Yes – it’s HIM again. Fancy nancy would-be “Labour” politician, comedian and now “serious actor Laddie”, Eddie “Whoops-duckie” Izzard. Obviously realising that even Dame Kweer wouldn’t touch him with a barge pole (the only time the old fool has shown a bit of savvy), the old pantomime dame has taken to the theatre again, in an effort to be legitimate. Sadly for him, even the critics have not been taken in:

This MAN, who likes to don plastic breasts, bright lippy and Tena-Ladies and frequent women’s public lavatories, is really a raddled washed up old has-been, who just enjoys making a cunt of himself. There must be a nice padded cell waiting for him, after daring to make a circus out of William Shakespeare. No doubt Channel 4 or the BBC will bust a gut to get HIS performance on videotape to reserve for posterity. As the Bard so truly pointed out “The evil that men do live after them” (as Blair proved). He also said (in Othello) “put out the light, then – put out the light”. Time the spotlight was taken off this narcissistic old poofter.


Nominated by W. C. Boggs.

77 thoughts on “EDDIE IZZARD (10)

    • Or a Manchester Kiss. I recall Davy Jones (RIP) of the Monkees saying he nutted Peter Tork in one of their many fights.

  1. He has more than a touch of the Tatchell about him.
    Plenty of skeltons in his closet.

  2. The only tragedy is that Eddie’s hamlet isn’t rolled into a carpet and smoked in a foundry furnace..

  3. He’s unsuccessfully attempting the Charles Hawtry “old queenie in a scarf “ look.

  4. I saw Pronoun thing (Izard) doing standup 20 odd years ago in Stockholm. He was fookin’ hilarious and showed no signs of future fruitiness.

    What a waste of talent. I blame Tony Blair.

    • Strange. I always thought he was shit and people were just being polite with their applause.

      • Yes – a bit like Rosie Jones the audience laugh AT him, not WITH him.

      • His show was on the history of Sweden, even the Swedos laughed. He’s not stupid (then).

        Maybe he has a tapeworm in his brain.

  5. ‘colossal vanity and hubris’

    Sums up the entire woke cultural cunt-pocalypse nicely, as well as this unfortunate’s performance.

    Didn’t mind his comedy back in the nineties, even if it was sometimes a bit limited to rambling about jam and bees. His influence on comics of the noughties is obvious.

    I echo Mr Ceiling Cat; a sad waste.

  6. No doubt referred to as a national treasure by some. It’s not about talent anymore, any proficiency in your art form comes second to your deviant preferences or membership of a protected minority.

    • But isn’t that Joe the Pres in his wifes’ clothes?

      Due does not look like a lady laddy.

    • That is truly dire MC. We have deviants in the UK administration but I don’t know of any who are that far gone.

  7. Funny as a fire at an orphanage in his prime. Now a raddled old fruity that not even the Greens would welcome.
    Not a waste of talent, as I saw none to begin with. (I’m remembering some tripe in cod French about a monkey in a tree. Fucking dire)

    If he’s a woman then anorexics must be accepted as being fat. Their choice, innit.

  8. Never liked the cunt all that camp dame queen shenanigans, about as funny as sitting on your own bollocks.
    Him/her/ it.
    Danny La Rue.
    Dame Edna Everidge all feather boa poofery and can all fuck off!

    • Dame Edna is on ‘her ‘ own level of brilliance. The only drag act i’ve ever found funny. Had the measure of every celebrity ‘she’ interviewed.

      Barry was a comedic genius on the level of Peters Sellers and Cook.

  9. O/T Looks like Dr. Moseley was reluctant to follow his own longevity advice W.C.

  10. Fucking state of it.

    80years ago this week many 21 year old lads had their brains blown all across the sand of some french beach in the name of freedom, so that today cunts like Izzard can display their deviance to all and sundry.


  11. Picture this

    A night out
    Whiskey and ale
    Good laugh

    Next morning
    You awake to a blinding hangover.
    Where are you?
    Your bellend feels crusty
    You open your peepers
    Turn over
    To see Edith Lizard smiling at you

    ” Morning Honky-tonk 💋

  12. ‘Risible’
    ‘I almost cringed up my own fundament’
    ‘All I saw was ego’

    No more needs to be said.

  13. May I suggest suzy takes the show on the road to some wonderful Muslim cities..

    Maybe some rooftop performances? ,well just the one…

    Maybe a live version of Mary Poppins..
    It can borrow Michael Mosley’s umbrella..
    Too soon?

  14. Put a white phosphorus grenade in its lacy knickers.

    Later that day awarded the VC for utter disregard for one’s own safety and gallantry in the face of the enemy.

    Fuck Off.

  15. O/T (2) To Emma Radacanu now you have split from your boyfriend if you fancy a dirty fuck I am available (not Wed afternoon)
    I don’t have a particularly big cock but I’ve got a fucking fast ass!
    Just saying.

  16. He should have knickers on his head and pencils up the nostrils to ensure no-one is under any doubt.

  17. Gives me the fucking creeps. Reminds me of the old TVs from the 60s, where you went drinking because they stayed open later after the pubs had shut. Their performance was literally a piss-take of men dressing up as women, with innuendos thrown in.

    • This was also fuck all to do with changing sex, but for one big laugh at the cunts they eventually came to be and spoilt all the fun.

  18. About as effeminate as joe fucking brand it’s beyond me why these cunts think they are women when they look like Arthur fucking mullard who would want to fuck them

    • Is Joe Brand a real woman, thought it was veteran reporter John Sergeant. Never seen them together. 🤔

      • Jo Brand is John Sergeant in drag, everybody knows that.

        Likewise, Dawn Lardbutt is David Lammy.

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