Angela Rayner [8]

(A bit short but we’ll allow it – NA)

Can we give a well deserved cunting to that odious gurning Angela Rayner woman, the one who got questioned by plod over her housing situation. (Yes we can! – NA)

Thick, dim witted, a whining gob shite who by herself drags the already low IQ level of Mps down by at least 200 points.

She’s like a bizarre Viz spin off of Sharon and Tracy the Fat Slags, that said the only test she ever passed was a pregnancy test in school.

Nominated by : Paul Goddard

83 thoughts on “Angela Rayner [8]

  1. How dare you use such disparaging language against the red rose of Stockport?!

    She could one day be our prime minister.

    And when that glorious day comes the whole of Stockport will toast her with Prime energy drinks and cans of Stella.

    JD sports will open 24hrs
    And everyone will look resplendent in they’re Sunday best track suit.

    All hail the Mersey square Boudicca!!!

      • God yeah that’d be brilliant wouldn’t it LL?

        Shed definitely have a trampoline in the back garden
        And go berserk with decorations come Christmas ?

        A big inflatable Santa outside no10 and loads of fairy lights from Poundland.

  2. The face that launched a thousand sick buckets..

    Left school with more babies than GCSE’s.

    Slurped her way up the ladder, by noshing more cocks than even mandy mandelson..

    Her only good point is she is not a pàķi, though she has swallowed enough peaceful jizz this campaign to warrant a honoury mention. And a burka to cover that mong face of hers.

  3. I wouldn’t mind making a political contribution by dry bumming it,fully sheathed of course against STDs.

    Then give it deputy cocksucker Oven.

  4. As Deputy Prime Minister, Crayons will be an Ambassador for Britain. She’ll be meeting and dining with foreign dignitaries, Presidents, Prime Ministers.

    Hopefully someone will show her how to hold a knife and fork.

  5. Hi Paul,

    I knew a Paulette Goddard who did keep quiet, mainly due to being in silent films, noshing on Charlie Chaplin’s cock.

  6. Keeping up the great Labour tradition of having some utterly thick twat as deputy PM. The thought of that thick bint representing my country on the world stage makes me shudder.

  7. If Poundshop did politicians…..

    They’d probably be Angie no knickers.

    ‘To what do you owe your success Angela’

    ‘Well, I fucked the area Union convenor, even took it up the ass’

  8. I love a vile ginge.
    I would ruin her every orifice until we were both in tears of pain and misery but I wouldn’t let up on the filthy punishment.
    Her service would be arduous indeed.

    • You wouldve liked my secondary school Tommo. Nasty, mouthy ginger chav sluts in every class and corridor. A couple woukd grab your cock and balls while waiting for the teacher to open the classroom or bump their arse against your crotch in the dinner queue.

    • Ofcom is made up of former BBC , ITV , Sky and C4 executives, who serve their time then return to the industry.

  9. Deputy prime minister, with a NVQ level 2 in wiping old Biddy’s arseholes.

    Lord give me strength…?

    • A gobbby ex shop steward.

      One out all out, she’ll be supporting the striking
      Train drivers
      And any other cunt that wants a %30 pay rise…

  10. Starmer and Rayner – the pudding and the tart. She can open her legs wider than her mouth, and both are diseased. Once the Muslims take over their party she will be stoned and Mandy will be pushed off the Shard

    • A&E will be busy tonight WC.
      As the results come in I can see them being overwhelmed treating ruptured prolapsed ringpieces as Labour’s old Queens overdo the celebrations.

      • I just hope they keep an eye on old fatarse Emily Thornberry. She gets pissed even at Party Conferences – imagine having to watch her piss her drawers because she is over-refreshed winning the election. and on TV as well.

  11. I like her. At least she knows she’s a rum tart. I reckon she could suck a golfball through a garden hose. I would.

  12. She asked Hansard not to correct mistakes in her English in their transcripts because she said; “It’s who I am.” Well to me this betrays a classic left wing form of inverted snobbery. Professional writers use proof readers as a matter of course to pick up any mistakes they may have made. She wouldn’t know this because she’s never read a book. I have been picked up on ISAC for my spelling or grammatical errors. I acknowledge such and thank the person who points them out. I certainly don’t respond; “Fuck off, it’s who I am.”

    • I took have been picked up on my bad grammar and spelling on here Arfur.

      I don’t thank them though.

      I courtesly reply

      ” Go die of AIDS you sad twat”

      • No CP although my missus did.

        I went the exclusive Brinnington high school.

        A Academy of learning that many captains of industry, poets, fine artists and removalmen of note attended,

        I got a CSE in smoking behind the drama studio and swearing with distinction.

        Our motto was

        Vade et mori

      • I went to school with a broad range of cunts, from kids who fucked off before they took GCSEs to have a kid, get on drugs or help their dad or uncle at the scrapyard to an Earl/Baron, nephew of legendary actor and a polo player chum of Harry and Wills, as well as some art cunts, one of whom was amongst the later gang of YBAs..

    • It’s the promotion of mediocrity and relativism by the Lefty. Even those who attend Oxford and Cambridge and read classics will champion the likes of Taylor Swift and Stormzy to appear ‘of the people’.. This is why 24 year olds have lower literacy skills than their grandparents; their teachers and public cultural figures are happy to slum it.

    • She believes being a teenage single mother is an achievement, grammar isn’t a priority.

    • This will be the first part time government – in Winter time Kweer will fuck off at lunchtime in his role of faux Jew, to observe the sabbeth and Angie will need every Monday afternoon off to attend the clap clinic. Kyle and Streeting will have to fit in their flower arranging courses to make sure there is somebody to answer the phones.

  13. Admin, why did you post this one during luncheon?

    Ange is the answer to the oft-posed question, ‘whatever happened to chavs?’

    They never went anywhere, and they have a new queen (formerly Jade Goody.).

    Nom neds a bit more flesh on its bones as well.

  14. Is she a geezer? Her back story about being a slapper made good could be a cover for being Red DeWine the nightclub drag act every mincer loves.

    Keir can’t tell a woman for a bus so it’s possible…

  15. She’ll be great on the world stage, with all the hoi polloi….
    ‘ere you gotta fag luv, and pint of Stella don’t want that fizzy shit oh and some jaeger bombs let’s paaaaaaarty ??

    • Tell you what Arch, the information in that article about how the system’s being run scares me.

      • Got all his advice from the ” Clinton Institute”

        Fucking dangerous…?

    • I hate that buckle-toothed slimy sack of shit Charles “meet me for cock-fun in a stinking khazi” Lynton with a passion.
      I suspect (but have no evidence) that he’s the type who writes sex messages and draws filthy cartoons on the cubicle walls of a public shithouse using a finger smeared with his own excrement.
      What kind of degenerate fuck does this?

  16. My mam and dad were at one of Angie’s family’s parties.

    I’m surprised she didn’t get into it with my dad who’s to the Right of Reinhard Heydrich,
    And not shy in telling anyone.

    I’ve worked for some of her family.

    They don’t appear to of benefitted from her position in Labour.

    And don’t appear to share her communist views.

  17. Reminds me I can take the dog to the polling station. Didn’t know we could vote for them.

    Wonder if this site will survive the red death.

  18. Of course this is the state of the British politician. From what I know of this cunt:
    leaves school with fuck all but a baby, gets a job in care at the local authority, gets gobby ,gets elevated to a union rep, joins labour party fucks her way to the top, gets parachuted into a safe seat on a women only short list and ends up deputy leader of (almost certainly) the next government.
    The mind boggles

  19. I think Chris Bryant should rejoin the cloth – not only will he be able to fuck choirboys with impunity, he could save fallen women like Rayner.

  20. Even Boris wouldn’t fuck her when she proudly tried to show him her rancid gaping ginger growler.
    Classy lady.

    • He thought there was a barge out on the thames carrying the slime and filth from Billingsgate to a biofuel processing plant.

  21. Trump’s hoping Labour wins so he can have a Stormy Daniels MK2 with Rayner.

    • Once I get a picture of Angie elbow-deep in Trumps corn-hole my bucket list is complete.
      Make a fist Angie.

  22. well, i would still fuck her in the shitter then get her to piss on me (and you know she will….dirty cow)

  23. Cannot wait to see this thick ignorant slapper on the world stage.
    I am sure comrade Kim would like to get his fat greasy hands on her.

  24. Lowering the IQ of the MPs reminds me of a remark made by the famous American comedian Moe Howard of the Three Stooges, who once told one of his colleagues:

    “Every time you think, you weaken the nation.”

    • Some years ago, there was a documentary celebrating of the nation electing more female MPs than ever before, comparing the current lot with Thatcher.

      It was fucking hilarious.

      All you could say was, ‘aww, bless’.

  25. She just screams ‘Dirty’.

    And, when I say dirty, I mean flithy. I mean grime, muck.
    As Harold Steptoe might say, ‘Filth. Filth. Filth.’

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