Where do I fucking start with this one? Should I start with the Post Office scandal, where nearly 1000 people were wrongly convicted of crimes they didn’t commit (some of whom even took their lives?) Or how about the myriad of kids that keep dying from abuse in the home due to lawless, benefit scrounging parents and inept, underfunded child protection agencies?? Or maybe I should talk about Winterbourne View, or Tony Hickmott, or other such horrific cases of abuse against the disabled. Oh, and we can’t forget the NHS scandals of course – obviously the infected blood one is big news at the moment, but we also have the Shropshire maternity ward case, Mid Staffs, Lucy Letby, Morecambe Bay and a plethora of others I can’t bring to mind right now. And then there’s the billions wasted on dodgy PPE contracts and furlough fraud, obviously. And HS2. And the boat people. All whilst kids attend schools at risk of collapse due to cheap, faulty concrete and criminals run amok thanks to a lack of funding for police officers. Oh, and the constant sewage discharges have to be mentioned as well, that goes without saying – as does the blatant profiteering from water companies, energy companies, supermarkets, and various other grasping corporate cunts. And that’s before getting onto our overpriced, badly run, outdated, overcrowded railways.
I could talk about any one of these things in great detail. However, doing so would mean I would very quickly go over the 50 line limit. So let’s just say that ‘Great’ Britain is a complete and utter trainwreck right now, and leave it at that.
Nominated by opinionated cunt.
Reading the posts above it seems to me that the consensus is that incompetent politicians are the root of our problems. I think we need to send a message by voting Reform. They’ll be lucky to get a single MP elected (In which case I shall be fucking delighted!) but the only alternative I can see is insurrection and I don’t think we would enjoy that.
I would, it would be great!
We could have a guillotine on the 4th plinth at Trafalgar Square.
Blair first. Then Hancock. Then about 99% of anyone who has been anywhere near a council, local authority, NHS Trust, BBC, Guardian, Police Commisioners, etc, etc.
Then people who ‘drive’ Teslas.
No need to worry Opinionated…. Footballs just around the corner to distract the masses and then we got Sir Kweerz lot.
Relax and have a drink.
We are a single financial shock from a Great Recession and the emergence of fascism.
Hyper inflation and mass unemployment with mean pointing the finger at a common enemy..
In 1930’s Germany it was the Jews but history is definitely repeating itself..
Massive borrowing by the UK govt over the last 5 years together with the ever increasing size of The State has set things on course for a British Weimar Moment..
Stormer gets in,finally fucks the economy,blames Brexit,raises taxes whilst increasing immigration and crippling energy security with Greta laws will add up to one thing..
Financial disaster..but instead of blaming Jews it will be all immigrants that face destruction as a new fascism rises..
All caused by totally avoidable globalisation policies and woke left wing extremism.
We’ve had a creeping woke hard left Treaty of Versaille imposed upon us and shrugging it off will be most violent.
Goody Gumdrops.
JP @
Cut your wallet loose and you should be able to get upright.
Did you slip on loose change again?
I see the frogs checked the passports of the Paras landing in their delightful country today, didn’t do it in 1944 cos they’d all gone into hiding. Never trust a Frenchman or A C L Blair both cunts of the first water.
To right Civvydog.
Outrageous !
They wouldn’t have a country if it wasn’t for British troops.
They’d of been polishing Otto’s jackboots for 80years.
O/T but relevent given the nomination,
This is the “week” of remembrance for D-day
But apparently we have a “month” of gay pride celebration….
How fucking sad is this situation….I wonder if those lads who stormed the beaches in Normandy would think that shoving your cock up another bloke’s arse deserves more celebration than deafting fascism….with thousands dead…
The world is now definitely a steaming pile of…?
I don’t know, all this grumbling about the state of the country, why don’t we admit it? We’ve never had it so good. Rishi is the perfect leader for multi-cultural Britain and he’s worth hundreds of millions. All we need to do is give the Conservatives another fourteen years and he’ll make us all rich. Ye of little faith, shame on you.
Watching the DDay ceremony and all the international leaders there,
My eye wandered to the ladies.
Joe Biden was punching above his weight.
That Jill?
Can tell she’s been a looker.
She’s in her early 70s but looks younger.
Whereas Joe looks like he was dug up by Howard Carter.
Then Macron, I thought
” He’s a good lad .
Taken his gran there to jitterbug with a old G.I”
Turns out it’s his fuckin missus!
Like ET in a wig.
Didn’t see Rishis missus.
Think her names Dot?
So many things are over or long gone.
The traditional classic British cafe, a proper cup of tea and a bacon butty. Gone.
Modern cafes are woke hell holes. Hives for daft wimmin with pushchairs like Scorpion Tanks, feral kids, dogs welcome, gastro and vegan bollocks, a fiver for a piece of cake. Oooh no rough workmen here, thank you.
Football… Saturday at 3 o’ clock, well and truly over.
Ordinary fans can’t afford to go any more. Foreign daytrippers everywhere.
Bloody crass and tacky Sky Sports shite, sanitised half/half scarf bollocks.
VA fucking R, force fed the wimmins game. No heroes now like Bobby, Greavsie, the Lawman or Mooro. Just out of touch arrogant millionaires who care for nothing but their paycheques.
The cinema. Night out at the pictures with the girlfriend? Forget it.
Extortionate ticket prices, obscene costs for some sweets or a drink, full of noisy cunts with their loud and lit up phones, modern parents with their satanic and unruly kids, some foreign cunt going ‘Dooshka Dooshka’ standing up and trying to bootleg the film on his phone.
The Top 40. Once it was The Beatles and The Stones and many others. Then it was Bowie, Bolan, Slade, Sweet. Followed by Blondie, The Jam, The Police and The Specials. And even the 80s and 90s had their gems and moments.
But now? Imagine being in a workplace and having to endure Adele, Ed Sheercunt, George Ezra, Fatty Capaldi, Titless Swift and Wee Willie Eilish. All day, every day? It must be crushing to the soul.
There’s a traditional British cafe in Donny. Can’t remember what it’s called now but it’s near Feenchgate and the station – I popped in on my way
I popped in on my way back from the courthouse after I was wrongly given a penalty fare, that should’ve read.