I know I will be called a cunt myself for cunting this windbag, but enough is enough.
A cunting is long overdue for this self-important, smug, self righteous broadcaster and “politician”, who seems to think he is the vicars knickers in the world of politics.
In his early days he did do a lot to encourage Brexit, let’s admit it, but these days he is so busy being a broadcaster and game show contestant, he is just another here today, gone tomorrow political minnow, afraid to get into the shark infested waters of British politics – even though the competition is far from first rate – Sunak and Starmer. He is the male equivalent of Anna Soubry, and just as repulsive.
Despite so much anticipation, the shit-stained old loudmouth decided yesterday not to stand for “Reform” (perhaps a tacit admission that third parties stand fuck all chance in the first past the post system), and is instead going to help The Donald. Clearly he doesn’t understand that Americans. especially, do not like foreigners interfering in their political affairs (who does?).
I am sure turfing out senile old Joe is a job Donald Trump could do with one hand tied behind his back. Farage should but out, go and put his Max Factor on and carry on carrying on on the telly. Either that or just fuck off.
Nominated by W C Boggs.
All fart and no shite. Prick teaser.
Good show, Mr Boggs!
You appear to have shamed him into standing for Clacton. Due to announce his candidacy at 4pm this afternoon…
Called it, Shits!
Midday tomorrow, at the end of the pier, the Nobel Farage will selflessly announce his sacrifice, oops, I meant to say, his candidacy!
How embarrassing for me – and him!. End of the pier show – how apt!
I actually wrote the nomination ten days or so ago, but when I heard he was going to make an “announcement” – an “important” one, I thought this nim would be binned.
His 8th attempt. I am sure we can’t wait for the 9th – and 10th!
? You are Mystic Meg and I claim my £5. ?
Probably best to defer comment until 4pm when he’s due to make an ’emergency statement’.
The emergency being that someone knocked his pint over in the Dog and Duck.
He like to taunt us doesn`t he – is a master baiter, for sure.
He’s always bleating about the state of the UK,
But when he’s got the chance to do something about it he bows out with some shite about going to the US wiping Trumps arse?
Country first??
Nevermind the fuckin yanks,
That’s for them to sort out.
I’m only making plans
For Nigel.
I only want what’s best
For him.
Afternoon MNC/all.
Maybe Farage is hoping for a go on Melania’s presumably tidy snatch after she leaves the Orange Man.
Afternoon Thomas!
Can’t say I’d blame him!
Melonoma Trump is fit as fuck?
Think she’s a bit Rainman too?
She’s got no personality, blank expression and eyes that look scared.
” Help! Help me! I’m being held against my will!”
And that’s a right turn on!
Bullshit aside he should’ve been knighted years ago.
Never an MP only an MEP yet still achieved more than any of the cunts in the present government or opposition.
Still a cunt but a good cunt
I expect he’s been offered a knighthood on more than one occasion.
And has always had the good sense to turn it down.
After all, the possession of a knighthood is the surefire mark of an Establishment arse-licker.
Very true – look at Sir Kweer Charmer. Oh, and by the way, did you see today, not only did he have a dad who couldn’t pay the phone bill (he was a toolmaker, you know) he also had an uncle who fought in the Falklands.
All his relations seem to have lead more interesting lives than him in his wig.
Farage to make ‘Emergency Announcement’.
Yeah right. Heard all his bullshit before.
A shit stirrer, a gobshite, a bottler. a cunt.
All bloody talk.
Apparently he’s due to make an ’emergency announcement.’ So a candidacy could be incoming.
He’s hardly a man of the people either btw – he’s the son of a stockbroker and went to private school.
So what?
Why does this matter ?
If his dad had been a tool sorry tool maker then he’d be just another thick cunt.
Stockbroker means he knows how money works.
It matters because he styles himself as being in touch with the average pleb. Yet that’s far from his actual background. It’s disingenuous on his part.
@Op cunt, What is an average Pleb.
I come from a working class background but I am definitely not a Pleb.
He knows what well over 50% of the population want but have no chance of ever getting in under current useless woke self serving tik tok twatter watching incumbents
Shame that he can’t pull in so real heavy weight politicians and people of note to help get The Reform lot up and running with a real chance of some MP’s
If you’re right, then Reform will win by a landslide.
Even Thatcher and Blair were never able to get 50% of the electorate to vote for them.
It certainly is a shame that we have the same old same old every time.
We only have ourselves to blame if we keep voting for the same old same old every time.
Evening OC. ??
God save us from the “average pleb.”
Most of whom slavishly vote Tory or Labour.
Same in the States,
Voting Demoncunt or Republicunt.
Maybe he is coming out as trans, nigella farage..
Give Eddie izzard a run for his money..
Who cares, we have 650 worthless cunts, with 5 times that amount waiting in the wings..
Anyone actively seeking to become a MP should be stamped to death.
In the hay day of UKIP they had more votes than the SNP, Greens and Lib Dem’s put together and got 1 MP
Why bother standing as an MP unless it’s for Cons and Labs.
He should stick to his TV show and being Dons best mate.
It’s all a con. My voting system would be much easier. Calculate the % of total votes that a party gets and apply that % to 650 MPs. Let the individual parties fight amongst themselves to choose who the MPs will be.
Some very fair points but I have admit the way he wound up Cameron and those fully expensed surrender monkeys in Strasbourg did amuse me.
He has a certain charisma,utterly lacking in the puppet show that pretends to be serious politics..
Plus he calls out the ragheads for what they are,a vile fifth column.
Anyhow it’s nearly Wine o’clock,which is a thoroughly ghastly phrase but I’m determined to drink through it.
Good health and Fuck Them All.
Ive not made my mind up about Farage,
But I despise that Bryan Ferry looking cunt Richard Tice.
But in all fairness I despise all politicians.
If there’s a Reform candidate when it’s the General election I’ll probably vote for them?
Failing that a spoilt ballot.
Old Fagrage is only interested in how much money is in it for him………
Erm …
He’s just become leader of Reform
And he’s standing as a candidate for Clacton.
Lucky Clacton, eh?
And absolutely nobody will benefit from this, except him.
Farage to lead Reform.
I bet the Donald is heartbroken that his pal isn’t flying to his side.
Nowt in the rules to stop him.
If Russia ever invades then Farage will be the man they choose to govern the country on their behalf. Guarantee it.
Unlikely, seeing as Corbyn has already been promised the job.
IF he applied himself full time to politics…particularly the tories i have no doubt he would be a good leader within a short space of time.
But like i say….he would need to stick to it
Best of a bad bunch
You may well be right, So Long, but whose fault is it, that we seems to have such piss poor people in charge?
While people continue to vote for a rosette and not a candidate, regardless of the party they align theirselves to, we will continue to get people in charge whose agenda is
” what’s best for me”.
Who put them there? We did!
Well, he has gone all in, he could have had an easy life in the media on a nice little earner.
If it boosts reform then it’s a smart move, we will see in a couple of weeks if the polling shows a rise in support for reform. He knows the score, he said that Kweer is already the next PM so he ain’t going for some fairytale result but if reform do get 5 million votes or more and maybe the odd MP it will just confirm what he has been saying.
I am still spoiling my fucking ballot anyway ?
I’m voting Soi.
Probably Reform.
Because the working man ( and woman) fought long and hard for the vote. It’s a right for all, not a privilege for the few, to have a say in who should govern, and I don’t give my hard earned rights away.
We’re not giving those rights away. The cunts in power are.
My vote will count because there will be a few, more than a few choice words to on my ballot paper and the spoiled ballots are counted and the reason for rejection of the ballot has to be recorded.
Not going to vote isn’t any good, if you are really pissed off then go and show you are pissed off,
If we had PR I might have considered reform.
Well said, JP & SOI. ?
Sod elections.
Lets just put the party leaders on an island and let them sort it out Battle Royale style.
Limp Dumb leader, Ed Davey seems to think he is on ‘Its a Knockout’. The amount of times the daft onion headed bellend has been falling off paddle boards or racing on water slides. You should be kissing muzzie arse like Granny Rayner.
The BBC interviewer is being a fucking cunt. Surprise surprise.
I don’t know if Reform and Farage will be on any of the televised debates, not all but hopefully one or two. I expect Farage to lay into them about immigration and rightly so but the danger is that people see him as a one trick pony, even though in a lot of peoples opinion, the NHS, housing, education the economy are all secondary factors of mass immigration.
He’ll do well to remind the voting populace that pretty much everything that’s gone wrong with the country is directly linked to mass filthy immigration.
I doubt they’ll let him on the TV debates as he’s bound to start asking the other cunts what their stance is on the raghead problem..and that simply can’t be allowed.
Might be fun anyway.
I suspect only MPs will be eligible to take part in TV debates.
Lee Anderson would probably stand in for Reform if any multi-party televised debates take place.
In 2019 Sunak stood in for Johnson, because Johnson was too frit to take part.
I think I’m right in saying that Ofcom rules state that only parties with sitting MPs can demand a place in a tv debate.
The Scottish greens have just discovered that, much to their annoyance.
Oh well, fuck em!
Peter Hitchens gave him some shit.
The clip shows the yawning gulf between Thatcherites and true conservatives.
I’m obviously not as familiar with Nigel as you lot are, but he is seen quite a bit on (conservative) American TV. I like what he says and my impression is that you could do a lot worse.
And looking at the current make up and leadership of the Commons, indeed you have.
The last genuinely decent leader we had in the big two was John Smith. Such a pity he had that ‘heart attack.’
Smith would have sold out just like the rest of them.
Showed very poor judgement promoting Blair to Shadow Home Secretary.
Hey General, I know you cant be POTUS if you are foreign born but what’s the deal on running mates or VP’s?
I would guess the same rules apply LL. Simply because of being next in line.
That LL is a very interesting question.
Article II of the US Constitution details the qualifications for being President of the United States.
Simply put they are two. (1) He/She/It must be a “natural born” citizen of the United States. Natural Born is not defined but is generally assumed to be (a) born in the US or (b) born of US citizens overseas.
John McCain was born in the Canal Zone and his father was a serving US Naval Officer so he was considered “natural born.”
(2) Over the age of 35.
Article 2 and the 25th Amendment deal with the VP but actually, I’d have to go back and look to see if there’s any specific language about VP qualifications.
The only one I’m aware of is that the President and the VP cannot be from the same State.
Yeah like OC said if there was an assassination like JFK then the VP would have to be sworn in, hence U.S born to take office.
Dunno about over here? Let any fucker do it!
Pity that rule doesn’t apply in this country.
Boris Johnson was born in the USA.
Would have saved us a whole lot of heartache…
And Sunak had a U.S green card while chancellor, just in case the whole unelected PM gig didn’t work out.
The VP succeeding the President was by no means a settled issue until the 25th Amendment which was passed after JKF was cacked.
JFK was offed in November of 1963 and the 25th Amendment was passed sometime in 1965.
The VP issue first came up when William Henry Harrison died in office and VP John Tyler asserted his “right” to become President.
By the time of Lincoln and Andrew Johnson it was basically a precedent but again, it wasn’t codified as law until 1965.
There’s also language in the 25th Amendment about Congress being able to determine the order of succession, but the language is clear, the VP becomes President upon the death, incapacitation or otherwise inability of the President to serve.
I suspect Opie is correct when he opines the qualifications are the same. I’m sure the Supreme Court would rule that way.
But I can’t imagine it would ever come to that.
LL “Dunno about over here? Let any fucker do it!”
If poor old Kweer gets bumped off, his deputy will probably have to be contacted as she lays on her back with her legs open “auditioning” one of the few straight Labour MPs under 35.
“Nowt I can do till I get me knickers on pet”
Hey Boggs,
Is Lord Kweer choosing Ole’ Flatback Harris as his Deputy then?
Glad to see we are once again in agreement.
As I’m sure you’re aware, prior to Parliament being dissolved, the leader of the House of Commons was fat, woke, tranny loving, faux Conservative cunt Penny Mordaunt.
Highly unlikely Farage will be appointed leader of the Commons, though.
However well he does in the coming election.
Hey Minge
What little I know about Penny Moribund tells me that she was indeed a cunt of cosmological proportions.
And from your previous posts it seems we agree that Tory Party Rule has redefined clusterfuck and set a new standard for Government Fuckwittery.
After that, I’m not sure our agreement extends very far. Popular opinion notwithstanding, my view is, there’s not an issue the Tories didn’t fuck up that Labour won’t make worse.
Much like the Republicunts here in the States, you can shoot yourself in the head (i.e. vote Labour) and get it over with or you can shoot yourself in the balls (i.e. vote Tory) and hope for some miraculous medical breakthrough that will restore your virility.
Lest I be misunderstood,
My view from the States is that Labour will win an outright majority. Enough to form a government.
While I suspect the support for Reform is stronger than the polls and media would have you believe, I expect the to Tories to beat them out…maybe even edge them out…as the number 2 block in the Commons.
A coalition of the 2 will still not have enough muscle to stop the march of Liebor and their degenerate minions.
However, it is possible I could be wrong and support for the Tories will crater like the Liberal Party after the Great War putting Reform in a primary position in the Loyal(?) Opposition.
But even Tory support doesn’t collapse, there is no chance that a weak suck, piece of shit like Fishey Rishi will be able to cobble together a coalition that can defeat the Evil Lord Kweer.
If Labour win an overall majority
(which they are CERTAIN to do)
All the other parties put together,
Including the Tories
(Regardless of leader)
Can do nothing to prevent Labour from forming the next government.
The Tories are going to be wiped out for a generation, if not longer,
And deservedly so.
Disaffected Tory voters need to summon the gumption to vote Remain or SDP.
(Unless they live in a Tory/Labour marginal constituency)
In which case I would hold my nose and vote Tory.
Unless my MP was a cunt like Rishi Sunak
Or Greg Hands…
Summoning the gumption to vote Reform applies to many disaffected Labour voters too.
Waste of time trying to appeal to LibDumb and Green voters.
There’s something in it for us all if we gang together and bring back the old Great Britain. We’ve nothing to lose and it’ll be better than ever, especially when we thought we were lost. Don’t even need to dream.
The Tories are dead in the water, and deservedly so, so him standing for a principled alternative to the shell of a Conservative Party that we have left in this country can only be a good thing. The party of the right needs to change or there will never be a genuine stopper to the nihilism and profligacy of the left.
With the horror show we are guaranteed to have governing us from the 5th of July, it is essential that a genuine opposition is forced to germinate; even if it takes many years to attain critical mass. Look at the fucking mess this country is in because we have had two sides of the same coin governing us since 1997.
Farage wants to slash immigration, overhaul the public sector and the NHS, cut out all the beauracratic dead wood and loonies that are embedding diversity and woke into our daily lives, and get behind small business and people who work and contribute to the economy and society.
The most un-cunt person I can see on the political horizon, and I think anyone who wants to take pot shots at him is reducing him to the same depths of the pond as all the other slimy politicians we’re stuck with these days; and I’m sorry, not only is he not a venal, corrupt, amoral piece of shit like everyone in the Tory and Labour front bench, but he is uncompromising in articulating precisely what is wrong with this country and what needs to change to give us any chance of rescuing ourselves from cultural and economic annihilation. Given his manifesto summarises a great deal of what is, rightly, posted on here, I’m surprised that support for him is not more comprehensive.
He is a man who plays with politics – doing the hokey cokey with Reform (hes leader again this week) – that is when he is not making an arsehole of himself on “I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here”. That for me, was the moment he lost all credibility. Even Starmer eould stoop to that level (well not yet, anyway).
Lying fucking camel-hair coat wearing, pint-slurping toad – said on the news the other day he wasn’t going to lead but was ‘busy’ campaigning for Reform out on the mean streets.
This mockney bellend couldn’t play a straight game if he tried.
The acid test is – would you buy a second hand car from him? Well, would you?
“Luvverly motor, guv, only 3k on the old clock, full service history, was owned by Shakin Steven’s mum, honest, straight up. Shopping trips only and garaged from new. Gawd bless ya and luvverly jubbly”
Fuck off.
Would you by a secondhand car from Kweer or Rishi
Anyone who sells secondhand cars is a Spiv ?
He knows that it will make no difference to the result, I will show my arse live on ISAC if Kweer doesn’t become PM (as long as he is still alive on the 5th).
I can see why, Richard Tice hasn’t got the personality, he says the right things but just hasn’t got any X factor, we will see if this move pays off.
Politics is a game, we saw that with Boris, the Boris factor must have accounted for fair old chunk of the 80 seat majority.
He always reminds me of the Flash Harry character played by George Cole in the early St. Trinian’s films.
Not keen Paul?
He may be a shyster…. but at least he likes a pint, get em’ In nige mines a Timmy Taylors landlord….oh and a babycham for sir kweer?