wesley with his brief. The only one left standing after the first inevitable reshuffle will be Sugartits Cooper – and that is because she is so small she will hide under the desk.

      • There was a documentary about this, “Yes Minister” I think it was called. Apparently the Civil Service do all the work/thinking and the MPs who flit between departments are just there to reassure the plebs with their PR bollocks.

      • The BBC put it out as a comedy, the Civil Service knew it was a documentary. Apparently, Maggie was a big fan, she knew the truth.

      • Grant Shapps, Chris Grayling, Michael Gove and Gavin Williamson being particularly well-shuffled fucktards

    • I remember Labour-supporting geniuses saying Cameron never had a majority- meaning the conservatives never won more 50% of the vote. Point out that the last time that happened in any election was under Stanley Baldwin in the 30s and they call you ‘racist!’ then scurry away.

    • They will not be able to cope with riches like that, they’ll be straight on social media in a pissed up or coked up state saying all sorts of inappropriate things.

  6. They’ll be right at home in the “Westminster Bubble” need to have any life experience, instead a life of fantasy policies and expenses claims.

    That’ll do nicely.

    Gas the fucking lot.

  7. No one should be allowed to be an MP in their twenties. Any cunt who wants to be one, rather than going out and enjoying life (and gaining life experience, quite useful for an MP, you’d think) clearly is an odious little cunt that think it knows best. Fucking precocious shites.

  8. WC’s nom inspired me to read up on some of our new MPs. I just have to pass this one on. The new LibDem MP for Glastonbury is a dyke. Her name is Sarah Dyke.

    • Groomed from day one in Westminster.

      I can just hear the shout go up

      “FRESH MEAT!!
      FRESH MEAT!!”

      They’ll break a thousand hearts .

  9. Thete’s slways been political snoraks like these cunts.
    Look at William Hague.

    Pedro went out campaigning rather than celebrating his A levels with mates. I doubt he has any. You have to keep an eye on these single-minded cunts; they become activists or serial killers.

    There was a girl at college who campaigned for the Lib Dems. She was a daft petite thing with the ‘Heaven’s Gate’ stare.

    As for ‘Rebecca’, (oh Miss Jones!) it makes perfect sense a trans running for the Lib dems; they did receive money from a pharmaceutical company that produced puberty blockers.

    Just don’t get high on your own supply, Becs.

    Oddities who were likely bullied at school and are now looking for revenge.

  10. I’ve spent more time in an open neck shirt than most MP’s have been breathing god’s good air these days…!

    Or, I’ve forgotten more than these cunts will ever know..!

  11. Imagine when 16 year olds can vote, ‘Prime Minister Stormzy enters Downing Street for the first time, next time he may use the door and not an open window round the back.’

    That said we now have a member of the Katy Price fan club as deputy PM and David Lammy representing us to the rest of the world.

    Could the kids do worse?

  12. Christ☹️

    David Lammy representing this country abroad!

    ” They’ve sent Cheeta but not Tarzan”

    • Hopefully he goes on a fact-finding mission to Uganda and they make him Tribal Chieftan For Life.

      They could pay him in cream buns and Jollof rice.

  13. This country is now truly up shit creek without a canoe, let alone the chuffing paddle…


  14. OT. The bastards have scabbed it again….
    It’s nothing to shout about, Gary Neville, you mincung cunt.
    I do not want any success for Wokegate.

    I hope Holland (if it is them) stuf them.

  15. The usual slack reportage from the media when it suits them or just a plain liar?

    Ealing. News article :
    “I have been born and raised in Hanwell my entire life and every major milestone and memory of my childhood has been in this borough.”

    BBCunts article:
    Born in Portugal, Pedro moved to the UK with his mother when he was baby,
    “I saw my mum come to the UK as an immigrant and work really, really hard,”

    Runt of a boy, stick your cork up your arse.

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