Hamtramck City, Michigan, USA.

“America’s first Muslim-dominated City.”

Pro-Hamas parades, animal sacrifice, women and girls expected to wear burqas, Arabic signage, music effectively prohibited, calls to prayer blasting over loudspeakers from every quarter… LGBT flags banned (causing the local libtards to explode with outrage, so not all bad. Though Republicans have apparently supported the Muslim council in their supposedly “anti-woke” crusade, doh…

Once a mighty American industrial centre, now virtually unrecognisable.

Naturally the local Demoncunts set the ball rolling, passing laws in the early noughties allowing for the “public call to prayer” to accommodate local Islamists.

Oh the irony! Pure schadenfreude!

Coming soon to a town near you.

GB news

Nominated by Shit-cake Baker.

48 thoughts on “Hamtramck City, Michigan, USA.

  1. Already here Shit-cake. The call to prayer has been heard regularly on powerful PA systems in Brum for years now.

    • …and in Whitechapel London and no doubt many other East London areas – Redbridge seems quite Islamic these days – when is Nancy Streeting making his roof jump?

      • I had to take my daughter to a birthday party there once, years ago. I thought I’d park the car at the venue and take the dogs for a walk – fuck me, was like Moses parting the Red Sea. Don’t like dogs do yer mozzers – would be so easy to use a couple of Alsatians to round the cunts up.

  2. Maybe I shouldn’t move to the USA like I was planning…I thought the US was mostly free of mụzfılth and the only caramel-coloured cunts causing trouble were recently arrived wetbacks.

    • Stick to your principles Thomas. I wouldn’t live there if they paid me all the money in China.

    • 4.45million Muslims in the USA, that’s 1.3% of the total population. As opposed to 3.87million in the UK, 6.5% of the population. Ergo, Mr Cunt Engine, head for head you’ll still be better off migrating to the USA.

  3. Diversity in action.

    Anybody with a grain of awareness, intelligence or common sense can see how this type of thing plays out and what the end result is going to be.

    Unfortunately, the types of people in power or in any positions of influence who do enable this, are often devoid of even a grain of intelligence.

    Goes a bit like:
    Monoculture (white people) – Diversity (fewer white people – Monoculture (every cunt African black or Arab but specifically all Mohammedan’s)

    I hate the leftist enablers far more than I hate the in-bred followers of Islam.

    Oven for all.

  4. Iwo Jima.




    Now this is how America is carrying on?

    Hitler and Tojo look on laughing.

    Fuck Off.

  5. I recall the BBC doing a piece on this place a couple of years ago. Needless to say the place was described as being the perfect place for all peoples to live. At the time I did wonder if any BBC employee had been within 100 miles of Hamtramck. I doubt it.
    Mind you it is amusing that the dump has ham in its name.

  6. Surprised they haven’t changed the first part of the city name…from ham to scam…..shagging machine brain dead ?‍?‍?‍? with retard bearded bully husbands ?…. belong in the ?age…??v ✝️⚔️…. it’s coming ?

  7. I wasn’t going to listen to that shite, but I did notice one of the cunts wearing a ready turned out turban. That’s sacrilege in my book. Its like wearing a clip on dickie bow. I wore a clip on tie whilst working for a security firm, but that was for protection incase someone tried to strangle me. On second thoughts, the cunt in the picture might have a crash helmet underneath, due to everyone else taking an instant dislike to the twats.

  8. There’s some Russian ships in Cuba at the mo.
    Perhaps they can test one of their hypersonic missles on this nest of inbreds. ?

  9. It is pure schadenfreude, but the smugness will be short lived as I predict you will have an identical setup in the People’s Filth Republic of Londonistan in just a few short years.

    The white flight has already begun – the Jewish flight will either follow or expect some Yid v Raghead holy war.

  10. It is pure schadenfreude, but the smugness will be short lived as I predict you will have an identical setup in the People’s Filth Republic of Londonistan in just a few short years.

    The white flight has already begun – the Jewish flight will either follow or expect some 4×2 v Raghead holy war.

  11. ♫ Hey, Prince of the Moonbeams
    Son of the Sun
    Light of a thousand stars
    Your guerillas are urban
    And there’s bourbon on your turban
    And the sun shines out of your ass
    Oh Effendi, I’m gonna grovel in your wake
    Oh Effendi, it’s all been a big mistake ♫

    Courtesy of 10cc, but how apposite!

  12. Perhaps like the Deadpool Isaac should have a :

    “Which UK town/city will be run/dominated” by the Muslim..

    Must be a few nearly there nowadays….?

  13. The west needs to wake up before these fanatical cunts take over driving thru Lewisham high street a couple of Fridays ago there were about 100 of these religious fucking morons praying on the pavement most of erm dressed like cunts in bedsheets unemployable poncing shitebags contributing fuck all and we are letting it happen

    • Drive over them next time. Hire a Teslas and simply blame the car. Innocent.

  14. The left and lib twats encourage the Islam ideology thinking they are progressive, anyone with half a brain knows that it only ever ends one way.
    Most of the mudslimes are ‘moderate’ but do as they are fucking told by the hard line Koran loving cunts who have no real interest in the religion, only control and power using whatever interpretation of the book gives them the upper hand.

    Hamtramck should be a beacon of what the reality of Islam actually means.

    The statement ‘most Muslims are moderate’ is a complete irrelevance.

    • “There’s no such thing as moderate Islam – just Islam”

      Sultan Tayyip Erdogan

      And he would know – the fucking religious nutcase.

  15. They’re a foul and malignant cancer on humanity and should be irradiated out of existence before life as we know it falls into terminal decline.

  16. Wow.
    A stark warning from across the pond.

    George Galloway’s holiday destination.

    The West need to wake up.

    I don’t feel any compassion for the simpletons of Hamtramck.
    They were architects of their own demise.

    Careful what you wish for…

  17. You’d think the Yanks would have more sense after 9/11. Then again perhaps not with turnip brain Biden in charge. He struggles to put his pants on in a morning never mind securing the borders.

  18. It’s the animals I feel sorry for – what is not said is that Halal slaughter is now allowed in people’s back gardens. Lovely.

  19. This Hamtramck place used to be majorly polish ( Kowalski!!)

    It apparently has a Disney world?

    Bet that’s fun?

    Mickey the ISIS mouse
    Donald the infidel Duck
    Goofy bin laden
    Minnie the veiled mouse

    But bet the Aladdin’s magic carpets a real one?


  20. Looks like a bopping little burgh.

    Can anybody say that they’re surprised? This is just how they carry on.

    Afternoon all.

  21. Cunters of Britain,

    July 04. Vote as far-right as you possibly can, or this shit will continue.


    • Reform all the way!! Doesn’t matter whether you like / dislike Nigel Farage, their policies are sound ?????????

    • Unfortunately the Reform candidate in my constituency did not name her favourite biscuit, unlike other candidates, so I think this will cost her votes with the hordes of geriatrics infesting Sussex.

      ‘Ooh she doesn’t like biscuits! Don’t trust her!’

      Bad luck Reform, you picked a dud.

    • West Falkland was suggested on here Cuntimus, I forget by whom, but the more I think about the better it sounds.

      • But the sheep will have their poor arses ruined when Mudhammed and his clan arrive.

        Atlantis is a better option.

  22. Take me down to Hamtramck city where the grass is burnt and the girls ain’t pretty……..

    In other news President Biden shat himself and opened scat week in the White House

  23. I’d like to read the supporting link but I have to contribute money to do so.

    I don’t want to read it that bad.

    I’ve written about this dump before.

    Right after the rag heads took over they started replacing the tornado sirens with loudspeakers on the utility polls so they could blast the call to prayer.

    They’ve passed an ordinance that forbade the flying of the Pride flag and cancelled some sort of Pride Celebration and parade that drove the Homocrats insane.

    They’ve passed special laws so the carpetkissers can slaughter animals in the comfort of their own home.

    I grew up in the State of Indiana which borders Michigan. Let me assure you that this and the Corey Harris Cunting are not a coincidence. The entire State is fertile breeding ground for Cunts.

    And their Trump hating Governor, Gretchen “Half”* Whitmer is just the current manifestation of the kind of cunts that turned this Midwestern state into Shitholigan and now Shitholistan.

    *Trump calls her “Half Whitman.” Others refer to her as “Dim” or “Nit” Whitmer.”

    • My brother has friends in Peoria, Illinois. By his account they are quite liberal but I wonder what they really think about this revoltin’ development

      • Indiana borders the People’s Republic of Illinois as well.

        It used to be a bell weather for rational thought and behavior, hence the phrase; “How will it play in Peoria?”

        It too is now controlled by the Nazicrats and as such it is also a Shithole. As of 2022 a University of Chicago study determined Illinois was the 2nd most corrupt state in the Union.

        1. Otto Kerner was Governor from 1961-68. After he left office he was sent to prison on 17 counts of bribery.

        2. Dan Walker was a one term Governor from 1973-77. He was convicted of fraudulently obtaining $1.4 million in illegal bank loans and sent to prison.

        3. George Ryan was Governor from 1999-03. He (and more than 75 of his cronies) were convicted of Pay-to-play (Bribery for access to Government offices and services) and sent to prison.

        4. Rod Blagojevich followed Ryan and was Governor from 2003-09. “Blago” was convicted on 17 counts of wire fraud, soliciting bribes, attempted extortion and conspiracy.

        The old joke was they had to raise taxes to pay for the Governors Wing of the State Prison.

        That joke didn’t play well in Peoria.

  24. When will the Democunts get it into their thick heads that Islam is a far-Right ideology?
    Violently homophobic
    Deeply misogynistic
    Pro capital and corporal punishment
    Pro authoritarian dictatorship
    Intensely anti free speech & expression
    Anti woke…
    Even when fascism is staring them in the face, the Left double-down on their mental gymnastics.
    Fuck them.

  25. I struggle to find any sense to this other than it is what it is and that is a cunt!

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