Glastonbury (7)


again. The gathering of the cunts.

Every year the same. Middle to upper class fuckwits congregate. To watch the usual garbage.

A has been rock relic way past their prime, but paid ridiculous money to creak out their ‘classics’. Macca. Fleetwood Mac, U2, Rolling Stones. That sort of thing.

Some crappy ‘guilty pleasure/novelty’ act. Past glories include Rolf Harris and Gary Glitter. And watching Lionel Richie or Diana Ross melt in 25 degree heat is not a nice thing.

Some overrated up themself current pop cunt. William Eilish or Lana Del Cunt Someone like that. And the snotty little cunt will turn up late. Won’t be able to finish their set, as they’ll break a fungernail or spaz out becuase they have tourettes or some other ‘illness’. Lardarse Capaldi sprimgs to mind.

Some uppity treeswinger cunt who revels in pimping, crime and violence. The crowd, of course, lap this up. And shout the ‘N’ word because it’s the most rebellious thing they will ever do.

The crowd of twats will be socialists for the day, and chant for Starmer, Corbyn and Greta the Mong.

All hosted by that complete cunt, Lauren Laverne.

Link here. Telling us about Glasto’s latest novelty antique riding a horse. Barrel well and truly scraped.


Nominated by Norman. Addendum by Chuff Chugger.

if i may add to this cunting, the hypocritical cunts who are in the audience cheering and clapping people like Greta agreeing with her every word about global warming, recycling, plastic in water ways etc etc, yet leave all their shit behind.

they are all bandwagonners on the latest fad to look somehow cool, but dont actually believe the bollocks they seemingly agree with when in an audience.

bbcnews 2

81 thoughts on “Glastonbury (7)

  1. An emergency cunting for the wonderful Glastonbury festival..

    I’m not watching it, after seeing the piss poor line up, well worth 350 nicker..

    But have been catching clips and screen grabs on twatter..

    A sea of Palestinian hate flags at a music festival. Yeah nice one you insensitive cunts.

    A mock up rubber dinghy, “but only with women and children in it” being passed around the crowd..
    Open borders hooray,but not our fenced in, security guarded festival..

    Endless arsehole acts preaching about terrorist cunts and trans bollocks.
    No one in the real world give a fuck about your opinion, just do what your paid for..

    Is there any chance we can wall the smug cunts in there till next year?

    You can bin my glasto nomination admin,
    I didn’t know one was already out..

  2. In addition to all the above shittery, now a great many ‘artists’ have been outed for lip-synching, like pakı-lover Dua Lipa and that utter cunt Chris Martin.
    Other singers who refuse to lip-synch, suck as Cyndi Lauper are hit with suspicious technical failures.
    Everyone in “Glasto” is a complete and utter cunt, except for the guy holding this flag:
    (Link reposted from Barry Zuckercunt last night if anyone’s not seen it)

  3. Imagine if Glastonbury had started years earlier – who would have been on the star studded bill?. Vera Lynn? (her unrecorded drum n’bass act with |Josef Locke would have gone down a treat) on the political front, Clement Atlee would have got the crowds jumping. P.J. Proby outraging Gemima and Clarissa with his trouser splitting routine, and for all the poofters in the audience, the Peter Pansy of pop, Cliff Richard with his batchelor boy. Still on TV of course, and as it was an outside broadcast Peter Dimmock and Peter West would have been your hosts, with backstage voiceovers from Leslie Mitchell*

    * All you under 50s won’t have a clue who I am talking about

  4. Well, reading the link added by Mr. Chugger ( good morning, Chuff, all) about last year’s event, I’ve got to say it sounds delightful.

    35 arrests, including sexual assault!

    Please, can we carpet bomb it this evening?

  5. I read where the UK decommissioned its tactical nukes sometime in the late 90s.

    That’s too bad.

    One small device would be able to take out a significant portion of the world’s cunts. And even if it rendered a portion of the countryside unusable for the foreseeable future there’s always trade offs in life and these are the choices we make.

    But the reality is it’s a crying shame to have such a target rich environment go to waste.

    Shania fucking Twain?

    • And the termination accompanied to the “Surfaris” “Wipe out”

      (A classic end to the shitshow General )

    • Given its a working farm the rest of the year, a good way to avoid contaminstion and still achieve the desired Kiltoton yield would be to follow the example set in the Beirut port 4 years ago.

    • I raise you a Lulu who announces her…’retirement’ from live performances shocker.Stuck in a bizarre 60’s mindset of cultural relevance following her illustrious hit making career.Sort of the kylie of her day.

  6. Oh it’s so counter culture and anti-establishment dahhhling.
    Run by Emily Eavis, educated at Wells Cathedral School and Goldsmiths for her daddy Sir Athelstan Joseph Michael Eavis CBE.

    Oven please, Unkle T.

    • Well that was a waste of a place at Goldsmiths. She ‘s turning Glastonbury from a Rock and folk festival to a pop festival. The twat is killing the festival’s identity and heritage just so she can reflect ‘current music trends’.

      What a clueless cunt and corporate puppet.

  7. How come, with all the presumed avancements in technology, easy connectivity, etc that live music sounds so bad on a technical level?
    The two best-sounding concerts in my (very biased) opinion were Iron Maiden’s ‘World Slavery Tour’ and WASP’s ‘Live in the Raw’ and they were both nearly 40 years ago.

  8. Even by Glastonbury’s 21st century standards the lineup is monumentally shit.
    I’m fairly certain I’ve still got mud on me somewhere from 1998… the only bollocks you saw back then was CND and Greepeace flags, and that was annoying enough.

  9. NO ! — I won`t have it !

    Watch out for the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets on The Park Stage this afternoon at 2PM.

    PS: Fleetwood Mac never played this one – the fee `wasn`t worth it`, apparently.


  10. NO ! — I won`t have it !

    Watch out for the Psychedelic Porn Crumpets on The Park Stage this afternoon at 2PM.

    PS: Fleetwood Mac never played this one – the fee `wasn`t worth it`, apparently.


  11. Psychedelic Porn Crumpets sounds just the thing Boggs Pornographic Film Productions (Taiwan) Ltd are looking for to make our autumn epic. Where can I book them?. Add Emily Thornberry into the mix, in rubber suspenders, boots and nipple tassles and we will have a big hit on our hands.

  12. Music related, fat reg and his cuck have endorsed labour in a video from his mansion in california..

    Well that’s me on board the Rodney express..

    In the clip I thought I caught a glimpse of mandys shoes, hanging out of regs cavernous arse..

    • Some faggot elderly pop singer endorses Starmer – a strong recommendation indeed!. Perhaps he knows something about Kweer that we don’t.

      • That’s it then, they’ve got my vote if Fat Reg and his missus say so!

        Morning all.

    • Keeps his fortune in an offshore bank no doubt, so won’t have to give 90% to the taxman.

  13. Can you get done under the latest batshit legislation for posting vitriolic bile on this website? Asking for a friend…

  14. To begin with i thought Norman was describing a United home game……

    Never been to a big music festival or a small one come to think of it. Nearest I got was in the late 80s when I was dating a hippy chick who bought us tickets to the Cambridge folk festival. I didn’t go because 3 days of folk music is the sort of thing they use for punishment in North Korea. That was the end of that little romance.

    Glastonbury isn’t my kind of thing, less so since it’s become a mammoth event which as far as I can tell is a jolly for BBC staff.

    The little trots in the audience who’ve spent 365 quid just for the ticket and probably the same on ravel and a tent worshiping multi millionaires on stage is very socialist.

    Back in the day when these festivals were actually just about music and how many illicit substances you could get down your neck before you OD’d I reckon they would have been more fun.

    One minute you’re watching an actual rock band tripping your nut off and the next you’re watching a couple of motorcycle clubs settle their differences with assorted weapons.

    You could do all this from the comfort of your mates converted bread van too. If you were lucky Eric the mushroom man would haunt you until you came down of your trip.

    That’s a music festival done properly.

    • The documentary on the second Woodstock 30 years after the original is worth a watch. The greedy bastard promotors treated the attendees like shite literally. Didn’t end well. Train Wreck.

  15. Where to start with this cornucopia of a white shite fest… most alluded to in the nom, but being from the land of the summer people and not far from the effing place, a little vent is required.

    The name ‘Glastonbury’. It’s held at Worthy Farm, Pilton. Circa 9 miles from the aforementioned town.

    The BBC. They send thousands of cunts to ‘cover the gig’ and fill the airwaves with it 24/7. An utter waste o the licence fee and most of em are only there for the drugs. Allegedly of course….

    The miles of fencing around the site, to keep out the unwanted. Ironically 90% of the cunts inside campaign for open borders and free movement.

    The diesel generators used everywhere to powered everything. There’s no wind energy and limited solar on the site but again the ‘just stop oil wankers’ will all be there…

    The unsustainable size of the the thing. It becomes the largest population centre in somerset for a week, with no real sanitation or waste disposal. And no lefty practices what they preach, the amounts of rubbish left behind are mind blowing..

    As old man Eavis steadily handed over the reigns, the corporate takeover is in full effect, for example local charities and sports clubs used to provide volunteers as they’d make some money for their efforts, more and more now it’s just a corporate shit show full of big name ‘charities’ advertising their corrupt ways….

    Crap line-ups. Fucking Coldplay for the umpteenth time…

    Apparently today, they are not showing the England game (not that I care less) but can you imagine a few ‘Engerlaannd’ fans in the crowd getting all patriotic amongst all the ‘right on’ lefties.

    How that would upset Jemima and Tarquin if the aren’table to wave their Palestine flags….

    Finally, middle aged blokes from London in tight shorts and bucket hats. You look fucking ridiculous you clowns. For fucks sake grow up.

    That is all. Fuck Glastonbury and all who sail in her.

  16. The irony of Palestinian flags at a music festival.

    What a load of complete and utter insufferable bollocks.

    And that’s before I mention Coldplay

    Good morning

    • Any mention of the 365 people murdered at the Nova music festival on October 7th? A minutes silence perhaps? Just a thought…
      A few Hellfire drones on that crowd of cunts at ‘glasto’ would be the perfect finale, especially on that dua lipa cunt.

  17. Can`t wait for Glasto 2025.

    Headliner stage will consist of a solitary i-phone churning out A.I. – synthesized crap for 3 hours.

    Oh, hang on, that`s now, isn`t it.


  18. Not too socialist is it, with the prices of food and drink through the roof. Seems more like capitalism at its most avaricious snd exploitative. If you have a festival that features socialist types and open borders while fencing people off and setting up glamping sites, charging 350 for tickets then extortionate prices for food and drink, expect some criticism.

    They wont have a woodstock ’99 moment because the cunts who go are pansies and chinless cunts called Rupert and the acts are just as weak. No rock/metal/hip hop, just RnB shite like Sza and K pop bands, and Hen party favourites like Shania Twain.


  19. Anyway isn’t Glastonbury racist?

    I thought one of our leading black scholars pointed it out..

    I’m not sure if it was lenworth Henry or idris elbow.. could of been david ” you can grow a cervix” lammy.

    Maybe next year import 10,000 Notting hill carnival regulars, definitely liven up proceedings..

    • Glastonbury already has Notting Hill Carnival performers at the CarHenge area.

      Apparently, they’d never seen so many gormless white cunts in one place, and proceeded to go pickpocketing.

      ‘Festival goers will be able to experience a ‘taste of carnival’ before it hits the streets of W11 for the August Bank Holiday.’

      Yo gonna get raped, bitch!’

  20. I’ve been Glastonbury festival a few times in the 80s.
    Never paid.

    Bunked over the wall.
    Back then it was full of hippies.

    Now it’s full of yuppies.
    Fuck that.

  21. What mental age are these Cunts who go there?
    This sort of shite should be done and dusted by the age of 25 years IMO.
    And, fucking Lulu is there, that old harridan must be 100! And she has always been crap.
    Oh and the garden gnome lookalike Eavis and his grasping daughter are CUNTS!

  22. And the looks you get if you call it GlastonBURY and not GlastonBRE. Fuck off and die you cunts.

    • Its the stupid yanks who put the emphasis on the last syllable. Or on any wrong syllable for that matter.

  23. it feels like a bread and Circus situation to me. we are constantly being distracted by banal shit. shit on TV, shit on the radio ect ect.
    you know the score ant and dickhead, Britain has no tallent( an excuse to import more fucking third world cunts), that cunt MacIntyre, autotuned shit on the radio, black adverts, race bating TV shows, reminders of how to vote and who we should vote for. It’s a load of shit, by sheep for sheep.

  24. My brother worked there in 2011 erecting the perimeter fence and scaffolding. He let dozens and dozens of people in through the fence, all paying him a hundred quid or so. Made a nice few grand, not daft our kid.

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