‘We’re so sorry.”


You hear this a lot after a fuckup/scandal. Sunak said it about the infected blood scandal. Satan Vennells said it multiple times during her evidence to the Post Office inquiry. Whenever a child dies in the home and the Waffen SS don’t intervene, we hear it then as well.

It’s as if people and organisations think that saying ‘sorry’ magically makes everything better. But it doesn’t. People still died. That pain and suffering still happened. Peoples’ lives were still ruined. For once, just for once, it would be nice to hear somebody admit all of that when a calamity happens instead of issuing a token fucking apology.


Nominated by Opinionated Cunt.

69 thoughts on “‘We’re so sorry.”

  1. I’d be more insulted by receiving an apology from a total arsewipe like Sunak than by being ignored.
    At least you’re not being patronised by some smirking wanker who doesn’t mean a word of what they’re saying.

  2. I think they get lessons in it now. Crocodile tears from the Post Office woman. I can imagine the politicians rehearsing their ‘heartfelt’ apologies. Whoever records them should save the entire proceedings for later humiliation.

  3. Its better to just say, I hold my hands up, what’s done is done and march on. Can’t bring back any misinterpretation of what happened. It wasn’t my fuck fault. That’s all you need to say.

  4. The one that gets my goat more is when someone apologises or makes some statement on MY behalf.

    Like “on behalf of the British people we apologise for slavery”

    Or “on behalf of the British people, the UK government expresses its gratitude to Jacinda Ardern for all the amazing work she’s done in making the world a better place.”

    I am always inclined to have these people h*nged, drawn, and quartered on everyone else’s behalf

    • Agreed Balsamic and I’m sure most brits feel the same.
      What is a cunt is that our voices are silenced before we get a look in there’s no way the majority of people in this country can be happy the way we are heading.

      • The other one is cunts saying to you “thank you for your support”, meaning you had better go along with whatever they are up to, or else. I often reply that there is no need to thank me for something I never gave.

  5. Cunts who only apologise after getting found out, caught, doing something they shouldnt have. No moral compass.

  6. Politicians apologising for the wrongs of the past to demonstrate their moral superiority boil my urine.

    Blair, for example, saying sorry for the Irish potato famine. What did that have to do with him? It’s the fucking mess and huge loss of life he and Dubya caused in Iraq that the nauseating cunt should apologise for, but never will.

  7. I apologise all the time.
    And do a sad face.

    Obviously I’m not really sorry.

    I enjoyed being naughty and I’ll do it again first chance I get.

  8. “Sorry”

    They don’t even fucking mean it.

    It’s more a case of “we are absolute cunts and imbeciles to a man, and unfortunately we have been exposed as such”

    At least you could maybe half respect that.

  9. Awaiting the day when the arch cunt Bliar apologises for millions of deaths in the middle east and destroying the UK.

  10. It boils my piss when some CUNT goes on about slavery. FYI cunt. The Royal Navy PUT a fucking stop to it. Worldwide. At a cost of millions of pounds and a lot of lives.

    • Indeed, while the African slave masters that sold their brothers into slavery are STILL fucking at it, and totally unapologetic about it.

  11. I’d like to say a big sorry for sharing the planet with that cunt Blair without at least trying to find him then smacking him around with a fucking big baseball bat.

  12. If that Vennells creature had put a member of my family in prison just to protect her fucking pension then it’s safe to say that her appearing at that “enquiry” would have been rather difficult.

    Arse covering simpering vermin.


  13. I agree with this, what they means is

    “I’m sorry… I got found out”

    The only remorse they feel is for their own reputation and career disappearing down the khazi.

    We should be allowed to hold them, head down, while repeatedly flushing.

  14. As you get older you feel genuine shame for some of the misdeeds of youth.
    And the urge to apologise nags at your conscience.

    Don’t do it!
    They’ll lord it over you and use it to whip you with.

    Do something worse to them!
    You’ll feel much better.

      • I was a bit wild when younger LL.
        Always been fond of a practical joke,
        Possibly went to far once or twice?

        I sometimes forget that some people are delicate blossoms,
        Easily upset , take offence , etc.

        Then it makes me feel bad when I was just having a bit of fun.

        They should be ashamed of themselves!
        Hurting my feelings
        The mard bastards!!!

        Fuck em

    • Actually Mis, I’ve never felt the urge to apologise for previous actions, that other people would think were wrong.

      I’m never wrong, 100% perfect, me.

      • I have JP.
        A kid that was bullied at school.

        It played on my mind.
        Had I done it?
        Was I responsible for bullying.

        I met him in a pub last year and asked him.

        If I had in all honesty I would of been gutted.

        But he said no.
        Said I stopped it once.

        Got to admit JP I was relieved!

        Dunno why it bothered me what he thought?
        Don’t normally give a fuck what others think.

        Maybe I’m going gay?😁

      • Finding yourself admiring pink polo shirts?

        Touch of the gayness, there.

      • I also like cupcakes and dancing to disco music in my undercrackers.

        So your probably right.

      • My psychiatrist says I have ” big man syndrome”.

        Pfft! What does that over-educated twonk know?

      • Can’t think of a single one, LL.

        Oh wait!

        There’s a tribe, lives in some remote part of Uzbekistan, only accessible by helicopter, and then only rarely due to the weather conditions and terrain.

        We haven’t offended them… Yet.

      • Interesting story, it’s years old though.

        Apparently there really is a small village somewhere unbelievably remote and virtually inaccessible.

        The inhabitants habitually live to a great age, 100, up to 130, isn’t extraordinary.

        However, since the tribe has been discovered, scientists ( nosy, pushy, entitled bastards) have been performing autopsies on the dead. Presumably to try and discover the secret of long life.

        Without exception, every one is absolutely riddled with cancer. You name a body part, cancer! They have leukaemia, bone cancer, every internal organ, brain tumours, skin, everything!
        They all have it, all over.

        My theory? The cancers want to live, so they keep the hosts alive. Because there’s so few of the hosts, they keep them alive beyond the normal human lifespan.

        Makes sense, when you think about it.

      • He already has the country cream gates JP. That’s a pretty big giveaway as far as the gayness is concerned.

      • only been wrong once in my life, thats when i thought i had made a mistake, but i had not

    • To some, especially those with blue hair and nose rings, any apology is taken as a sign of guilt.

  15. Having your apology accepted seems to depend on your status in British society.
    Vennells told porkies knowing that people would go to prison and is currently free to walk the streets after a show of contrition.
    If any of us deliberately lied to get someone sent down, our feet wouldn’t touch the ground.
    Same with the infected blood scandal.
    All those involved apologise via proxy and carry on until they cark it and it’s too late to do anything.
    Fat Reg was wrong, sorry isn’t the hardest word, it’s incredibly fucking easy.
    Especially if your an establishment figure.

  16. Politicians love a good apology.

    Not for their own actions of course, a bit of expenses fiddling or maybe bumming the work experience intern, no they like apologising for the rest of us.

    Slavery, climate change, gays, women, empire. They fucking love it. They see it as virtuous, righting a historical wrong. Our enemies see it as weakness.

  17. I would like to apologize to anyone I have not yet Offended.

    Don’t worry i will get to you shortly.

  18. I’m waiting for Anthony Fauci to apologise…. that being said, I’m waiting for him to admit anything.

  19. Speaking of fake apologies, I just read flabbottus had to sit a two hour online ‘anti semitism course’.. fucking hell a speed awareness course is four hours long..

    Two hours is long enough to compress your hatred..

    Nice to see labour are taking Jewish baiting seriously..

  20. “Thank you in advance for your understanding in this matter”

    An arrogant little line used by cunts at the end of a written notice (that they are about to let you down in some shape or form) that I noticed at the end of a thing recently. Motherfuckers that should be on the back foot about something claiming back the power by adding that at the end.

    I know because I used a variation of it once, 30 years ago and it was with complete DISrespect to a cunt(employer) I was purposely antagonising.

    So to see a company use it towards customers they’re letting down … the cheeky fuckers.

    And if that recent notice had been to ME, they’d have been hearing back about it!

    • I just want to add (whilst actually checking my IsAC login setup) that that rotten-to-the-core cunt of a boss had a quadruple bypass shortly after that missive, (the cumulation of a lot of aggro).

      I was credited with causing three of the four blockages. 😀

  21. Sunak vs starmer on itv now..

    Hardly hagler vs hearns or ali vs frazier..

    A super gay weight non event..

    Rayner was gonna be the ring walk girl, but she has a prior engagement at the Ashton-under-Lyne mosque..

    • Hinge v Bracket weigh in for the fight of the century. Both armed with bullshit in every word.

      If this was boxing it would be John Fury v some old dosser.

    • Just been reading about the recent Mexican election.

      37 candidates assassinated!

  22. Saying sorry is a piece of piss, meaning it is a whole different thing. Punishment is a far better apology than hot air and piss, especially for the destroyer of Britain and its people and culture the festering bubonic boil Blair, cancer would be a nice end to him the traitorous polyp.

    • Yeah. The cunts in the dock that get their brief to say that they are truly sorry for whatever it was they did …. and in the next breath the cunt is asking for the absolute minimum (if any at all) punishment.

      Not THAT sorry, then ….


  23. Sorry.
    There will now be an army of London lawyers on a grand a day for a decade or so to investigate.

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