UK D-day shambles


This year on the 6th of June is the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings when the allied forces stormed the Normandy beaches and marked a major turning point of WW2. The Parachute Regiment had been expected to take part in commemorations with 450 men jumping from four planes, but it turns out that just one is available at the time of writing.

Despite being Defence Secretary, Grant Shapps went into full Lance Corporal Jones ‘Don’t panic!’ mode and promised to find the extra planes. So where are these planes? Well Ukraine and fucking Gaza of course. Cynically, Shapps has used this fuck up to try and justify more spending on defence.

There is an entire month devoted to the Pride cult and yet one day to remember the greatest generation before they are all gone is treated as an afterthought. You can bet your bollocks to a barn dance the Americans will be there with bells and whistles on and the French dusting off their best white flags.

To put this into some context on D-Day itself the UK and U.S used 1500 planes and landed 21,000 troops. If you replace planes with dinghies and troops with migrants, you will see where the priorities of politicians in Europe lie today. Our brave lads must wonder why they even fucking bothered.


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

64 thoughts on “UK D-day shambles

  1. The irony being without D Day there would be no Pride month .

    Just Oven Month

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