Just when you think this country couldn’t get more batshit crazy. Come on down sir kweer and his commi party, I mean labour.
This idea is so absurd and dangerous, it will hand labour the keys to power almost indefinitely. Kweer and the gand know that a generation of brainwashed kids will vote only one way. The argument about being able to join the army is null and void. Yes you can join at 16, but you can’t fight till you’re 18. Simply put this is election rigging till well into the 2030s and beyond. It’s blatantly obvious this will be used as a backdoor (pun intended in kweers case) to rejoin the EU. I wouldn’t be at all surprised if he even offered this in the manifesto!
Unfortunately at the age they are suggesting, most can’t even read, write or think for themselves. And here lies the danger to our future.
Most are to wrapped up in TV, games, celeb culture to give a shit. The ones that do, only do so because they think it’s trendy. Well a country full of boat invaders and filth, will be their doing.
At least when everything has gone to shit, the next generation can blame them, like they blame the older generations for our current shit shower. In the long run it will likely either lead to civil unrest, or a seriously far right government. Then they will have something to cry about. This is so short sighted, just like the people they intend to give the vote to. I suggest if this comes to pass, make them pay taxes, make them go to adult prison, and make them legally liable for the things they do. If you want to act like an adult, you get the consequences of being one.
We are proposing laws on smart phones, internet ids etc to protect these people. But somehow they can be trusted with making choices that effect everyone. I lament our poor island, we are truly screwed.
Nominated by Country cunt.
No representation without taxation.
Worked well in Scotland.
They should giving less people the vote . Not a net contributor , no vote . Easy to workout too
Been on benefits your whole life . No vote
Criminal . No vote
Basically if you can’t show you add to society in a positive way. No vote
Then the rest of us grown ups can decide how our money is dished out sensibly without some fat slag from a council state with 7 kids having the same say in politics as a person who makes say £200k a year and pays a load of tax
Just makes sense
Electoral suicide.
54% of households are now getting more from the state than they pay in.
I saw an article on local news the other day about voting for specials, mongs and the like. There was some definite basket cases on it. The people looking after them actually admitted the mongs have no idea what they are doing. I just had to shake my head and wonder what’s happened to the world.
FFS hadn’t heard that.
Yeah let’s give a vote to the kid with Down’s syndrome who works in my local Tesco .
I hear it took him 3 years of training to learn how to stack the fucking Pom Bear multipacks .
Then again go to most council estates and most people you find there are sub educational as well
And at least the mong at Tesco is fucking trying
I went to school with a kid who was one degree under and is a trolly collector for (as he proudly announces) J. Sainsbury.
He is 51 years old, still lives with his mum and still thinks it’s the 70’s.
He doesn’t vote because he will freely admit that none of it makes any sense to him.
At least he’s honest and as you say, making an effort.
The Mong/spaz vote is the Green party’s core.
It will help them to understand sooner than later to ignoring the cunts, with their lies and doing fuck all about promises, once voted in.
I am in the envious position where I will not be too affected by the shit-fest that is about to happen in the next few years when Kweer takes up residence in Downing St. I will experience it happening around me, but my pre-retirement financial planning will somewhat shield me from it.
In fact, I am quite looking forward to watching it happen (pity the poor bastards that are going to be so affected). Sit back and tell my non-believing mates “I told you so!” I really do suspect that there is going to be such a shit-fest that the next govt won’t last for five years. That British disease of “let’s see what happens” is coming home to roost – you’re about to find out!
When they are up before the Judge, a sixteen year old cannot be named and is usually referred to by the media as Child A or Child B.
If they want the vote let them have it, but remove their legal protection at 16
We are well on our way to a civil war already. The establishment i.e. Gov, Judges, Civil service, MPs, KC’s and so called intellectuals have created a society within our society, one that is hell bent on destroying western culture and values. Within the next 10-20years we WILL massive disorder on our streets.
The big question is – will it be before or after the next Holy War?
It’s already overdue, Rik. I seethe at the type and rapidly increasing number of ‘new faces’ that I see sullying the streets of my home town. Streets that my grandfather paid for and walked on after returning, twice wounded, in 1918 from the Western Front and, later, my own father after service in the Far East. Streets once fit for heroes now teeming with ungrateful and unwelcome shit. Sort it out now, weak, pathetic and unrepresentative Government, before real Englishmen men do it for you. You have been warned.
Starmer and Labour may well want to rejoin the EU but after the election cycles in various states, with popularist right-wing parties – or far-right if you are the BBC, predicted to do well in several countries, it could look very different from the EU we left.
It’s already a different colour, for a start.
I hope Kweer realises that a 16 year old boy thinks about sex every couple of minutes each day. I hope Angie, Sugartits Cooper, AnalEase, Jess Phillips and Lady Slubberguts Nugie are OK with getting their jugs out for the photo shoots For the benders – over to Wes, The Revd Bryant and Mandy. Votes for schoolboys – what could possibly go wrong?.
This just a cynical old way to keep Labour in power for ever – kids will believe any old lie.
Importing millions of third world vermin was step one of that plan.
“Gibs muh dat free shit, Labour! whitey’s paying!”
The only good thing to come out of having a load of immature, race baiting, woke, sexually confused, peaceful loving, left wing fucktards in power is that once the hard of thinking, brainwashed clowns who vote them in realise that they’re nothing more than absolutely fucking hopeless lying cunts, then it’s their problem to own.
They can’t blame the so called Conservatives any more or the mystical far right for their problems.
Fuck them one and all.
Turkeys voting for Christmas.
if you want to see the result of having a load of immature, race baiting, woke, sexually confused, peaceful loving, left wing fucktards in power look no further than scotland under the snp. this is what happens when you put a load of thick chavs and sexual deviants in charge. lego head sturgeon was campaining in glasgow this week waving the palestinian flag the utterly vile cunt that she is
Nothing says “Scottish Nationalist” more than a Palestinian flag.
Get yourself a case of beers, a fine selection of Cuban cigars, and crisps of your choice.
Sit back and enjoy the shit fest to come.
You ain’t seen nothing yet.
Got mine in already Sam.
I am particularly looking forward to watching Dame Kweer’s band of nonces, bummers and slags destroying the UK’s energy sector. Then when we get a 1963-style winter there’ll be no power because there’s no wind or all the bird mincers are frozen solid and there’s nowhere near enough nuclear. It’ll be fucking hilarious.
I’ll probably laugh as much as I do every time Little Nell dies.
That’s what I’m hoping for Geordie, another ’63 winter. If I’m mistaken and there really is a god out there, please, please bring it on!
Give it to fetuses, criminals and dead people while your at it..
If Rodney starmer makes it to number 10, and I still think he is going to choke harder than chicken George..
The far left headbangers will oust that simpering pansy..
‘sha la la la la la la la lah happy birthday sweet sixteen ‘ ??…what next ‘starmer youth brigade’ guarding liebour h.q. ??
Get out of your nappies first ffs
What a fucked up idea most 16 and 17 year old can barely tie their shoelaces let alone being given the option to decide on government the thick fucks!
Child benefit, if the little cunts (16 and 17) are in education they (parents) get child benefit, maybe get that scrapped if they get the vote, let them buy beer, go the whole way.
It’s either 18 for everything or 16 for everything, I would raise the voting age back to 21, with an IQ test.
It matters not, Labour will win in July and probably again in 5 years time unless they fuck up completely, Labour or Conservative makes no odds, the climate mob/Sussex council have just won a case in the Supreme Court to require some company wanting to drill for oil to consider the Carbon emissions from burning the oil as well as extraction – unbelievable!
There will a legal challenge in the next few weeks over North Sea drilling for the same thing, we live in a mad fucking world.
@sick….yep tears for fears should be perma number one, never has a record been more appropriate than today’s ?fest….#help!
Very true
The more I consider this decision by the court Soi, the more bizarre it seems. It ignores the fact that oil is the feed stock for numerous products most would consider essential to a civilised existence. The reasoning could be extended to ban any number of everyday objects which could readily be used for malign purpose e.g. motor cars, kitchen knives, baseball bats, you name it!
I’ve always been of the opinion that before being allowed a vote people should have to take a basic intelligence/ history test, from my observations this would rule out quite a lot of the ethnic and in general the great unwashed/ uneducated.
Also, I wouldn’t lower the age to vote I’d raise it to 21..!
What if you didn’t meet the criteria?
Then clearly the individual does not have a sufficient grasp of the information required to make an informed decision as to what they are voting for.
As we know in some sections of our wonderful society today, the local religious type tells people which way to vote.
It’s all the perfect breeding ground for a return of Hitler.
Kweer will fetch about a 21st century Weimar Republic no matter how many children he drafts in to prop him up..
It will all collapse around his ears and it will all go up with a fucking bang.
Bring it on.
I had a visit from our Labour Party candidate, an attractive 26 year old girl. I argued the point that she was far too young to be an MP and there should be a minimum candidate age of 35. She responded that we had both lived many of life’s shared experiences such as driving over potholes. FFS you couldn’t make it up, this will be someone who will be in a position to make important decisions over us all, including whether to press the nuclear button.
It is a very simple rule which has been around for some time, he who pays the piper calls the tune or another way no representation without taxation.
Hope you are on the mend Wanksock. After Ron and JP, IsACers are dropping like flies.
There are several countries where the Prime Minister/President are in their mid-thirties, too young in my opinion never mind twenty something MP’s.
Yes, keep well Wanksock mate.
Yes thanks Liberal Liquidator. I had the operation last Monday week (10th June) and due to the long duration and, apparently, some breathing problems, I was woken up Wednesday afternoon. Apparently my bossy sister-in-law was there telling me to breath deeply so I flicked her a V-Sign and told her to fuck off. Nurse then said that wasn’t very nice could I just raise 1 finger so she got the middle one. Nurse then said she thought I would make a full recovery ❤️?. The rest of the week was bloody tough especially when my nasal feeding tube fell out and they tried to insert down a damaged oesophagus. It wasn’t used very much, most stuff seemed to be put in through a hole in my neck. On Monday the 4 drainage tubes came out performed by a bloke who tripped over my pacemaker wires, Fortunately the pacemaker had been switched off and I only had a bit of a tug on the lower chest. His assistant sutured up the drainage holes, whilst 3 interested bystanders looked on. I have been treated with extreme kindness, incredible levels of expertise and good humour by everyone I have met here, few of whom are of U.K. origin. Anyway I was lolling about on the bed this afternoon watching England v Denmark and the senior physician came and told me I was scruffy and if I wanted to watch the Euros could I watch future matches at home. I am off tomorrow. I was given a 90% chance of survival at one stage so I am pretty chuffed with myself. If you’re going to have heart and lung problems the Royal Papworth on the new, incredibly impressive, medical campus just outside Cambrdge must be a top place to have them. If you’re driving up the M11 you might think it is worth a small detour to see something this country can be very proud off.
Good to hear you’re pulling through Wanksock.
All the best.
Thanks to everyone who sent their best wishes. We don’t have children but have received some extraordinary kindnesses from extended family and friends.
You should have sent her to me, WS – once she had heard my manifesto for righting the country’s ills – the whip, the birch and the noose, she would have been pissing her drawers and scurrying off to her safe space.
At 16 i couldn’t wait to play in the next football match and to have my nightly wank.
The end.
At the age of 16, I was only interested in beer, shagging birds and scoring an eighth of squidgy black off a dodgy mate of a mate.
Times may have moved on, but the 16 year olds of today will have exactly the same mindset.
They just aren’t mature enough to vote on matters of national importance.
They dont even have that, Idin. They are much more sheltered than Gen X and early millennials were.
Starved of sex, booze, drugs, parties, most dont drive, dont work until mid-twenties.
I’ll put in my experience for what it’s worth. The voting age was lowered to 18 in 1969 and I was one of the first beneficiaries being 18 in that year. I was a run-of-the-mill teenager into sex and booze, learning to drive (not at the same time) and working for a living. I could have named most of the cabinet and I took seriously voting at the 1970 general election. Also I worked as a teller at the local polling station at the 1964 general election when I was just legally able to at the age of 13.
I wouldn’t give a 16-17yr old scissors never mind letting the little cunts vote.
If they can vote?
They can be tried as a adult in a court of law.
They probably think its like ‘I’m A Celebrity…….’, Dame Kweer, Queen of the Jungle.
Nobody below 25 really voted anyway back when I was growing up. in the late nineties-early noughties, with literacy and numeracy rates having plummeted ever further since then, this is just tokenism by Labour, as usual.
Oh I don’t know, the Germans just did this and turns out the kids want the right to sort things out.
Was that in the 1930’s by any chance?
No it was the recent euro elections. Those voting in the 30s chose the left. National socialism.
They don’t want to vote.
They’d be happier with Pokémon cards or free WiFi,
They should be allowed to trade the vote?
If you buy them a Happy Meal they give you that vote for you to use .
Teaches them economics.
haven’t you got some furniture to shift sootie
16 year olds put erm in charge they will probably do a better job than the arseholes that run the country now
Giving the vote to 16 and 17 year olds would have beenokayin the 50s/60s/70s when young people had to take responsibility and earn a living. Nowadays it is the rough equivalent of giving the vote to 10 year olds. It would make no difference anyway, whatever Sir Kweer thinks, as the cunts don’t get out of bed on Thursdays.
Anyway, we shouldn’t add to the pressures they face in the modern world. To trans or not to trans? Who should we send pictures of our junk to next? Where is today’s anti-Israel demo?
Didn’t this start with Corbyn? I doubt many know who Starmer is but this feels like a hangover from the Corbyn years probably from Granny Rayner who left school with more kids than GCSE’s and will be parachuted in when Starmer is ejected.
Anyone have Donald Sutherland in the DP?
Bugger, he was a good actor.
Oddball ?
Fucks sake – politics in this country is already in a big enough mess without introducing children – indoctrinated by their lefty woke teachers – into the grubby equation.
Raise the voting age to 25. At least by then they’d have had time to hopefully experience enough of the real world and maybe start thinking for themselves.
Oh, I don’t know if 25 is actually old enough.
You’re not wrong. When I was 25 I voted to join the EEC. Why? Because I imagined the country would be flooded with proper continental hard-core porno mags. Needless to say I felt badly let down.
To me he’ll always be ‘Oddball’ from Kelly Heroes.
Don’t hit me with them negative waves so early in the morning
Loved him in that film.
If only we could go back to those days..
Death by stoning will be making a comeback soon..
Ironically, it will be the poofters in the Kweer cabinet (Streeting, Bryant, Pollard, Kyle etc etc) that will hasten stoning in their determination and enthusiasm to kiss the Muslim arse. Last one off the rooftop is a cissy……whoops, duckie!