Alison Pickup

and her fellow dissembling lawyers are cunts.

I draw this appalling exchange to the attention my fellow Learned Cunters.


This obnoxious harridan, and lawyers like her are bleeding the system dry whilst sinking the country under the weight of the illegal spongers that they represent. We can only expect things to get a whole lot worse no Sir Kweer is in charge.

‘Is it fair?’ The MP asks. Well I can answer that even if the cunt of a lawyer cannot. Yes, it is unfair. Not just to the genuine refugees fleeing persecution, but to all the poor cunts whose taxes have to pay for them and their greedy fucking waster families.

Fuck off, Alison and take you briefcase full of patronising bullshit with you.

Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.

86 thoughts on “Alison Pickup

  1. I don’t think poor old Alison will be “Picked Up” by any man who doesn’t have a guide dog. It’s sad because what she probably wants is a long, hard brutal shag, as it is, due to her night starvation she is just a trouble making up-her-own-arse harridan.

  2. Well after yesterday’s event’s I would take great pleasure in slowly kicking this ugly bitch to death with a size 10 steel toe caped boot.

  3. Dross like this cunt is why British children lie dead at the hands of foreign vermin.

    Warn them off once if they seek to assist our enemies but if they persist then just fucking hang the lot of them en masse.

    It’s treason so fuck em.

    Good morning.

    • Fucking right, UT.
      Disgusting, quisling, darkıe-loving traitor bitch.
      Hopefully one of her ‘clients’ firebombs her fully-staffed office.

      • The thing is, all of the third world pieces of shit to hit these shores in a dinghy are utterly fucking useless at everything.

        You couldn’t even trust them to screw the windows and doors shut before lighting the place up.

      • Best leave doors and windows open to provide plenty of oxygen to the flames.

    • When the photos and identity eventually get put out on the internet, I wonder how much further the recent civil unrest will go.

      Weird that this has all happened under Labour, as if their governance is seen by the stabby communities as a licence to go nuts.

      Can’t see a wetwipe like Starmer or his cabinet doing much to combat it.

      Expect more trouble lads.

      • As Kweer keeps pointing out – the country has given him a mandate. Suckdick claims the same in London – the fact that they are both highly guarded , and well protected and live in “nice” areas”is neither here nor there Kweer and Suckdick love immigrants, especially the illegal sort, so they take it THEY have a mandate to carry on their savagery.

        Welcome to Kweer’s stabby nation.

  4. From across the Ocean putting foreign nationals ahead of the National interest looks like High Treason to me.

    Send her to the block.

    Then stick her head on a pike and display it at the next hearing.

    Maybe it will dissuade other traitors.

  5. All the time during that disagreement, she saw a giant cock on the end of a pair of large bollocks and nothing was going to sway her from an already sweating fanny.

  6. Watching the video you have to admit that Iran is streets ahead of the UK when it comes to immigration.

    If anyone turns up in Iran who is not wanted then they are simply not allowed to get off their plane.

    That includes their own citizens.

    That’s an excellent policy.

    When politicians speak about “Lessons will be learned” they should learn them from Iran.

    • Excellent point about the Iranians and a lesson for all Western nations to learn when dealing with Shitholian invaders.

      The problem with Western politicians and liberal scum like Ms Letdown is that the wrong lesson was learned.

      Claim denied? No worries. Shitholia won’t take them back so they have to stay.

      The solution:

      Put them in a dinghy and send them back to France.

      Presumably, Dinghys can float in either direction and there’s no need for the French to grant assylum. Just dump on the coast like they do to you.

      When Trump was in office the Mexicans refused to help stem the flow of illegals and refused to take them back.

      So Trump slapped tariffs on Mexican products and tolls on Mexican vehicles that crossed legally resulting in a whole new policy…Wait in Mexico (until your case is adjudicated).


    • Yes.
      It’s time we stood in solidarity with our Muslim friends and adopted Sharia law in this country.

      • Spoken like a true One Worlder. Your leftist agenda and anti-British sentiment is revealed.

        Actually, what it’s time for is to exert your national sovereignty.

      • I’m struggling to make any connection whatsoever with Artful Cunters post and Sharia Law in this country.

      • @HJ
        “Iran is streets ahead of the UK when it comes to immigration.”
        Iran operates under Sharia law.

        Can’t you take a joke?

      • I don’t think that Iran’s immigration policy would be covered by Sharia law.
        My understanding is that Sharia law is all about the teachings of the Koran.
        I don’t think that immigration was a big issue in the days that it was written.

        But whatever law they follow in not allowing undesirable people into their country is a good one that other countries, including the UK should adopt.

      • Sharia is more a methodology than a set of laws. It is Arabic for ‘way’ or ‘path.’ It’s a method of adapting the primitive, revenge-based philosophy ascribed to Muhammad of Mecca to modern times.

        Although applying the word ‘modern’ to any country that takes the illiterate ravings in the Koran May be oxymoronic. Or just plain moronic.

      • Who needs a voice of reason when you can refer to the ramblings of an illiterate desert kiddy fiddler for guidance.

  7. People like this disgusting woman and any other bleeding heart liberal cunt are the reason little children are laying dead this morning.

    “Don’t look back in anger”

    “Not all Muslims”

    How’s about”FUCK OFF!”

    How low do we have to stoop before this insanity stops?

    • It’ll be business as usual,even after the shite in the MSM reluctantly are forced to reveal its another utterly evil,utterly depraved savage from Africa that’s committed another atrocity against defenceless children.

      I wish I had faith in our authorities to crush these wicked cunts but I have none at all and hope that mob violence,vigilantism and summary justice become the way that these filthy cunts are dealt with in the coming years.

      • Bring back the rope, if nothing else a broken neck prevents them doing it again. Not sure if it’s true or just a scurrilous rumour but armed guards are being employed by sheep and goat farmers due to a noticeable increase in sheep and goat molestation since the arrival of the dingy riders. The evidence darker skinned persons with pockets full of bread (used for enticement) Kurdish men leaving socks in barn? Loud bleating from isolated fields and strange languages being spoken. Our poor green ( soon to be built over) land, is nothing sacred any more.

  8. What these bastard lawyers do is entirely within the law. Therefore the law needs to be changed. Therein lies the problem. Most MPs are lawyers. Turkeys and Christmas.

    • This is the same reason the housing problem hasn’t been sorted in all the years I’ve been alive. While housing demand substantially exceeds supply the politicians are filling their boots.

  9. This is all bullshit, how the fuck can the UK have diplomatic links to Iran and they can refuse to take back cunts.

    Drop them off at the embassy in London and say if you don’t put this cunt on a plane back to Iran you can all fuck off.

    Cunts arriving illegally shouldn’t have any legal representation, someone rocks up at an airport who isn’t eligible for entry is detained and put back on the next flight back to the point of departure, no fucking lawyers involved.

    Luckily we now have a labour government who will sort this mess out once and for all!!

  10. William Shakespeare’s Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene wrote;
    “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”.
    Obviously a problem then as is now.

  11. This sort of rancid harridan is typical of the moronic marxists that are being turned out by our woke universities. There must be special modules on sucking immie dick and kissing Allah’s arse. She probably sees no connection whatsoever between her job and the little girls who went to a party to make bracelets and wound up hacked to death in an unimaginable bloodbath.

    Good morning, everyone.

    • Such connections woukd be deemed ‘problematic’ by glib cunts like her. People like her eat like Ed Miliband; there’s something fucking defective about them.

  12. Let’s take money away from pensioners and give it to the stabby community.
    Well done, i say, to any fucking idiot that voted labour.

    • Typical labour, cunts who are on pension credit also get shit loads of other benefits, some poor cunt who is just above the threshold gets Nothing, Fuck All, not a penny.

      20 billion black hole, easily solved, kick out all the sponging foreigners and force the bone idle into work.

      • zthetes a fsir bit of whining about the planned cuts to their benefits on their channels.

        A couple of Lefty channels worth keeping an eye on to see what’s concerning them are TurnLeft and DoubleDown media.

      • @sick….that is reasonable talk which doesn’t apply anymore in the UK ….to the great brainwashed they’d call it raaaaaaaaacist 😩…I’m thinking of asking my liebour MP to put my £200 onto his expenses 👍

    • Morning SH, morning all.
      As you mentioned the “fucking idiots that voted labour”.
      I’m still wondering why anyone would vote for them, I know people wanted to give the Tories a kicking, but Labour?….

      • Lets hope she enjoys all the strikes that will be heading our way, because now that daft fucker Reeves has caved in to students and the NHS everyone else will demand the same – just to compound it that four eyed shitstain Starmer is relaxing all the Trades Union laws.

        People should realise that Labour will only protect Muslims, unionists and poofters.

  13. PS While children are murdered and this bitch collects her bloated salary, the Labour Government takes away winter fuel allowance from old ladies. Fuck what this country has become.

  14. Yesterday’s stabby cunt was born from Rwandan parents.

    Another feargal sharkey wit a knife n sheet.

    Well wadya know?

  15. I despair of you cunts.
    It is obvious to all that flooding the UK with Muslims and Africans can only benefit us in the long term. They will bring the peace, tolerance and stability of their home cultures.
    Multiculturalism is the way forward.

  16. In the old days, people used say rub a puppies nose in a shit it’s done as part of house training. Well when cops & forensics are done, but before the cleanup begins, this utter cunt should be brought to Stockport and have her ugly mush pushed into pools of innocent toddlers blood.

    And then, if the cunt persists, … the next time similar happens again, and every subsequent time. There isn’t even any ‘passion’ in her monotone delivery. A nine-sided cunt.

      • Been typing stockport all thru yesterday, google went to the stories. never even corrected me… sentiment still stands, though… I imagine an audible recording of the several minutes of butcher, yplayed through headphones on repeat to cunty up top there would be even preferable to the face in blood idea …

      • Morning,
        It was that dastardly WC Boggs that started the Stockport thing.

        As a son of Stockport I had to point out it was Southport 👍

        Yeah you’re point is very valid.

      • Cheers, MNC soz, .. ; … I reckon I could look at (after)crime scene photos, at arms length, if I had to … but the sounds emanating in that room yesterday must’ve been abominable… truly fucking horrific.

      • @ CuntemAll.
        She’d just play the victim, just as her class of female lawyer/politician/journalist always do when held to account.

        In her mind there’s no connection betwee. her profession and the carnage in Southport. It would just be about her.

      • My apologies MNC and anyoine else I misled. I mis-spoke, as the politicians would say – or – and this is more likely – I am a stupid old cunt – that also applies to the politicians.

      • No worries WC,
        But got to admit you nearly gave me a fuckin heart attack when I saw your post.

        Straight on the online news to check!😬

  17. Alison always been a woman?

    That’s some fuckin neck , like she lifts weights.

    Anyway, she’s a parasite making a living off dropping the living standards of this country.

    A poisoner.
    That’s what immigration lawyers are.

  18. Her type and their clients should be bulldozed into the sea.

    Human rights don’t exist outside of a courtroom.

  19. I’m moving to Torsa.
    They’ve got law and order there.

    Fresh air
    Easy divorce laws
    Capital punishment
    Men can wear a nightie without being mocked.

    Gods country.

    Allah Ahkbar✊🏽

    • Now that Chancellor Dalek is stopping cold weather payments for millions of pensioners shell have more money to spend on immigrants.

      Maybe treat them to nice warm coat each?

      • I’ve only just started getting my pension.

        Have the cunts stopped paying the winter fuel allowance already?

        I was relying on that to buy a few warmer T-shirts.

        If I was British I would write a strongly worded letter to an MP.

      • I’m gutted, Art.

        I’ve always used my Winter Fuel money to buy booze and party nibbles from M&s for Christmas.

        I guess I’ll have to go to Iceland this year.

      • You are sympathetic to my plight JP, which I appreciate.

        Thankfully I am also a Spanish ‘pensionista’ despite still working and thanks to our generous government I am entitled to a free holiday each year.

        I may fuck off to the Canarias for a few weeks where it will be warmer.

        Don’t worry about me.
        I will be OK.

      • It’s a fucking national disgrace, that’s what it is.

        Do these robbing bastards not realise that come January, for about 6 weeks the temperature in Spain could plummet to the low 20’s?

        In those extreme conditions I may have to wear socks.

        Who fucking pays?

      • I bet the belt-tighetning won’t stretch to the MPs expenses, I bet old Reeves and Sugartits will still be getting their jiggle balls and Streeting and all the other old queens their KY Jelly and butt plugs.

  20. Alison Pickup , you’d have to be a fuckin power lifter to do that, Alison Fuckup is more appropriate.
    Sanctimonious old cunt.

  21. We. Are. Fucked.

    And leeching harridans like Pickup and her ‘clients’ are sticking the knife in.

    Just fuck off.

    Morning all.

  22. O/T

    I was shocked to hear that nice Huw Edwards arrested for child pornography?!!!

    Surely some mistake?

    A BBC employee a Peter file?

    Well he’s looking at jail time.

    Locked up with naughty young boys and having to watch out for buggery in the showers.

    For Huw that’s more reward than punishment.

  23. I’ll be honest Cunters – I’m really upset this morning over those little kids being butchered.

    Feel like I’m in a bit of a haze.

    These human rights lawyers, political cunts and bleeding heart Linekers are just beyond contemptible.

    Those of us with a double digit IQ could almost forsee what was going to happen yesterday such is the direction that these bastards are taking our once green and pleasant land.

    Let’s quickly get this appalling story down the media memory hole asap because the Premier League season starts soon plus we have a shit load of houses to build for the most vulnerable people on earth.

    I could cry.

    • Indeed Herman.
      The police have already activated phase one of the coverup process.
      ‘Not terror related’
      Based on the spurious premise that the perpetrator was born in Cardiff, so therefore a British national.
      This also helps alleviate the prospect of public disorder, allowing the anger to subside for a few days whilst they keep the identity of the assailant and the motive, which must be fucking obvious, a closely guarded secret.
      And the public are meant to feel reassured?
      Fuck me!

    • Sadly even if we still had the rope (which I think we should have), this little cunt would be exempt because he is only 17. You can’t swing till you are 18. He will also be nameless until a judge, after conviction, decides whether or not he should be named.

      You really do feel British “justice” only favours the criminal – and the more scummy they are, the more they are protected.

  24. We are no doubt going to have to feed and look after this mental cunt for the rest of its life after spending a fortune in court cases to convict the cunt cripple it and feed it to the pigs. And fuck it’s stinking parents back to the shithole they came from. And shoot the cunts that let them in. Our kids safety should come before the prayer mat begging bowl cunts

  25. The day my evil thoughts can be read, I’ll be amongst the first up in front of the firing squad. It makes me instantly proud.

  26. Apologies to admin. i saw one of the noms needed a link, particularly the one claiming the Southport attacker was a Syrian. This has since been revealed as false, which is why i thought it best to point out the need for a link.

    Had enough of being moderated yet? Read the fucking rules. If you can’t or don’t want to follow them, that’s perfectly fine. But then fuck off somewhere else – NA.

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