Mizzy [2]

Just like the unflushable turd he is, the Tik Tok “prankster” – at the age of 19 with a string of convictions, the little black would-be Jeremy Beadle, has appeared in court yet again, charged with stealing a woman’s phone, which he snatched from her hand, before cycling off – one of those cycle-by robberies the police and the press have been exercised by so much lately. To prove that theft was the motivation, not a “prank”, since he wasn’t recording this time, the little cunt threw the phone over a hedge while being chased by the police.

Given his previous convictions, you would think the magistrate would have imposed a custodial sentence, wouldn’t you?,. Wrong: a fine and the continuation of an already handed down community service order.

I wonder if it is because he is black?:

The Standard.

Nominated by : W. C. Boggs

70 thoughts on “Mizzy [2]

  1. A fine upstanding example of the integration of immigrants into British society.
    (T. B.Liar circa 2024)

  2. I see he used the SODDI defence, quite typically. Doesn’t even have the guts to own up to his crimes.

    What a fine example he is to his peers and his child.

    Bring back the birch.

  3. When your real name is Bacardi Breezer, why change it to mizzy?

    And like the breezer, thin mizzy will soon be dispensed to the annals of history.
    At the end of a chimp out with any luck.

  4. TikTok daddy should have shot him into a sock.

    Being a thieving cunt is bad enough but social media pranksters all need some serious slaps.

  5. The cunt can’t even be bothered to walk out of court. The Court Bailiff wheels him out on a red trolley.

  6. I blame it on the boogie.

  7. At the ripe old age of 19, he hasn’t even stabbed someone.
    How lame.
    Surprised his fellow nıg-nọgs haven’t ostracised him for dereliction of duty.
    Although, he has, unsurprisingly, managed to be a father of a soon-to-committing-crimes nıglet.

  8. I saw this little cunt walk into a stranger’s house for one of his “pranks”..

    I did hope it would be a 16 stone rabid neo nażis home.

    however it was some pathetic guardian reading type unfortunately..

    so the little dark key wasn’t beaten to death on the spot.

    for shame!

  9. Irradiate the gormless cunt with a nice shiny ball bearing of cobalt 60.

    He’ll be feeling queasy in no time.

    • Put it in a sock and twat the cunt with it, I guarantee the effects are more immediate.

  10. Mizzy can’t behave.
    Just can’t.

    It maybe too many e numbers in food,
    Maybe ADHD or other made up condition,
    Doesn’t matter.
    He’s naughty.

    We had a kid like Mizzy growing up.
    Bit puddled.
    We all egged him on.

    “Dare ya! Go on.itll be well funny”

    He would do owt for a laugh.

    He got suspended.
    He went to a MitMot school up in the hills for naughty boys
    Where he got bummed off a teacher.

    We still saw the funny side.

    He’s a tramp nowadays in Blackburn.
    Still makes me laugh 😂

  11. And they use blacks to promote goods on tv like they are some sort of uber-species. Here we see another one showing what they are really like.

  12. All it needs is a vigilante group to quietly sneak the piccaninny off to some secret location, to make sure its never seen again.

    • Why quietly? Drag the cunt, screaming and crying, behind an armoured van plastered with KKK posters, through a predominantly black area (not many of those around, eh?) as a warning to others. Have a ‘wedding trail’ of stolen iPhones stapled to his cock.

  13. Bacardi-bronze ogarro… dear me, where on earth do these cunts come from..?

    Umbongo – umbongo. They find them in the Congo…!

    • Waste of a good Pirelli,one of those cheap Chinese ditchfinders they have on their lease BMWs will do the job just as well.

    • Its not just him. He has a troop he runs with, intimidating people, taking over shops with their feral hollering and arboreal hooting.
      They need to encounter the packs of macaques roaming villages in India. See who comes off worse.

  14. It will try a ‘prank’ one day and get far more than it bargained for, a slap, a punch, a stabbing, perhaps even a bullet will be coming its way.

    Much like the bike wanker, Jezza Vile, who will one day get totalled by an Uber driver or big bus, I do hope it’s captured on film so we can all watch it and chuckle as justice is served…

    • Footage of a massive lorry tyre coming towards his GoPro as he lies on the road amongst a mangled bike would go viral in minutes.

  15. Not a lot of people know this, but…
    Mizzy took his name after his hero, Gladimir Putin, called Mavis May “Mizzy” at that notorious G20 meeting in 2016.
    Below is a brief extract of what was said:
    Putin: Ah, Mizzy May…I want you give me your cuntry…your people are tired of phoney Tory gender neutral jackboot…they cry out out for strong, white, male, bear wrestling, heterosexual, topless, not at all gay, psychopathic cunt who will rid them of peaceful and libtard scourge who make whoopy unhindered in once proud English nation.
    Mavis: Ooh, not sure I like the sound of that Mr Puking. But as I’m a useless, soft as shite waste of space, I am of course keen to ‘negotiate’ – but be warned: a very wise man called Ken* once said I’m a “bloody difficult woman.” And besides, what could you – the dictator of a tin pot third world shithole whose economy is even smaller than that of Italy or South Korea – possibly offer me, a vicar’s daughter who must be jolly clever and cunning to have got where she is today, and definitely not a pushover for the EU!
    Putin: I have nice field of wheat in Siberia, all ripe for the running in.
    (Takes out a crumpled black and white picture ripped from an old encyclopaedia and shows it to Mizzy May)
    Also too I have booked pogroms for Libtards, Peacefuls, Poofters & Pikeys, to commence right after your general election next year, which, with influence of Russian Gangster State, I have already won for you, though with smaller majority – not want to upset too much useful idiot comrade Corbyn you understand, tee-hee!
    Mavis (studying crumpled picture): Where did you say this cornfield is?
    Putin: Err…luxurious seaside resort of Siberia…
    May: You’re on!

    * Ken Clarke

  16. Send the orangatang to the russian front,At least the fucking idiot be an easy target.

  17. OT. Bellingham, the fucking cunt….

    I wanted the cunts to lose, and for it to seal Wokegate’s demise.

      • Jammy fucking cunts. Unlike 1986, 1990 and 1996, I don’t care if they win. I do not like any of the players, I certainly don’t like the manager, and you know Wokegate will fuck up and the usual excuses will be dredged up. Sod them. That knee taking and fist saluting still sticks in the throat.

      • To add a little more Norman, I was in my early twenties when watching the all white English British team win the World Cup. Then leap to my final job before retirement, I worked as a security guard. What will make you laugh and what annoyed me at the time, was having in my minds eye all day long, was the word SOUTHGATE, which I worked on.

    • Hi Norman, I’m with you on these Numskulls. It would depress me to even watch them. I preferred watching the first days play in the Lancashire v Nottinghamshire on utube.

      • Hello Gelgerd and Sammy.

        I was awaiting the Slovakia win with relish. I so wanted Wokegate in the shit. But he’s got out of it again. Bellingham, what a little fucker. Gareth avoids his comeuppance once more.

        And any of the cunts who say ‘Genius Southgate’ need a slap.
        His team win in spite of him, never because of him.

    • Same here Norman. Slovakia deserved to win. Hopefully the Swiss can finish the job.

  18. I’ve not been feeling too well, today.

    I’ve just started to feel a bit better, still don’t want to eat owt though.

    Then I see England won. Now I feel really sick again.

    I’m sorry, I’d like to see an English football team prosper, I really would.

    The emphasis is on English.

  19. The people unfortunate enough to live near mizzy should use his nature against him.

    I suggest the Warner brothers method.

    Put a ‘ DO NOT TOUCH ‘ sign on a box with a load of set rat traps inside.

    First thing he’ll do is put his hand inside.

    Or put a bucket of KFC on a rope inside a large target drawn on the ground.
    He pulls the rope and a large anvil will land on his woolly head.

    Try Acme company they seem to be the leaders in the field

  20. The cunt would have had a tyre around his neck, doused in petrol, and had a cig lobbed at him just 50 years ago.

    Or shot.

    The West used to be a proper civlisation.

      • I tried very hard to come up with a ” live and let live” sort of comment.

        But I really couldn’t.

        Yes ScB, it certainly has. No one actually gave a fuck until they started this
        Loud, gay and proud shite.
        Until then, I couldn’t give a monkeys toss who or how you loved, but now, I positively hate these people.

      • Funny you should put that, Jeezum.

        Because Mizzy looks like something from Live And Let Die…

      • They want to rub the right’s noses in diversity.

        Along with everybody else’s.

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