”Be ‘ambitious’ on climate, scientists urge parties”
”All parties should commit to an “ambitious” programme of climate policies, say a group of the UK’s leading climate scientists.
In an open letter, published on Monday, the academics said if the parties do not make this pledge they are not deserving of support.”
And who are these scientists?
They are the UKs Climate Community. The ‘community’ that:-
Gets paid to talk about man-made climate change. No questions asked or they wouldnt be in the community..
Treat 100 years or so of data that seems to supersede 4 billion years of actual climate change.
Dont seem to recognise that climate will always change and it is our arrogance in building cities on flood plains assuming nothing will change, despite the geological evidence. (King Cnut anyone? The cunt)
Make no fuss about subsidising the burning of American wood chips as a ludicrous ‘green’ policy.
Are happy to change UK steel making to scrap melting as it is ‘greener’ while the actual steel is made by super-polluters elsewhere.
Think the UK’s less than 2% contribution matters one fuck.
Assume we can subsidise the 3rd world to go along with this horseshit.
Anyfucker who votes for a party based on this bollocks should fuck off to China and see how many fucks they give.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
A complete fucking racket from top to bottom.
Great nom.
The jig is up on this marxist shit and shinola.As big a con as the mass jabathons.Our sun controls the climate and is ramping up the magnetospheric impacts by the day as we head for a pole flip.Part of a 12k year cyclical event which began in 2012.
About this ‘ambitious’ policy: will it have to be ‘robust’ as well?
Concrete over the countryside with new housing schemes and indulge in superfluous vanity schemes such as HS2 whilst destroying acres of natural habitat, driving wildlife to extinction.
It seems though, as long as we’re driving battery cars and are surrounded by windmills, then that’s environmentally friendly.
Piss boiling levels of stupidity, ignorance, vandalism and hypocrisy.
Oven for all involved.
Says it all really
Look here you plebeians, get a grip and take notice of what Justin is telling you on the BBC. Apart from the fact he has a PPE from Oxford he also has a sister Cordelia (sic) who lives in a field in Somerset and shits in a bucket. He is obviously fully qualified to advise us on the perils of global warming.
Bigger fool Cordelia then.
the best scam ever created, frightening the gullible and the young with tales of armageddon then charging the pockets off of them for good measure and the idiots fall for it.
Soppy cunts only need to read facts for themselves to see what utter bollocks it all is. As for that cunt Greta how supposedly grownup sensible people can give the preposterous twat a platform is beyond me, repeal the factories act and put kids back up chimneys and down mines again keep little fuckers occupied, much better for them than worrying the planets going to burn.
Ii think it was that cunt Gordon Brown who introduced the 1st green tax when he brought in Air Passenger Duty to lug a hole in Labour Government finances and sold it to everyone as being good for us as air transport is a bad thing, unless , of course, you’re a government apparatchik or one of the great and the good
Yes! Hallelujah!
Only by taxing us into oblivion now can the government ensure that we don’t meet a fiery end as we spiral into the sun in a couple of billion years.
FFS. I’m going home to burn some tyres, using old engine oil as accelerant.
If all this recycloshit is worth something why do the council not pay me for it instead of threatening me to get it for free?
If it’s all worth recycling why do they pile it high in recycling plants then allow it to accidentally catch fire dozens of times every year. Funny how recycling plants seem to be infinitely more flammable than oil refineries, fireworks factories and fucking petrol stations.
I have my little bit of revenge. Every tin can gets a aluminium pop can rammed in it, every cardboard box gets stuffed with metal bottle tops and tin foil. Theres a reason all the margarine tubs smell of dog shit too.
Fuck the lot of them. Climate Cunts.
Most of which is stored abroad in jungle locales to degrade into microplastics and eventually leeching into the oceans.
Area of plastic waste the size of Texas floating in the Pacific.Why not substitute plastic for hemp ffs ?
Mayday, mayday…. Met office issued a threat to life warning so I’m going into the cellar before the temperature reaches an unbearable 21degrees ….I have supplies, pray god it’s enough to see this hell out??️?….pray god others have taken precautions ?
Theeat to life forecast in large cities, particularly London, Nottingham, Bradford, Leicester, Leeds, especialyy to young women, children and Jews.
A few 1000 years ago people lived where the North sea is (Doggerland) and the Bristol channel. Shame they didnt have Grunta Thunderthighs to make the water go away.
Fuck me the sun is shining and it’s June.
It’s the end of the world as we know it.
Fuck off you ecofascist cunt.
Yes, quite Harry.
Watch my lips, you scaremongering ecotwats.
It’s NOT global warming.
It’s Summer!
Net Zero – Impractical, unachievable, unaffordable and utterly futile.
Top nom, to which I’d just like to add a couple of points.
National Grid puts the cost of Net Zero at £3 trillion. That’s £3,000,000,000,000.
The cost will, of course, be paid one way or another by Joe Public, as always.
There are 28 million households in the UK, so that works out at £107,000 per household, just to give our politicians a warm glow of self-satisfaction and international bragging rights. What a bargain.
Secondly, Labour’s promise to decarbonise the grid by 2030. To achieve this, the installation of offshore bird mincers will have to increase six-fold in the five and a half years left. Like that’s going to happen. And Norfolk will have to be covered in steel pylons. I can’t see Tony Martin and his ilk being too chuffed with that.
The whole thing is pure Alice in Wonderland. I’m eagerly anticipating the adolescent ecopillock Miliband’s new climate utopia when it crashes into the brick wall of reality.
Agreed, agreed, agreed.
Just like there is an ever growing number of “experts” saying ‘we got it wrong’, (too fucking late boys, you should have gotten your head out of your asses and said so at the time), so will today’s “climate experts” be saying the same. I would love to be able to see it, but don’t think I will be around. Today, my grandkids are going to be suffering because of the covid fiasco and if they think that is bad, just wait until the costs of the futile chase to UK net zero hits them – poor fuckers and that won’t be their fault either.
I’ve decided to postal vote for an independent this time as I don’t give a fuck anymore about any of the parties. Apparently he is a liberal conservative socialist with green credentials. What does that mean, jack of all trades master of fuck all? Sounds like any other MP I’ll carry on driving my not ev thank you. My piss kettle has long since burnt a hole in when it comes to climate change. Paint Stonehenge any fucking colour you want and the people who go there on solstice day.
Just put £50 of diesel in the Vdub, fuck em….!
It has been hot today, I’ve had to have my car running all day outside the local green party’s headquarters, just to keep cool.
Very friendly people, kept coming over to check on me..couldn’t hear them though,I had the radio on full blast..
How dare you ?
Today’s climate would still be the same if we’d all fucked off to the moon for the last 50 years. The only difference is the younger generation floating above the surface will have become used to the situation by now. Seriously, I think the individual ages of people make things appear differently. Me personally close on 80 years haven’t altered in the slightest. Living the first third of my life in the north, there was more snow. Normal. The rest in the south less snow. Normal.
The Phoebe Plummer types
I’m not a scientist.
But the world is on fire.
People are dying
It’s 9 times cheaper.
I just off to the National with my can of Heinz soup
Thank fuck she is not in charge of anything important, just keep cashing daddy’s cheques.
Didn’t Vladimir Putin start the Climate Crisis by invading Ukraine?
Some Cunt on the telly told me that so that’s settled science then.
Fuck me what a set of shithouse lemmings they all are.
Fully subsidised heat pump eco Oven.
No Terry. That was Brexit and racism.
Hey UT,
Thought this might be helpful/ You might have to upscale it a bit:
And while this Frog’s froufrou* accent may be off-putting. it fits the stereotype.
Lots of argument on how this is spelled. Mirriam-Webster here in the States does spell it froufrou but I’ve seen it rendered fru-fru as well.
UT and Odin are both correct.
Across the Atlantic Brexit, Institutional Racism and Putin are responsible.
On our side of the ocean, Trump, MAGA and White Supremacy are the usual, agreed upon suspects.
Been sunny ☀️ today just wandered back from the pub with Mrs E Cunt. Long may it continue. Fucking rained all spring.
Climate cunts. Fuck em
Ps I’m pished
The Ed Miliband Green Show will make our lives more miserable, probably more cold, with winter blackouts, and most definitely more expensive. Typical of the little self righteous turds that populate the green benches – he probably has a picture of Saint Greta tattooed on his buttock. The left one of course.
That wankers like him endorse green policies so rabidly, ditto Ed Davey, tells you that it is the policy of ignorant morons.
I’m doing my bit by motorcycling.
Except that my favourite bike is exactly the same as this one, only in much shittier condition:
Not sure I’m influencing things in the right direction though, considering that, being a large 2-stroke, it gobbles petrol, belches blue smoke and is fucking ear-splittingly noisy.
I’d love an old kettle. I was brought up on 2 strokes – there will never be another smell like a large bore 2 stroke burning castrol r or bel ray.
I hope the next crisis that the ‘government’ has to sort is mass riots and civil disorder when the population realises what a scam has been committed,England’s a shit hole now so may as well start afresh….?
Fuck climate change, I’m more concerned by demographic change..
Wamer weather is much more of a boon, than a country full of inbred sand ŵògs and porch monkeys..
Sorry OT, but I caught this headline..
David lammy is number two in the tatlers social power index?
” me neither”
So flinging your own faeces and scoffing jaffa cakes by the packet makes you powerful..
Fuck me we are doomed..
Tatler is for cunts.
Climate change
We’d moan if it didn’t.
the open letter should be addressed to one party in particular; The CCP.
Our measly reduction in emissions of the past 5 years have been cancelled out 45 times over by the dinks.
Net Zero?
Like telling a budgie to be quiet at a fun fair.
Only Reform seem to have the balls to call out this scam.
My aim is to blacker than a liquorish stick.
I love climate change, me.
Blacker as black can be.
More black than chimney soot.
Chim chimney Chim chimney Chim Chim Giroud sweet Phizz is lucky, is lucky, can be merry. How’s it going? Mail marrow?
Sweep I’m sweep chimney sweep. I don’t think this audio dictation is working till now.
More concerned with pollution than weather change. Hate their lies.
Yep. pollute our waterways with shite while telling us the sky is falling.
Whatever you might think about the climate, the lack of nuclear power figuring in these low carbon plans tells us all we need to know about this national disgrace.
England are shit.
It’s official.
Hopefully, holland will put us out of our misery.
I don’t do kickball, but my mate does, he called em
‘Wokegates Wankers’
like ‘Jossie’s Giant’s’. Only shitter.
Wokegate probably had them learning each other’s pronouns rather than tactics, and teaching them how to avoid injury while taking the knee.
Gay-black U-ni-ted!
Just looked up result.
? ?
Gayblack United can’t even score against a country with a smaller population and GDP than Greater Manchester.
Oh well, as long as the corporations have made their money flogging flags, shirts,kids football kits, beer and associated tat and the FA get their ‘official partner’ sponsorship money.
it’s not like it was even a tough group.
3 games
2 scored
1 conceded
2 saves required from the opposition goalkeeper in each of the 3 games.
Half-arsed? With respect CP, not even quarter-arsed.
I can’t see how Net Zero could possibly be achieved when the government imports up to 1000 CO2 breathing, dinghy monkeys daily.
A moving target.