Lenny Henry [11]

Our national treasure, Lenny Henry.

Apparently some black dwama has been cancelled after one series. This disturbs the wondefully talented Mr Henry whose sucess has absolutely nothing to do with his colour.

He says:-

“I would really like to see some longer-term investment in lesser-known and diverse talent, in order to make them the stars of tomorrow. These things take time,”

Apparently he hasnt noticed adverts which grossly over-represent his ilk or series which all seem to crowbar black characters in at every opportunity. Rebus being the latest example. Or the horseshit set in Aberdeen with a fucking Jamaican lead.

Perhaps ‘black’ dwamas are not of any great interest to the majority population?

Racism innit.


MSN Link.

Nominated by : Cuntstable Cuntbubble


73 thoughts on “Lenny Henry [11]

  1. I remember Sir Lenworth’s own BBC (BBC, mind you) show in the 80s.
    The cunt impersonated every black artist there was (Tina, Wacko, Prince etc), and he did black stereotypes with aplomb. And the material was fucking dire. I recall the cunt doing Jackson’s ‘Thriller’ singing ‘Aston Villa’ and waving Villa scarves. And this was prime time Saturday evening entertainment?!

    Then there was that Delbert Wilkins shite. A sterotypical black wide boy wannabe pimp if ever there was one.

    If Lenworth wants to watch blacks on the telly, he can just watch virtually every advert they have on now.. That fat bald black cunt dancing on that Aldi advert is particularly nauseating.

    • Agreed Norman but what really boils my piss is any white bloke on ad’s is portrayed as a wimp or fucking inept moron. Personally I couldn’t give a fuck if my sheets don’t smell like summer so long as they don’t stink of shit!

      • Dead right mate.

        The one I hate is that advert with that illiterate nepo slag Dani Dyer.

        ‘Everyfin’s peff wiv Surf.’

      • Agreed, Stwathorpe, I’ve said as much to my wife. All white blokes are portrayed as complete wankers and life’s losers. There’s some truth in that because, right now, we’re losing, and losing heavily, to the death-deserving bastards who finance and produce these ads. To the greatest extent possible I will not buy anything that features in an overly black-biased ad. More should do the same because if only blacks bought the shit that they’re offering they’d soon change their tune or be out of business.

      • Same here Isabel to be fair I don’t remember the last time I watched an ad that led to a purchase although I can name many that have sealed their own fate of I definitely will not purchase.
        Aerial for one with the egg and spoon sniffing a large pile of dirty washing and pulling a face! I have to mute tv and look away as soon as the pile appears to save me booting the screen in.
        Who the fuck sniffs washing unless it’s a fit bird’s scads!

  2. Didn’t he ride to fame taking the piss out of Africans and Jamaicans?

    Hypocrite and unfunny cunt.

    • He rode to fame gurning and screeching like a Howler monkey, Horace.

      And now he wants to be taken seriously, as an ” auteur”.

      Sorry, no.

  3. Did he star in a film called True Identity in the 90s where he ‘whites up’ to avoid the mob?

    Does he ever mention his horrendous racism at this time or apologise for it .

    Maybe I’ve just been asleep for 35 years and missed it

  4. Met him once, in a premier inn down in London. He was queuing for the restaurant and was right arsey with the staff. Even worse when he got seated – no “please” or “thank you” to the waiters, just really curt and dismissive.

    Good cunting.

    • I could never stay in a Premier Inn.
      The idea that Lenny Henry might have slept in the bed the night before would be a risk I’m not willing to take.
      Though I suppose the stench would be a bit of a giveaway.
      Either way, not worth the risk of contracting monkeypox.

      • “Hi I’m Lenny Henry, and I’ve wanked in every single one of these Premier Inn beds”

  5. The first black woman I saw on television was the wonderful Floella Benjamin. When you’re a kid, colour doesn’t matter. She is a great presenter and has carried herself with dignity throughout her career.

    I first saw Lenny on Tiswas and he was funny: Trevor McDoughnut, David Bellamy and De-Condensed Milk Sandwiches. The Fosters was actually OK but he complained it was white comedy played by blacks. He plays up to black stereotypes rather than being integrated. After Two of a Kind he went right down hill. I don’t have much time for him.

  6. Apart from Floella Benjamin, Gary Wilmot, Benjamin Zephaniah, Craig Charles and Danny John Jules, Lenny Henry is my favourite eighties black TV personality.

    and those puppets from You and Me(Cosmo and Dibbs?)

  7. Thought he was on the Black n White minstrel show but fuckin shite since then.

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