Victoria Thomas-Bowen

Victoria Thomas-Bowen is a cunt.

She’s the OnlyFans ‘model’ who threw milkshake at Nigel Farage in Clacton.

The sad cunt who lives with her mum because she can’t make enough money from simps online has been charged by police, although I doubt she’ll face conviction.

The media are celebrating this, obviously, but pictures of her exposing her innards have been leaked on Twitter (so the brave souls who inhabit it tell me) which at least goes to show if you’re a ropey skank from Clacton you too can live your best life by showing off your offal to any monobrowed virginor Mountain Dew enthusiast for twenty pence a pop. (Day Admin told me it’s 50p a pop – NA)

Any room left in either Terry’s oven or Mr Cunt Engine’s dungeon? This one gets the blue light treatment.

Google Link.

Nominated by : Cuntamus Prime

76 thoughts on “Victoria Thomas-Bowen

  1. And girls with dumpy legs shouldn’t wear stockings, suspenders or anything that would make their legs look any shorter.

    I know about these things.

  2. I’m making plans to eat her pussy.
    With some fava beans and a nice chianti.

  3. He said afterwards that for a split-second, he didn’t know if he’d been acid attacked.

    The nominated cunt (I’m not going to learn it’s name) … should be lambasted in the media, and charged with assault, – no levity.

    Fuckin’ skank.

    • It is a pity that one of Farage’s minders didn’t knock a few of her teeth out once it was clear that she was about to attack him. ‘I did not know what was in the liquid’ sounds like a very good defence to me if the minder finished up in court.

  4. I think she did the milkshake throwing, and then leaked the Only Fans thing to generate income.

    She should get a hefty fine, just to make the point that self-publicity doesn’t pay.

    Silly cunt. She looks like every deluded twat who posts pictures on the site, nothing special.

    Moggies probably right, AI generated.

    • 100% she did it for her own self. I can’t get the 20+ year old Marilyn Manson song chorus out of my head this past 5 mins …. “We are the nobodies, the wannabe somebodies” …

      Also I omitted the word ‘worthless’ out of my summation.

      Fuckin’ *worthless* skank …

      • She looks innocent in that photo GG.

        She milkshaked me I’d return the favour with my pearl coloured salty milkshake!

  5. Onlyfans will cause lots of silly whores to top themselves and a good thing too.
    They have no worthwhile jobs, no brains, no talent and no morals.
    What does this daft think that she will accomplish in life?
    She’s aleady 25 and the saddos who give her money will soon turn their attention towards younger tarts.
    Plenty of low quality men will use her slack trench until it looks like a bucket of congealed wallpaper paste but no decent man will want to stay with her or respect her in any way.
    Presumably she has no strong father figure, something all decently moral young ladies require.
    And who actually pays for Onlyfans? Bellends with more money than sense; there’s a universe of free pọrn with every weird, digusting and illegal act catered for, especially on the dark web. Thankfully.

    • Her family have disowned her for throwing a milkshake over Sir Nigel of Farage.

      I would have disowned her for being a cheap slag on only fans.

    • A lot of the content is leaked on other errr “gentlemen’s special interest” sites anyway. So why pay for it when someone shares the content for free elsewhere?

      Of course, I know naffink abaaaaht those sites.

      • Her “business” can’t be doing too well if she still lives with her mum. People must be asking her if she’s got change of a pound.

      • After diligently researching the topic, I see hat 95% of these Only Fans tarts are making less than £250 a week.

    • Well said Thomas.

      As you say, who is paying for this when there’s free porn everywhere these days?

      The bonus with the porn stars is that they usually get on with their jobs and say little. It dilutes their appeal when they spread themselves to Twitter and YouTube, podcasting etc like these Only Clams, and you realise just how damaged they are, and whatever they say is mocked because they flash their thru’pennies for the price of a petrol station cheeseburger.

      Deluded bints.

  6. Nigel should consider his safety and spend the rest of the telection campaign in a welders helmet.

    Lefties types love to throw shit.
    Milkshakes,eggs, stones, mud, whatever,
    It’ll happen again.

    Bet Richard Tice was relieved it wasn’t him?

    After just having his hair blow dried.

  7. Well she got her five minutes in the spotlight, and delighted the lefties who seem to have no problem with things being thrown at people..

    I wonder if they would feel the same when a brick is chucked at starmzy.

    It may be a boring inanimate object, but it deserves better than being hit with a brick..

  8. Slightly OT but have any other gentlemen noticed that across the MSM there is a no too subtle policy of showing Farage in the most unflattering light..usually their still images accompanying a “news item”..?

    Channel 5 had him giving a Nazi salute,so blatant Mrs Terry noticed it..most other cunts show him grimacing or looking frightened.

    These fucking lefty cunts need gassing.

    Oh and that young “lady” is nothing but a cheap whōre who should have been given a fucking good hiding on the spot.

    Good morning.

    • Morning UT/all.
      The last paragraph in the nom got me thinking…it’s a shame we don’t live near each other or we could do an amalgamation …installing an escape-proof dumb waiter to transport certain people directly from my dungeon into your oven!

      • Morning Mr Cunt Engine.

        Indeed industrial strength tidiness is always a bonus.

        Far too much mess about in our country.

        I shall right to Mr Farage about your idea and will await his response.


      • ‘Splendid. The Death Oven is nearly com-plete, You have done well, Lord Cunt Engine. Go to the forest moon and await my orders…’.

        What are we witnessing?

    • The media are in fifth gear with the smear.

      Munchetty getting some accusations of being openly disdainful of Nige.

      What a surprise.

  9. Milkshake from maccy D’s….if you’re going to protest like Annabelle and Crispin at least do a chilled moet ?… perhaps nige could reciprocate with a tub of jellied eels, which would compliment her overall odour ….oi,oi, #clactonskank

    • Initially I assumed you meant to say complement Geldy, but thinking about it I’m not so sure…..

  10. Farage related but did any cunters see Reforms party political broadcast last night? Just a black screen with ‘Britain is Broken. Britain Needs Reform’ on it. No imagery or audio for five minutes. Makes a change from the usual posing and waffle I suppose.

    • Keir “Stanley” starmer, is going to do one saying my dad was a toolmaker..

    • If she’s AI generated just terminate the program and be done with the illusion.

      If she’s real, then death by shagging.

      And put the latter on Only Fans to raise money for Reform.

      By the way…there’s a story in the American Press that Reform is polling above the Tories.

      • Indeed. One poll had Reform at 19%, one percentage point above the Tories, which is encouraging.

        Unfortunately, the popular vote does not necessarily translate into seats.

        For example, at the 2015 general election UKIP got 4million votes, but only one seat. Whereas the Scotch Nazi Party, with a paltry 1.4million votes, got 56 fucking seats!

  11. To be fair Brendon Cox, late husband of St Jo of the Blessed Cox has hit out at cunts who found the attack and the one in Barnsley funny.

    That’ll be him off the list for a peerage then.

  12. Kier Starmer got very upset by that crowd laughing at his
    “My dad was a tool maker” line.

    Nearly in tears!?

    Khan has his
    ” My old man’s a bus driver” line

    Labour love to try and prove working class roots.

    Expect Lammy to start up

    ” My dad was a witchdoctor”

  13. I’m hardly surprised that an Onlyfans girl would think that having one’s face covered with a light-coloured, creamy substance by surprise was normal behaviour.

  14. When the Ropers take over, they will be throwing half bricks at the unclean hag.

  15. Basically, it’s ok to throw objects at Farage, according to most of our wonderful media.
    It’s just an occupational hazard if you’re a ‘far right’ politician.
    ‘Live with it Nige’ appears to be their view.
    And to cap it all off, rather than the perpetrator being just a nondescript oik, she’s a nondescript oik who gets her tits out for money.
    I await her Sun exclusive after being let off by a lefty magistrate with bated breath.

    • Correct. And lefties think it’s fine to celebrate this assault on their Facebook pages. They’re so blind in their thinking that they can’t see that assault is assault never mind who you do it to.

      • ‘It’s okay when we do it’ because in their doctrine the end (socialist utopia) always justifies their means.

        Even gulags.

    • Throwing a milkshake at Farage is the thin end of a Jo Cox and Sir David Amess-shaped wedge.

      #BeKind? Bollocks.

  16. She’d be no use to me dressed like that, helping me lift potatoes in the allotment, I’d could supply her some wellies though…..!

  17. It’ll be a difficult conversation when the children come home from school one day and say there’s a lad at school said he’s seen your nether regions and you performing on the internet Mum and you were getting double-teamed by Gareth’s dad and Lenny’s dad.

  18. I think that any political figure showing their face in public should be pelted with bricks.

    All of them.

    The fuckin parasites have ruined this country.

    I agree with pretty much everything Farage says.

    But I’d still bounce a cobblestone off his forehead if he was waving at me from a open top bus.

    Traditional isn’t it?

  19. I can only surmise that this little minger is an immigrant lover.
    It’s ok for her I suppose, she can benefit from lots of black cock, odd coloured offspring and plenty of child and other benefits.
    She won’t be feeling so chipper when Mtebe beats the shit out of her in a jealous rage after reading the mucky messages on her onlyfans page.
    That’s if he hangs around long enough after finding out he’s got her up the duff.
    Fucking repulsive little whore!

    • ??. That was like a chav version of this is your life..

      You are Eamonn Andrews and I claim my red book.

      • They should bring it back with a chav format.
        Danny Dier as host and guests like Stacey Solomon.
        ‘You thought you were going to a party with your gormless husband. But tonight Stacey, this is your facking life!’

  20. What an old mank, looks like a feckin pit pony. She’d have a job wrapping those stumpy legs around a starving Ethiopian. Absolutely repulsive, probably got a gravy box like a cart horse collar.

    • She’s got thighs like Will Carling. One can only guess what her well used minge is like.
      An immo going down on that would suddenly think they’re being deported via the channel tunnel.

  21. If that’s a fucking model there’s hope for fatama whitbread it’s about as sexy as Suzy esard

  22. OT post office campaigner Alan Bates to get a knighthood..

    In better news its ed daveys knighthood, we just need to kick the fat greasy fuck till he gives it up..
    Please form a orderly line..

  23. She’s getting her 15 minutes.

    She should be giving Nigel a cut of her extra income.

    • Goes without saying she’s got ugly feet but this one’s ugly all over. Without the hair dye, all the powder and lipstick and the two extra stones she’s carrying around, it’s a possibility she’d look half decent. Although I doubt it. At least she’s intelligent enough to know that without drawing attention to herself by chucking the drink, her career would be going absolutely nowhere.

      • Yeah, I’d say it still isn’t. And how long has showing your cunt online been a career?

  24. The Horn Section are remarkably quite about the bint in the header pic.
    Wonder why??
    ….Oh but wait!

  25. Admin what is happening in that photo? She looks like a character in a rude computer game.

    • That reminds me of the controversy about that Grand Theft Auto “Hot coffee” minigame back in 2004

      Never played it myself.
      Was more of a GTA Vice City fan.

      • Same here Harold.

        Gunning down hobos which riding a motorbike and listening to Giorgio Moroder.

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