It’s official, allegedly. Gooks are now the largest immie group crossing the channel in rubber johnnies.

And it’s still a cunt.

I knew the fiendish yellow-brained devils were up to something back in the 1970s with all their ‘boat people’ shenanigans. The whole story about escaping GI Joe was just a beard for the planned invasion of the UK. Uncle Ho was playing the long game.

Now they have launched their own version of Operation Sea Lion and it is a cunt. Watch out for crazy people in straw hats and black pyjamas playing Russian Roulette in your local High street. ‘Fluck off Blitish geezer. You no pay. My wife velly pritty.’

itv news

Nominated by Twenty Thousand Cunts Under the Sea.

121 thoughts on “It’s official, allegedly. Gooks are now the largest immie group crossing the channel in rubber johnnies.

  1. I couldn’t give a fuck where they are from.

    The only thing I’m interested in is how far into the Atlantic their bloated corpses will float after their dinghies are shot from underneath them.

    I wish.

    What a fucking saga of lies and bullshit.

    Of course.

    • You’re getting into the fundamentals of operation ‘Filthy brown floater’.

      Great minds clearly think alike.

  2. I can see them on the dinghies now.

    Ride of the Valkyries blasting out.

    “I love the smell of free money in the morning”.

    • Hey you, you velly handsome. You wanna nails done?
      No? You wanna drinking beer?
      I torally kick yo ass at Connect 4.
      Okay, okay, browjob twen’ee dorrar.

  3. Lock up your d̶a̶u̶g̶h̶t̶e̶r̶s̶ dogs!
    Slitty-eyed yellow bastards.

  4. Play ‘Fortunate Son’ on the beach.

    ‘turn boat awound! turn boat awound!’

  5. Where’s them Duke boys with their flaming arrows when you need em!

  6. The only thing going for chınkıes:
    at least they’re not pakıs or nıg-nogs.

    • Imagine being born a Parking Stanley.

      Talk about losing in the lottery of life.

      A fondness for underage girls.
      Forcibly married to your cousin.
      Small cock.

      Nevermind, there’s always cricket.

      • Hairy fuckers to boot. Have you seen the sideburns on some of their birds.

      • What about all-out fucking dumb?

        On average, the processing power of a retarded amoeba.


        No offence meant to any retarded amoebas.

    • Too right Thomas.
      Don’t think they’ll try to convert us all to Taoism.

  7. No mention of Albanians or Africans in the article.

    Have the fella’s from these parts of the world stopped arriving by dinghy now?

    • Albanians have stopped, they are all here already.

      Africans are coming, they can’t afford the ticket so they just storm the boats when they launch.

  8. ‘The British boat came to rescue us’

    And that is the problem, the cunts know once they get half way the journey is complete, none of them have drowned once in British waters.

    The best deterrent would be just stop picking the cunts up, the frogs would have to deal with them when they get into trouble.

    We are mugs, not to worry Kweer is going to smash the gangs ?

    • It wouldn’t make any difference, the froggies’d pick them up and dump them on our beaches anyway. A strong government would let them come close then sink those treacherous bastards too.

  9. It’s like the United colours of Benetton in the channel at the moment..

  10. I’m a racist.

    I’m good at it.

    I hate thie dog eaters just as much as I hate any stinkystani, sooty,
    Ramjam, pubehead or gook.

    I don’t consider them human.
    5ft locusts.

    My grandad hated them
    My dad hates them
    And I hate them.

    Don’t be fooled because they don’t stab people and commit crimes like the flipperlips do.

    Or groom kids like the snack bars
    They’re slyer than that.

    You won’t realise your fucked
    Till your in the wok.

    • How delicious.

      Morrissey was the darling of every po faced student indie kid in the 80s and 90s.

      Like a student union jesus he could do no wrong,
      Adored for being vegetarian
      Feted for slagging off the establishment.

      How the mouths dropped open in shock when the sensitive soul
      Revealed himself to be a Far Right monster, hehehe ?

  11. Any hole 5 dollar.

    10 dollar, me be virgin…

    Sucky sucky long time…!

  12. About 40% of Vietnamese have the family name Nguyen.

    “But I’ve got famirry here”.

    • Won’t fit in with the locals will it, the Singh’s, Patel’s and Ali’s.

  13. Someone in the security services should alert the Russians these boats are carrying secret weapons from France to the UK.

    Erm maybe that’s closer to the truth than I meant it to be……..

      • I love a good war film, especially the Vietnam era.

        Hamburger Hill and Platoon are both excellent.

        John Wayne was fighting a woodworm infestation and the Viet Cong in The Green Berets.

      • Check out the link LL.

        It’s footage of a platoon coming under fire.
        They are painfully young
        And brave lads.

      • They brought one with them. Yaps in the morning, yaps at night.

      • ‘Hero’ gets to go home and fingerbang Mary-Jane Rottencrotch through her perty punk panties!

  14. I’m not really interested in detailed ethnic breakdowns or where and from which street they come from. It’s all meaningless. All I know is that the soft cunts in charge have left all of the doors and windows wide open so that the world’s unwashed and unwanted SHIT can come here to do what they like and to take what they like and I’m fucking sick of it. It’s quite clear that the only way to stop it is to take up arms and stop them ourselves.

  15. I remember the good old days when Johnny foreigner came from mainland Europe.
    Now he’s worldwide, the cunt!

  16. It was better in olden times when the worst invaders you could have were Danes or Italians. The world was better organised. Lots of rapie business, looting, torture and piss ups but you knew where you stood.

    • and the damn Martians

      Remember when they invaded Surrey?

      They didn’t even send a telegram.

  17. St Edmund might dispute that 20.

    He bored the vikings so much with his god bothering that they used him for a archery target ?

    • Actually Steaming I think the locals in the Fens were saying much the same thing in 1944.

  18. They say they are from Vietnam, let’s be honest they all look alike in that part of the world. Id wager a 10er they are rinkydinks. They know we are soft as shit, and will set up shop slowly bringing us down. Got to love the CCP for the audacity of it.

    • Exactly..These Chinkzillas could all be spies from de Pepur’s demaclatic lepubric of China

  19. Gooks are a fucking menace, alright.
    And really, really bad for business.
    I were in a branch of Wilko about 8 months ago,
    To get a tub of window putty.
    Got to the DIY area, began scanning the shelves,
    When this noisy family of gooks suddenly appeared,
    Yapping so loudly I couldn’t hear myself think.
    Could have been Chinks, I suppose.
    They all look the same.
    Definitely not Japs, Japs are invariably respectful and polite.
    Either way, these Chinks were noisier than East fucking Europeans!
    Anyway, thought they’d be gone in a few minutes,
    But they kept faffing about,
    Picking up and putting down seemingly random products,
    Couldn’t seem to agree what they were looking for.
    And all the time this incessant fucking ROW!
    After about 3 minutes (which felt more like an hour) I decided to take refuge on the other side of the store,
    In the pet supplies section, as it happens,
    Wait for them to go.
    Could still hear them bickering on the far side of the store where I wanted to be.
    10 minutes later they were still there with no sign of fucking off,
    So I decided to go home and return the following day.
    Next morning I returned with a smile on my face and a spring in my step,
    Only to find the branch had been forced to close down!
    Doubtless them little yellow bastards what caused it.
    Ended up ordering some overpriced shite on eBay.
    Fuck them.

    • zif they were looking around saying ‘Nee gah.. nee..gah.. ‘, they were Chinese.

      It’s what they say when procrastinating or looking for something.

    • Ho ho, damned right, Cuntalugs.
      Hopefully they’d take out some lifeboats too, now that the RNLI essentially operates as an enemy taxi service, the bloody traitors.

    • Rric Idle should try going to China. zhis song would be radically different.
      (I don’t mean Hong Kong)

  20. Off topic
    But I was eating my tea (fish n chips, I’m English)
    Watching the news ,
    And Joe Biden was on.

    Talking about the bravery of US troops during D day.
    Or I assume that.

    Because I couldn’t understand a fuckin word he was saying.

    The cunt needs subtitles!

    Just sort of angry mumbling?
    And he never opened his eyes once.
    Not once.

    His face was all puffy, like those peanut allergy characters,
    Eyes shut,

    The veterans were in better shape than he was and they’d been in a world war!!!

    He really is a utter mess.
    Get rid.

    • He should speak proper Engrish.
      I’d quite like to keep a little slope as a pet. They’re small, clean and don’t eat much. You could probably even let it out of the hutch on summer evenings.
      Here’s one I’d like to adopt:
      Isn’t she a cute little rinky dinky tinky winky chınky?!

      • She’s bowlegged Thomas.
        Bet prince Andrew has deflowered her in pizza huts bogs thinking she’s a school girl?

      • Oh dear.
        Why haven’t I learnt my lesson on your links.
        Mind you it was not as bad as it could heve been.
        I was taken to the theatre as a birthday treat (?) a couple of months ago by Mrs C, the lead actress was a dẃářf, I confess she was strangely attractive. I think I have been corrupted by this site. ?

      • No not that one, although I might put the pic in my special collection.
        No, it was a production of taste and sophistication, a Jacobean drama, at the Globe. I may have dozed off at some point. ?

      • I had a flatmate who was chinese. She was nothing special but her little mate was a stunner. 5ft of Lotusy lovelieness, with good arse and tits, which you don’t usually get on the Chinese.

        I felt a strange desire to dress up as Lo Pan from Big Trouble in Little China and strip her clothes off.

    • Yeah I saw him too.

      Where am I?

      Green Day? Perfect Day? The Longest Day?


      • What’s up with his face LL?

        He on medication or something?
        He looked like Burgess Meredith standing in for Rocky

      • Cunt was having an under table wank about zakensky.

        Bet the only thing English about the fish and chips was the consumer.

      • Naw, proper English chippy.

        I don’t eat any foreign muck.
        O anything touched by them.

    • Can’t wait for the Presidential debates. Trump said there will be no advisors/staffers allowed. Brilliant. Crooked Joe will need a nappy.

  21. Hanoi a minute, this sounds like wonton racism, ha long you gonna keep this up.
    I think you Duẩn enough..

  22. Just watching the political debate, only Farage / Reform have stated they will control immigration..!

    The bald jock cunt and the Taff want unlimited immigration…..!

    Liberal turd just agrees with anything people clap

    Lord, give me strength..

  23. Once the gooks have a foothold there is no getting them out. They will be tunneling under the high street and setting deadly booby traps in the woods. Local Authorities will need specialist advice from the CIA. Use of Agent Orange and airstrikes maybe the answer.

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