The NHS [30]

Now this really boils my piss. I used to work for the NHS in my youth. Running one of their agency bank staff (basically an internal recruitment agency) for a well known London hospital. The amount of fraud and money being pissed up the wall at this one hospital was obscene. Back room Middle management in cushy £90k a year jobs doing fuck all, whilst the front lines could barely afford staff to man the outpatients department twice a week. Wide screen TV’s, top of the range iPads, computers the whole lot all being charged to expenses and taken for personal use.

I’m now a plumber. One of the contracts my firm has ended up with is in a hospital. 20 years later and it’s even worse. Whole wards throwing away brand new beds, wide screen TV’s, furniture, computers. Just because they know they can. Spending £3k on a tap that’s used in a staff room no one ever goes in.

So when I received a letter recently saying I’d claimed for a free prescription my blood boiled. I pay every three months for a pre payment certificate that covers any prescription for that time. As they no longer send a reminder to say it had expired I missed a week by mistake. I’ve offered to pay whatever I owe but that’s not good enough. The utter cunts are now trying to fine me over £100 for the error. Like the TV licence, I’ve read that no one has ever been brought to court for evading this “fine”. I’ve noticed by pure chance whilst moving homes that the only way they know you’re even eligible to pay is by signing up to this scheme and it’s all based on your home address. So as I’m moving again in a month I won’t be paying fuck all. Just another signifier that this country is more than willing to shaft those who are honest, work and pay their way to sub the shite that doesn’t.


Nominated by Cuntstable Grobbler.

86 thoughts on “The NHS [30]

  1. How dare you criticise the cult “yes I said cult” of the NHS, just keep chucking money at it, with no plan ever to reform it..

  2. Bureaucracy will be the end of society, at the present rate of increase.
    Empires must be grown and illusions must be kept up.
    It’s not just in hospitals these cunts are wasting money, in fact, it’s the bureaucrats, who produce fuck all of value and just get in the way of those who try to.

    It’s only the productive that have anything to steal, after all.

    As for your bill, another typical example of the fuckers. If you try going after a bureaucrat you’ll just get shuffled around the various offices until you finally say fuck it.

  3. The NHS is beyond reproach. So much so that our next PM says she would rather her child die in agony on an NHS waiting list than pay to go private.

    The fucking liar.

    • That’s because (s)he knows damn well none of his family will ever be on any “waiting list”. Colon cancer? – top of the list! Hangnail? – top of the list!
      With regards to “reforming” the NHS and fuck me, it needs serious reform – see Cunstable’s nom, it ain’t likely to happen. Health Secretaries just don’t have the nouse to see all the fucking fiddling and fraud and the senior managers ain’t going to turn into turkeys voting for Christmas! What it needs a an army of good old fashioned work study engineers to hit it – not the “shit for brains”, overpaid “management consultants” that occasionally get sent in. After all, the fraud mentality tends to rub off on them!!!!

  4. The NHS is the envy of the world, the model that all aspire to have in their own countries. Oh no it isn’t, it’s a fucking mess.

    Why do people go private, answer, because the service is better. Perhaps rather than crying about not privatising the NHS maybe giving it a go.

    All the lefty cunts claim the NHS couldn’t function without immigrants but I would love to see the split of demographics who use the NHS the most, which ethnicity costs the NHS the most per capita, that may raise a few eyebrows.

    As they say ‘you get what you pay for’ but when it comes to the public purse ‘you get ripped off’.

  5. No-one in my little street was heard banging pots and pans on Thursday evenings at 8pm during the height of chînkyflu.
    Because we’re not spineless mọngs.
    The NHS should be used purely by the people that fund it and their kids and if the result is that thousands of darkıes, pıkıes and council scum die, good.

    • I used to empty the kitchen of pots and pans and set them up so I could perform a doorstep drum solo worthy of John Bonham.

      In fact I’m still out on the doorstep every Thursday.

      • I wouldn’t mind banging some of them nurses on my doorstep.
        Females only, obviously.
        Fit white nurses in fishnets and high heels.
        Apart from that, NHS should be there to treat proper ill cunts only.
        Stop pissing away valuable resources subsidising expensive lifestyle choices like:
        IVF, tit enlargements, “sex change” surgery, liposuction, gastric bands, tattoo removals, etc.
        Scams like homeopathy – give the cunts placebos instead cos that’s all homeopathy is anyway, as King Jug-Ears found out the hard way.
        Get rid of translators, all diversity managers,
        And at least 50% of management generally.
        Those remaining need to start earning their keep by charging health tourists and foreigners who don’t have insurance.
        Also cancel or renegotiate those PFI contracts Blair and Brown were so fond of ripping the taxpayer off with.
        Fuck them.

    • My road went for the spoon and pan action big time. i was asked why i didnt join in. I told them it felt a bit ‘North Korean’.

      Nobody asked again.

    • I bet old Kweer and Angie were out banging their pots every Thursday (in Kweer’s case his chamber pot) – and Thangham Debbonaire as well – bang ’em, Thangham. Dame Eddie Izzard probably just rattled his Pat Butcher earrings.

  6. One of my daughters is a nurse and she has started to realise that the whole juggernaut is heading ⬇️ … told her to do blackface and get one of those equality and diversity cushties on 3 times the salary with added free 🐔 on tap 😩

  7. In the hospital where our elder is working at the moment a PC monitor failed recently. The facilities management company they use quoted £1800 for a replacement. The daughter was so amazed she made it her business to go look what was special about this monitor; her findings? Absolutely nothing at all, not a touch-screen, not high res, nothing. I checked and for £1800 I could buy 25 such monitors, retail and get change. In fact I’m sure that for that price I could negotiate a couple of extra monitors. The people who charge these prices are not fraudsters, they are thieves and the managers who authorise payment should be fired today.

    • We used to fix them for all kinds of companies. Average bill £50. Couldn’t get a foot through the door with NHS.

  8. The NHS is so bad it could just as easily be run by the police.

  9. Badly managed. Overstaffed behind the front line. A fucking money pit.

    • Delighted you made the point about back office staff Cunstable. Our elder is a doctor in a major hospital in the south-west and through her I’ve met many young hospital doctors. If more people were as conscientious in their work as the vast majority of these doctors are the country would be in a fucking sight better state than it is. She works various departments but I was surprised when she said she preferred A&E considering the pressure can be on when people are brought in seriously ill or injured and you have to get it right immediately. She explained that on the wards you would get some cunt in a suit with a clipboard and the medical knowledge of a ladybird come round asking stupid questions and making even more stupid pronouncements. Generally they avoid A&E ‘cos they’re averse to being amongst the blood and guts. I think the general public are catching on now though, when you see what’s coming out about the QE in Brum and the business of managers overriding a whole clutch of paediatricians in Chester in their growing belief that a rogue nurse was killing babies.

      Coincidentally had a text from the daughter just this minute to tell me that the chief executive down there has been awarded a £20,000 pay rise!

      • What for, arfur?

        Increasing productivity by designing several new forms to be completed before staff can go off shift?

        I do hope so, so the staff can all wipe their arses and leave them in his in-tray overnight, because I’ll bet any money he works 9 till 5.

  10. Danny Boyle is the only person left who is impressed by the NHS.

  11. This unseasonably hot weather will add to the strain on the NHS.

    Despite the government issuing yellow weather warnings I’ve seen people outside wandering about without a care in the world!!

    These selfish bastards will be demanding treatment no doubt for heat stroke and dehydration ?
    Despite not even carrying a umbrella?

    They should have the full force of the law come down on them.

  12. Let me give you some advice GC.

    Get yourself a turban, head scarf, rasta hat or whatever and some blackface. Make yourself look all immigranty then I guarantee your troubles will disappear.

  13. in the past 6 months both my GP and consultant have said the system of management that runs the NHS is fucked.
    Apart from the clinically trained staff, most of the pen pushers are worst than useless, failing to transfer patient details between hospitals, failing to write up letters to explain to GPs treatment plans and discharge letters, failure to notify clinical teams of important patient details before procedures.

    It’s a national clusterfuck.

  14. Some (I say ‘some’) of the staff are great and proper grafters. While there are others who you see once every Preston Guild.. Thats ‘because they are either on a sickie (they can – and do – get six months on full pay just for ‘stress and ‘mental health issues’), or they are on their fourth or fifth two week holiday to Turkey or Tenerife.

    And it’s always the same ones. They’ve only just got back after four weeks ‘leave’. Then they are saying ‘I’m off to Benidoem next week.’

    And the ones that don’t see to patients and just gossip in corners about their holidays (usually women)? Don’t get me started on them.

  15. Feel sorry for the decent hard working ones. A set of arses at the top, and a load of lazy bastards nicely ensconced in various positions. The waste is staggering.

    • Tell you whose the worse,
      Ambulance paramedics.

      Right moody bastards.

      Couldn’t pick up a few things on the way?

      I’d only be 10 minutes in Aldi.

      Forget I asked.

      • Have you drawn the target on your back in colour, Mis, or black and white? ( Am I allowed to say that?).

      • He occasionally pops in Cuntville.
        I miss him☹️

        He made me laugh.

  16. The supercilious little poof Streeting thinks he is going to change the NHS culture. I wonder what he will look like with white hair – or no hair at all – bald as a coot like Pat McFadden when he loses. You can’t change the NHS because the consultants and unions will not allow him to. What turkey votes for Xmas.

    • The little ducky ‘Wesley’ been on social media today with his staring eyed zealotry.

      He’s telling his cult followers to ‘vote NHS next Thursday’

      We had a ‘Wesley’ in our school back in the eighties.

      He was bullied mercilessly and probably turned into a gayer, like the soon to be health secretary….

      What a fucking wanker.

      • Wesley Crusher – boy genius on Star Trek who everybody hated.

        Wes Watson. ‘Roidy life coach who thinks its manly to shave your arms and dress like a member of N-Sync.

  17. But don’t forget, little people, it’s all FREE!
    At least that’s what our political masters tell us.
    And anyway, it’s all your fault it’s fucked because you are all living longer.
    Only a far right extremist would suggest that uncontrolled immigration has anything to do with it.

  18. The more limited NHS staff believe they are part of some ‘family’ and that because they wear a lanyard and spend all day taking bokings and looking at piss and shit, they are God’s gift.

    Used to see it on Facebook with certain NHS menials. Proper swivel-eyed heavens gate state loons.
    You’re not saving lives by reheating vegetarian lasagna for my nan, mate.

    • Nadine Dorries was a nurse. She never missed an opportunity to point that out.
      Maybe so that people would see her as some kind of saintly figure, as opposed to the self centred, money grabbing hag she really is.
      I bet there’s a few like her amongst the selfless ones.
      Quite a few.

      • Evening Harold…when Gillian McKeith used to present “you are what you eat” and she was always encouraging people to send her their poos, I reckon it’s fair to assume that she was having a nibble from each one before sending them off for analysis.
        Furthermore, if she was having a morsel off each one, it would be funny if she ate a bit of bender turd and spat it out saying, “eeurrgghh, I’m not eating that, it’s got all spunk on it! Dirty pęrvęrts.”

      • Evening Thomas.
        I’ve a feeling she applied it to her face and body like Arnold Schwarzenegger did with mud in the first Predator film.

        If she met up with that Spanish former politician and a disgraced ex-Lib Dem MP (who I shall not name) would it set in motion a chain of events that brought forth the Apoo-colypse?

      • Saturdays my favourite day
        It really is a hit
        I have a home colonic
        Followed by a shit.

        GMcK? I would.
        Thinks… Is she still alive🤔?

  19. Your taxes should be adjusted to the amount of public service you’ve used.

    Take the NHS.
    I’ve not used it.
    But some sickly hypochondriac cunt doesn’t pay more?

    I’ve got good night vision.
    Why am I expected to pay for street lighting?
    Some speccy Elvis Costello type should fund it.

    School dinners!!
    I’m on ham butties working my tripe out and some little ‘ Henley jade’ or ‘ Chardonnay ‘ from a sink hole estate is sitting down to a hot meal?!
    Fuck that.

    Little cunts should take a packed lunch.

  20. Vote Reform, Gents. They have their eye on all the back room pen pushers, dei cnts etc. the swamp will be drained and Matron back on the wards again. Common sense policies. A thanking you

  21. Fuck Off its like one of those ice shelfs that breaks off then floats about wherever it wants,causing fucking mayhem.

    It cannot be reformed,the reforms themselves will cost hundreds of billions with no appreciable outcome nor is there anything that can or will be done to stop the outright fraud by the “contractors” who supply everything from bread to laptops to office suites.

    It’s a bloody shame for the grafters at “the coal face” but it needs to collapse so that it can be rebuilt from the ground up.

    Oh and politicians should have no say whatsoever in how its run or funded.

    The filthy fucking cunts.

    Good evening.

    • The grafters being the junior doctors and specialist registrars. Certainly not the receptionists or secretaries. A lot of the nursing staff seem quite happy to loaf and waddle about now.

      • Waddle is the word. It is clear that a great many of them – male and female, follow the Abbott /Thornberry / Lammy diet – eat anything you like, plus lashings of cream cakes and everything coated in butter.

      • For an employer with Health in its name, to have a greater proprtion of fatties working for it than observed in the general population is pretty damning.

    • Evening HJ…they could’ve put a bit more bloody effort in, what a wasted opportunity.
      They ought to’ve done a dance whilst pushing the dead body of a rotund woman who got ran over by an articulated lorry and her remains are sellotaped into a wheelchair, pushing it between themselves, whilst an urban youth nurse does breakdancing on the floor, in amongst the poor lady’s viscera, which have plopped out as her remains join in the festivities.
      And as the camera lingers on her grieving relatives, especially her meek, henpecked husband, he suddenly leaps up and starts singing joyously, glad to be rid of his colossal, fleshy millstone and a choir sings a chorus in the background, all 20 of them dressed like Jimmy Savile.
      That would have been much more entertaining.

  22. Not to worry, once labour gets in and starts the cross channel pick up of all those surgeons in France..

    I think they are surgeons, most of them start waving knives about like zorro when upset..

    Still at least rodders has integrity, wife dying, sorry love you gonna have to wait your turn..
    Though death would seem like bliss, after being married to that drip for 15 years.

    The media keep asking where she is? A self induced coma would be my guess..

    • You are quite right, Barry.

      The lack of trained medical staff will be magically solved on July 7th ( two days vote counting/recounts)

      Hallelujah! All those trained medics suddenly available to work.

      Who knew so many young men worked in the care/health sector in their home countries?

    • I seriously wonder if Lady Starmer is Kweer’s beard. Loves poofters and trannies, always sticking up for them, has a homoerotic relationship with Mandy and Blair (himself arrested in the 1970s for behaving indecently in a public lavatory), the sun shines out of Streeting’s arsehole. The signs are there for the peering at. He will probably “come out” next Friday, and make it a law that if you dar say anything aginst him you will be a “homophobe”.

  23. Any sufferers of insomnia, BBC leaders debate about to start..

    “Leaders fuck sake” couldn’t lead a horse to water.

  24. The NHS needs that 100 quid, it will consume as much money as it can get and still yell for more. I’m not against the NHS but the way it’s being run is criminal.

    I know a nurse who went part time and on the days she wasn’t working she signed up as a bank nurse. Up to 300 a day doing the agency days.

    Recently someone close to me went in for a hysterectomy. The day after the op the doctor visited but because somehow they didn’t know she was there Dr Umbongo didn’t check her out even though he walked past her multiple times. Next day he did drop by and explained her post op care needs but she couldn’t understand his heavy African accent.

    Immigration benefits the country yet again. We need more immigrant nurses and doctors to make sure the other millions of immigrants can get free healthcare.

    Every cunt in politics knows the NHS needs total reform but they’re either creaming money out of supplying the behemoth or they are politically chained to our NHS.

    Government exists to cream as much money out of us as possible and any organisation that is created by the government will do the same. Even the police have given up chasing real criminals in favour of generating income through fines for minor offences in a vehicle.

    Fuck the system? More be fucked good and hard by the system.

    • ‘the police have given up chasing real criminals in favour of generating income through fines for minor offences in a vehicle.’

      Sussex Police got hammered in a report for doing just this. One thing nearly everyone in rural sussex knows is that the police are scared of gypsies.

  25. Unfortunately the NHS has by every government been failed since the seventies because they know it’s a monster that gobbles up endless amounts of money. No one has the balls to say so and tell the great unwashed its either more taxes to pay for it, or private health care is required by everyone apart from basic health care.

  26. OT. England midfielder Phil Foden has left the Three Lions’ Euro 2024 camp in Germany and returned to the UK for the birth of his third child.

    The woke pussywhipped under the thumb henpecked do as they’re told modern England set up in a nutshell..

    And people wonder why England are shit….

    • England aren’t shit, they are reflecting this country perfectly. England are pretty much the Range Rover of international football. Only the name and a few components are English, looks great on paper but certain to breakdown in a big way. Mediocrity is now the English way.

      Southgate is typical of English management, can’t do the job he’s very well paid for, blames the people he manages.

      • I notice that Wokegate received a favourable draw for the knockout rounds.

        He’s dined on similar good fortune throughout his tenure as England gaffer.

        Creating an illusion to the untrained eye of being better than they are before crashing out.

        Getting Middlesbrough relegated is his true level.

    • Its the bare minimum attitude England have under Wokegate and longer still under previous management. People are making excuses about topping a group with two minnows and Denmark. Given the supposed talent that shoukd be 7 points, minimum.

      Annoys me when people who should know better lower their expectations and are happy with mediocrity, just because it’s ‘Inger-land’.or the Wonderful NHS.

  27. The ambulance driver used to come here telling tales of derring do and sort of defending the indefensible… I wonder if he danced for TikToK.

    Still little ducky Wesley will sort it all out when he’s health secretary in a couple weeks…. He promises the following.

    No more 8am GP appointment calls…. Good luck with that Ducky..

    And even more of a laugh…

    Dentists for all….

    Oven please Unkle.

    • You can picture little Wessy trying to get all authoritarian – his voice gets much more shrill and camp when he gets annoyed . On Wireless 4 yesterday on The World At One, he squealed he’s “not having it”. Well, duckie, that’s what you get when you let your boy friend (Joe Dancey) try to become an MP in a safe Northern seat. I suspect he won’t be having it even more when Mr D gets elected – it will be back to the bogs, or Mandy’s worn out old bum.

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