I may be wrong but I guess the unnamed company that managed the armed forces payroll system may be Capita. The government’s favourite outsourcer. Well stop employing Chinks and Poles with Russian sympathies you useless cunts.
I doubt if it really was a ‘state’ hack but it seems there are so many untrustworthy people in IT willing to risk their jobs by selling data on the dark web. Payroll systems for the MoD should not be outsourced and the people involved should be vetted and have no “social” media accounts and in their contract it should say that they must not mention their job on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc. It makes them targets.
Think about the people in WW2 who kept secrets for 50+ years and the cypher people during the cold war. These were professionals who knew how to keep quiet.
Chatham House Link. (Link secretly provided by Barry zuckercunt)
Nominated by : Anton Pillar
Too much loose talk on IsAC these days.
We should all sign the Official Secrets Act.
Stephen Fry once asked me if I could keep a secret.
You’re Elliot Spencer?
Your poor arse.
Mrs Fry, if you please Thomas!
Yes, poor thing is all stretched and batteridrivne, its like someone stood on a blood-orange down there
The MoD is just another arm of government designed to spend as much of our money in shite that doesn’t work.
We’re literally being invaded and all our munitions and resources are being wasted in Ukraine. The Russians turn out armaments quicker and cheaper than we do. It’s just depleting our military capability.
And then our allies such as the Germans leak any secrets we do have.
It’s all too reminiscent of the 1930s.
“Those who fail to learn from history are condemned to repeat it.” (Winston Churchill,1948)
One of the biggest lessons from history we consistently fail to learn is that all politicians are lying bastards who, when left to their own devices, will lead the nation into disastrous and wholly unnecessary wars.
Couple of points Sixdog. First priority of government is defence. If need be you cut hospitals, schools, infrastructure and anything else you care to mention before defence. As Maggie said, you only get it wrong once. As regards Ukraine, it may be corrupt but it demonstrates to the Russians and anyone else that we won’t sit by while you overrun the neighbours or any other territory. Same applies regarding the 255 Brits who died recovering windswept islands in the south Atlantic. You can be fucking sure the Russians took notice. It may produce munitions more cheaply than us but that is true of any third world country, that after all is why we buy shit from China.
As regards leaking of information, reminds me of when the gooks shot down an American F16 in the Balkans to the surprise of the Yanks and the rest of Nato. Turned out the information on where the plane would be and when was leaked by the French. To my delight he Yanks went in mob-handed and rescued the pilot. Put your faith in the Anglosphere. As demonstrated in WW2 it’s the only hope we’ve got.
The first priority has not been defence for decades, like the rest of Europe we’ve hidden up uncle Sams skirt too long to be credible.
The Ukraine war has been incubating since the Berlin Wall fell. It was totally avoidable. But no war means no profit for the military industrial machine.
Ukraine will forever rue the day it gave up its nukes in exchange for Russia’s (worthless) assurance that Ukrainian territorial integrity would remain inviolate.
If only the conservatives hadn’t cut defence spending since the Blair/Brown years, which was always 2.4% or above, a levelling off after he cuts from the eighties from 5-7% which you could argue were always going to happen as the cold war wound down.
Under the Cameron/May government, from 2015 until 2019, the percentage of Def spending was 1.9-2%
Rishi’s promises are far too little far too late.
Mickley Mouse systems at Cartier prices.
Plus of course those little yellow cunts won’t ever stop ferreting away,trying to get inside all electronic systems of their enemies.
They need sending a discreet message…maybe burn down a couple of hundred Chinese chippys?
Those chinks are always hacking.
Computer systems or pangolins it makes no difference to them..
No idea what they are after?
Might be looking for a way to grow body hair or a average sized winky..
Do you actually believe that it’s only China and Russia that are hacking the other side?
Holy shit, how naive.
Ever heard of NSA? Those fuckers even hack their own people, so I doubt anyone is off their radar.
Let’s not leave our very own GCHQ out of things. I’m sure all of their activities are completely innocent.
Mouthing off Dickheads. Ml5 the same.
The MOD is crammed full of Brigadiers, Wing Commanders, and Navy Commodores In other words it is yet another overpaid haven for useless ex public school cunts who would otherwise be tramps or dossers. Pink gins and tiffin are the order of the day for the strategists. Hot planning wartime scenarios means that mistakes will happen. How’s it going in the Ukraine, remind me?
Good morning, everyone.
I was operated on by a Wing Commander during a stay at Portsmouth’s St Mary’s Hospital.
Find them, put them up against the wall and shoot them, we are going down the shitter
The wages department should consist of little old ladies who are none political and love their cats.
Absolute ban on anyone who isn’t British with proven ancestry back to the napoleonic wars.
It matters not, when Labour get in there won’t be a MoD, just the regional Islamic caliphates.
Absolutely spot on Sick of it. Handle it as the Russkies and the slit eyed yellow bastards would, i.e. execute the fuckers and dump the body on the front lawn at their family’s home. A big part of the problem here is the view propagated by the educational institutions and most parts of the MSM that people in other parts of the world think like us and would welcome democracy and personal freedom. Bollocks. Outside the anglosphere and western Europe they can’t get their heads around it and just see it as a sign of decadence. My last employer actually had to send out an email asking people not to post on Facebook that they held security clearance. FFS!arfurbrain
Loose lips sink ?….. shouldn’t cause much of a problem these days ?
The names bond I’m on instashit,chink-tok,etc ….. give me a like or I’ll spill the ?
You make my point at 12:16 above Gelderd.
OT but related to comments about motorcycle clubs recently.
This what happens when you send memos saying you don’t need useless white men.
From the beaten-track. Who want sheep shagging Leeds fucked right off this afternoon ?
Well I did and got both results I wished for.
I am not surprised one iota. If you take a deeper look into any ‘.gov’ website it’s quite apparent that they were cobbled together by ‘insert name of outsourced eastern european dev company here’ over too many vodkas.
If it looks like this on the outside Lord knows what it’s like on the inside. Piss poor show.
It’s no secret that this country has been run into the ground over the past 30 years..
Anyway what do the chinks wanna know?
We have no soldiers, aircraft carriers with no planes.
We can’t even muster more than one plane for a D-day celebration of the paratroopers..
Bring forth the revolution, I’m with General Tso.. and do me a portion of chicken while your at it..
According to RUSI, we have enough ammunition for a week’s worth of open warfare with Russia.
It’s okay though, at least commanding officers will know the right pronouns to use when ordering the blue-haired fatties to pull on their flash hoods.
I wasn’t privy to the ins and outs of the payroll situation when I was in the Army. We used what I thought was an in-house system and any calls went to a contact centre in Glasgow which I assumed was manned by people in the AGC….. I guess not.