Suck-Teeth is “the gesture of drawing air through the teeth and into the mouth to produce a loud sucking sound” which is used to express ” disgust, defiance, disapproval, disappointment, frustration and impatience”.
Its also a black thing. An ‘Africanism’, like a Nigerian lottery scam or selling your firstborn for some magic beans. Like other aspects of cultural enrichment it has grown in prominence in Europe and the U.S so much so that in France it is banned in public schools as a vulgar gesture.
That’s anti-blackness according to the uppity bint in the link. No, these are “essential ‘isms’ and they’re beautiful reminders of the expressive, creative , innovative people we’ve always been”. Really, it says all that? I thought it was just another manifestation of their chip on the shoulder attitude. You can imagine the Labour benches with Lammy, Butler and Flabbott in full flow as they show their disdain for the Tory Oxbridge gammons.
Maybe they have a gesture for gratitude but I somehow doubt it.
Anyway, in the name of integration, what is wrong with the Two Finger Salute? The French certainly got our message of disgust, defiance and disapproval of them during the Hundred Year War and beyond.
Nominated by : Liberal Liquidator
Nogs gonna nog.
Innit. Bwana.
If you can’t suck your own teeth, who’s can you suck? There’s an old girl lives near me, she probably keeps hers in a cup overnight, although I’m not that keen on the taste of soaking solution.
I wonder if Lenny Henry has ever seen this fine Monty Python clip?
Mrs Nıgģẹrbaiter!
Header pic, a young Bill Cosby?
He likes pudding.
Puddng his dick in your sleeping mouth
It certainly isn’t “a beautiful reminder of the expressive, creative , innovative people they have always been”.
It’s a gesture used by rude, black cunts and she knows it.
Mrs Cunter is black.
If anyone black bastard was to give her the suck teeth gesture she would punch them in the mouth.
I have never heard her or any of her family doing this.
But that is because none of them are ignorant, chip-on-the-shoulder cunts.
This is mainly a Jamaican thing.
They are generally obnoxious fuckers.
And stupid…. They can’t manage a reasoned response so they suck their teeth.
Scene from rip-off Britain:
“Tradesman” sucks teeth, then ‘Well I could help you out but it would need scaffolding. That don’t come cheap, luv.’
Old lady ‘Well I suppose you know best young man. I will need to go to the bank and draw out my life savings.’
“Tradesman” ‘That’s okay, luv. I was going past your ATM anyway.’
Good cunting.
This was the teeth sucking i assumed the nom was about. I didn’t really get that from the link. Seems to be a completely different thing.
That little shoeshine above sucked his teeth at me?
Id split his head open with a brick then set my dog on him.
It’s the height of rudeness. fair ones never done it to me!
They seem to LIKE me?!!!
Maybe they colonel Sanders?
Admin, you’ve just guaranteed nightmares for IsAC’s more sensitive souls with that header pic…
Afternoon all.
It was actually quite difficult to find a decent picture of an aggressive dark hued personage sucking their teeth in a menacing fashion. In the end, just going for something in the ball park that was mildly funny looking is what we went with. If that gives cunters nightmares…..good. 🙂 – NA.
Agreed Ron,
It must be the offspring of Flabbott and Harvey.
Staggering isn’t it Ron? A physiognomy that would turn the milk. Report on the television news at lunch time about a land slide which is reckoned to have killed a couple of thousand people in Papua New Guinea. If the crowds of locals shown at the scene were the extras in a horror film you would say the producers had gone way over the top.
Our next Prime Minister.
Seems like a nice boy…
“Hey you guys”
Remaking the goonies, by the look of the header picture.
The suck teeth gesture only came about when some daŕkie invented fire, only to turn round and see some honky taking credit..
Ignorant turd skins are unable to form words in the normal way due to their enormous rubbery lips and lack of brain/mouth coordination.
Coupled with tiny ears for these reasons a sentence sounds like a muffled bill and ben so they just resort to tuts and such noises
I used to work with a white lass from Nottingham (weird accent that has long been affected by Jamaican) and she told me that, as a teenager, she once kissed her teeth at her Mum…… who subsequently slapped her and said “Don’t you ever do that again you little wigger shit!”.
Boomer Mothers knew how to do it better.
Another one up for ISAC. I didn’t know of this one. Any deliberate bodily noise designed to offend the nearby folk is a no-no from me.
What next are we supposed to delight in?
I always thought this was a gesture used by tradesmen just before they try to rip you off, giving an impression the ‘job’ is going to be more difficult than it appears
That tends to be more the sharp intake of breath, followed by low-key tutting, Sick.
Then the immortal words
” I CAN do it, but it’ll cost”
Then the sad, slow headshake, followed by more quiet tutting, and even a sympathetic “oh dear me, yes”
Teeth sucking is a major insult and so rude it should be compulsory to smash a half brick into the aforementioned teeth.
That’s pretty much the response I get from Mrs Twatt when I suggest a fuck.
Ah yes, the slow head shake is a sure sign the bill will be a high as possible followed by ‘if you want it doing it will have be tomorrow otherwise I am tied up for weeks’
That kid in the picture sucked his teeth so hard that he swallowed a few of them?
….and shat them out, said teeth were then used by Sir Len to build Stonehenge.
Cunts like Plumbers, Trades People and Mechanics also make this sound when you ask the cunts how much something is. The bigger the backdraft the more the shaft
according o the link it’s a bit different.I had to look through a couple of other videos to find examples.
Is that Diane Abbott’s son?
Nah OC. He’s not ugly enough.
Is that one of your brood, Sam?
Certainly not, you cheeky Twatt.
Some of my babies went into advertising …
Such off colour situations can always be cured by a solid uppercut.
I’ve never seen nor heard of an African who wasn’t an immediate candidate for Oven.
In the YouTube clip, she has a black history year t-shirt on..
I’m assuming that was recorded on the 1st of January.. then she took the rest of the year off..
Thanks for your contribution to civilization.
I suppose it’s not so unusual with a race of ‘people’ who seem not to use vowels or syllables in their primative languages just clicks and whistles and have names like m’tembe, nboko, mbutu etc.
I bet this guys mum was teeth sucking when she saw the mess he left in the bathroom..
Your not meant to play Russian roulette on your own..
That’s fucking hilarious! One less baboon in the world.
What a tool, albeit a dead one. I guess weapons safety wasn’t on the curriculum.
A young lad went into our local Spar, to get some washing powder for his mum.
He couldn’t find any anywhere. Then he discovered it was behind the till cointer, with the booze and fags. This is because African personages nick it with little to no comebacks, and they know it.
The 11 year old lad couldn’t believe it. And neither can anybody else.
21st Century Britain, how wonderful.
Your local pond must look like a ibiza foam party Norman..
I hope the ducks are colour-fast..
Africans nicking washing powder?
What do they do with it, cut crack cocaine?
How has this imbecilic gesture been allowed to fester for centuries amongst the black community ? I’m asking because of having my memory jogged from being
a youngster when I last heard it.
This teeth-kissing not only sounds disgusting, it demonstrates a lack of vocabulary to properly express your disapproval.
Tut tut
Who needs vocabulary when a punch in the gob is quicker, more rewarding and expresses disapproval most admirably.
Wonder where my teeth had gone, that cunt has stolen them.
Teeth sucking or teeth kissing?
They seem to be separate things.
zlots of white people suck their teeth, drawing in air as if in pain.
The video suggests a different gesture, a kissing of teeth. Not seen it before. Then again, I live in an area that Greg Dyke might call ‘hideously white’.
The woman in that link exhibits what Christopher Hitchens wouldve calked ‘self-loving, half-baked negritude’.
We know how expressive and creative blacks are. Twerking is one example.
When white people do it, it results is a fucking symphony reflecting God or nature.
Apparently, if the Suck-teeth gestures doesn’t signify your contempt sufficiently, in Sheffield this happens.
Whilst on this subject, can anyone confirm to someone relating to or admitting to oneself of having that annoying voice inflection that gets on everybody’s tits ? The question mark is a bit of a clue.
Do you mean the vocal fry, Sammy?
That grating, but slight buzz, with an upward inflection at the end, be it a sentence, observation, enquiry or an actual question?
Wass that what you mean?
Auto effing correct.
Wazz thaat whaat yoou meean?
It’s the result of a deviated septum, either at birth, or through snorting Bolivian marching powder, as Danielle Westbrooke has demonstrated to the world.
Bless her, she’s a tryer. I wonder if she’s considered a head transplant. Apparently Walt Disney is still available.
Not the vocal fry, Jeezum, which is also annoying, I think stems from the yanks, its like you say a rise at the end of a sentence, which some also relate to asking a question, which I disagree. I ask a question in my normal delivery.
The vocal fry has this croak to it, sounding similar to the person is about to croak and I wish they would.
So, Reely?
High Rising Terminal or Question intonation.
It’s the first thing I taught all of my plumbing apprentices
When the client asks “how much is that going to cost ?” you suck air in through your teeth and make out you’re doing them a favour with the price.
Clients expect it, especially old people.
We certainly do, Mr r G adams.
Which is why we have our 6ft+ berserker son-in-law listening in.
I rarely get someone chancing it!
I love that bloke.
Sucking one’s teeth at a member of the indigenous people should result in death followed by deportation.
Happened to me one coming out of Tottenham Court Rd tube. Followed by white boy. Told the cunt where to go and how to get there quickly.
Marty Feldman was never a handsome child.
Spent too much time in the sun ?
Good evening.