Gender Reveal Stunts

Hot on the heels of the nom about the (ridiculous adult behaviour) memorial balloon-release … some equally superfluous same-vein juvenile carry-on … the in-pregnancy ‘Gender Reveal’ via ever more ludicrous ‘look at ME’ antics.

In this world of email, texting, cuntapps aplenty and saturation phone ownership, … somehow a simple short sentence typed or spoken; 100% conveying a (used to be) basic fact (‘.. having a boy’ , or ‘having a girl’) just isn’t enough any more. It originated as gender-reveal ‘parties’ which would include a cake containing either blue or pink filling, cut mid’party’ to much fanfare by the easily-impressed assemblage.

Still uneccessary, really, but relatively harmless I suppose. You’ve lost my interest the moment you’ve decided to bring another human into the cunts mess that is this current world, but I digress.

Sticking ‘gender reveal party disasters’ into yer search engine will show just what kind of lengths people will go to in the pursuit of attention over fuck-all worth making any such big deal out of since the cake method became not showy enough. Aircraft banners, skywriting, fire-fighting planes hired to drop near 2 tons of dyed water, sports cars blasting past with coloured exhaust. Hot air balloons. Fireworks. Gunplay(the daddy gets to shoot his rented 50-cal anti-armour(!) rifle at a target which explodes to show pink or blue yaaaaay ?). Even glitter-filled pipe bombs(I shit you not!) ..

And some of the outcomes of this behaviour? A 23,000 acre fire incl. a dead firefighter. A 45,000 acre fire, monetary cost $8 Million. Plane crash(es) with fatalities. Car explosion. A vintage cannon(!) explosion….

All for what?

Self aggrandizing. Over something that rats are able to do(reproduce). What hope is there for the offspring born to such shallow narcissists?

NY Post.

Nominated by : CuntemAll

81 thoughts on “Gender Reveal Stunts

  1. Brilliant header!

    I’ve been laughing for about 10 minutes.

    Glad you enjoyed it. Can’t beat a bit of piss take – NA.

  2. ‘What more will it take for parents to decide that gender reveal stunts aren’t worth the risks?’

    Nothing, for anybody with an IQ greater than that of a flea.

    The one about the plane flying into the sea with ‘It’s a girl!’ trailing behind is priceless.
    Not, it’s the fucking sea.

    Darwin awards all round, the pathetic cunts.

    • As for the fat baby sulking about having a daughter, cunts like that should be banned from being fathers.

      • Exactly my thoughts Cuntamus. Absolutely pathetic. When our first was born a girl, a man I worked with expressed sympathy and said something along the lines of;

        “Never mind, maybe the next one will be a boy.”

        I was too polite in those days. I should have told him to his face he was a cunt.

      • I have never, – not once in my life, ever, – congratulated anyone for being pregnant or having a kid.

        Not saying what I really think at the moment of being told is my compromise.

        One or two pretty awkward silences when I’m supposed to have been all ‘oh my gawwww’d spring to mind.

        And the subsequent one. then .. ‘do you want to see the scan/a photo’?


  3. How’s that work with 72 different genders..

    Fact checked by the BBC verified..

    • I thought the fuckwits had now invented over 700 genders.

      I had a cracking online dust up with some fucking idiot who reminded me that she was a scientist and there were over 700 genders, not just the two that the XX or XY chromosomes dictate.

      She retorted that gingers (not anagram) had an extra chromosome until she was informed, with some authority that they just have very light brown hair and no soul.

      I was banned from Facebook for that one. ?

      • Well done, Odin.

        Usually, you have to be a pet rescue charity sharing an appeal for foster care from another charity, to get banned.

        I have been in FB jail recently. I asked them
        ” Do you think you’re the only game in town?”
        Magically, they reversed their decision.

        Utter cunts. They are getting nominated soon. I’ll flay the skin off their backs.

      • I got suspended twice in 3 weeks. Bid the ‘friends’ farewell and deactivated my account as i could see what was happening. 6 months later Harry Miller gets a call from the police over liking a tweet mocking gender mentals and the police want to ‘check his thinking’.

  4. It’s just trashy, isn’t it?

    I’ve just Googled ” gender reveal” and can’t believe how many UK companies there are offering all kinds of stunts involving planes, helicopters, sky divers, etc.

    What ever happened to anticipation?

    If anyone asked if I knew what Elder was having, when she was expecting the Lass, I used to say
    “Yes. It’s a baby”

    • Big fee Gender Reveal planners…

      Bandwagon-hopping wannabe wedding planners.

      At the scan, the ob-gyn puts the info in an envelope. The envelope goes to the planner. The reqd. colour ‘whatever’ readied for the selected activity. (In this version the parents-to-be are in the dark as part of the exshitement).

      Anyhoo. Presumably the catalogue of bullshit is perused.

      Each effort out-outrageous-ing the one before. I imagined-up the following one myself just now, but bet it happened somewhere …

      Attention-desperate noticewhores gather their idiot-posse at an airfield, having booked 2 tandem skydives and done the bit of training/paperwork earlier. Up to altitude, bit of freefall, .. canopy(s) deployed. Blue or pink.

      Whoop de fucking do.


      Imagine this twist, though … parachutes are a mix of both colours. Land, then call the planner. “Oh my god, are we having twins?” “Nope. Amniocentesis sez you’re having a hermaphrodite”.

      THAT’D soften their fucking coughs! ?

      (Or some practical joker from the club replaces the pink-or-blue ‘chutes the night before with a stark white one, … with the word ‘MONG’ taped in big black lettering across ’em. …)

      What? .. the 2 expectants in the latter example are Mongolian, and the guy ran out of black tape. Calm down, society. ?

  5. It got me wondering what the celebrations were like when Adolf Hitler was born. Given time, they were similar to when that aircraft plummeted to the sea.

  6. Ir is the same with birthdays. People send cards congratulating you on still being alive , as if it is a fucking achievement. Desperate stuff. I think I deserve a card congratulating me on having just eaten an entire packet of plain chocolate digestive biscuits,

    The other day I went down to the high street and made it back alive.. No cunt sent me a card to mark the event. Perhaps Card Factory had run out of the ‘Congratulations on Your Successful Visit to the Shops’ range.

    JP certainly deserves a card from the ‘Congratulations! We Hear you have a New Rat’ section.

    Good afternoon, everyone.

    • Trouble with a lot of people is they think they’re the bees’ knees if they’re expecting a baby, like it’s never been done before, and they’re convinced the whole world is waiting with baited breath to find out which gender it’ll be. One place I worked, they’d bought this huge card for this girl and asked everyone to sign it and leave a message. I put ‘I hope it’s a boy or a girl’.
      In actual fact no-one gives a rats’ arse or even a monkey’s left hand wank what it turns out to be. It’s just another addition to our tax burden, having to fork out yet more child benefit.

      • I’m thinking of calling it Rishi, but I think that’s a name that’ll be fading into obscurity soon.

        I’d listen to suggestions, though.

  7. I’m surprised why Gender Reversals haven’t been celebrated in the same manner, with a “Cock Off” firework display.

    • Don’t encourage the cunts, Sammy.

      My Elders hubby is a smashing bloke, rough as a bears arse and takes shit from no-one.

      He’s an absolute berserker, definitely someone you want on your team, but he was practically crying last Sunday.

      His eldest lad has decided he’s a girl, and signed the Fathers Day card with his new name.

      Where did I go wrong? , he says.

      The Lass signed hers
      “To my second Dad, love you.”

      Not going wrong at all, Big Lad. It’s not on you.

      • Don’t think it would, that’s why I mentioned them, J. Priest. They’d get that much flak, it would be more trouble than its worth.

      • You can call me JP, Sammy.

        ( Coughs, in a deep voice)

        Sorry, that sounds a bit gay. It’s just easier than J. Priest.

      • You can call me Mr Northern Cunt Sammy.

        I can’t stand over familiarity.

        I won’t tolerate impertinence.

      • I’m genuinely sorry to hear that about your grandson Jeezum. As you say I’m sure it’s not his father’s fault, I think it’s down to the fucking zeitgeist these days. I’ve been trying to think how I would handle such a situation and I can only think being sympathetic and understanding with the lad would be useless and in fact would aggravate the problem. I think I would treat it as a joke and laugh it off and if it continued take a harder line. I hope I haven’t offended you, that is absolutely not my intention.

      • I’m not offended at all. I’m just sorry for my son (in law), who thinks he’s somehow failed as a Dad.

        Well, I keep telling him, it’s not on you.

      • It’s on today’s society making kids feel that they’re not normal if they are, in fact, normal.

        When they’re fed shite, like geese being stuffed for fois grass, it’s not a surprise if they get confused, and think there’s summat up with them if they don’t identify as a fucking goldfish.

        Best just to wait it out. For a lot of them, they just think it being fashionable, following a trend, until a new one comes along.

        Let’s hope the next fad is celebecy.

      • If anyone’s to blame it’s the lefty woke teachers encouraging kids to believe this nonsense.

  8. No wonder the country is a sack of shit
    Fucking foreigners and people who can’t make up their mind of what gender they want to be this week

  9. When foreign types reveal that they’re having yet another Mohammed / Um Bongo or dog eater, do they release brown, black or yerrow balloons?

  10. My parents wanted a girl.
    But got cursed off a gypsy woman selling lucky heather.

    They’d already bought in girls frilly dresses and painted the crèche pink.

    Then during a thunderstorm I was born.

    It were hard.

    Not as a toddler like,
    But in junior school when I started getting stubble.
    The girls wouldn’t let me play hopscotch
    The lads not let me play army.

    I told the teacher
    And he looked up at me and said to my face

    ” You don’t fit in kid, sooner you learn that the easier it’ll be”.

    Harsh but true.

    I won all the girls sports events.
    Never got a valentine’s card
    I made a lonely figure.

    Then after school,
    I finally found my place amongst the circus folk.

    I realised that it didn’t matter whether I fitted in or not.
    Who wants to be nondescript?
    Be bland?

    Fuck em.

    I sought that gyppo down.
    She offered to lift the curse.
    But I refused.

    It is what it is
    No point whining
    You deal the cards yer dealt.

      • Do you know CuntyMort,
        I was never christened.

        Or my sister.

        My dad’s not fond of Christianity.
        Reckons it’s a racket.
        Says all priests are puffs.

        So, despite a life of virtue I’m still going to hell when I curl up me toes!

      • It’s not too late Mis. You can enter the Kingdom of the Lord by having an adult baptism, when you would be immersed in consecrated Holy Water.
        I suggest the Manchester Ship Canal.

      • Would you be my godfather please Geordie?

        Oh you’d have to pay for the christening gown.

        Probably bit more expensive for me than a baby?

      • Geordie is paying for it JP.

        Do you think I should just take the cash equivalent?

        I wouldn’t want my chances of a place at Odin’s table put in jeopardy…

        JP could you tell Geordie I’m not getting christened?
        And ask him for the money?
        Just a grand.

        Make sure it’s cash.

      • Absolutely no problem.

        If he complains, I’ll have the berserker visit him.

      • Mis. you are always welcome at my table for services to the removal and house clearance industry.

        Just make sure you throw a seven with a penknife in your hand and the Valkyrie will transport you directly to my hall.

        Processing fee is a grand though.

      • Everyone in my family, myself included, was baptised in the same Christening gown. It’s a family heirloom. Victorian I think. You can borrow it Mis. It had to be let out for my sister’s daughter (think Rizzo without the pigmentation) so it probably won’t need much more work to be right for you.

        It’ll fit you like a glove. And I would be a privileged to be your Godfather.

        Could you get the Rev Paula Vennells to conduct the service perhaps? I don’t think she’s not got much else on these days.

      • Your dad is obviously one of the good guys Mis. Me and my siblings were all baptised but in those days virtually every sprog was. We were also despatched to church every Sunday. I got married in Birmingham register office and our kids were not baptised.

      • Evening Arfur,

        My dad’s hatred of Christianity stems from 2 things.

        My grandad was on leave during WW2.
        He was walking through rural Cheshire on his way home and thirsty,
        He called at a vicarage to ask for a glass of water,
        The vicar phoned the police on him.
        Strike one.

        My dad told me when a little boy you had to bring in 5pence on a Thursday for the poor and starving in Africa.
        He said some of the kids had lost their father during the war.
        Wore wellies in summer
        Only footwear they had.
        They didn’t have 5pence.

        They got the cane off the nice Christians for the sin of poverty.
        My dad turned against em.

        Strike two.

        I’m a traditionalist and they can get fucked for upsetting my dad and grandad.
        Loyalty is ALL.

        Strike three.

      • That doesn’t surprise me, at all, Mis.

        Only dodgy types, sadists and mental defectives make the church their profession.

    • Bloody hell! That was like reading one of Bob Mortimer’s fantastical stories off Would I Lie to you.
      MNC I’m going with that being True!?

      • Evening Harold ?

        Yeah, every word of it.

        My dad doesn’t like priests and reckons it’s a job for soft twats who are scared of honest graft.

        Probably the biggest sin a man can commit to my dad is being workshy.

        I used to dread the summer holidays as a teenager.
        My dad had a static caravan on a farm in Staffordshire.
        Run by a old lady,

        He’d pimp me out to her
        Chopping fuckin wood all morning for her.
        If you stood on a hill or climbed a tree you could see Alton Towers in the distance.
        Never went like!
        Chopping fuckin wood all day for me☹️

      • My dad never bothered with me.
        Haven’t seen him in about 24 years.

        Used to ring me mam up when I was a teenager and struggled to remember my name.

        Didn’t get me an 18th birthday card or present or for my 21st.
        What a bastard.

  11. The gender reveal party was invented for Bikeshed Ange because she doesn’t live with her kids.


    Well anyway, Manc police don’t think she does.

  12. 40 years ago today since the battle of Orgreave.

    When the police attacked honest working men on the orders of the government.

    Cavalry charges like they were John Wayne.

    Not content with that they attacked some hippies near Stonehenge.
    Hitting women holding babies in their arms and dragging them through vehicles windows jagged with broken glass.

    Brave lads all.

    They’ll be old men now.

    Hope the government treats them well, the bootlicking cunts

    • It has been downhill ever since MNC, with the boys in blue (black nowadays, obvs) moving on to murder, dismemberment, rapie goings on for Whatsapp, running over cows, beating up old ladies in the back of the van….

      • There’s a Change. org petition on-line atm to have the officer who ran over the calf ( not cow) sacked.

        It’s almost hit its target. So that manoeuvre didn’t go down well with the public.

      • Can we get him to run over khan before he is sacked..
        A child’s pedal car will suffice for that brown, pygmy goblin..

  13. My nephew did this with 2 clay pigeons taped together full of blue powder. It failed because too much tape was used and the clay discs didn’t shatter when hit with bird shot. Just landed on the ground and spilled a bit of blue then we all knew. Anti-climatic.
    Another friend used silly string and when we all sprayed it at her it was blue.
    Kinda fun if you don’t use Thermite or go overboard with some other grand display.
    Recently a huge wildlife that destroyed thousands of acres was the result of a gender reveal gone wrong.

  14. Well I thoroughly enjoyed the link.

    The perfect illustration of the idiocy of the Facebook Mőngs.

    Self obsessed nasty chav Cunts.


  15. Rather than revealing their gender, maybe the parents could reveal what their upbringing will likely result in.
    Immo’s could fly a banner pronouncing’ It’s a parasite!’
    Scousers ‘It’s a self pitying parasite!’
    Dark keys ‘It’s a stabby, rapey parasite!’
    Park keys ‘It’s a smelly, grooming parasite!’
    I could go on, but you get the picture.

  16. Surely in the UK all that matters is that the child is happy and healthy.

    Unless it’s a Muslim. I only celebrated when they get aborted.

  17. OK you cunts, own up!

    Who are the four Reform UK party candidates forced to resign over racist postings including Rishi Sunak and Sadiq Khan mocked up as ‘Dahl Boy’ from Only Fools and Horses?

  18. It was revealed today that the unfortunate parents of Eddie/Suzy Izzard had been forced to hold 22,635 gender reveal parties for Suzy/Eddie since his/her/its malignant presence was first detected in the foreign shithole of Aden.

    Confusion abounded on the night of Eddie’s/Suzy’s supposed birth. The midwife at first thought Mrs Izzard had suffered a severe bout of diarrhoea. The doctor was called and he identified Suzy/Eddie for a 6LB lump of Stilton cheese… gender still subject of much contention amongst the Labour Islington elite.

  19. Now I’m fucking confused! How can you have a gender reveal party for an embryo when it’s also wrong to assume gender based on biology?

    I can’t navigate the terrain of inclusion and diversity, it takes an understanding of non facts I just don’t possess.

    Two Lesbians have a kid with no father in sight and have a non gender reveal party, is it a boy, is it a girl, is it they or them, nope it’s a fucking miracle……

    • The thing these gender reveal parties reveal more than anything else is the ignorance of those narcissistic cunts who indulge in them.

      What they fail to acknowledge is that sex and gender are not the same thing.

      Sex is a biological fact that cannot be changed, regardless of how much the body is mutilated.

      Gender is about subjective feelings, e.g. all in the mind.

      For a baby’s gender to be revealed, a parent would have to be privy to the baby’s innermost thoughts and feelings many years in the future. Which is impossible.

      Though irrelevant to the gender reveal idiots, because for them feelings always trump facts.

      • In the good old days sex and gender were exactly the same. This was the case until the 1970’s.

        Manipulation of language has long been a tool of ideological social engineering. Until the 60s gay meant happy, I seem to remember the theme song of the Flintstones including the line ‘Gay old time.’

        You’re either male or female, gender used to be used on many forms because being British we were very uncomfortable with seeing the word sex looming out at us when filling in documents.

        There are only two genders, end of….

  20. Come, gentle aliens.

    Whizz me off to your planet and display me like a monkey in a zoo.

    I don’t want to be here anymore. I feel like a freak in my own world, because I believe there is a man and there is a woman.

    That’s it. Full stop. Adam and Eve.

    • Adam and Lilith then Eve. Give it another decade and it will be Lilith and Eve, Adam transitioned and became Lilith.

      Fuck me, the Old Testament and the old American sitcom Soap probably shared some writers.

      Confused? You will be in the next episode.

    • Evening JP, all.
      Despair not.
      Apart from the existence of a vanishingly small number of hermaphrodites,
      Is there any actual evidence of there being more than two sexes?
      The answer is NO.
      Fuck anyone attempting to gaslight us into thinking otherwise.

  21. I did a gender reveal at work the other day by getting my cock out .

    Nobody asked me to and I assume they all knew I was male but everyone else seemed to be doing these gender reveals and I got confused

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