Britain’s Multiculturalism


Multiculturalism is a fucking stupid concept, it doesn’t work.
You can’t mix people from different cultures and hope for a good result.

Multinationalism works, but only if you have strict guidelines.

The closest city to my home in Spain had a total of 179 different nationalities at the last count.

Being part of the EU, people from all other EU countries are free to settle here and either retire or work.

Work is the important word.

If you don’t work then you will be given absolutely fuck all, regardless of your nationality, colour or religion.

Nobody is going to pay for you to ‘job seek’.
You will get no benefits at all.
Nobody will help you pay your rent or mortgage.
You will get no access to the Spanish health care system even if you have had an accident.

You can either starve or bleed to death in the streets or fuck off to where you came from.

I live in a house with only 10 neighbours within 100 meters.
They are….. Russians, Spanish, Estonians, Finnish, Norwegians, Austrian, Danish and Welsh.

That’s multinationalism and it works because those that are not living on a pension, work.

It’s quite easy for non European people to come and legally settle here.
It doesn’t matter whether they turn up in a rubber dinghy or a private jet.
All they need to do is buy a property or properties here for a minimum of 500.000 euros and then meet regular financial requirements, then they are able to stay.

These are simply and legal requirements.
The result is that there are almost no Pákís.
No fucking mosques within 200 kilometres from my home and only a handful in the whole of Spain.
Virtually no stinking Muslims.

Britain has a mindset of Multiculturalism.
“Diversity is our strength”.

It fucking isn’t and every other country knows that.

The culture that your country is importing is a culture that wants to destroy western values.
There is no intention to work, to adapt, to accept or to embrace the country that you call home.

Immigration is a good thing.
Allowing people to immigrate from shit holes is a very bad and dangerous thing.

Spain follow EU regulations.
They don’t give anything to scroungers to allow them to enjoy the benefits of living in this beautiful country.

Britain is a beautiful country too.
They are no longer part of the EU.
They are completely free to set the criteria for allowing immigrants in.

Why the fuck don’t they?

Nominated by The Artful Cunter.

65 thoughts on “Britain’s Multiculturalism

  1. Your average BBC/Guardian twat doesn’t believe in multiculturalism either. All they want is for those funny black or brown people to parrot their views.

    They would have palpitations if they realised that Hamas have views that would make Heinrich Himmler raise an eyebrow.

  2. A mate of mine reckons it’s because politicians and WEF want to create some form of New World Order by destabilising countries via unfettered immigration, the people rise up and can then be controlled for their own safety. After Covid this does seem more plausible. However, I’m still not convinced and I’m sure they are just a bunch of liberal, out of touch cunts who genuinely believe multiculturalism can work.

    • To your points Fortress,

      The 2 are not mutually exclusive.

      There is no doubt in my mind that there is a global “elite”…the WEF / Davos types who have planned and are now implementing the Great Replacement Fact.

      To do this they have enlisted the help of the craven, power hungry spineless politicians who will do anything for their own gain and are too shortsighted to see the harm they are participating in.

      And like the true Neo Marxist / Facist scum they are, they also need the help of some useful idiots to make us all believe that not only is this normal but it’s actually desirable.

      This is where the liberals, students, and rabble rousing race baiters come in. Many of these idiots desire the fall of Western Civilization and the implementation of some idealistic Socialist Utopia or Heavenly draconian Caliphate.

      Multiculturalism and Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are opposite sides of the same counterfeit coin.

    • I think your mate is right, they do want a one world solution, where patriotism is rebadged as rascism and everyone is kept in their place by the police and courts. But there are a lot of useful idiots on the left who enable this with their ‘welcome all’ approach and ‘trans for Palestine’ etc.

  3. A worthy nomination for the start of the weekend.

    As far as I can make out this bollocks is spouted mainly by political cunts as cover for the fact they’ve never had a grip on immigration,know they’ve really fucked up and also know secretly that if they ever “came clean” about the absolute nightmare they alone created then they’d be lynched.

    They are all utterly despicable cowardly scûm.


    Good morning.

    • Good point Unk. Who can argue that the situation we find ourselves in is the result of rational decision making by successive governments since WW2?

  4. ‘Why the fuck don’t they?’
    Because our governments and the minorities that they pander to act like simpering social workers.
    Every sob story is believed unconditionally.
    Anyone arriving here from a country that they view as not quite as ‘free’ or as seemingly affluent as ours, are viewed as victims.
    We must be seen as ‘leading the world’ if there’s anguish in another country, and other countries are quite happy to sit back and watch us do it.
    And, of course, our corporate cunts are equally happy with the minimum wage workers this situation provides, in the rare event that these people actually seek employment.
    That’s why.

  5. All the people that worship at the altar of multiculturalism should be forced at “gunpoint” if necessary to take at least two in..

    And unlike that cunt Lineker, two picked at random straight off the boat..

    I will give cunts 2 days, before they have changed their minds, or better still beaten to death..

  6. From the swinging sixties to the stabby 2020’s ??…..carnaby st v carnage st, pick your preferred era!

    Have you seen your bro’ baby stabbing in the shadows ?

    • Two other modern versions of classic Rolling Stones hits are:

      Sympathy for the Mullah


      Street Fighting Trans

  7. You will all change your minds when Hammy Lammy becomes Foreign Secretary. There he will be, in a loin cloth, face painted in blue and white, carrying a spear and showing his backside to Putin. Britain will be great again thanks to his progressive attitudes. The great Lammy buttocks will stop trouble in it’s tracks. China, North Korea and Russia willm quake with fear, as will Israel.

  8. For fucks sake, even Saddam Hussein showed more cop on than any of these cunts that are supposedly ‘in charge’ thirty years later, personified in this quote attributed to him that I read in the 1990’s and have never forgotten.

    “Me and my brother against my cousin. Me and my cousin against the world.”

    ‘Course the shit-hued lot DO have that mentality towards ‘us’ & it’s why they are poised to take the West within generations, by the look of things…

    • ^ ( ‘ course he didn’t say it in English, .. he said it one of those silly foreign lingos that you hear, .. Frederick Forsyth translated it in his 1990’s novel about the Gulf War)

      • Just googled it.

        ‘Arabic proverb, widely used’ .. then tons of links. … and all from ‘over there’.

        I also see the variation “Me and my clan against my nation, me and my nation against the world”

        It’s a sorry day when some raghead idioms make more sense than anything homespun…

      • Flies in the face of the Glasto wanker platitude ‘one world, one love’.

        Sheep to the fucking slaughter.

    • Ah, but we have ‘run, hide, tell’. That’ll stop us being taken over and murdered.

      • The problem with that is the cunt’s we’re telling are ennabling those we’re running from.

    • “Me and my brother against my cousin. Me and my cousin against the world.”


      “Diversity is our strength”

      I’d put all my chips on black. (well, brown) if I was a gambling alien (e.t. type, not fill-thy type) watching this shit unfold from afar….

      • ^. *filthy types .. was trying to rhyme it off against e.t..

        But fucked it up instead ?.

  9. Multiculturalism is not our strength, it is the dilution of our culture and therefore the weakening of our society.

    The leftards love multi culti, because they naively believe that they are ‘rubbing the Right’s nose in divershitty’.

    They aren’t. what they are actually doing is putting unreal stress on our infrastructure and simultaneously ensuring that those who work are subject to higher and higher taxes to pay for a tide of uneducated, lazy feral brown filth.

    While this is going on, Mr and Mrs Average can’t afford to have kids because they are living hand to mouth to fund the left’s failed experiment. All the while, the feckless and unwanted outbreed us 2:1 because the left pays them to do so.

    The leftards are the traitors and should be matched into the sea at bayonet point, along with their pets

    • Rehome the pets.

      We’re not monsters.

      Not that the spineless lefty wankers in charge have pets. Too much responsibility, and it might mean they form emotional attachment to a living being, rather than an abstract concept.

      Weird cunts, the Left.

      • You may have seen my post where we ‘rehome’ the dinghy rats on West Falkland.

        If you liked that idea, just wait until I fill you in on the details of operation ‘Filthy brown floater’.

  10. Multiculturalism has worked in some places like New York, when the diaspora of different countries had to get along or starve.Tgeir culture had to be subservient to becoming a ‘New Yorker’.

    Britain could’ve got that right, but the white left destroyed any hope of that when it started to privilege protected characteristics and controlling language in public sector workplaces in the eighties. This was noticeable in schools at the time.

    Political correctness was never about manners. it was top-down Soviet style thought-policing from the off, and the mealicious and overbearing way teachers, councillors and bureaucrats in the NHS have wielded it for the past 40 years shows that.

    If you encourage multiculturalism, you must accept there will be tension between the groups you import, regardless of what the indigenous population do, and nannying everybody with increasingly authoritarian rules on what speech is acceptable will only increase resentment.

    Now of course, we see that these rules on speech are getting the protected minorities in trouble as well, and they don’t like it.

    Might it be that these hate speech laws coming into existence and leading to knocks on the door for harmless pranks turning the new woke flag into a swastika are an admission of total and utter failure to foster any sort of multucultural melting pot in Britain?

    We also have two significant minority groups not signing up to the woke agenda and ghettoising themselves from mainstream liberal society, they are the Pakistani community and other conservative muslims, as well as young black men, without fathers or jobs to give them the respect they feel entitled to. Neither group is fond of the values pushed buly our political-media class. Neither is bothered by integration into a consumer society they see as corrupt, secular, debauched or in the case of black men, rigged against them. Do these disaffected people share the environmental concerns about net zero, when their neighbourhoods are full of rubbish? Their public buildings are crumbling? It’s a faitytale.

    Britain is circling the drain, lead by a short-termist class of public school liberals so far removed from ordinary people they appear to be in a perpetual daydream.

  11. On Monday, me, The Hound and Ethel had a day out to Clapham, in Yorkshire.

    It was a nice day out, apart from the fact that there were a couple of coach loads of kids on a school trip, visiting the cave.

    The kids and staff were all Stanley’s, bar one, a white chap.

    Half the kids looked and probably were inbred.

    The girls were all clad in Hijabs, as were the staff, including the full monty with face mask.

    They looked absolutely alien, especially in that rural environment.

    Girls and boys were kept apart. I commented to Ethel that a proportion of the girls would probably end up going on a Summer holiday abroad, and come back as victims of FGM.

    They’d piled all their bags on and over one of the benches, with no consideration for anyone else.

    Fortunately, we had a bench to sit on, otherwise, their bags would have been moved, pronto.

    They didn’t clear all their litter up.?

    The Hound wasn’t impressed and had a good growl at them. For which she received a biscuit.

    Let’s face it, they don’t fit in and have no intention of doing so.

    I’m not going to qualify my thoughts by saying ‘ I’m not a racist but….’

    I’ll be honest. I don’t like Pàkis and I don’t trust them. They don’t belong here.

    So I am racist.

    OT.I see Sunak left France early, abandoning the veterans to make a campaign video.

    One day, just one bloody day was all he had to give up, to pay respects and give thanks.

    And it was too much fucking trouble.

    Massive cunt.

    Good morning ??

  12. When I was at school, we learned French and Spanish at school, avoided the Polish drug-dealer in the park, girls messed with their hair, darkîe kids rapped badly, and we played football in the street.

    Now they learn Arabic and Ooga-Dooga, avoid the hoardes of Polish/Romanian drug-dealers in every park, girls cover their hair, darkîes rape women, and Paķîstankis shit in the street.

  13. The country would a much better place if it was all white.

    The wouldn’t be any waaaaaaacism, no fucking mosques and everybody would know what D Day meant.

    I despise multiculturalism, don’t like Blicks cos they are victims, don’t like P’s cos they are dirty grooming cunts (7 more banged up for raping two girls in Rotherham)

    • My grandad would still be racist to Irish, Gypsies, Scots, Welsh, Jews, Slavs, Northerrners and any white English person with a tan.

  14. Thousands of years fighting neighbouring tribes, enemies and oppressors created borders. These later evolved into states and countries. Somewhere where you and your kinsmen were safe and could live unmolested.

    Apparently these thousands of years of progress were all a colossal waste of time.

    Multiculturalism isn’t just wrong it’s flying in the face of natural selection and human base function.

    Run for the caves!

  15. I look at the World Atlas and laugh. We see a tiny pinhead of a country where everyone wants to be, because you can do as you please. A Whirlpool beckons.

  16. I’m racist.
    Whites built castles 500 years ago.
    Nogs built mud huts and wash in cows piss.
    We are not equal.

  17. Try going to,
    Etc, no multiculturalism there…!


    Then stolen…..!

  18. We used to put the sea to good use, now its become or enemy for some particular reason. Some cunt is breaking the law.

  19. I have no issue with people of a different colour or ethnic heritage. Several family members, friends and associates of mine fall into that category. I do however have a massive issue with multiculturalism. It is a devastating ideology. Encouraging alien moral standards and incompatible values only leads to conflict and division.

    If you’re not prepared to integrate with the broader culture of the host country then don’t be surprised if you’re treated like the cunt that you are.

    Unfortunately, this does not apply in the UK.

    Cultural diversity is division. It divides and instills hatred in society. It only works in fantasy land, same as Communism.

    My advice: integrate or fuck off!

    • There was never any intention to integrate with the British population, only ever to colonise….!

      • Too true Arch multiculturalism is total bollocks,it can never and will never happen.
        We are more different than we are the same!

    • I have no issue with people of a different colour or ethnic heritage. Several family members, friends and associates of mine fall into that category.

      I grew up without racist feelings in the eighties and nineties. Saw no point in it.

      Had a few non-white friends over the years. but not many as i live in a market town in the countryside.

      It was only living in Southampton where i saw that the attitude of a non-whites (mainly from London and the suburbs) was a bit cocky, sometimes nasty. They saw white women as property, when they wouldnt dare make remarks to black or asian women. That’s where the anti-white attitude starts; around young white women who are scared to death of being accused of racism and who the lads think are easy; materialistic, promiscuous, out on the town, showing off tits and arse. They dont believe in feminism or toxic masculinity. they take their values from older men from their own background, not some guardian reading lecturer.

      A lot of my female college friends who studied in London left because their student flats were in non-white areas and they didn’t feel safe after dark. That was in the early-mid noughties. All the girls from my college and who I knew from my area who started degrees in London left within 6 months and studied in Southern counties /coastal universities or Wales.

      As for black or brown family members, , if I had any, my Grandad probably killed them.

      • I might add, the attitude of young black and Asian men towards gays is not exactly friendly, much less so than the attitude towards young white women.

        years of political and social indoctrination haven’t made a dent. It seems the problems are ignored, so make it all focus on the attitudes of white working class men.


  20. I see our multiculti Prime Minister is taking a pasting today for fucking off early from the D-Day ceremonials to record an election interview which won’t even be screened till next week, so it could easily have waited.

    But then why should he care about our fallen heroes? He isn’t really British.

  21. There is no multiculturism, it’s all bullshite.

    We going to be a caliphate state soon enough.

    I live in Londonistan, and in some parts, if you were drunk and stumbling around you would think your mates have pranked you and dropped you into Afghanistan.

    • Your lucky in one respect, you could sell your property in londonstanistan and buy another anywhere in GB.

      Try doing that when you’re stuck in the shithole that is the north of England..!

      • Indeed you are right but I also don’t like walking down the street and every other language I hear is not English, it can be quite disconcerting, especially when dakis, niggies and raggies seem to like staring at you when you’re out with your family or spitting like dogs on the floor.

      • I’d feel I was in Mos Eisley. Chirping, clicking and hooting creatures in robes and hoods

        Only the cockney on his erands to remind me

        ‘No mate, you’re in Newham’.

  22. Multiculturalism is a delusional fantasy perpetuated by the neo-Marxist elites of the contemporary West.
    They unflinchingly work to relegate traditional British culture and our distinct national Identity to the dustbin of history.
    They consider it morally reprehensible in their ‘post national’ world to make the case for defending and preserving Western civilisation.
    Instead they resort to the importation of hordes of migrants from entirely alien cultures.
    They refuse to accept the fact that every individual on this planet is the product of a unique combination of beliefs, values, and worldviews that have fermented for centuries to form the culture in which he has grown up.
    Multiculturalism cannot work because it is fundamentally at odds human nature.
    Of course, only civilisations in decline reject the idea that preserving the self and defending one’s own culture is good, natural, and necessary.
    History offers a multitude of lessons on what happens when that principle is abandoned.
    Try locating a thriving community of Byzantine Greeks in Imperial Constantinople, for example.
    There isn’t one.

  23. You can’t get anymore multicultural than the English, Scottish, Welsh and the Irish. Especially after they’ve had a drink.

  24. I did my time in London living with this so called multiculturalism for over 25 years. Always used to hear about diversity and London being one melting pot. Well someone forgot to stir this pot. The ones most vocal about how multicultural Britain is are always white liberal types who if they live in London always lived in the whitest parts like Blackheath or Richmond. I lived outside in Plumstead near Woolwich capital of mortgage fraud because of a certain group of people.

    I had to get out so once mortgage was nearly paid off myself and my partner moved back to Norfolk although sadly hasn’t escaped the effects of immigration. Naively brought a new build in a ok market town but was surprised how full of Eastern Europeans taking advantage of home buyers deposit. local factory employed most of them. Anyway we have moved to a lovely little village full of little cottages with thatched roofs. 99% white British. Community spirit and no noisy children loud music total bliss. House prices are expensive round here but worked hard to live where I am. I don’t miss living amongst cultural enrichment lol

  25. Anyone outside of the west can fuck off.

    I revert this back to the muzzies, but other lower quality humans are guilty of it too. No matter what it is they get involved in. They find a new way to deceive and lower the standard.

    Never buy a car or let one buy one from you. (unless it’s fucked and you want to sell it to them knowing the brakes have been cut)

    All the ab-jabs buying fucked cars on copart and reselling them.

    Buying stolen recovered cars with no markers and selling them to unsuspecting public… And that’s fucking ab-jab dealers too. Police deliberately put loop holes in for them because they obviously have a desire for sucking down hard on a currywurst.


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