Tay Day

I’m sure all the closet ‘swifties’ here on IsAC simply cannot wait for ‘Tay Day’, an event organized by the University of Liverpool academics to “debate and deconstruct” the stars work.

On the 12th of June prior to her three day run of sold-out shows in the city, the University of Liverpool will host a “symposium for fans, students and academics to engage with the cultural phenomenon that is Taylor Swift”.

Cultural phenomenon eh? Well only if you are a teenage girl or an overexcited poo pusher who live their lives on TikTok and believe the manufactured media hype about this plastic pop princess. How much deconstructing of her work can you do aside from drawing the conclusion its just another load of unoriginal cliched sterile shite indistinguishable from what passes for musical talent nowadays. She has the right opinions and has sucked the right cocks to get where she is is about the size of it and you don’t need to have gone to university to figure it out either.

And anyway Liverpool gave us the bubble perm, scallies in shell suits and the Anfield Rap so what the fuck do they know about culture?


Nominated by Liberal Liquidator.

Hot off the press, OpinionatedCunt opines with this:

The BBC’s obsession with Taylor Swift.
Please, make it stop. Every single day I’m assaulted by articles about this fucking woman. To hear the way the cunts harp on about her you’d think she was Jesus, Gandhi and MLK all rolled into one. Their obsession with her has gotten that bad that she even has her own section now ffs.

More BBC News.

Please BBC, I know it’s hard for you but PLEASE try and ignore her just for one day. No other entertainment figure receives even a fraction of the attention and slavish devotion you give her.

79 thoughts on “Tay Day

      • Lovely tits and arse has Katy. Just a pity that arsehole Russell Brands been there, lucky bastard.

  1. A Country singer, bankrolled by a megarich pater. But she failed at it.

    So, she sold out and took the dsposable crap pop route. Again funded by daddy.
    If she wanted to work at NASA, her bank CEO daddy would have bought her that as well.

    Cunts who pay five grand to watch this bint prance around, with double tracked vocals and autotune. And no band, a fucking backing track and loads of stupid dancers. I’ve seen better on workinh men’s clubs, and I’m not joking either.

    • Her ‘music’ really is anti-music. Music for the deaf, similar to Coldplay.

      Music for unpeople.

      • Swift is like Ed Sheercunt. She – like him – has no real love of music. She does it simply for money. Swift is an accountant, a bean counter. Her music reflects herself. Soulless, synthetic, beige, manufactured.

  2. From the ridiculous (Swift)
    to the sublime.

    Francoise Hardy has passed away/
    One of the mor beautiful and classy artists there ever was..


      • Just checked out some Françoise Hardy tunes on YT, Norm.

        I call you right.

        Beautiful lady, lovely voice. Thanks for mentioning her. Will be tracking down a ‘best of’ CD to add to my music collection.

        Thanks – IY

      • 3 CD set has been ordered.

        I don’t know about anyone else, but there’s such an old world charm to ’60s and ’70s French music. That laid back, accordion vibe conjures up images of evening rain, smoky cafes and patrons with heavy hearts drowning their sorrows.

        Lovely stuff.

  3. I am going on a ‘cultural research weekend’ to Dublin shortly. I couldn’t understand why the hotels were so damned expensive.

    Apparently it’s ‘Swiftflation’. Wherever she goes, thousands follow and the price of everything hits da roof.

    Disclaimer: I am not going to see Taylor Swift.

  4. What’s the difference between Taylor Swift and a jumbo jet?

    There’s only one cockpit in a jumbo jet.

  5. I’ve been forced to listen to Taylor Swift (against my will) many times. So I have to admit that she has a smidgen of talent. A Smidgen.

    With that said…my most fervent desire is to never hear her again.

    As for Auntie Beeb…I keep telling you foreigners that she sucks…BIG TIME! But you insist on watching , reading and quoting her.

    I do understand that sometimes you need to know what the enemy is thinking. But Jesus! Just ignore the Old Whore and her irrelevant babblings, leftist drivel and wokeist rants.

    BBC = Bolshevik Broadcasting Commune.

  6. I’m defo not in her target market.

    Plus I’m a connoisseur of fine music so wouldn’t trouble my ears with what I assume is vacuous disposable pop trash.

    Will be working out later listening to the new Idles album. Favourite track Pop Pop Pop. Freudenfreude.

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