Good Lord, how many more times are we going to be confronted by THIS?
Indeed, how many more such vile goings-on never see the light of day, with the criminals never being brought to justice?
Maybe it’s just me, but I detect, shall we say, a certain pattern where the perpetrators are concerned. Perhaps I’m just not making sufficient allowance for ‘cultural differences’.
Perhaps I’d better consider and check my thinking; I wouldn’t want anyone calling me ‘far right’…
Nominated by: Ron Knee
Fuck me, there is even an albino peaceful in there. Diversity is truly our strength.
He’s almost certainly the product of pakı incest.
Dirty fucking pakıs.
Why can’t every last one of them just drop dead?
You can mock the mating habits in East Anglia, the west country and South-eastern US, but mention Pakistan and most funny cunts shit themselves.
An interesting set of mugshots.
I presume that’s the ruling body of the British Institute of Architects.
Most will be local councillors when they get out.
Just a huge waste of money, imprisoning them.
One steel cage, one piece of piss soaked bread. Check in on them in three months..
‘One steel cage, one piece of piss soaked bread. Check in on them in three months’.
Sounds like my local general hospital.
You can bet that they all claim to be devout Muslims as well, the cunts.
They’ll all demand a Koran in their cells, visits from a local imam, and halal food.
Bring back the fucking rope.
Better still, a noose made of pig intestines with a hood made of bacon.
Bit of a waste of bacon, mind.
Well said Mr Engine.
One of the main problems is that their demands, however ludicrous, will be met. They should expect a kicking every day but no, they run the prisons now.
It’s some fucking “religion” isn’t it.
Praying to your God and then gang raping children.
How spiritual.
Feeding these cunts into an industrial mincing machine is a suitable way to remove such filth from the country.
Live on TV every Saturday night.
Oh and gas their families as well.
Better safe than sorry.
To be absolutely sure, round up every P*ki (east and west) and deport to the twelve mile limit
Multiculturalism is a lie peddled by cunts.
It is of no benefit whatsoever.
Every country that pollutes itself with Third World dung starts on the path to terminal decline..or replacement.
Softly softly doesn’t work with such savages.
The Oven does.
Collective punishment is extremely effective.
Bring it on!
Problem is, the fucking cunts will leave prison and carry on.
They cannot help it, it is hard wired into their genes/jeans.
Feral animals.
Hotter in here than Waziristan.
Besides being pédós these Pákís must be incredibly thick.
They have a police force that looks the other way, who try to blame the under aged girls and who refuse to investigate.
And still they get caught.
Yorkshire used to be known for cricket, God’s coontry, and stingy cunts with a daft accent; now it’s cricket raaay-cists, Allăh’s coontry, and groomer cunts from Paxtan with daft accents.
Yorkshire used to be known for cricket, God’s cuntreh, and stingy cunts with a daft accent; now it’s cricket raaay-cists, Allăh’s cuntreh, and groomer cunts from Paxtan with daft accents.
My usual response is to have these sex offenders sat in a chair with eyelids removed, unabling them to divert their attention from the horrors they are imprisoned for. If there’s the slightest reaction in their loins towards what they’re forced to witness, they’ll be met with excruciating pain from an electrical force. That’s bound to rid them of ever wanting to commit the crime again.
I see you’ve read ‘A Clockwork Orange’ as well. I thought when I read it that such treatment ought to have been meted out to the cunts of my youth yet here I am, knocking on a bit, and in half a century we’ve done fuck all to stop the predations of the sort of shit that these bastards truly are. It’s enough to make a bloke of a despairing nature feel like topping himself. Not me though, I take great pleasure from the all too rare occasions when cunts like these get their just desserts. I also take note of how fucking ugly most of them are and as thick as pig shit to boot. I’m no Einstein or James Bond lookalike but have always striven to make the best of what was dished out to me. These predatory fuckers are bound by no laws or morals and just take what they want without a care for who gets hurt. I’d execute the fucking lot, not least pour encourager les fucking autres.
Interesting that I was on the same automatic response to Burgess without me realising it. Unfortunately what we believe in will never be tolerated by soft governments.
A big part of the ‘Ludovico technique’ was also drugs that made the offender feel sick as they were exposed to the sensory programming. The trouble was that the music accompanying the film was Beethoven and something that Alex liked that was actually good for the soul.
Bottom row, 3rd from the right is the Master from Salem’s Lot
The Master was better looking and had better morals.
You reckon there are any of these gangs in Sheffield Bob? The Moor may as well be renamed Mooristan at this point.
Yes. I agree with that.
I was down there yesterday and felt like a spot on a domino.
And although the article avoids the issue, I’m assuming the girls were white, from working class backgrounds?
Reporting details routinely censored by Savile House.
Diversity is our strength.
Lessons will be learned.
We’ll take back control of our borders.
We’re going to be tough on crime, and tough on the causes of crime.
And blah, blah, blah.
My loathing has actually turned from these cunts who deserve the death penalty, to the left wing wankers in the UK who allow this sort of thing to take place.
Police, politicians, councillors, media and university fuckwits.
I hold them all in the same contempt as Paki pædophiles.
The pakis don’t think it’s wrong, the cunts that allow it know it’s wrong but allow it anyway and are therefore more culpable.
AKA the traitor class.
Afternoon, all,
I texted the news link to a pal. We’ve just met up for a chat about it. Thanks to the mugshots of those stunners, it’s not difficult to establish a link between sexual abuse of minors and The Religion of Peace is it?
Or is “far-right” to even suggest that?
People have been done for ‘hate crime’ for less.
Consider your thinking C_C!
No surprise there then moggie
Sajid Javid came straight out and stated there was a link between grooming gangs and Pakistan when he was Home Secretary.
I thought a corner had been turned, but no-one took any notice of him.
Religion of paeds.
Gonads off deport these sick fucks and their extended families. Attempt to return death sentence. Bastards.
The families will be on benefits, no doubt.
Thanks to Tomo on
For sure.
I’m sure the majority of them have dependents. Now they are our dependents, as are their imprisoned providers.
What a fucking win!
Chop a hand off, brand their faces, and deport them along with their entire family, to their country of origin.
I don’t care if they were born here. If we can revoke Shamima Beguns citizenship, why should we hold back here?
In what way do they contribute?
Is this fake news…. surely the filth in the picture are really faaaaaaaaar right nationalist who are members of combat 19 etc, compensation should be made to the local mosque for misrepresentation….?? twinned with ??..?
It’s the Pakistan Cricket team and their coach, or?
Still it makes you wonder how many more are out there , or have got off Scott free due to the ineptitude of the police and the courts..
Ps is that the audition call sheet for the remake of carry on screaming..
“Next oddbod please”
“Sorry too hairy “
They obviously knew the women were non-starters.
The authorities here should follow the hard line the Pakistani authorities take with the white British grooming gangs over in Pakistan.
This lass tried to expose these raping paedophile Pakistani Muslims years ago but was shut down by being called a racist…the useless testing coppers knew what was going on..
I didn’t realise Pinhead off Hellraiser was a Peaceful
Sadly there’s fiddlers of all creeds and colours. I recently had a spell of watching them get caught by the internet hunters.
A lot of the culprits were just what you’d imagine a fiddler to be but a lot of them you’d never suspect.
The Asian grooming gangs are more organised but don’t be surprised if your neighbour or work colleague is has up for trying to do unmentionables to 12 year olds online.
Had up ffs.
What fucking good are any of these cunts to us so why let them in fuck them off back to the shithole they came from most of them are poncing off us anyways fucking lowlifes
They sound just like our MPs
Another bunch of sleazy cunts.
(Penny Mordaunt could see me alright mind)
They enrich us with their diversity (allegedly).
This is what comes of trying to integrate people from a nation of filth with a religion of filth to a civilised country!
On a par with placing scum and decent people together with the ridiculous idea that the scum will up their game.
I got more chance of teaching my arse to lay golden eggs!
I’ve never seen any real evidence that the large majority ofMuslims actually want to integrate.
All I’ve ever seen is most of them coming over here then attempting to create the very society they left.
Yup, a Shithole..!
Spot on Mr Knee.
What these filthy cunts fail to realise is that should they get this country to a state they aim for is the benefit system and easy life which draws them here in the first place will be gone!
Pakistan in a colder wetter smaller part of the world??
I think I must have missed the agenda somewhere along the lines
Integration and multiculturalism is a left-liberal wank fantasy.
From the Guardian, of all publications:
Quares for Palestine?
Turkeys for Christmas.
Thanks to Tomo on
This should have been further up but, you know, fucking WordPress.
Seems their plan is working smoothly.
If you were a pretty normal kind of guy 10 years ago and haven’t swallowed the LGBQWERTY narrative and distrust government (everybody should!) you are called ‘Far Right’. It’s another totally meaningless term that MSM, at the behest of the aforementioned government, use to demonise opposing views.
Those pieces of rotten pig shit deserve a severe beating, once a week for the next 25 years, at a minimum.
Doesn’t bother me. ive been called all sorts by people trying to make themselves look the better person over the years.
Back when Pat Condell was making videos about the way the authorities sucked Islamic cock, he said that ‘racist’ was an effective way of shutting down opposing views through shame.
Having been called a ‘racist’ for discussing non race-related issues by idiots, I said I disagreed, as the ‘shame’ wasn’t really felt. Just being accused of racism isn’t shameful if the accuser is clearly a mendacious actor.
Water off a cunts back. Ive also known genuine far-right people, so it makes it even less likely i’d feel shame from name-calling by a half-wit.
Not been called an incel or transhobe yet, but there’s still time.
Do you what happened to the Labour councillors in Rotherham? The ones who looked the other way.
They got re-elected.
The problem is not just the dirty bastards doing this, it’s thick cunts being allowed to vote.
As Fatjon says they are dirty bastards!
Might I suggest some of those clever German waterless showers.
Nice to see there are some non imports in this pack of pak! Predetors, but still it’s a top heavy ratio of coffee coloured cunts that are enriching our once great country.
How the fuck have we found ourselves in this situation….
Industrial wood chipper. Feet first and on the slowest speed.
Feed the slop that comes out to the local pig farms.